Organization of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of children with visual impairments. Practical experience and recommendations of specialists on the problem of individual support for children with visual impairments

Pedagogical support for a child with visual impairment.

A child with visual impairment needs increased attention from the teacher, competent construction of his educational route, and construction of the trajectory of his life. Pedagogical experience in working with children with vision pathology shows that the sooner children receive help from the adult community - teachers, specialists and parents, the more prosperous it will be. psychological development, thanks to the unique compensatory capabilities inherent in each child.

The inclusive education and upbringing that is currently being introduced allows children with developmental disabilities and health problems the opportunity to receive an education in mass preschool institutions.

Understanding the importance of timely, adequate assistance and an effectively built individual development trajectory, our teachers preschool develop plans for individual pedagogical support for children with vision pathologies. Close cooperation with an ophthalmologist and an orthoptist nurse allows us to solve problems such as:

1. Development of visual ideas about the objective world.

2. Development of sensorimotor skills.

3. Formation of ideas about the world around us.

4. Activation of visual functions (visual load). increasing visual acuity.

5. Development of speed, completeness and accuracy of visual examination of objects and images.

We will introduce you to some activities used by teachers kindergarten For successful development children, regardless of their level of competence development and life experience:

Compliance with the requirements for wearing an occluder and glasses.

Using ophthalmic simulators to relieve visual fatigue and exercise vision, develop visual perception and spatial orientation.

Correction of the sense of touch and fine motor skills with the help of games: “Arrange by color and shape”, “Assemble a pattern”.

Using exercises such as superimposing one image on another, tasks on stringing beads, tracing contour images through tracing paper, and laying out mosaics.

Exercises are included to develop visual perception (to highlight the shape, color, size and spatial position of objects). For example, “Find the same object”, “Pick up identical objects”, “What is closer and further from you”, “Make a whole from parts”, etc.

Development of oculomotor functions through games such as “Roll the ball into the goal”, “Hit the target”, etc.

More attention is paid to the development of memory and attention.

The development of pupils' sensitivity to environmental sounds is necessary for the development of auditory attention.

Individual work to develop skills - technical and artistic, in drawing.

Introducing the child into various types of children's activities: play, learning, work and dosing content in accordance with his cognitive capabilities.

Educational material is offered in accordance with the level of cognitive abilities and performance, based on the “zone of proximal development” and the prospect of social adaptation.

As you get tired in the process of organizing educational activities rest is given until the lesson ends.

The child is offered boxes with natural materials, tactile boards, containers, bags, which is necessary for active stimulation and development of tactile and tactile-kinesthetic functions.

There is a logical connection between individual and differentiated work aimed at adapting the child to the surrounding reality and preparing for successful schooling.

Involving children in theatrical and musical activities.

Use of ophthalmological requirements when working with visibility.

With the help of these directions in the work of supporting children with vision pathology, positive dynamics are achieved in the child’s competence development, his potential capabilities, preparation for stress-free learning in primary school.

accompanying children with visual impairments



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Creating conditions for psychological activities, games


development of attention, development of imagination, arbitrariness of behavior is an effective means of maintaining psychological and physical health, performance of a preschooler.


Special child

Maximum comfort in a kindergarten setting.

Realization of oneself in various types activities.

Experiences success. the joy of communicating with peers and adults.

Vision in children plays a particularly important role, since in the process of growth, each child develops and is formed as a person based on the

he sees in what quality he visually perceives objects, objects and phenomena.

Conditions for psychological support

Creating favorable conditions for a child to stay in kindergarten.

Organization of meaningful communication with peers.

Drawing up individual correctional and developmental routes.

Inclusion of a “special” child in a variety of activities, taking into account his capabilities, interests and abilities.

Implementation of motivational readiness for learning.

Didactic and methodological manuals aimed at psychological support preschool children with visual impairments.

1.Have great practical and theoretical interest.

2. Relevance and demand (the number of children with vision pathologies has increased, the lack of specialized kindergartens).

3.Compensate for developmental deficiencies.

4.Create conditions for psychological activities and exercise games.

Comprehensive psychological and pedagogical support for children with visual impairments in a general developmental preschool institution

Full text

Normally, vision becomes important for exploring the world around us in six-week-old babies. From the third month of life, this is the most important sensory channel for receiving information about the environment. If vision is not functioning correctly or is absent, the child must construct his world using information received through hearing, touch, movement, smell and taste. Information received through hearing is different from visual information. Sounds do not form a complete image and cannot be perceived a second time. Difficulties arise in establishing contacts even with close adults. Lack of eye contact is perceived by them as a lack of interest. Parents need to learn to hear and communicate with their visually impaired child.

The development of a blind child certainly differs from the development of other children, but this only means that such a child needs increased attention from parents and specialists in the field of child development. Experience shows that what earlier child will receive specialized help, the more successful his psychological development will be, thanks to the unique compensatory capabilities inherent in every child.

The first stage in organizing comprehensive support for a child with visual impairments is a comprehensive diagnosis of the characteristics of his development. Diagnostics is carried out by a multidisciplinary team of specialists working as part of psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions at various levels (regional and municipal).

It should be noted that if previously the main task of complex psychological, medical and pedagogical diagnostics was to identify such children and send them to specialized educational institutions of a correctional type, then at the present stage, complex diagnostic data are the basis for providing qualified psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance to children and their families. At the moment, effective measures are being taken to develop a variable education system, the introduction of inclusive education, providing children with developmental disabilities and health problems with the opportunity to receive education in general education (mass) institutions.

The appearance of such a child in a preschool institution (hereinafter referred to as the preschool institution) places increased demands on all employees. Work on complex psychological pedagogical support begins from the first days of the child’s stay in the preschool educational institution. Every child with developmental problems can achieve significant success if he is provided with comprehensive diagnostics, treatment, preventive and correctional pedagogical assistance with adequate training and education. The earlier support work begins, the more effective it is. Timely, adequate assistance can change the fate of a child even with serious congenital disorders of psychophysical development.

Understanding how each child is exceptional and needs help, it is very important to identify and develop comprehensive differentiated development plans and educational programs taking into account the child's zone of proximal development and potential capabilities. For this purpose, a psychological-medical-pedagogical council (hereinafter referred to as PMPk) is being created at the MDOU.

Comprehensive support in preschool educational institutions is provided by the system professional activity a “team” of specialists aimed at creating psychological, pedagogical and medical-social conditions for the successful learning and development of each child, regardless of the level of his abilities and life experience in a specific social environment. In the work of PMPK there is a search for psychological and pedagogical conditions, types and forms of work in which positive dynamics of the child’s development and the realization of his potential are achieved. Specialists of different profiles simultaneously participate in this: a speech pathologist teacher, a speech therapist teacher, an educational psychologist, a teacher, a physical education director, a physician, etc. The result of the consultation is a developed comprehensive program, corresponding to the child’s capabilities, as well as identifying the currently leading problem and the leading specialist. When working with a child as he develops, the role of facilitator at different stages can be played by different specialists.

If a child with a vision pathology appears in a preschool educational institution, a teacher-psychologist can act as a leading specialist, since vision pathology causes a number of difficulties and disorders in the mental development of children if they are not included in the system in a timely manner correctional work.

The primary tasks facing the kindergarten staff are: to teach children how to communicate with such a child; help the child not to feel his “flawedness”, not to perceive his physical illness as a reason for loneliness and the formation of complexes.

It's important to organize playing together children. A peer is sometimes able to teach what adults are unable to teach. The main thing is that children begin to treat a child with visual impairments as an equal who only needs help. They can help him dress, put on shoes, and navigate the building and premises of the kindergarten. This contributes to the humanization of children’s relationships, the formation in a child with visual impairments of a feeling of care, support, kindness and security.

It is advisable to hire a music worker to work with a child with visual impairments. Musical classes are not aimed at solving specific problems in the development of certain abilities and skills, but help create conditions that support the child’s natural ability to be creative. These conditions create a rich and varied world of sounds. During the lessons, children get acquainted with musical instruments and master the capabilities of their own voice.

It is important for the teacher to pay attention to creating a diverse subject environment in the group. The child should be given the opportunity to explore and interact with a variety of materials to gain knowledge of the world around them and a variety of sensory experiences. A sighted child sees various objects hundreds of times before he begins to name them. A child with visual impairment also needs life experience to develop ideas about the world around him. The concept of space, thought out from the point of view of the ability to navigate in it, is a necessary condition for a child with visual impairment to be able to learn to move independently, otherwise walking becomes a motor function dependent on the help of an adult.

The child must receive a sufficient number of impressions that ensure an active state of the cerebral cortex and contribute to his mental development. Therefore, for effective development it is necessary to provide various sensory stimuli and conditions for motor activity: sensory corners, winding, sounding toys made from different materials, space for outdoor games with peers, children's audio books, etc.

A psychological and pedagogical problem in organizing external space can be individual differences in children’s preferences and the peculiarities of the formation of basic affective regulation. Levels of affective regulation are involved in the process of adaptation of the body to the outside world and play a crucial role in determining the completeness and originality of a person’s sensory life. Some children may have dysfunction of one level or another, manifested in increased or decreased sensitivity to certain environmental influences. For example, with hypofunction of the level of affective plasticity (this level determines the body’s adaptation to the outside world and provides emotional comfort), the child is acutely sensitive to the intensity of sensory stimuli - sound, tactile sensations, and sensitive to changes in external space. In this situation, the teacher should avoid excessive saturation of the external space with bright and intense stimuli (abundance of toys, loud music, etc.).

A family with a disabled child is a family with a special psychological status, since it has specific, very complex psychological, social and pedagogical problems compared to families with healthy children. Therefore, family support is becoming one of the areas of comprehensive psychological, pedagogical and medical-social assistance. Within the framework of this area, individual consultations are organized for parents and family members on issues related to the individual characteristics of the child and the conditions for his optimal development, as well as joint child-parent classes that contribute to the formation of closer contact between parents and their child, and the mastery of parenting methods and techniques by parents . Experience shows that specially organized classes for children with developmental problems and their parents give mostly positive results and contribute to harmonious development pupils. This is also greatly facilitated by the integration of such children into the educational process of kindergarten.

In progress individual consultations A psychologist and parents work through many personal problems in which the parent of a child with developmental disabilities is immersed. As a result of the psychologist's work with the family of a disabled child, his position in the family should change. From requiring constant care and guardianship, he turns into a child who has certain household responsibilities. Parents, feeling the support of the kindergarten staff and interest in the fate of their child, gain hope and confidence in the future.

Master class “Accompanying people and children with visual impairments”

This master class is a change in your worldview, it is an opportunity to feel and understand how a person with visual impairments feels the world.

This master class will teach you to trust and support!

This is an experience you won't forget!

Where? At the ART-PICNIC of Slava Frolova, VDNKh, 8th pavilion

If fate pits you against a blind person. know that this is the same person as you, that he lives with you in the same world and has the same feelings, thoughts and values.

Each person has his own capabilities. People tend to form their own beliefs about people with disabilities, about body functions and body structure that are “obviously” different (from their own).

People often think that disability is something strange and incomprehensible. They may also feel sorry for people with disabilities and actively help them, or, conversely, they may stay aloof and avoid people with disabilities.

All this happens because most ordinary people had no experience communicating with people with disabilities, were not trained to communicate with them.

Neither a protective and compassionate attitude towards people with disabilities, nor fear of communicating with them helps. And, moreover, they are not signs of respect towards them.

This master class is aimed at changing people’s beliefs in relation to people with visual impairments, teaching them how to assist them in accompanying them, learning more about the accompanying technique and experiencing the world around them without the help of a visual analyzer, as well as looking at the world through the eyes of people with visual impairments vision.

In this master class:

  • Who are people with visual impairments?
  • What visual impairments can there be?
  • Rules for communication between people with visual impairments
  • Techniques for accompanying people with visual impairments
  • Escort on the street and indoors, in transport, in public places.
  • Practical part on accompanying blind people (participants will take turns in the role of accompanying and accompanied)

When communicating with the blind, do not show pity, which irritates them, do not rush to express your condolences or sentimental sympathy. Behave evenly

calm and friendly, but be ready to help and show concern.

Master class leader

Natalia Gladkikh. teacher-defectologist (typhlopedagogue), social teacher. Places of work: secondary school “Nadezhda” and the Center for socio-psychological rehabilitation of children and youth with functional limitations in Solomensky district.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

State budgetary educational institution

higher education Moscow cities


Bessonova Natalya Petrovna

(MAOU "Secondary School No. 20", Krasnoyarsky village, Kvarkensky district, Orenburg region)


Program for individual support of a child with visual impairment as part of an adapted educational program at MAOU “Secondary School No. 20” of the Kvarken district

according to the advanced training program for specialists of educational organizations, implemented as part of training events

State program"Accessible environment"


Introduction…………………………………………………………………………… 3

ChapterI . Theoretical aspects of psychological and pedagogical support for students with visual impairments.

§ 1.1. Characteristics of the special educational needs of a child with visual impairment…………………………………………………………………………………. 6

§ 1.2. Specifics of individual accompaniment of a child with visual impairments by a specialist teacher-psychologist……………………………………………………... 8

ChapterII . Practical aspects designing a program for individual support for a child with visual impairments

§ 2.1. Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of Viktor Petrov………… 11

§ 2.2. Contents of the program of psychological and pedagogical support for a child with visual impairment……………………………………………………… 13

Conclusion……………………………………………………………………… 22

Bibliography…………………………………………………………….. 23


Modern civil society is impossible without the active involvement of all its members in various activities, respect for the rights and freedoms of each individual, and provision of the necessary guarantees of security, freedom and equality. This issue is especially relevant in activities aimed at involving people with certain physical disabilities (we would even say – rather features) into our social environment. The concept of a disabled person is inherently flawed; we attribute to these people an inferiority complex, which they themselves begin to believe. Many opportunities in education, development, and sports are closed to them. The attitude of ordinary people towards people with disabilities is characterized by bias and prejudice. And in our society this attitude cultivated since childhood. Our society is faced with the acute problem of involving our fellow citizens who have certain characteristics of physical development in society, the problem of their active adaptation, socialization and development within society and for the benefit of society. World practice integration shows that children, having learned from an early age to benevolently interact and cooperate with peers who are “not like everyone else” and have developmental disabilities, do not suffer from the “psychology of racism” both in adolescence and in adulthood. The results of observations by G. Alferova, I. Gilevich, V. Gudonis, I. Tigranova, V. Svodina, N. Shmatko indicate that healthy children accept abnormal children as partners who only need help, which contributes to the humanization of children's relationships.

Receiving education for children with visual impairments and visually disabled children is one of the main and integral conditions for their successful socialization, ensuring their full participation in the life of society, effective self-realization in various types of professional and social.

The humanization of our society required the development of new forms of influence on the child, one of which includes psychological and pedagogical support. It involves ensuring the most comfortable conditions the child’s stay at school, allowing to fully realize the child’s abilities and aspirations, to form the success of his activities and adequate self-esteem. There are enough examples in history confirming the fact that the inclusion of people with visual impairments in various branches of science and production is promising, effective and cost-effective. Active participation of a person with visual deprivation in labor activity allows you to feel like a full-fledged member of society, creates conditions for the formation of an independent, competitive, diversified personality, opens up new broad opportunities for changing the social status of visually impaired people in our country.

In the 2015-2016 academic year, a visually impaired child is studying in the 2nd grade at MAOU “Secondary School No. 20”.

Target work – to develop a program of individual support for a child with visual impairment (using the example of a student at MAOU “Secondary School No. 20” in the village of Krasnoyarsky, Kvarken district, Orenburg region).

Achieving this goal is carried out using a solution to the complex tasks, from which the following can be distinguished:

Analyze the literature on the organization of inclusive education;

Identify the individual characteristics of students with visual impairments;

To determine the methods and forms of individual support (using the example of a student at MAOU “Secondary School No. 20” in Krasnoyarsky, Kvarken district, Orenburg region.

Research methods: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, study of advanced psychological and pedagogical experience.

On the practical side, the work will be useful for specialists and school staff implementing inclusive education, especially for schools planning to teach students with visual impairments.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of psychological and pedagogical support for children with visual impairments.

§ 1.1 Characteristics of special educational needs for a child with visual impairment

Identification of requirements for the conditions of education and rehabilitation of children with visual impairments, taking into account their special educational needs, is relevant both in terms of increasing the efficiency of special educational institutions for this category, and in terms of introducing integrated education and upbringing of children with disabilities throughout almost the entire post-Soviet space .

The justification for the special educational needs of children with psychophysical development disorders was given in the Concept of a special federal state standard for children with disabilities.

By the term “special educational needs of children with visual impairments” we understand the range of educational and rehabilitation means and conditions that children of this particular category need and which they need to realize the right to education and the right to integration in the educational space, both special and mass institutions.

When developing the problem under discussion, we relied on an improved classification of children with visual impairments, in which all children of this category are divided into the following subcategories:

    Blind. This subcategory consists of children with visual acuity from 0 (0%) to 0.04 (4%) in the better seeing eye, corrected with glasses.

II. Visually impaired. This subcategory includes children with visual acuity from 0.05 (5%) to 0.4 (40%) in the better seeing eye, corrected with glasses.

III. Children with low vision. Visual acuity in this subcategory ranges from 0.5 (50%) to 0.8 (80%) in the better-seeing eye with correction.

Based on the analysis of studies available in correctional pedagogy on the specific educational needs of children with visual impairments, as well as the characteristics of social adaptation, general and vocational education of children and youth with visual deprivation, it was revealed that one part of the special educational needs is caused by the primary defect itself (that is, visual impairment). deprivation) and its depth, and the other – secondary deviations resulting from the primary defect.

Requirements for the conditions of education and rehabilitation of children with visual impairments, taking into account their educational needs:

Receiving special psychological and pedagogical assistance immediately after detection of vision pathology;

More individualized instruction than required for a typically developing child;

Inclusion of the family in the child’s education process;

Special spatial and temporal organization of the educational environment and maximum expansion of the educational space;

The need for interaction between specialists of different profiles involved in the process of teaching and raising a child: ophthalmologists, typhlopsychologists, typhlopedagogues, social workers, etc.;

Introduction of special correctional classes that are not included in the content of education for normally developing children;

The need to develop individual correctional programs for children who, along with vision pathology, have other disorders of psychophysical development;

The specificity and corrective focus of the use of traditional teaching methods, as well as the corrective focus of educational influence and leisure activities of the child;

The use of special visual teaching aids designed for multisensory perception of educational material; as well as tiphloinstruments and tiphloinformative teaching aids;

Carrying out the process of rehabilitation of children through education by qualified specialists;

Organization of educational and correctional-compensatory processes, taking into account the course of the disease of the organ of vision and visual capabilities;

The need for specific work on vocational guidance;

Timely and/or systematic treatment, selection of optical correction devices, dynamic monitoring of the state of vision;

Application of special teaching methods based on intact analyzers, rational use of defective vision, techniques of associated actions, etc.;

Specific psychological preparation blind children to difficult extreme situations.

Thus, the creation of comprehensive conditions for children with visual impairments to receive education, taking into account their psychophysical characteristics, should be considered as the main task in the field of realizing the right to education of children with disabilities.

§ 1.2 Specifics of individual support for a child with visual impairment by a specialist educational psychologist

IN educational institution implementing inclusive practice, it is necessary to provide for the presence of such specialists as a defectologist (typhlopedagogue for the inclusion of children with visual impairments), a speech therapist, a special psychologist, a social teacher, and a teacher-psychologist.

As part of psychological and pedagogical support for students with visual impairments, a teacher-psychologist on the basis of actual psychological research together with specialists from the school psychologist-medical-pedagogical council:

Establishes the current level of cognitive development of the child, determines the zone of proximal development;

Reveals the characteristics of the emotional-volitional sphere, personal

characteristics of children, the nature of interaction with peers, parents and other adults;

Determines the direction, nature and timing of correctional and developmental work with the child (children);

Sets and solves the problem of humanizing the social microenvironment in which the child is studying (or will study);

Helps teachers and other specialists establish constructive interaction with both parents of a child with disabilities and parents

other students in the inclusive class;

Increases the psychological competence of teachers and educators, other specialists, as well as parents;

Provides consultations to teachers and educators, parents


Together with the inclusion coordinator and (or) administration

schools carry out work to prevent and overcome conflict

situations, etc.

Main tasks a psychologist at school in the process of support is: explaining to the teacher, educator, school administration certain features of the behavior of a child with disabilities, its reasons; assistance in selecting certain forms and methods of interaction with it; dynamics tracking

adaptation of the child in society; early identification of certain difficulties both in the child and his parents, and in the teacher and class teacher.

At the same time, a teacher-psychologist of an inclusive school, through the inclusion coordinator or directly, can at any time contact the district (city) resource center for the development of inclusive education, the district PMS Center. In these institutions you can get advice from specialists specializing in the field of psychological and pedagogical support for “special” children, attend training seminars, invite specialists from the ORC or PMSSC to the school for direct observation, conduct trainings, and participate in parent meetings.

Thus, The specific content of support by a teacher-psychologist for visually impaired children lies in correctional and developmental work with a child with visual impairment.

The activity of a teacher-psychologist in the framework of accompanying children with visual impairments is a connecting link within the framework of interaction between support specialists.

ChapterII . Practical aspects of program design

individual support for students with visual impairments at the MAOU “Secondary School No. 20” in the village of Krasnoyarsky, Kvarken district, Orenburg region.

§ 2.1. Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of Ivan Petrov.

Petrov Viktor, born in 2008. 2nd grade student MAOU "Secondary School No. 20". Health group –III. Vitya’s mother is Olga Dmitrievna Petrova, born in 1981, specialized secondary education. Diagnosis: convergent strabismusOU, optic nerve atrophy. Ivan is brought up in a single-parent family. Now only the mother is involved in raising the child. Vitya and his mother currently live in the village of Krasnoyarsky, Mira Street, house No. 6. The relationship with my mother is trusting. The child was born with a body weight of 2890 g and was observed by a neurologist for up to a year. He suffered from illnesses: chicken pox, bronchitis. Often suffers from ARVI. Victor belongs to the category of children with low vision. The child is always neat and tidy. The child’s behavior is unstable and situational. Although he has ideas about certain rules of cultural behavior, the habit of following them independently has not developed; behavior is often determined by immediate motives. The child experiences difficulties in communication due to the inability to take into account the position of the partner. Poorly oriented in the emotional states of others. Along with good deeds, there are frequent manifestations of negative behavior.

Learning motivation reduced. If there are difficulties in performing an activity, the child can change it to another.

Development attention somewhat slow in time. Involuntary attention still remains predominant.

Perception It is not purposeful; it is involuntary. Combined with involuntary attention, perception is usually directed to a bright, moving object (against the background of stationary objects).

The speed of visual perception of objects is influenced by a variety of factors: size, complexity of the object, level of illumination, level of fatigue.

When visually perceiving object images, geometric shapes, numbers, letter combinations, Victor shows slowness, fragmentation, vagueness, and distortion of perception.

When visually perceiving individual images of objects, drawings and paintings, small details of the images are poorly perceived or not distinguished at all. Due to inaccurate and incomplete perception of drawings and paintings, the child develops incorrect ideas, which in turn is reflected in the descriptions of what is depicted.

Memory Victor is characterized by less productivity in memorizing both visual and verbal material. In terms of volume, accuracy, completeness and speed of memorization, Victor lags behind his normally sighted peers. The memorized material is not sufficiently comprehended, as a result of which the productivity of logical memory decreases. The effect of the “law of edge” is less pronounced: the end of a series is better remembered, increased exhaustion makes it difficult to retain its beginning in memory. The child has a lower level of long-term visual memory compared to long-term auditory memory.

Speech Victor's speech is characteristically altered: the pace of development, violations of the vocabulary and semantic aspects of speech. The specificity of speech development is also expressed in the weak use of non-linguistic means of communication - facial expressions, pantomime, intonation, since visual impairments complicate their perception and make it impossible to use this kind of expressive means.

In a child, the operations of analysis, comparison, and generalization are formed to varying degrees, indicating in most cases a lag in the development of thinking. Victor is characterized by insufficient development of the visual-figurative and visual-effective levels of mental activity, which determines the uniqueness of concrete conceptual thinking and difficulties in solving mathematical problems. The reasons for this are impaired visual perception and limited visual-effective experience.

Features of the emotional-volitional sphere of a visually impaired child

Excessive mother's care has led to the emergence of such personal qualities, such as selfishness, an attitude of constant help, indifference to others, etc. Limited contacts with others can entail. isolation, lack of communication. In the future, this can make it difficult to form personal relationships with others.

Conclusion: level of development of the cognitive sphere at the lower limit of the age norm, attention deficit, dysgraphia, dyslexia.

Slow pace of educational activity in a child with visual impairment.

§ 2.2.Contents of the individual support program for a child with visual impairments

Purpose of the program:Creation optimal conditions for the successful socialization of a child with visual impairment in society,determining the most effective techniques psychological impact at different stages of the correctional pedagogical process, taking into account the educational needs, individual psychological characteristics and structure of the child’s defect withvisual impairment.

Based on the goal, the following can be distinguished:program objectives:

Examination of a child with visual impairment;

Drawing up a long-term plan and schedule of correctional classes;

Preparation of didactic and methodological aids necessary for classes, their use taking into account the mental capabilities of the child, paying special attention to violations of hand-eye coordination and spatial impairments;

Providing advisory and methodological assistance to teachers and parents;

Development school motivation and the ability to stay within school rules.

Formation of spatial representations.

Development of the voluntary component of activity.

For successful implementation This program should take into account the following factors:

The need for additional efforts to adapt the child to unusual conditions;

Clear interaction between all specialists of the institution at all stages of support, taking into account the recommendations of doctors and specialists;

Development of an individual route for the child’s development;

An adequate (corresponding to the individual and psychophysiological capabilities of the child) combination of therapeutic, educational and correctional activities;

Inclusion of parents in the activities of the institution as accomplices in the rehabilitation process;

Supporting a favorable psychological climate in the institution.

The support program was based on the following principles:

Humanization, which presupposes faith in the child’s capabilities.

Systems approach- based on an understanding of man as an integral system.

An integrated approach to supporting the development of a child.

Interaction of all specialists of the institution with the support of parents.

Accounting for individual and age characteristics child, suggesting content, forms, methods of support corresponding to the individual capabilities of the child and the pace of his development.

Continuity of accompanying the child in the educational process, namely continuity and consistency of support.

General information about the child.

FULL NAME. child: Petrov Viktor. Age: 8 years

Diagnosis: Convergent strabismus OU, optic nerve atrophy

School: MAOU Secondary School No. 20 Class: 2

FULL NAME. parents: Petrova Olga Dmitrievna

FULL NAME. support specialist:

educational psychologist: Bessonova Natalya Petrovna

Stay mode

child in an educational institution

5 days, 4–5 lessons per day, from 8:30 to 13.10.

Individual lessons with specialists during extracurricular hours:

1 hour with an educational psychologist,

Total teaching hours per week – 23 hours, which corresponds to SANPIN standards

Educational route

This child is trained in accordance with the educational plan of the educational institution, five days work week, classes for 35 minutes with dynamic pauses. Feature curriculum is that every day the child attends correctional classes such as: exercise therapy, development of fine motor skills, social and everyday orientation, subject-practical activities, development of sensory and cognitive processes, correction and development of speech, correction and development of the emotional-volitional sphere. Correctional and developmental classes are held in the second half of the day.

Organization of support

Psychological and pedagogical support for the implementation of an individual educational route in the process of mastering the Federal State Educational Standard is carried out by a teacher-psychologist, interaction with support service specialists: speech pathologist, psychologist, speech therapist, teacher (class teacher), music director, exercise therapy instructor, social teacher, medical worker.

Working methods.

    Methods – psychological and physiological examination, observation. Individual characteristics and abilities of students with profound visual impairment.

    Methods – psychological examination, tests, test papers, observation. Level of training and degree of student learning

    Methods – psychological examination ( projective techniques), sociological surveys, observation. Student comfort in the classroom, school, family

    Methods: timing, observation, conversations with parents and students. Health and healthy lifestyle of students

Direction of work

Forms and methods of implementation

Implementation deadlines

Psychological diagnostics of developmental features

Examination to determine personal characteristics of the level of development of intellectual abilities

Individual conversations with parents, teachers and educators in order to identify or clarify problem areas in education and upbringing

Attending lessons, classes, GPD, observing students during recess

Diagnostics of family relationships and characteristics family education

September - November

Corrective and developmental work based on the results of psychological diagnostics or based on the decision of the Council (PMPC)

Classes aimed at correcting negative developmental characteristics, the purpose of which are:

Development cognitive activity and educational motivation

Correction of the development of cognitive processes (attention, memory, thinking)

Correction of negative personal qualities (increased aggressiveness, low or high self-esteem, increased anxiety, etc.)

Stress relief, relaxation

Self-regulation training emotional states

Development of communication skills

During the year

Individual consultations for parents (guardians), teachers, educators

During the year

Educational work with parents (guardians), teachers and educators in order to prevent problems of development, training, education

The activities are carried out by an educational psychologist and a social pedagogue.

Parent meetings;

development of memos;

information stands, training seminars;

providing advisory assistance to parents (persons replacing them) on problems of social development of students;

implementation of individually oriented social assistance to children, parents (persons replacing them);

providing assistance in career guidance, social and labor adaptation.

During the year

Expected results:

Improving the mental and physical development of the child;

Development of communication skills;

Development of the child’s cognitive and motivational orientation at subsequent stages of development;

Formations healthy image child’s life, health improvement, prevention of somatic diseases, etc.

Contribute to increased self-esteem and personal self-realization;

Development of a child’s positive orientation at subsequent stages of development.

Requirements for organizing classes: the child gets tired quickly, so a change in types of activities is required, and mandatory physical education sessions are required. Pay more attention to training assistance. Close cooperation with the child's parents.

So,This individual program for accompanying a child with visual impairment provides positive influence on the formation of the child’s psyche, on the development of personality. However, this influence is offset by the corrective influence and development conditions both in the family and in the educational organization. The main condition for the success of correctional and developmental work with children with visual impairments is sensitive, tactful, careful attitude to them all participants in educational relations.


In the course of this work, various sources of information were studied (scientific literature, collections of conferences with work experience, various means mass media: newspapers, magazines, educational sites). Based on the knowledge gained, the first chapter examines the theoretical aspects of psychological and pedagogical support for children with visual impairments, examines the requirements for the conditions of education and rehabilitation of children with visual impairments, taking into account their educational needs, and examines the specifics of individual support for a child with visual impairments by a specialist teacher-psychologist

The second chapter is devoted to the practical part. A program of individual support for a child with visual impairment has been drawn up. During the implementation of this program, it was proven that the work is useful for specialists and school staff implementing inclusive education, especially for schools planning to teach students with visual impairments.

The main thing is together, the main thing is together!

The main thing is with a spark burning in your eyes!

We don't need indifferent people in our business!

Forward to learning in accessible environments!


1. Deniskina, V.Z. Features of visual perception in blind people with residual vision / V.Z. Deniskina // Defectology. – 2011. - No. 5. – pp. 56-64

2. Mukhina V.S. Age-related psychology: phenomenology of development, childhood, adolescence. – M., 1994.

3. Obukhova L. F. Child psychology: theories, facts, problems. - M., 1995

4. Ovcharova R.V. Practical psychology in tests in elementary school. – M., 1996

5. Psychological and social support for sick children and disabled children. – St. Petersburg, 2006

6. Psychology of the blind / edited by V.A. Gandera, M., 1954

7. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of correctional work. – M., 1996.

8. Rimskaya R., Rimsky S. Practical psychology in tests. - M., 1999

Vera Torgunakova
Psychological and pedagogical support for the perception of children with visual impairments in a preschool institution

Research Article.

Psychological and pedagogical support for the perception of children with visual impairments in a preschool setting


The article is devoted to testing the model supporting the perception of children with visual impairments in preschool settings.

Keywords: children preschool age with visual impairment, perception, accompaniment of children's perception, personality-oriented interaction in kindergarten.

In recent years there have been significant changes in the system preschool education. Regulatory documents federal level in recent years, primarily the law of the Russian Federation "About Education" and order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 “On approval of the federal state educational standard preschool education» made significant adjustments to the existing perception of system employees preschool education. One of the objectives of the standard is to “ensure equal opportunities for the full development of each child during the period preschool childhood, regardless of place of residence, gender, nation, language, social status, psychophysiological and other features (including disabilities health)"Recognition of the child as the main active figure in the educational process, recognition of the uniqueness of his subjective experience is the direction of the personality-oriented approach, which was justified and developed: Ananyev B. G., Vygotsky B. G., Leontyev A. N., Bodalev A. A., Davydov V. V., Bozhovich L. I., Zankov L. V., Zinchenko V. P. In the system preschool education is becoming most in demand psychological and pedagogical support all participants in the educational process. Therefore, concern for the realization of the child’s right to full and free development is today an integral part of the activities of any preschool

First time term « accompaniment» appeared in the work of G. Bardier, N. Romazan, T. Cherednikova (1993) in combination with the word "development" - « development support» . The Russian language dictionary by S. I. Ozhegov gives the following: definition: "Escort- to follow along with someone, being close to, leading somewhere or following someone."

To date, implementation psychological and pedagogical support for children in a preschool educational institution is one of the urgent tasks.

Problems psychological and pedagogical support, its organization and content were revealed in their research by M. R. Bityanova, B. S. Bratus, E. V. Burmistrova, O. S. Gazman, I. V. Dubrovina, E. I. Isaev, E. I. Kazakova , A. I. Krasilo, V. E. Letunova, N. N. Mikhailova, A. V. Mudrik, S. D. Polyakov, M. I. Rogovtseva, K. Rogers, N. Yu. Sinyagina, V. I Slobodchikov, F. M. Frumin, A. T. Tsukerman, L. M. Shipitsyna, I. S. Yakimanskaya, etc. They note that accompaniment provides support for natural reactions, processes and states of the individual.

Thus, in every preschool institution it is necessary to build the correct trajectory psychologist - pedagogical support aimed at development preschoolers.

Accompanying a child during preschool training involves the implementation of the following principles:

Following the natural development of a child at a given age stage of his life path.

Support is based on those, mental personal achievements that the child actually has and constitute the unique baggage of his personality. Psychological the environment does not carry influence and pressure. Priority of goals, values, development needs inner world the child himself.

Orientation of activity towards creation conditions, allowing the child to independently build a system of relationships with the world, the people around him and himself, and make personally significant positive life choices.

Target support in preschool educational institutions - create psychological and pedagogical conditions for full development and education the child’s personality within the framework of his age and individual capabilities.

Tasks psychological and pedagogical support:

Security and strengthening children's mental health, including their emotional well-being;

Creating favorable conditions for children's development in accordance with age and individual characteristics and inclinations, the development of the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other children, adults and the world;

Formation of a sociocultural environment appropriate for age, individual, psychological and physiological characteristics children;

Security psychologically- pedagogical support for families and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of health children.

Basic structure psychological and pedagogical support for preschool education:


Clarification of the identified difficulties or giftedness of the child;

Correctional – developmental;

Analysis of intermediate results support of child development.

For children with visual impairments characterized by a large lag in terms of development perception. Therefore, the first special, corrective task is to ensure the earliest possible start of development perception.

Along with late beginning of development in children with visual impairments there is a slow pace of development perception. Therefore, the second task will be to accelerate the pace of development perception, its intensification.

Abnormal development is characterized not only by a lag, but also by the presence of deviations. Consequently, the third task is to overcome existing deviations, in some cases - correction, in others - compensation.

Problem psychological and pedagogical support for the perception of children with visual impairments in conditions Preschool education remains not only poorly studied, but not even established.

1. Research hypothesis: Specially organized Psychological and pedagogical support for children with visual impairments creates conditions for correction and development of the visual process perception. A exactly: regular wearing of glasses, compliance with the requirements for visual material presented in classes, correctional and developmental exercises during the day.

2. Research hypothesis: suggests that not only the visual sense develops perception, but also its other modalities and properties. In general, cognitive processes develop (attention, memory, thinking, the child’s play activity changes.

Vision- This is the most important sensory channel for obtaining information about the environment. If not functioning correctly vision or its absence, the child gets acquainted with the world and receives information based on hearing, touch, movement, smell and taste. Such information does not form a holistic image. Child development with visual impairment different from the development of others children, which allows us to say that such a child needs increased attention from relatives and specialists. This issue was dealt with by such specialists as Savina E. A., Plaksina L. I., Maksimenko O. V., Remezova L. A., Kuritsina O. V., Semago M. M., Semago N. Ya and others. Many years of experience working with such children allows us to say that the sooner the child receives specialized help, the more prosperous it will be. psychological development, thanks to the unique compensatory capabilities inherent in each child. Development of a blind child, undoubtedly, differs from the development of others children, but this only means that such a child needs increased attention from parents and specialists in the field of child development. Experience shows that the sooner a child receives specialized help, the more prosperous his life will be. psychological development, thanks to the unique compensatory capabilities inherent in each child. The first stage in organizing a comprehensive accompanying a child with visual impairments is a comprehensive diagnosis of the features of its development. Diagnostics is carried out by a team of specialists working as part of psychologically- medical and pedagogical commissions at various levels (regional and municipal).

The perception of such children characterized by slowness, a small variety of images, and lack of integrity. They have difficulty developing imaginative thinking.

Work on a comprehensive psychological and pedagogical support begins from the first days of the child’s stay with visual impairment in preschool educational institutions. The success of working with children with special educational needs depends on the provision of comprehensive diagnostics, treatment, preventive and correctional pedagogical assistance.

An important task facing specialists is to teach children communicate, interact with each other, so that the child with visual impairment did not consider himself superfluous, but became a full member children's group. Must be taught children treat the child with visual impairments as equals, just in need of help. Large role in organizing training children with visual impairments assigned to the music worker. The diverse world of sounds helps to introduce children with the outside world. During the lessons, children get acquainted with musical instruments and master the capabilities of their own voice. When working with children with disabilities, it is necessary to pay special attention to the diverse subject environment in the group. The child must be given the opportunity to explore and interact with various materials in order to obtain a variety of sensory experiences and develop ideas about the world around him. It is necessary to provide a safe space for the child so that he can learn to move independently. Toys made from a variety of materials, musical toys, a sensory corner, audio books and much more are an integral part of organizing the educational process for children with visual impairments. Particularly important for successful inclusive learning children with visual impairments has interaction with the child's family. Family accompaniment having a child with visual impairment, becomes one of the most important areas comprehensive psychologically- pedagogical and medical and social assistance. Within escort individual consultations are organized for parents on issues related to the individual characteristics of the child and conditions its optimal development, as well as joint child-parent activities, master classes that help parents master methods and techniques education. Experience shows that specifically organized classes For children with developmental problems and their parents give good results, promote harmonious development pupils and have a positive impact on accompanying children with visual impairments in inclusive education.


1. Lebedinsky V.V., Nikolskaya O.S., Baenskaya E.R., Liebling M.M. Emotional violations in childhood and their correction. - M., 1990.

2. Savina E. A., Maksimenko O. V. Psychological assistance to parents in raising children with developmental disorders. - V.: VLADOS, 2008.

3. Malofeev N. N. Education as an institution for the socialization of persons with disabilities in modern society. - M.

4. Plaksina L. I. Theoretical foundations of correctional work in kindergartens for children with visual impairments. - M., 1998.

5. Remezova L. A., Kuritsina O. V. Inclusive preschool education for children with visual impairments// Inclusive education: methodology, practice, technology.

6. Organization of the activities of the PMPK system in conditions development of inclusive education / Ed. ed. M, M, Semago, N. Ya. Semago. – M.: ARKTI, 2014.

Material prepared by: Elena Nikolaevna Belyakova, teacher-defectologist of the first qualification category

Department of Education of the City of Moscow Northwestern District Department of Education State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow School No. 1571 preschool department "Rainbow" . Moscow, st. Planernaya, 14, building 4.

Normally, vision becomes important for exploring the world around us in six-week-old babies. From the third month of life, this is the most important sensory channel for receiving information about the environment. If vision is not functioning correctly or is absent, the child must construct his world using information received through hearing, touch, movement, smell and taste. Information received through hearing is different from visual information. Sounds do not form a complete image and cannot be perceived a second time. Difficulties arise in establishing contacts even with close adults. Lack of eye contact is perceived by them as a lack of interest. Parents need to learn to hear and communicate with their visually impaired child.

The development of a child with low vision certainly differs from the development of other children, but this only means that such a child needs increased attention from parents and specialists in the field of child development. Experience working with such children shows that the sooner a child receives specialized help, the more prosperous his psychological development will proceed, thanks to the unique compensatory capabilities inherent in each child.

The first stage of the program of individual support for a child with visual impairments is a comprehensive diagnosis of the characteristics of his development. Diagnostics is carried out by a multidisciplinary team of specialists working as part of psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions at various levels (regional and municipal).

It should be noted that if previously the main task of complex psychological, medical and pedagogical diagnostics was to identify such children and send them to specialized educational institutions of a correctional type, then at the present stage, complex diagnostic data are the basis for providing qualified psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance to children and their families. Currently, effective measures are being taken to develop a variable education system, the introduction of inclusive education, providing children with developmental disabilities and health problems with the opportunity to receive education in a general education setting. (mass) institutions.

The appearance of such a child in a preschool institution (hereinafter referred to as DOU) places increased demands on all employees. Work on comprehensive psychological and pedagogical support begins from the first days of a child’s stay in a preschool educational institution. Every child with developmental problems can achieve significant success if he is provided with comprehensive diagnostics, treatment, preventive and correctional pedagogical assistance with adequate training and education. The earlier support work begins, the more effective it is. Timely, adequate assistance can change the fate of a child even with serious congenital disorders of psychophysical development.

Understanding how each child is exceptional and in need of assistance, it is important to identify and develop comprehensive differentiated development plans and learning programs that take into account "zones of proximal development" and potential capabilities of the child. For this purpose, a psychological, medical and pedagogical council is being created at the preschool educational institution. (hereinafter PMpk).

Comprehensive support in preschool educational institutions is provided by a system of professional activities "teams" specialists aimed at creating psychological, pedagogical and medical-social conditions for the successful learning and development of each child, regardless of the level of his abilities and life experience in a specific social environment. In the work of PMPPC, there is a search for psychological and pedagogical conditions, types and forms of work in which positive dynamics of the child’s development and the realization of his potential are achieved. Specialists of different profiles simultaneously participate in this: a speech pathologist teacher, a speech therapist teacher, a pedagogical psychologist, a teacher, a physical education director, a physician, etc. The result of the consultation is a developed comprehensive program that corresponds to the child’s capabilities, as well as the identification of the current leading problem and leading specialist. When working with a child as he develops, the role of facilitator at different stages can be played by different specialists.

If a child with a vision pathology appears in a preschool educational institution, a teacher-psychologist can act as a leading specialist, since vision pathology causes a number of difficulties and disorders in the mental development of children if they are not included in the correctional work system in a timely manner.

The primary tasks facing the kindergarten staff are: to teach children how to communicate with such a child; help the child not feel like he belongs "defectiveness" , do not perceive your physical illness as a reason for loneliness and the formation of complexes.

It is important to organize children to play together. A peer is sometimes able to teach what adults are unable to teach. The main thing is that children begin to treat a child with visual impairments as an equal who only needs help. They can help him dress, put on shoes, and navigate the building and premises of the kindergarten. This contributes to the humanization of children’s relationships, the formation in a child with visual impairments of a feeling of care, support, kindness and security.

It is advisable to hire a music worker to work with a child with visual impairments. Musical classes are not aimed at solving specific problems in the development of certain abilities and skills, but help create conditions that support the child’s natural ability to be creative. These conditions create a rich and varied world of sounds. During the lessons, children get acquainted with musical instruments and master the capabilities of their own voice.

It is important for the teacher to pay attention to creating a diverse subject environment in the group. The child should be given the opportunity to explore and interact with a variety of materials to gain knowledge of the world around them and a variety of sensory experiences. A sighted child sees various objects hundreds of times before he begins to name them. A child with visual impairment also needs life experience to develop ideas about the world around him. The concept of space, thought out from the point of view of the ability to navigate in it, is a necessary condition so that a child with visual impairment can learn to move independently, otherwise walking becomes a function dependent on the help of an adult.

The child must receive a sufficient number of impressions that ensure the active state of the cerebral cortex and contribute to his mental development . Therefore, for effective development it is necessary to provide various sensory stimuli and conditions for motor activity: sensory corners, winding, sounding toys made from different materials, space for outdoor games with peers, children's audio books, etc.

A psychological and pedagogical problem in organizing external space can be individual differences in children’s preferences and the peculiarities of the formation of basic affective regulation. Levels of affective regulation are involved in the process of adaptation of the body to the outside world and play a crucial role in determining the completeness and originality of a person’s sensory life. Some children may have dysfunction of one level or another, manifested in increased or decreased sensitivity to certain environmental influences. For example, with hypofunction of the level of affective plasticity (this level determines the body’s adaptation to the outside world and provides emotional comfort) the child is acutely sensitive to the intensity of sensory stimuli - sound, tactile sensations, and sensitive to changes in external space. In this situation, the teacher should avoid excessive saturation of the external space with bright and intense stimuli. (plenty of toys, loud music, etc.) .

Accompanying a family with a child with visual impairment is becoming one of the areas of comprehensive psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance. Within the framework of this direction, individual consultations are organized for parents and family members on issues related to the individual characteristics of the child and the conditions for his optimal development, as well as joint child-parent classes that contribute to the formation of closer contact between parents and their child, and the parents’ mastery of methods and techniques of education. Experience shows that specially organized classes for children with developmental problems and their parents generally give positive results and contribute to the harmonious development of pupils. This is also greatly facilitated by the integration of such children into the educational process of kindergarten .

In the process of individual consultations between a psychologist and parents, many personal problems in which the parent of a child with developmental disabilities is immersed are worked out. As a result of the psychologist's work with the family of a disabled child, his position in the family should change. From requiring constant care and guardianship, he turns into a child who has certain household responsibilities. Parents, feeling the support of the kindergarten staff and interest in the fate of their child, gain hope and confidence in the future .

  1. Semenovich A.V. Introduction to childhood neuropsychology. – M.: Genesis, 2005.
  2. Lebedinsky V.V., Nikolskaya O.S., Baenskaya E.R., Liebling M.M. Emotional disorders in childhood and their correction. – M., 1990.
  3. Tatarova S.P. Rehabilitation of disabled children through the organization joint activities and communication with their healthy peers. //Journal Bulletin of psychosocial and correctional rehabilitation work. – 2005. - No. 2.
  4. Savina E.A., Maksimenko O.V.. Psychological assistance to parents in raising children with developmental disorders. – V.: VLADOS, 2008.

TO blind These include children with visual acuity from 0 (0%) to 0.04 (4%) in the better seeing eye, corrected with glasses. Blind children practically cannot use their vision in orientation and cognitive activities.

Visually impaired children are children with visual acuity from 0.05 (5%) to 0.4 (40%) in the better seeing eye, corrected with glasses.

Children with low vision, or children with borderline vision between low vision and normal, are children with visual acuity from 0.5 (50%) to 0.8 (80%) in the better seeing eye, corrected with glasses.

In the absence of vision, there is some general lag in the development of a blind child compared to the development of a sighted child, which is due to less activity in learning about the world around him. This manifests itself both in the physical and in the mental development. The periods of development of blind children do not coincide with the periods of development of sighted children. Until the blind child develops ways to compensate for his blindness, the ideas he receives from outside world, will be incomplete and fragmentary and the child will develop more slowly.

Functions and aspects of the personality that suffer less from the lack of vision (speech, thinking, etc.) develop faster, although in a unique way, others (movements, mastery of space) - more slowly. Absence visual control over movements complicates the formation of coordination.

In blind and visually impaired children, changes in the sphere of external emotional manifestations. All expressive movements (except for vocal facial expressions) are weakened with profound visual impairment.

Knowing these characteristics of children with visual impairments and their causes, it is necessary to create the most favorable conditions for their education in an educational institution in order to prevent possible secondary deviations.

If there is a child with visual impairment in the class

It is necessary to clearly dose the visual load. The optimal visual load for visually impaired students is no more than 15–20 minutes of continuous work. For students with profound visual impairment, depending on individual characteristics, it should not exceed 10–15 minutes.

It is important to choose the optimally lit workplace, where the child has maximum visibility of the board and the teacher, for example, the first desk in the middle row. A child with severe visual impairment, who relies on touch and hearing in his work, can work at any desk, taking into account the degree of audibility in that place. The classroom must be provided with increased general illumination (at least 1000 lux) or local lighting in the workplace of at least 400–500 lux.

You should pay attention to the number of comments that will compensate for the impoverished and sketchy visual images. Special attention one should pay attention to the accuracy of statements, descriptions, instructions, without relying on gestures and facial expressions. The teacher's speech should be

expressive and precise, he needs to pronounce everything he does, writes or draws.

Call each speaker by name to make it clear who is speaking.

Use larger, brighter visual aids and larger fonts. When using a board, the notes should be contrasting, the letters

large. When writing, it is better to use colored markers for the most important points in the recorded material.

Build support from other modalities. For example, since the speed of writing and reading of a blind or visually impaired person is slower than that of a normally sighted person, a voice recorder can be used to record important parts of the lesson. The child can learn through touch or hearing with touch, and be able to touch objects. So, in mathematics lessons you can use abacus.

The child must be able to navigate in space: know the main landmarks of the room where classes are held, the path to his place. In this regard, you should not change the environment and place of the child, especially at first, until he develops automatic movement in a familiar room.

It is important for a child to learn to ask and accept help from peers. It is very important that in this situation the child maintains a feeling self-esteem and sought to provide assistance himself in a situation that corresponded to his capabilities ( Children with developmental disabilities. Toolkit edited by N.D. Shmatko. M.: Aquarium, 2001).

Musculoskeletal disorders,

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