Last quarter of the moon in April. The magic of numbers

Our lunar calendar will tell you the phase and position of the Moon, the time of its rising and setting, as well as its transit through a particular sign of the Zodiac. In addition, we offer you short recommendations for each day.

Please consider what the calendar says Moscow time, so if you live in a different time zone, make an adjustment based on the time difference.

date Lunar day Start lunar day Moonset time Moon in sign and time of entry Moon phases Recommendations for the day
April 1 6 8:36 _ Moon in Gemini Phase I, waxing moon Pay attention to any information. Take time for a walk
April 2 7 9:20 0:48 Moon in Cancer, 22:20 Phase I, waxing moon Don’t brag, voice your plans, waste money
April 3 8 10:14 1:55 Moon in Cancer 1st quarter, 21:39 Find a new source of positive emotions and take care of your nervous system
April, 4 9 11:16 2:50 Moon in Cancer II phase, waxing moon Beware of overly secretive people and those who complain about everything
5th of April 10 12:25 3:35 Moon in Leo, 1:53 II phase, waxing moon Before 12:25, stay away from authoritarian individuals. After is an excellent moment for any creative activity.
April 6 11 13:37 4:10 Moon in Leo II phase, waxing moon A good day to start creative projects and for matters in which personal charm is important
April 7 12 14:50 4:39 Moon in Virgo, 7:18 II phase, waxing moon There will be a chance to increase income. Any prevention will have a good effect
April 8 13 16:03 5:03 Moon in Virgo II phase, waxing moon Chat with relatives. Things that you have been putting off for a long time will be successful.
April 9 14 17:14 5:25 Moon in Libra, 14:20 II phase, waxing moon Before 17:14 any training will be good, you can easily master new skills. Afterwards, it’s worth chatting with friends
April 10th 15 18:25 5:45 Moon in Libra II phase, waxing moon Before 18:25, engage in activities that involve constructive dialogue with others. After – avoid hysterics and do not drink alcohol
11 April 16 19:34 6:05 Moon in Libra Full Moon, 9:08 Until 19:34 under threat nervous system and paired organs; do not provoke a deterioration in health. Afterwards, amazing insights are likely
12th of April 17 20:42 6:25 Moon in Scorpio, 1:09 III phase, waning moon Until 20:42, the search for missing things will go well, and in any matter you should be guided by intuition. Afterwards, erotic adventures are possible
April 13 18 21:49 6:47 Moon in Scorpio III phase, waning moon You can decide on a risky venture or even an adventure
14th of April 19 22:53 7:12 Moon in Sagittarius, 13:33 III phase, waning moon Those around you will show both their best and worst sides; draw conclusions
April 15 20 23:53 7:42 Moon in Sagittarius III phase, waning moon Stay away from those who have great influence over you. Be careful on the road and in transport
April 16 20 _ 8:17 Moon in Sagittarius III phase, waning moon An excellent day to start a long trip, for various kinds of excursions and for any training
April 17 21 0:48 8:59 Moon in Capricorn, 1:15 III phase, waning moon Many people are looking forward to career achievements. A good day for things that require perseverance and concentration
April 18th 22 1:37 9:49 Moon in Capricorn III phase, waning moon A great day to start long-term projects that involve responsibility for other people
April 19 23 2:19 10:46 Moon in Aquarius, 14:58 4th quarter, 12:57 Until 14:58, stay away from dogmatic individuals, after - from maximalists and idealists. Take care of your health
20 April 24 2:55 11:50 Moon in Aquarius IV phase, waning moon A great day to start long-term innovative projects, to pick up a new hobby, to exchange useful information
April 21 25 3:26 13:00 Moon in Pisces, 22:41 IV phase, waning moon There's no need to rush. The result of any activity will depend on a thoughtful approach
April 22 26 3:52 14:14 Moon in Pisces IV phase, waning moon Don't indulge your desires. Show mercy towards others
April 23 27 4:17 15:32 Moon in Pisces IV phase, waning moon It’s worth deciding what is the main meaning of your life right now.
April 24 28 4:40 16:54 Moon in Aries, 3:16 IV phase, waning moon Reduce physical activity. There is no need to prove your uniqueness to anyone - you will achieve the opposite result.
25th of April 29 5:03 18:18 Moon in Aries IV phase, waning moon Beware of fanatical enthusiasts and refrain from any overly intense activity
26 April 30/1 5:28/15:17 19:44 Moon in Taurus, 4:38 New Moon, 15:17 You should not start new commercial projects, make transactions or make large purchases.
April 27 2 5:56 21:09 Moon in Taurus Phase I, waxing moon Make a financial plan for the next lunar month
April 28 3 6:30 22:30 Moon in Gemini, 4:26 Phase I, waxing moon A great day to start short-term projects related to information in one way or another
April 29 4 7:12 23:44 Moon in Gemini Phase I, waxing moon It's worth going for a walk in the company of people with whom you can easily communicate and who can share new experiences with you.
April 30 5 8:03 _ Moon in Cancer, 4:38 Phase I, waxing moon Do what your soul asks for. It is important to get positive emotions

Useful tips

Every spring day comes closer long-awaited summer. It’s getting warmer, it’s getting darker later and the sun is rising earlier. That is why the affairs of April may already be somewhat different from the affairs that we planned in the winter and in the first month of spring.

In order to be on time with everything, not be late anywhere and carry out any tasks with maximum efficiency, it would be useful to look at the pages our lunar calendar, which this month, as usual, will tell you when and what should or should not be done.

Read also:General astrological forecast for all zodiac signs for April 2017

ATTENTION! The weak Moon of the month will be observed during the following periods:


02.04.2017 17:43 - 02.04.2017 21:27

04.04.2017 23:45 - 05.04.2017 1:13

07.04.2017 3:16 - 07.04.2017 7:20

09.04.2017 11:21 - 09.04.2017 15:34

11.04.2017 21:19 - 12.04.2017 1:42

14.04.2017 7:17 - 14.04.2017 13:27

16.04.2017 21:26 - 17.04.2017 2:04

19.04.2017 12:57 - 19.04.2017 13:52

21.04.2017 21:23 - 21.04.2017 22:43

24.04.2017 0:34 - 24.04.2017 3:32

26.04.2017 0:53 - 26.04.2017 4:56

28.04.2017 4:18 - 28.04.2017 4:39

30.04.2017 0:28 - 30.04.2017 4:48

Our lunar calendar is calculated according to Moscow time. During periods weak moon and moon without course you can’t start new things and plan to start important events if you want to get a good result. Choose to start new things during these periods if your goal is - fail.

In this lunar calendar you will also find information about purchases and on which days of the month there is a chance to make good purchases, and when is it better to save money? Remember that Mercury goes retrograde this month April 10th, and with retro Mercury there may be various misunderstandings. Always check the goods, count your change and better buy what you have been wanting to buy for a long time.

Read also:Astrological forecast by zodiac signs for April 2017

MAGICAL TIME OF THE MONTH: we will make our deepest wishes, dream, make plans and imagine a bright future from April 26 15:17 to April 27 05:56. The energy of this lunar period is very strong, and thoughts become reality. The main rule is to imagine what you will be like when your wishes come true.

Other useful articles in the Lunar calendar for April 2017 section:


1 APRIL, Saturday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 08:36.TWINS

Symbols of the day : unicorn, crane. This day promises to be very positive, and the position of the Moon in the sign of Gemini will allow you to have a good rest and joke properly. We advise you to go on a short trip today, meet with friends and fun companies, in general, spend this Saturday in such a way that you will have enough memories.

What not to do : accept important decisions, trust strangers, drink a lot of alcohol.

Purchases : small purchases, purchases of books, educational literature, etc. You shouldn’t count on shopping at sales now: during the waxing Moon, sellers are less inclined to reduce prices on truly worthwhile goods and may even slightly inflate prices for their services.

♊♋ 2 APRIL, Sunday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 09:20.TWINS , CANCER from 21:27

Moon without course from 17:43 to 21:26

Symbols of the day : unicorn, wand (wind rose, keys). Not the best day: negative aspects of the Moon can interfere with your endeavors. This day is suitable for relaxing, reading, collecting information of interest and thinking about various information. In the morning hours, you may receive unexpected offers or you may learn some good news.

What not to do : start any important business if you want there to be no obstacles in their progress, start construction of important objects and houses, organize holidays, go on a trip before 18:00.

Purchases : small and insignificant. You cannot buy art, clothing, cosmetics or perfumes.

Money calendar for 2017

3 APRIL, Monday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 10:13.CANCER

First quarter, second phase of the moon from 21:39

Symbols of the day : rod (wind rose, keys), phoenix. Today is the first transition point of this month lunar month, the beginning of the second lunar phase. Your sensitivity will be especially strong today, making it easy to offend others or harbor grudges. Spend this day only with your closest people, do not start new things.

What not to do : start new position/ work / project, buy real estate, conclude important transactions or conduct important negotiations, start making repairs, go to court and various important authorities.

Purchases : It is better to postpone or buy essential goods (groceries).

4 APRIL, Tuesday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 11:15.CANCER

Moon without course from 23:45

Symbols of the day : phoenix, Milky Way (bat, mother's milk). This day is suitable for relaxing with your family in a pleasant circle and solving various family issues. There is a lot you can do to create harmony in your life. family life, if you are now attentive to your household. You can turn to your female relatives for financial assistance. It’s also good to start decorating and arranging your home today.

What not to do : take risks, engage in speculation, engage in extreme sports, move, change office, start renovation work, make important decisions, deal with important documents, get married.

Purchases : dishes and any household items, especially home decorations, various design items for the interior, bed sheets, curtains and curtains.

♋♌ 5 APRIL, Wednesday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 12:24.CANCER , A LION from 01:14

Moon without course until 01:13

Symbols of the day : milky way (bat, mother's milk), fountain (mushroom, source of water, phallus). A good, successful day, especially today is good to start new projects, start a new position, contact your superiors for a promotion and various offers. In the evening it is good to make romantic acquaintances or spend time in good company. You can attend cultural events.

What not to do : draw up any securities and important documents, criticize superiors and authorities.

Purchases : The day is suitable for shopping, but be careful when buying any jewelry and products made of valuable metals, especially gold.

6 APRIL, Thursday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 13:36.A LION

Symbols of the day : fountain (mushroom, source of water, phallus), crown (ridge, fire sword, labyrinth). This day is less successful than the previous one. But you can still start a new interesting project or a new job after 12:30. This day is also good for entertainment. Follow safety precautions at work and at home: there are risks of burns, cuts, and injuries due to negligence.

What not to do : operations in the heart and back, you can’t quarrel and sort things out.

Purchases : today it is better not to buy something significant and expensive: firstly, it will be difficult to find this thing at a good discount, and besides, you may have an unpleasant situation with the seller. For example, after the purchase, he will not want to change the product or return the money if, for example, you want to return the product. The latter is especially true before 12:00. After 12:00 there is less risk of disagreements with sellers. For now, we do not recommend buying jewelry and clothes due to the unfavorable position of Venus. By the way, Mercury slows down significantly, so now the risks that you will not like the goods you purchased are very high.

Money lunar calendar 2017

♌♍ 7 APRIL, Friday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 14:49.A LION , VIRGO from 07:20

Moon without course from 03:16 to 07:20

Symbols of the day : crown (ridge, fire sword, labyrinth), bowl (heart). A good day for any commercial activity. You can enter into purchase agreements for the purpose of resale. It is good to do accounting, look for errors in documentation, do various calculations and compile lists and databases. You can make business acquaintances or go on a business trip ( land species transport: by bus, by car or by car railway). You can visit a doctor and get tested. Various consultations (except legal ones) will also work well.

What not to do : gambling, risking money, going to court and higher authorities.

Purchases : You can make various small purchases: personal hygiene items, medicines. You can buy animals. However, with the waxing moon, sellers will have better luck. than buyers. Be careful with money: there is a risk of monetary loss and theft.

APRIL 8, Saturday. 12th, 13th lunar day from 16:02.VIRGO

Symbols of the day : bowl (heart), wheel (spinning wheel). Today and in the next 3 days, we do not recommend borrowing or lending money, as there will be problems with repayment. The same applies to any loans or official loans, even though you are confident that you will pay them back. In general, today is a good day for putting things in order in the house, things, office or computer. If you have a desire to do something with your hands, do not refuse it; today you should have enough energy for any physical work.

What not to do : plastic surgery, buy expensive clothes, perfumes and cosmetics, get married or arrange engagements, generally organize any entertainment events, borrow or lend money, apply for loans.

Purchases : today we advise you not to go shopping without a clear list or without a shopping plan. It is better to buy something small and necessary for you to live for the most a short time(food, hygiene products, small stationery, etc.).

♍♎ 9 APRIL, Sunday, 13th, 14th lunar day from 17:14.VIRGO , SCALES from 15:35

Moon without course from 11:21 to 15:34

Symbols of the day : wheel (distaff), pipe (call). In the morning you may wake up in a not very favorable mood. The day will be quite stressful from the very morning, so it is dangerous to start any important business before 11:30. After 11:30 The moon will be at idle for about until 15:30, therefore these lunch hours are also not suitable for beginnings. Since today is Sunday, you shouldn’t have any important things to do. Relax, take a walk, enjoy the spring days. In the evening, you can attend some entertainment events or invite guests to your house.

What not to do : Start important treatment or go to surgery before 15:30.

Purchases : better go shopping after 15:30. You can buy inexpensive clothes, cosmetics, and jewelry. We advise you not to make large purchases, as there is a high risk that you may quickly stop liking the items.

10 APRIL, Monday, 14th, 15th lunar day from 18:25.SCALES

Symbols of the day : trumpet (call), fiery serpent (jackal with wings). ATTENTION! SATANIC DAY! Unfavorable day: there is a risk of various injuries. Be careful on the roads! Despite the very diplomatic sign of Libra, today there may be disagreements and quarrels with partners due to the approaching full moon and unfavorable aspects of the moon.

What not to do : starting new businesses, engaging in investments and speculation, getting involved in quarrels.

Purchases : Better to postpone.

Lunar calendar 2017: favorable days


11 APRIL, Tuesday, 15th, 16th lunar day from 19:34.SCALES

FULL MOON at 09:07

Moon without course from 21:19

Symbols of the day : fire snake (jackal with wings), butterfly (dove). This full moon day will not be good for undertakings and concluding important agreements. Everything can end quite unpredictably for both sides. Real estate transactions will not be successful. With the Moon in Libra, you want to spend more time with your partners. But be careful: emotional background This day is quite unstable, there may be quarrels, disagreements and a showdown. Chronic diseases may worsen. The weak moon will last until until 20:30. It’s better to postpone dating and any contacts until the evening after 20:30, then they are more likely to be successful.

What not to do : starting important things, moving, engaging in speculation and large financial investments.

Purchases : you should not buy anything on this day modern technology: it will quickly fail or may present unpleasant surprises.

12 APRIL, Wednesday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 20:42.SCALES , SCORPION from 01:42

Moon without course until 01:41

Symbols of the day : butterfly (dove), bunch of grapes (bells). After 11:00 you can look for lost things: they will be found quickly. In general, this morning it is better not to plan any paperwork, cleaning or shopping. Overall, the day promises to be positive. Activity today will be on high level. Intuition also increases, so you will intuitively feel what you should and should not do that day. After 11:00 You can borrow money or get a loan, but be sure that all your documents are in order.

What not to do : sign important papers, negotiate and conclude any transactions, borrow and lend money until 11:00.

Purchases : better go shopping after 11:00, then there is a greater chance that you can buy something you really need. You can count on a good discount at a sale, but it is better not to buy clothes: you will quickly stop liking them. Today you can buy a car or equipment.

APRIL 13, Wednesday, 17th, 18th lunar day from 21:48.SCORPION

Symbols of the day : bunch of grapes (bells), mirror (monkey, ice). On this day, you can borrow money or apply for loans, but do so with caution if you are confident in the person or organization that will provide you with the money.

What not to do : argue and sort things out, be careless about your safety and precautions at home or at work if you deal with sharp, piercing and cutting objects.

Purchases : small purchases, we do not recommend buying sharp and piercing objects (knives, food processors), as well as any heating appliances (heaters, hair dryers, etc.).

APRIL 14, Friday, 18th, 19th lunar day from 22:52.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 13:27

Moon without course from 07:17 to 13:26

Symbols of the day : mirror (monkey, ice), net (spider). When the Moon is without a course, you cannot start new affairs and projects, since you can hardly count on good results. It’s better to plan everything after 13:30, especially if they are important. In the afternoon, for example, you can apply for loans, go on a trip, engage in intellectual educational projects, start training courses or foreign language training, contact foreigners or go to court.

What not to do : making big promises, going to mountainous areas for mountaineering, spending too much time on your feet.

Purchases : better shopping after 13:30. With a Moon without a course, you may buy something completely useless, or you will have to return this product for some reason.

Lunar money calendar 2017

15 APRIL, Saturday, 19th, 20th lunar day from 23:53.SAGITTARIUS

Symbols of the day : web (spider). ATTENTION! SATANIC DAY! Venus is coming out of retrograde today and will be quite slow. Therefore, we advise you to postpone any important matters related to money, financial papers, beauty and shopping. Static Venus is not conducive to successful resolution of these issues. In addition, the 19th lunar day is also considered not the most successful day of the month when it is worth starting new things. Today there is a high probability of various deceptions, thefts, and fraud. Be careful! You shouldn't trust people you don't know.

What not to do : starting new businesses, going to salons and hairdressers, doing plastic surgery or any complex procedures, swimming in open water, investing money somewhere.

Purchases : It’s better to postpone or go for the essentials.

16 APRIL, Sunday, 20th lunar day from 00:00.SAGITTARIUS

Moon without course from 21:26

Symbols of the day : eagle. Today is not a good day: several negative aspects may prevent you from solving important matters. You can go on trips. But there is still a risk of some obstacles. You should not make requests to your superiors: most likely, you will receive a refusal. However, this is a Sunday, so it’s better not to overload yourself with activities and worries today. Optimism can give way to apathy and sadness. Today the mood will be very unstable.

What not to do : visit cosmetology salons and hairdressers, start a course of serious health measures, give and borrow money, have operations (especially in the area of ​​the liver and pancreas).

Purchases : Be careful: there may be unplanned expenses today. You should not buy any serious things on this day. You can stock up on groceries or small household items for the week.

♐♑ 17 APRIL, Monday, 20th, 21st lunar day from 00:48.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 02:05

Moon without course until 02:04

Symbols of the day : horse (herd of horses, chariot). This is a good day to start renovation work, especially if the renovation begins with getting rid of the old and unnecessary, preparatory work. It's also good to do spring cleaning: everything will be cleaned thoroughly, although it will take a lot of time. This is a good time to get rid of bad habits, such as smoking.

What not to do : go to new job, make romantic acquaintances, take things to the dry cleaner and iron them.

Purchases : A good day for shopping, especially if you would like to purchase something significant that you have had your eye on for a long time. But there is a risk that the product will have to be changed if you are not too careful. Carefully check the purchased product while it is still in the store. You can buy real estate or land plot, if you have already selected them before.

18 APRIL, Tuesday, 21st, 22nd lunar day from 01:37.CAPRICORN

Symbols of the day : horse (herd of horses, chariot), elephant (book, golden key). Another good day for cleaning and putting things in order. However, any legal issues which you will try to solve until 12:00, most likely, will not be the most successful. Be careful when traveling long distances. Do not put stress on your knees and spine, lift heavy objects, or go for long runs.

What not to do : make various requests to various authorities or to superiors (for example, for a salary increase), go on a plane trip, start building a house, conclude important deals (before 12:00), take exams, go to court.

♑♒ 19 APRIL, Wednesday, 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 02:19.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 13:52

IV quarter, fourth phase of the moon from 12:55

Moon without course from 12:57 to 13:51

Symbols of the day : elephant (book, golden key), crocodile. ATTENTION: SATANIC DAY! This day is more suitable for relaxation than for busy work. Today you can’t start anything new, as the Moon is changing phase. Any business related to documents and money may be unsuccessful. Today there may be sudden changes mood, everything will fall out of hand and it will be difficult to concentrate on anything. The situation should be much better later in the evening.

It is at the beginning of the next day that the Sun moves into the sign of Taurus, so at night from 19 to 20 April can really be a dream memorable and important dreams, which may be related to your personal life or finances.

What not to do : engage in the exchange of something, start something important, negotiate, make acquaintances, change jobs, repair computers and phones, contact superiors and officials.

Purchases : It is better to postpone (especially until 13:00).

Favorable days of the lunar calendar

20 APRIL, Thursday, 23rd, 24th lunar day from 02:55.AQUARIUS

Symbols of the day : crocodile, bear. Not a bad day to borrow money or get a loan. But be careful with the documentation, as there may be errors and inaccuracies, or you may miss some important clause of the contract. On this day it is good to communicate with friends and like-minded people, continue to develop interesting projects. On this day, geniuses and simple interesting ideas that you can discuss with friends.

What not to do : change place of work, contact your superiors.

Purchases : a good day for shopping, although it will most likely be quite difficult for you to decide to part with money now. You can buy computers, phones and other equipment and modern devices. But: look carefully at what you buy, as there is a risk that the product will have to be returned. At least be sure that this can be done without obstacles.

♒♓ 21 APRIL, Friday, 24th, 25th lunar day from 03:25.AQUARIUS , FISH from 22:43

Moon without course from 21:23 to 22:42

Symbols of the day : bear, turtle (shell, urn with ashes, two vessels with live and dead water). This day can be quite nervous, so to relieve stress, book a massage or go for some water sports. It's still a good time to get together with friends, but it's better not to plan large banquets. It’s good on this day to sort through things, clean them and put seasonal items into storage until next year.

What not to do : quarrel and sort things out with friends, neglect safety precautions, repair computers and phones.

Purchases : Today you should shop with caution. You can buy books and educational literature, there is a chance to buy them at very good prices. Try checking your favorite online bookstores. It is likely that the exact books you need will be at good discounts!

22 APRIL, Saturday, 25th, 26th lunar day from 03:52.FISH

Symbols of the day : turtle (shell, urn with ashes, two vessels with living and dead water), toad (swamp). Great day for a big wash. You can also take things to the dry cleaner or iron your washed clothes. Emotionality and sensitivity on this day will be at a high level. On this day, be careful: there is a risk of deception, various kinds of scammers and representatives of religious sects are activated. It is better to postpone signing any documents.

What not to do : trust strangers, risk money and property (for example, bail), drink alcohol.

Purchases : Today you can buy some not too expensive items, as well as medicines. For expensive goods (for example, musical instruments or art objects) there may be good discounts, but there is a risk of deception, or the product will simply disappoint you.

Favorable purchases according to the lunar calendar 2017

23 APRIL, Sunday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 04:16.FISH

Symbols of the day : toad (swamp), trident (rod, ship). Today there is a risk of unexpected expenses. A good time for water treatments: visiting a sauna or bathhouse, swimming in a pool. You should not plan any important things for this day, as they are doomed to failure. It’s a bad idea to start repair work; you can wash and iron it.

What not to do : go on a trip, arrange banquets and celebrations with alcoholic drinks, start any important business.

Purchases : It is extremely undesirable to make large purchases (especially buying real estate or land). Today it is good to buy air humidifiers, bath salts, aroma lamps, etc.

♓♈ 24 APRIL, Monday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 04:39.FISH , ARIES from 03:33

Moon without course from 00:34 to 03:32

Symbols of the day : trident (rod, ship), lotus (karma). An active and very busy day: the Moon enters the sign of Aries again, which means it begins a new cycle. However, this does not mean that you should start new things! Today is the best time to complete what was started earlier, because this is the very end of the lunar month. You can go in for sports or plan some things for this day that require quick completion.

What not to do : engage in publishing activities, take exams, theses, register companies and projects, go on a trip (especially abroad), negotiate with foreigners, start teaching foreign language, or even start some kind of course of study, attend educational lectures and seminars.

Purchases : You can make purchases, but not too expensive. You can buy everything for sports: clothes, shoes, accessories. Also now you can buy something that you want to hide or hide, that will be your personal item.

25 APRIL, Tuesday, 28th, 29th lunar day from 05:02.ARIES

Symbols of the day : lotus (karma), octopus (hydra, Maya). ATTENTION: SATANIC DAY! On this day, the number of contacts and information that will come to you will increase significantly. There may be some very unexpected news. The day is very unfavorable for making important decisions and for starting important things, since failures will haunt this business from the very beginning. Mercury and Uranus will connect in the sign of Aries, and this can give a lot of different kinds of surprises. You can't risk your health and money! Save your energy before the start of the new lunar month, you will still need it!

What not to do : starting new businesses and projects, borrowing or lending money, concluding contracts, negotiating, participating in big parties and holidays, organizing entertainment events, risking health and money, making important decisions in the heat of the moment.

Purchases : It is dangerous to buy equipment: it can quickly break down. In general, today you can only buy essential items and products.

Favorable shopping days


♈♉ 26 APRIL, Wednesday, 29th, 30th lunar day from 05:27, 1st lunar day from 15:17.

Symbols of the day : lamp (lamp, third eye), cornucopia (mouth). Today is probably the only good day to get married and it’s better to do it in the morning - from 8:00 to 10:00. Retrograde Venus is already behind us, but we have retrograde Mercury, which can cause delays, problems with documents and transport and all sorts of minor troubles, take into account all the risks when planning a wedding. Not a bad day for making wills.

What not to do : take risks, engage in activities involving dangerous instruments, perform operations.

Purchases : a good day to buy cosmetics, jewelry, perfumes and clothes. But if you doubt whether you should buy this or that, it’s better not to buy it! Buy something if you really need it and really like it!

♉♊ 28 APRIL, Friday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 06:30.CALF , TWINS from 14:39

Moon without course from 04:18 to 14:38

Symbols of the day : cornucopia (mouth), leopard (leopard). The first half of the day (until 14:40) is not suitable for any undertakings or important matters. After 14:40 you can get down to business. It is good to negotiate, agree on something, engage in commerce, as well as sales. In the evening it’s good to collect some information, get acquainted, communicate with people from close circle, make short trips. Also in the afternoon it is good to write some letters, contact departments and authorities.

What not to do : Start any important work before 14:40.

Purchases : The day is more suitable for sellers than for buyers. Better go shopping after 15:00, but it’s unlikely to count on big discounts now. Be careful: there is a risk of losing money or throwing it away.

29 APRIL, Saturday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 07:11.TWINS

Symbols of the day : leopard (leopard), tree of knowledge. Not a bad day for doing business, collecting information and information, and exchanging information. You can draw up various documents (but not too important), sign contracts and papers, but with caution, as there is a risk of errors and inaccuracies! Today it will be good to establish connections and make business acquaintances. You can start studying or studying any issue.

What not to do : enter into large financial transactions, carry out various types of real estate transactions (buy, sell, change), get acquainted to start a romantic relationship.

Purchases : small purchases, with the exception of something large and expensive, as well as cosmetics, perfumes and clothing.

♊♋ 30 APRIL, Sunday, 4th, 5th lunar day from 08:03.TWINS , CANCER from 04:48

Moon without course from 00:28 to 04:47

Symbols of the day : tree of knowledge, unicorn. As the Moon moves into the sign of Cancer, our emotions become heightened and our ability to adapt improves. This day promises to be quite positive, dedicate it to your family and loved ones, spend time with your children. You can go on short trips. You can visit the pool or water park for water sports.

What not to do : organize large banquets with the participation of familiar and unfamiliar people, defend theses, start studying, go on long journeys, go to court, make large purchases.

Purchases : food and other goods for home and family.

Cleaning: 7, 8, 17, 18, 21
Wet cleaning: 1, 2, 11-24, 28, 29
Wash: 12-14, 22, 23
Washing windows and glass: 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 11, 14-16, 19-21, 24, 28, 29
Ironing: 11-16, 19-24
Dry cleaning: 11-16, 19-24
Start of repair: 17, 18
Start of house construction: 1, 5, 6, 28
Moving: 27
Signing important documents: 1 (after 17:00), 18 (after 12:00), 27, 28 (after 14:40)
Looking for a new job: 1 (after 17:00), 7, 8, 28 (after 14:40)
Appeal to the authorities: 5, 6, 14 (after 13:30),
Transfers and receipts of money, loans, debts: 12 (after 11:00), 13, 20
Dating, dates, engagements: 1, 5, 6, 9 (after 15:30), 11, 27, 28 (after 15:00)
Recreation trips to bodies of water: 4, 14, 22
Trips to holiday homes and sanatoriums: 4, 14, 22
Trips to the mountains: 17, 18 (after 12:00)
Business trips: 7, 8, 17
Visiting theaters, concerts, cinemas, museums, exhibitions: 5, 6, 9, 10, 27
Banquets and celebrations: 5, 6, 9
Weddings: 27 (from 8:00 to 10:00)
Judicial and legal issues: 4, 5, 14 (after 13:30), 15, 22
Solving important financial issues: 27
Investments: 27
Commercial activity: 7, 28, 29
Winnings from gambling and lotteries: 5, 6
Exchange operations: 27
Preparation of documents: 7, 8, 27-29
Making wills: 5-8, 27
Insurance: 7, 8, 12, 13
Advertising: 5, 6, 20-22
Small purchases: 1, 2, 7, 8, 15, 16
Large purchases: 12 (after 11:00), 17, 18 (after 12:00), 20, 27, 30
Shopping for cosmetics, perfumes, clothing, jewelry: 5, 9, 27, 29
Real estate purchases: 17, 20, 27, 30
Buying a car: 12 (after 11:00)
Probability of unexpected expenses: 2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25, 29
Loss of money, deception, scam, fraud: 1, 7, 15, 22, 28
The most successful and favorable days month: 5, 27
Dangerous and unfavorable days of the month:2, 3, 10, 19, 25

During the Moon's peak, there is a huge surge of energy. During this period, everyone feels the vibrations that fill the space. This energy can be directed in any direction, but whether the day will be favorable or not depends on the constellation in which the Earth’s satellite resides.

What will the Full Moon be like in April 2017?

The Full Moon will occur on April 11 and at this time the Moon will be in Zodiac Libra. Astrologers tend to consider a day with ambiguous energy to be rather neutral. However, when positive impact Zodiac Moon can enhance negative character traits of a person. On Tuesday, the healing of injuries worsens, chronic diseases make themselves felt, and the nervous system suffers.

People on this Full Moon are prone to temptation, and are not always able to adequately assess the situation. According to astrologers, the day should be devoted to measured work that does not require increased attention. At the same time, the Zodiac Libra has a rather favorable effect on business cooperation, but you should be patient and loyal to your interlocutors.

Also during this period, there comes a desire to develop vigorous activity and it is important to direct the surge of energy towards solving problems, rather than scandals and nit-picking. With due attention to your emotional health and the development of inner harmony, you can quite successfully spend time with people close and dear to you.

It will be a good time to spend this day calmly and measuredly, postponing all important tasks and projects for a more favorable day. During the Full Moon period, astrologers advise to relax more, engage in self-development and comprehend your inner world. Attention under the active influence of the Moon is often scattered and does not allow you to focus on key issues.

On Tuesday, the patronage of Mars will not be obvious - its weak position is also not intended for extreme activity. An excess of emotions caused by this position of planets and constellations can lead to nervous exhaustion. Spiritual practices will help you balance and harmonize your inner world. Direct the excess energy in order to open the chakras and recharge with the positive energy of the Universe.

In order to completely eliminate the possibility conflict situations, try to spend more time alone. Engage in your favorite hobby, watch movies - do everything that makes you feel... positive emotions. remember, that full moon affects everyone differently. It is in your best interests to come to an agreement with your household on this day.

The full moon is a mystical and magical time when you can make your wildest hopes come true. This lunar phase not only carries negative aspects, but also has a very beneficial effect on achieving your goals. Remember that accuracy and informed decisions will help you avoid mistakes and mistakes. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

06.04.2017 22:42

Each Full Moon has a special energy. On this day, you have the opportunity not only to admire the night luminary,...

The full moon has long been considered the best period for rituals and ceremonies. This is the time when energy flows are at their maximum...

Energy new moon directly affects the human biofield. On the day of the New Moon, you can achieve your goals using the potential of the renewed lunar cycle.

The beginning of a new lunar cycle - best time to fulfill wishes. Practitioners advise making wishes and performing any money rituals on the New Moon. Planning upcoming events, drawing up a schedule, lists of necessary purchases and to-dos for the month ahead will also be more effective on the new Moon.

New Moon Features

In April 2017, the New Moon falls on the 26th. On this day, the energy of the Moon comes under the influence of the constellation Taurus. This means that especially successful in these lunar day All matters related to documents, planning and distribution of finances will be used.

The almost depleted energy of the Moon will contribute to laziness, apathy and drowsiness. To fight with negative manifestations During this time, you can take a long walk on fresh air, meeting with old friends or sports training.

Work and finance April 26

The new moon in Taurus promotes financial success, so on these lunar days you can safely invest money in securities, enter into transactions of any kind and plan large purchases. The purchased items will not disappoint you in the future if you take the selection process seriously and correctly calculate the planned expenses.

The work process can be very successful for those who take their responsibilities responsibly and conscientiously complete all assigned tasks. In relations with colleagues and superiors on this day, you should be as open as possible and not be afraid to put forward new ideas and proposals.

Love and relationships according to the lunar calendar

In romantic relationships, the New Moon can also be a good help. At this time, emotions are somewhat dulled, and the arguments of reason come to the fore. This quality is well suited for reconciliation after a heated quarrel, the successful resolution of an emotional conflict and making the right decision.

On the New Moon, relationships that have already been time-tested are particularly successful: with the help of lunar energy, you can bring newness and refresh your feelings without violating personal boundaries or leaving your comfort zone.

Health and emotions during the New Moon

Decreased emotional and physical activity at the beginning of a new lunar cycle can lead to an exacerbation chronic diseases, decreased blood pressure and drowsiness. To prevent a protracted illness, you need to do your best to maintain good mood and take care to receive positive emotions. Try to devote more time to your favorite activities, and good health will not leave you even for a minute.

Attract material well-being on the New Moon, a special money ritual from famous psychic Nadezhda Shevchenko. We wish you good luck and don't forget to click on the buttons and

20.04.2017 05:05

The Moon has enormous power because of all space objects it is located closest to the Earth. ...

The new moon is a special time when magical currents are especially strong. Using money signs and beliefs accumulated...

01 April 2017 Saturday
The moon is in the sign of Gemini.
First Lunar Phase (Waxing Moon).
At 08:46 the 6th Lunar day begins.
until 08:46 the 5th Lunar day continues

The symbol is a unicorn.
Symbolizes the choice of goal, loyalty to principles, duty, transformation and assimilation of food. You can and should actively express your emotions and feelings - it will be appropriate, and you will be understood correctly. Only on this day is food completely absorbed and converted into tissues. On this day you need to get enough, but not overeat. Milk and cottage cheese are preferable as the basis of nutrition; Animal food is contraindicated. It’s good on the fifth day to travel somewhere, cry, part with unnecessary things, work with herbs - collect, dry them and infuse them. This is a creative day on which knowledge is perfectly absorbed. You can defend your ideals, principles, beliefs.
Divination. For the future.
Dreams. It's good if you cry in your sleep - this is cleansing. The body is thus put in order. If dreams are connected with the road, with movement, everything is fine with you. If you dream about something unpleasant, this is a sign that you need to take care of your health.
Medically attention should be paid to the esophagus. Nausea and vomiting mean improper use of this day. You can't go hungry.
The day is dual. A child conceived on this day may be pursued throughout his life by strong and dangerous enemies. He will be punished for all his misdeeds and evil thoughts. All his evil will turn against him. Retribution. On the other hand, a child can become an unusual personality, capable of experiencing transformations and transmutations. The fate of those conceived on this day will undergo drastic changes for bad or good side two or three times.
Those born on this lunar day transform food into physical and astral energy. Heroes and saints may be born, but without serious outside help they are short-lived. Partially they can be helped by a good configuration in the birth horoscope with a strong Jupiter, Venus or the Sun.
Distinctive feature people of this day are fussy, they do not get fat. They can't eat sauerkraut, pickles, they should avoid products containing rotting germs. at 08:46 the 6th Lunar day begins

Symbols - clouds, crane.
The day is associated with the assimilation of cosmic energy, the acquisition of Grace, love, forgiveness, prophecies, mental and verbal work. A day of solitude and humility. You need to calmly go about your usual affairs, but under no circumstances grumble about life, about circumstances, about loved ones. Now is not the time for any dissatisfaction - with yourself or others. Accept everything as it is and do not wish for anything else. On the 6th lunar day, intuition sharpens greatly: something that was previously underestimated or misunderstood may be revealed to you. It is recommended to practice pranayama and work with odors, because only in the upper respiratory tract, as well as in the tops of the lungs, the process of transformation of cosmic energy - prana - occurs. When the sky is clear or completely covered with clouds, it means the world is devoid of harmony.
Divination. For all.
Dreams. If you dreamed of a familiar person, it’s no accident: you owe him something. Dreams may hint at some task that needs to be completed.
Medically You should pay attention to the bronchi, plasma, and upper respiratory tract. Good for treating respiratory diseases. The day is good for rejuvenation.
Long life the dreamer and wanderer is guaranteed to be conceived on this day. The search for an ideal, freedom, connection with nature are the main features of such a person. It is better if conception occurs in nature.
Those born on this lunar day will live a long and fruitful life, leaving behind a tangible mark.
Those born on this day are conductors, transformers of cosmic energy.
They have a rich inner world. Visionaries and dreamers. They really don't like pressure. Freedom is valued in relationships.

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