Country of education. Methods and forms of preparation for the OGE in mathematics (from work experience)

Goal: to present the technique of using modern educational
technologies in Russian language lessons.
sharing your experience through direct and commented demonstration of technologies,
used in Russian language lessons;
joint development of methodological approaches and techniques;

reflection of their own professional skills by the master participants
Progress of the masterclass
Good afternoon, dear colleagues! Nice to see you in this
audience, and I really hope that today you and I will succeed
interesting and useful event.
Masterclass update.
It’s spring outside, and I really want summer. Let those little butterflies
remind you of summer. Choose one and place it on your
palm, and at this time I will tell you one legend:
There lived a wise man in the world who knew everything. But one of his students
wanted to prove the opposite. What did he do? Holding it in your palms
butterfly, he asked: “Tell me, sage, what kind of butterfly is in my hands:
dead or alive? And he himself thinks: “If she’s alive, she’ll say, I’ll kill her,
the dead woman will say, “I’ll release you.” The sage, after thinking, replied:
“Everything is in your hands.”
It is important that in our hands the child feels: loved,
necessary, and most importantly – successful. Indeed, everything is in our hands.
Success, as we know, breeds success.
The teacher’s important task is to captivate children, so each lesson requires
something new and interesting. My credo is the words of K. D. Ushinsky:
"Forever inventing, trying, improving and improving here
the only course in teacher life."
Throughout the years of work, the teacher learns from masters of pedagogical work. Who it
master teacher?
I understand this word like this:
M wisdom acquired over the years.
And activity contains strength, health, success.

With happiness, A.S. Makarenko wrote: “Teach a person to be happy
It’s impossible, but you can raise him so that he’s happy!”
T creativity, because in order to illuminate others with light, you need to carry the sun in
to yourself.
E unity, only in unity teacher student parent can be achieved
all set goals, create an atmosphere of trust and a situation of success.
P result, I want to see my students confident, skillfully choosing
your path in life.
To meet the title of master teacher, I not only teach children, but also
I am constantly learning myself, using new technologies when teaching children.
Using various teaching methods, I thereby develop visual,
auditory, logical memory. I teach spatial thinking by:
drawing up support diagrams, b) solving any secret, riddle (for example,
a riddle of the lexical meaning of a word or the way a word is formed). I'm developing
interpersonal thinking, teaching different types of written work.
I’ll show you how I do this using the example of disassembling TASK 4 of part 2 of the OGE.
This task includes the topic “Spelling of prefixes” (Prefixes in z and
s, single constant prefix C, prefixes at and pre). Difficulty
make up the prefixes at and pre.
1. When studying and repeating the spelling “Spelling of the prefix PRE and
BY" I use a gaming technique. For example:
Teacher: Today a telegram arrived in the name of our class. That's just
bad luck, apparently something happened to her on the way, and some letters in the words
gone somewhere. Still, let's try to read it and restore it
lost letters.
We arrive in Atkarsk by train, which arrives exactly at 8.00 at
will arise
unforeseen circumstances, we will be at school and will be able to
railway station.

With fiery direct wind, pr..rates PRE and PR.
To make it easier to remember, I suggest a rule for memorization:
Pri. Four meanings fit into an easy rhyme
I connect something (connection),
And I’m getting closer to something (approaching),
Nearby, close I stand (closeness)
And I do it incompletely (incomplete action).
There is another option.
I came running - approaching,
Here I pasted an ad - this is joining,

He sat down a little - the usual action was incomplete...
At the school stadium
What's unusual here?
Pre –
Mom Pere, Dad Very,
Daughter Pre wants to help them,
If the illness overcomes -
My daughter replaces them instantly.
Pre – prefix early in the morning
She told me a secret:
The word is very dear to me,
Pere is my family.
2. I found an interesting site on the Internet that I really like. This
Alexey Tikhonov's website. Here you can get the necessary
material for preparation for the OGE and Unified State Exam in the Russian language,
pass the OGE and Unified State Exam tests on every important issue.
I open the section “OGE Russian Language”. The section contains
theory and practice of preparing for the OGE in Russian in 9
class. The theory is written in a very interesting way, in an accessible way.
When explaining the spelling of prefixes, the author also
uses a humorous or playful form. Let's
pay attention: OGE: TASK 4
Theoretical minimum for task 4
"Spelling of prefixes"
Unchangeable (permanent) prefixes
Imagine for a moment that the word is a person, and
that means the root is its body, prefixes, suffixes, endings
- his clothes. What will the prefix be then? Certainly,
headdress, as it comes from the “head” of the word.
What is the difference between a cap, for example, and a scarf? Here's the cap on
shelf, but here it is on my head. There is a difference? No, the cap is still the same
same. Same with constant prefixes - which root are you referring to?
don't attach them - they still look normal.

Look: let’s add the prefixes ob-, ot-, to different roots.
under-, over-. (They surrounded me, asked for time off, framed me, sawed me off).
And you can be sure that in Russian words there are prefixes
will remain exactly like this and there will never be any
prefixes “op-” or “od-”.
Paired consoles
1. Prefixes with -з, -с. In them all prefixes are divided in pairs
ending with the letter “z” or “s”: raz-ras, vz-sun, without-
demon This is exactly the scarf that changes shape when
it is “put on the head.” And everything depends on the “head”: if
the root begins with a voiceless consonant (read about them in
this article), the prefix will have a voiceless S, if it is a voiced one -
then sonorous Z.
For example, take it apart - it comes unglued, beat it - it rises.
Attention: the single prefix C- is unpaired, then
there is a constant.
And now the final question: why is it in the word “not good”?
is it written with, although d is a voiced sound?
2. Pre- and Pri- prefixes.
Their spelling depends on the meaning. In the test questions you
you will have to distinguish between the subtleties in the meanings of each of
these consoles. What are these meanings?
Basic meanings for “Pri-”: approach (came -
approached the place), joining (sewed - connected
one with the other), being close (suburb - about
cities), incompleteness of action (opened slightly
Basic meanings for "Pre-": proximity to the prefix "pere"
(transgressed = stepped over), close to the word “very”
(enormous - very huge).
Practice shows that students willingly go to classes using
Projectors and interactive whiteboards, perceived as a holiday by schoolchildren

stable interest in such activities is developed, less dissipated
attention because it exists Feedback teacher with student.
Children are attracted to new conditions, the ease of the atmosphere, the very
communication with a computer, interactive whiteboard. From passive memorization learning
turns into an active process, and the more mental effort he makes
student, the more productive his activities become. All mental
Students' operations are accompanied by practical actions.
Forms of ICT use.
Use of off-the-shelf electronic products
intensify the activities of teacher and student, improves the quality
teaching the subject; visibly bringing to life the principle of visibility.
2. Use of multimedia presentations. Presentation submission form
material in the form of slides on which tables, diagrams,
drawings, illustrations, audio and video materials.
What I like about this kind of work.
She is interesting to children. Everyone participates. And what is very important for me is such
The organization of activities allows all children to be included in the process.
At the beginning of the school year I downloaded it from the Internet
workbook. We work in class after
Repetition of the topic is reinforced with tasks from the notebook.
What's good about a notebook? Homework is given.
Let's practice.
Question 1
In which word the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by the rule: “In
prefixes with –З and –С before voiced consonants, Z is written, and before
voiceless consonants - C"
A here
B fee
C uncooperative
D break

Question 2
In which word does the prefix mean "approximation"?
A attach
B commuter
C sew
D come
Question 3
In which word does the prefix mean "very"?
A despicable
B criminal
C stay
D old
Question 4
In which word the spelling of the consonant at the end of the prefix depends on
voicedness/voicelessness of the next consonant?
A discarded
B bit

C sawed
D prefer
Preparation for the OGE in the Russian language.
Stylistic synonyms (task 6)
The exam tests in the Russian language include
vocabulary tasks. This is task 3 (expressive language) and task 6
(stylistic synonyms). Task 6 is focused on the ability of graduates to replace
specified word
stylistically neutral synonym.
Even from the 5th grade course, students know that synonyms are words of the same part of speech,
having similar meanings.
For example, blizzard - blizzard, sparkle - shine, difficult - difficult. Synonyms may
differ in shades of meaning or scope of use. For example, laugh and laugh.
“to laugh” means to make a laugh, and “to laugh” means to laugh loudly. Stylistic
synonyms belong to different styles of speech. For example, eyes - eyes - peepers. Word
staring contest obviously
colloquial, the word “eyes” is bookish, as it can be found in fiction
work to express a sublime attitude towards any hero. Here's the word
“eyes” – neutral
new: it can be used in any style. The word "wander" is stylistically
a neutral synonym for the colloquial “stagger” and the book “wander.”
Thus, stylistic synonyms are words that have the same
meaning, but are used in different styles, and stylistically neutral synonyms are
synonyms that are not attached to the same style.
Students can be given the following task: “Fill in the first column of the table
Stylistically neutral syn. Colloquial (just river) word Book words

Sleep Sleep
Big guy
Gobble it up
Jump around


When analyzing examples, students conclude that neutral vocabulary is devoid of
emotionality, expression, while colloquial words give speech
ease, not
formality. Colloquial vocabulary does not go beyond literary norms.
The colloquial language is used by persons who do not speak or speak less
literary language. Depending on the context, it serves as a means of characterization
phenomena, objects, characters.
Lexical tasks are included in complex text analysis tasks. I'll bring you
a few examples.
Text No. 1

Cucumber! - called the Cockroach. - Come here!
Slavik stood up in confusion, took five steps and stopped...
- Why are you frozen? Stomp! - Cockroach called him... Go, I won’t touch you... I have a cool feeling for you
proposal. Do you want to fly pigeons?
Slavik bulged his big gray eyes.
- What did Zenki hatch? Want?
“I want to,” Slavik said quietly.
The cockroach opened the door. Two marbled pigeons stepped out onto the grass. (WITH.
This text is a dialogue consisting of simple sentences. Eat
nicknames (Cucumber, Cockroach). The text uses colloquial words (stomp, bulge) and
(hatched, zenki, cool) words. Children are asked to think about how these words
characterize the heroes.
Student answers:
“The sure way to know a person, his moral character, his character is to listen to his
speech,” wrote D. S. Likhachev.
Indeed, by the way a person speaks, one can judge his education,
education. The author’s use of the colloquial words “zenki hatched” and
colloquial constructions “Why are you frozen?” shows rude and dismissive
the attitude of the hero nicknamed Cockroach to Glory.”
"WITH. Antonov deliberately uses the colloquial words “zenki” in Cockroach’s speech,
“hatched”, “cool”. They help give an accurate description of the boy: they show
his rudeness and bad manners.”
Text No. 2
What does it matter if someday the same cheerful morning will sparkle again, which he did not
ruin it like today? Then there will be another boy, happy, smart, contented. So that
to reach this other, one must cross the abyss separating him from this other, one must
experience something terrible, terrible. Oh, what would he give for everything to suddenly stop, for
it's always been this way
a fresh bright morning so that dad and mom always sleep... My God, why is he like that
unhappy? Why does some kind of eternal, inexorable fate hang over him? Why does he always
wants it so good

and everything turns out so bad and disgusting?.. Oh, how hard, how deeply he tries to look into
yourself, to comprehend the reason for this. He wants to understand her, he will be strict and impartial to
himself... He's doing
indeed a bad boy. He is guilty and he must atone for his guilt. He deserved it
punishment, and let him be punished.
This text is an excerpt from the story “The Childhood of Tyoma” by N. Garin Mikhailovsky.
An eight-year-old boy, Tyoma, the main character of the book, solves difficult life problems.
accidentally broke my father's favorite flower, which had just bloomed. Tema is worried and
condemns himself. In the passage the author uses book words. Find them and explain them
meaning. By
think about why the author uses these particular words.
Student answers:
“Book vocabulary is necessary when talking about something important,
significant. The author deliberately uses the bookish word “abyss” instead of the neutral one
"abyss" that
would show how strong Tyoma’s feelings are. He condemns himself, makes his own assessment
his actions."
“Reading the text, you wonder how an eight-year-old boy can think so deeply,
how to cope with what happened.
Tyoma suffers, thinking that he is unlucky, because this is his fate. To highlight the
depth of the hero’s experiences, the author uses high-style vocabulary: “Why is it over him
some kind of eternal, inexorable fate?
Such work, carried out in the system starting from grade 5, will help students cope with
exam task No. 6.
In addition, they can easily use this assignment as an argument in an essay.
linguistic topic, if the statement deals with vocabulary. I'll give you a few
Assignment: “Replace the book word “edifying” in sentence 28 stylistically
neutral synonym. Write this synonym." (28) At the same time, she strictly followed
what I choose from her home library, and said edifyingly:
“No, it’s too early for you to read, you’d better take this book.”

Excerpt from a student’s essay: “In sentence 28, my attention was drawn to the bookish
the word "edifying". The author deliberately uses it instead of the neutral “instructive”,
to show that Lyubov Dmitrievna understood literature and wanted to see her
nephew well-mannered and educated.”
Assignment: “Replace the colloquial word “fished” from sentence 10 stylistically
neutral synonym. Write this synonym." (10) Clutching a cone in his claws, he (crossbill)
he stuck his beak under each scale and fished out a resin seed from there.
Excerpt from the essay: “In sentence 10, the author included the colloquial word “fished”,
he used it instead of the neutral “got it out.” The choice of this word is not accidental. It
calls out how unbearably difficult it was for the bird to pull each seed out of the pine cone.”
Assignment: “Replace the colloquial word “tinker” in sentence 19 stylistically
neutral synonym. Write this synonym." (19) No... we didn't have time
tinker with the fish,” answered the father.
Excerpt from the essay: “A person’s speech reflects his thoughts and feelings. Therefore in
in sentence 19, it is no coincidence that the author uses the colloquial word “tinker” instead
neutral "do". It helps to more fully describe the speech situation. Us
it becomes clear that the father, in the absence of his son, is completely indifferent and heartless
treated the wounded seagull and did not care for it.”
Assignment: “Replace the book word “bravura” in sentence 2 stylistically
neutral synonym. Write this synonym." (2) By this day Nelya had learned a new
a musical piece - bravura, solemn, similar to the marches that greet
winners of battles.
Excerpt from the essay: “Book vocabulary serves to create a complete picture,
figurative perception of reality. In sentence 2, the word that caught my attention was
"bravura (music)." It talks about how my sister met Kolka. She's in advance
learned a ceremonial march, as if preparing for the arrival of an important guest.”
I want to end my masterclass with the words
The teacher is a student forever called to the board. By teaching others - learn
myself. (S. Soloveichik). Thank you all so much for your work.

Pospelova E.N. 1

Kerzhentseva T.V. 1

1 Municipal budgetary educational institution "Pyatnitskaya secondary school of the Volokonovsky district of the Belgorod region"

The text of the work is posted without images and formulas.
Full version work is available in the "Work Files" tab in PDF format

1. Introduction.

Mathematics exam in the form of the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam proper preparation Anyone can take it. The formula for success is simple - a high degree of receptivity, motivation and a competent teacher. In any case, training on Unified State Exam options and OGE is necessary, but it must be combined with fundamental training, forming systemic knowledge and skills.

In the OGE and the Unified State Exam in mathematics, there are tricky questions and tasks. Even an experienced specialist often cannot solve them quickly. These tasks are invisible at first glance and there are few of them, but they are necessarily included by the developers in the Unified State Exam. However, even in such atypical tasks, patterns can be identified, which allows a properly prepared student to be able to recognize the compiler’s train of thought and the types of tricky tasks that are often played out.

Tricky and specific tasks make up only part of the so-called specificity of the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam in mathematics. Preparedness in terms of specifics implies knowledge of the nuances and features of the exam. Such features include the correctness of assignments, tactics and strategy for solving in conditions of shortage of allotted time in the exam, as well as simple inattention. These and a host of other features constitute the essence of the specificity. A mathematics teacher who knows well what a student will have to face in the exam, in addition to the fundamentals, pays most time in class to practice questions specific to the Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination.

To effectively prepare for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam, training is needed. Bring problem solving to automation. See the only possible answer among the four proposed.

The OGE and the Unified State Exam are a serious step in the life of every graduate who is considering the choice of his future, striving for self-realization in a new sociocultural situation, to continue his education and master professional skills.

Preparation for passing the Unified State Exam in mathematics should go through the acquisition and mastery of specific mathematical knowledge. Only this will ensure the graduate successfully passes the exam.

There are several ways to prepare for exams:

Preparation for exams at school in lessons and extracurricular activities;

Prepare for exams on your own, including using the Internet.

The administration of our school has come to the conclusion that only an integrated approach to preparing students for the Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination helps to increase the efficiency and quality of exam results in test form. Under an integrated approach We understand the purposeful cooperation of the administration, subject teachers, students and their parents.

IN information activities our educational institution in preparation for the Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination, we highlight three directions: information work with teachers, with students, with parents.

1) Informing teachers at production meetings:

Regulatory documents on the Unified State Examination and the OGE;

About the progress of preparation for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam at school, in the district and region.

2) Inclusion of the following issues in the work plans of school methodological associations (SMA):

Conducting trial USE and OGE, discussing the results of trial USE and OGE;

Psychological characteristics of 9th and 11th graders.

1) Organization of information work in the form of instructing students:

Rules of conduct during the exam;

Rules for filling out forms;

2) Information stand for students: regulatory documents, forms, rules for filling out forms, Internet resources on Unified State Examination and Unified State Examination issues.

3) Conducting training sessions on filling out forms.

4) Trial intra-school Unified State Examination and Unified State Examination in various subjects.

1) Parent meetings:

Informing parents about the procedure for the Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination, the features of preparing for the test form of exams. Information about Internet resources;

Informing about the results of the trial intra-school Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination;

Examination point, questions of the Unified State Examination and the General Examination.

2) Individual counseling for parents.

2.Preparation for exams at school.

Part 2.1. Mental arithmetic is one of the important techniques in preparing students for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam in mathematics.

In mathematics methods, a distinction is made between oral and written methods of calculation. Oral work in lessons is of great importance - these are conversations between the teacher and the class or individual students, and students’ reasoning when performing certain tasks, etc. Among these types of oral work, one can distinguish the so-called oral exercises. IN primary school they were reduced mainly to calculations, which is why the name “oral calculation” was assigned to them, although in modern programs the content of oral exercises is very diverse and large due to the introduction of algebraic and geometric material, as well as due to great attention to the properties of operations on numbers and quantities.

The importance and necessity of oral exercises is great in the formation of computational skills and in improving knowledge of numbering, and in the development personal qualities student. Creating a specific system for repeating previously learned material gives students the opportunity to master knowledge at the level of automatic skill. Oral calculations cannot be a random stage of the lesson, but must be in a methodological connection with the main topic and be problematic in nature.

However, mental arithmetic as a lesson stage is still used mainly in elementary school or in grades 5-6, with its main goal being the development of computational skills. In connection with the introduction of the mandatory Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam in mathematics, there is a need to teach high school students to quickly and efficiently solve basic-level problems. At the same time, the role of oral calculations and calculations in general increases significantly, since the use of a calculator and tables is not allowed in the exam. Note that many computational operations that we tend to write down during a detailed solution of a problem do not require this at all within the test. You can teach students to perform simple (and not so simple) transformations orally. Of course, this will require organizing the development of such a skill until it becomes automatic.

To achieve accuracy and fluency in oral calculations, transformations, and problem solving throughout all years of study at the middle and senior levels, in each lesson it is necessary to allocate 5-7 minutes for exercises in oral calculations provided for in the program of each class.

Oral exercises activate the mental activity of students and require conscious assimilation educational material; when they are performed, memory, speech, attention, and reaction speed develop.

If in grades 5-6 mental arithmetic involves performing operations with numbers: natural numbers, ordinary fractions, decimals, then in high school these can be completely different operations, the skill of performing which must be brought to automatism. For example, in mathematics lessons we use mental counting on the following topics:

1) Writing numbers in standard form and working with them.

2) Formulas for abbreviated multiplication.

3) Solving the simplest linear equations.

4) Actions with degrees.

5) Graph of a linear function.

1) Linear inequalities and numerical intervals.

2) Simple solution linear inequalities.

3) Solving quadratic equations using Vieta’s theorem and special cases.

4) Solving quadratic equations using rational methods.

5) Arithmetic square root and its properties.

1) Solving inequalities of degree 2.

2) Transformation of function graphs.

3) Reduction formulas.

4) Trigonometric formulas.

5) Values ​​of trigonometric functions.

1) Calculation of derivatives.

2) The simplest trigonometric inequalities.

3) Trigonometric formulas.

4) The simplest trigonometric equations.

5) Trigonometric inverse functions.

6) Transformation of function graphs.

1) Calculation of antiderivatives.

2) Properties of logarithms.

3) The simplest exponential equations and inequalities.

4) Protozoa logarithmic equations and inequalities.

Practice has shown that systematic work with mental calculations contributes to a significant increase in the productivity of calculations and transformations.

Part 2.2. The use of ICT in mathematics lessons in preparation for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam.

According to research, 1/4 of the material heard, 1/3 of what was seen, 1/2 of what was seen and heard, ¾ of the material remains in a person’s memory if the student is involved in active actions during the learning process.

Computer capabilities can be used in subject teaching in the following ways:

use of diagnostic and monitoring materials;

performing independent and creative homework;

using a computer for calculations and graphing.

The computer can be used at all stages of the learning process: when explaining new material, consolidating, repeating, monitoring, while for the student it performs various functions: teacher, working tool, learning object, collaborating team.

The use of information technology helps:

create positive motivation for the student to learn new material;

develop cognitive interest in the subject;

primarily consolidate students’ knowledge;

check the strength of knowledge acquisition.

In lessons for consolidating knowledge, it is good to use simulator programs to practice theoretical knowledge and develop practical skills.

Part 2.3. Methods of preparing for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam.

Prepare for exams on your own.

It is very important to prepare for exams on your own. This doesn't require much effort. There is no need to rush somewhere or ask someone. All you need is willpower. Sit down and solve KIMS to prepare for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam.

Experienced teachers advise children and parents to pay attention to this subject in advance, starting in the 5th grade. The first step is to visit the official FIPI page on the Internet. On the site, teachers, parents, and students will find a lot useful information. From there you can download demo versions of the OGE options in mathematics or independent studies? Many people think: “How to prepare for the OGE in mathematics?” Is it possible to do this on your own or do you need the help of a tutor? Only a student can answer this question based on internal sensations. But a parent’s perspective from the outside will also be useful. After all, every responsible parent knows which subjects are easy for his child at school and which are difficult.

If a future graduate does not have the opportunity to study with a tutor, then the question arises: “How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in mathematics on your own?” Don't panic. You can easily find everything you need to prepare on the Internet. First, download collections of training tasks. Secondly, search system Yandex, together with talented Moscow teachers, has prepared a project for Yandex Unified State Examination graduates. Here, children will find webinars and tests that will help them prepare well for the exam. Thirdly, to practice the topic, you can include video lessons on the YouTube portal, where teachers and children post their video materials with the solution of certain tasks. As you can see, it is much easier for today’s graduates to prepare for the exam, because on the Internet there are options for the OGE in mathematics for preparation. This factor greatly facilitates the fate of the examinee! Visual information Everyone knows that mathematics and algebra are subjects in which children need to memorize a huge number of formulas, expressions, and so on. You can write down the necessary information in a special notebook or purchase a special manual, where the necessary formulas for successfully passing the mathematics exam have already been selected and printed for you. The more often you look there, the faster the formulas will be remembered. Parents should special attention, understanding and sensitivity to children during this period. Keep the house quiet when your child is doing homework or preparing for an exam. In questions about preparation, do not show strict control, but natural curiosity, and also offer your possible assistance.

So, we have considered the question of how to prepare for the OGE in mathematics. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that preparation can be done independently or with the help of a tutor.

What are online distance courses?

Access to the educational environment around the clock;

Webinars from the best teachers;

Detailed analysis of all parts of the Unified State Exam;

Problem solving, analysis of typical errors;

Interactive entrance and final testing;

Testing on each completed topic;

Homework at the end of each lesson followed by review.

The preparation methods for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam used in secondary educational institutions are far from ideal. Therefore, it is offered on the Internet at choice several categories courses, from long-term, year-long, to weekly intensives. Thus, the long-term course is intended for those graduates who have the greatest problems with preparation and who need a lot of time to independently study the material for each lesson. During the long-term course classes are held at intervals of a week - during this time it is not problematic to master the material and prepare homework. Over the course of a year, long-term students courses receive theoretical and work on practical material in a volume sufficient to successfully pass exams, even if the student’s initial level of preparation was low. Express courses, as a rule, are chosen by those graduates who basically know the subject, but want additional practice in completing tasks different parts Unified State Exam.

Benefits of self-study

Minimum cost Money. The graduate needs to purchase educational material for himself. Classes can be held whenever possible.

The disadvantages of self-training include

There is no control over the correct completion of tasks.

If there is incomprehensible material, then there is no way to find out the necessary information. Due to the lack of control, as a rule, the effectiveness of preparation is low.

Tips for preparing for the Unified State Exam

However, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the graduate himself. If a student is focused on self-training, then by properly organizing classes, good results can be achieved. To do this, you can follow some tips:

Start preparing from the first days of autumn.

Put together a specific preparation plan, in which it is necessary to prescribe all aspects of training, taking into account that preparation includes simultaneous classes in several subjects.

Choose a time that is effective for you to study. During classes, turn off extraneous irritants.

Plan classes independently, do not study under pressure, that is, have internal motivation to prepare for the exam.

Dedicate a certain amount of time to preparation; classes should be systematic.

Prepare a specific plan for answering each theoretical question, put together supporting diagrams that will help you remember the material.

Not just memorize material mechanically, but build logical connections that will help you understand and remember the material.

Tutor assistance in preparing for exams.

Think about what exams you can prepare for on your own, where you need constant help from a tutor, and in what cases you could get by with separate consultations. Don't neglect what schools provide for free: sign up for relevant classes in the subjects; Don’t forget to train on the Internet trainer and look in reference books. Don't ignore your teachers, even if you see that they can't help you much. Believe me, even simple human support from school teachers can mean a lot.

The choice to study with a tutor should be conscious. In essence, a tutor is a personal trainer for preparing for the Unified State Exam. He helps, guides, inspires, shows special techniques, but he cannot become a champion for you.

It is worth noting that if the work on preparing for the OGE in mathematics takes place with a tutor, this means that it will be systematic. Can you also prepare for tests regularly without help?

If you know the subject well, but there are difficulties only in some topics, feel free to take tutors from among the school subject teachers who teach in high school - the topic of preparing for the exam will be closer to them. With them you can simply solve training tasks and pay attention to problem areas.

If you have big problems with the chosen subject, hire a good tutor with at least 10 years of experience - students and novice teachers will not be able to help you due to their little experience. A good professional will have time to go through the entire program with you from start to finish.

Remember: the tutor teaches - the student learns.

While studying, develop responsibility for mastering the material. Be active in class. Don't slack off on your homework. For knowledge to become truly yours, you need to pass it through yourself. Strive to ensure that knowledge becomes part of your worldview.

In addition to actually preparing for the Unified State Exam, ask your teacher to work through the basic terminology of the course with you. Very often, students simply do not understand what this or that word in a task means, and therefore find it difficult to complete the task itself. Keep a special notebook for questions and write down everything that causes at least minimal difficulties. The tutor is not a medium and is not always able to appreciate the depth of your ignorance. Don’t hush up the problem: if you don’t know what a logarithm or direct object is, you don’t understand how a participle differs from a gerund, or how the root of a degree is calculated, don’t hesitate to say so directly. You may have to go back to the basics - but that's okay. Your task is to clarify the essence for yourself.

If you do not understand the teacher's explanation, ask him to repeat it in other words. If you absolutely do not understand his style of presenting the material, look for another teacher. You need knowledge and as few gaps in it as possible. Among the tutors there is definitely someone who can help you.

Training takes place in comfortable conditions.

The tutor follows an individual pace that is most suitable for the student.

If the tutor is a university employee, then classes with him will be increased. Remember that your learning, your development and your admission is primarily your personal task, and not even the most brilliant tutor can force you to drink from the source of knowledge if you don’t want to.

Unified State Examination and Unified State Examination with the help of tutors

Organizing exam preparation work with the help of tutors has many advantages.

These advantages include

Preparation of an individual program for each individual student. The tutor must find out the level of knowledge of an individual graduate and, based on the results obtained, can constantly adjust his classes and preparation procedure.

Such classes are highly effective because tutors have the necessary literature and additional material.

From the tutor you can get information about the procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam, which will help you correctly navigate the exam itself.

The disadvantages of such training include

High cost of classes.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam includes the need to prepare for several subjects at the same time, which significantly affects the costs that students' parents are forced to pay for classes. It is necessary to pay not an individual tutor, but several at once.

Severe fatigue, lack of practically free time due to time spent on travel and classes.

It is not easy to find a professional tutor who can motivate the student to work, and will not just complete tasks for him.

3.Monitoring the quality of education.

One of the tasks that we solve in mathematics lessons is preparing students in grades 9 and 11 for final certification in a new form and in the form of a unified state exam, so we are trying to find ways to organize the educational process that will accelerate, intensify the development of students and At the same time, take into account the capabilities of everyone.

Particular attention in the process of the activities of the educational institution in preparing students for the Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination is occupied by monitoring the quality of training in the subjects that students will take in the form and using the materials of the Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination. Monitoring - tracking, diagnostics, forecasting of performance results, preventing improper assessment of an event or fact based on data from a single measurement (assessment). Monitoring the quality of education is a “monitoring” and, to a certain extent, control and regulatory system in relation to the quality of education.

Quality monitoring must be systematic and comprehensive. It should include the following parameters: monitoring of current grades in subjects chosen by students in the form of the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam, grades on tests, grades on independent work, the results of the trial intra-school Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam. The teacher analyzes them, brings them up for discussion at administrative and production meetings, and brings them to the attention of parents. Monitoring provides the ability to predict grades on the final Unified State Examination and Unified State Examination.

Analysis of the completion of OGE tasks in mathematics:


Elements of work

quality of points

Zharkov Andrey

Kovalenko Karina

Mezentseva Ksenia

Korshunova Anastasia

Kulichenko Evgenia

Schwartz Anna

completed (number)

Elemental analysis:


Failed (%)

Algebra module

Operations with fractions and decimals

Plotting real numbers on the number line

Approximate calculations.

Actions with degrees.

Working with charts. Establishing the dependence of a graph and a function

Solution of the equation.

Solving a word problem.

Diagram. Statistical characteristics of quantities.

Determination of relative hit frequency.

Reading the chart. Working with graphical numerical data.

Sequences. Arithmetic progression.

Fractional rational expression with given variable values

Application of mathematical calculations in solving a problem in physics. Working with the formula.

Solution of inequality.

Module "Geometry"

Finding the perimeter or area of ​​a rectangle.

Finding the angle of a rhombus inscribed in a circle.

Finding the distance from a point to the middle of a segment.

Finding the area of ​​a figure from a drawing.

Finding the angle of a triangle.

Theoretical questions in geometry.

Conclusion: In the next academic year, continue to work on preparing for the OGE in lessons, consultations and outside of class hours (in small groups and individually). Continue monitoring your preparation for the OGE in mathematics.

Stimulate cognitive activity students as a means of self-development and personal self-realization;

Use individualization and differentiation of student learning;

Students’ knowledge is monitored in the form of test tasks;

To cultivate in students a positive attitude towards learning activities;

To interact between family and school in order to organize joint actions to solve the success of learning and improve the quality of students’ knowledge.


Mathematics is an interesting and complex science, so no opportunity should be missed to make it more accessible.

The increasing role of mathematics in modern life has led to the fact that in order to adapt to modern society and actively participate in it, it is necessary to be a mathematically literate person. Mathematical literacy refers to students’ ability to:

recognize problems arising in the surrounding reality, formulate these problems in the language of mathematics; solve these problems using mathematical knowledge and methods; analyze the solution methods used; interpret the results obtained taking into account the problem posed; formulate and record the final results of solving the problem posed


1. Generalova N.S. Literature: a guide for preparing for the Unified State Exam and centralized testing. - M.: Exam, 2010.

2. Generalova N.S. Nikulina M.Yu. Literature: independent preparation for a single state exam. - M.: Exam, 2011.

3. Zinin S.A. Unified State Exam 2012. Literature. Federal bank of examination materials. - M.: Eksmo, 2012.

4. Denishcheva L.O. Unified State Examination in mathematics in 2016. [Text] / L.O. Denishcheva // Mathematics at school. - 2016. - No. 1.

5. Unified State Exam 2015 [Text] / Test measuring materials: Mathematics / L.O. Denishcheva, E.M. Boychenko, Yu.A. Glazkov and others - 2nd ed. - M.: Education, 2015. - 127 p.

6. Unified State Exam 2017. Mathematics. [Text] / Educational and training materials for preparing students / FIPI - M.: Intellect-Center, 2017. - 272 p.

7. Standard examination materials: O-39 36 options / ed. I.V. Yashchenko. - M.: Publishing house "National Education", 2018. - 240 pp. - (OGE. FIPI - school)

In this publication you can find advice from a practicing mathematics teacher on preparing 9th grade students to successfully pass the OGE in mathematics.

To successfully pass exams, ninth-graders need a certain preparation system.

When preparing students for the OGE, the teacher must:

  • develop self-control skills in students;
  • develop the ability to check the answer for plausibility;
  • systematically practice computational skills;
  • develop the ability to move from a verbal formulation of relationships between quantities to a mathematical one;
  • learn to conduct evidential reasoning when solving problems;
  • learn to build an argument when conducting proof;
  • learn to write down mathematical reasoning and evidence, paying attention to the accuracy and completeness of the justifications carried out.

Several interesting techniques are proposed:

Mandatory oral exercises and quick counting rules

Since the exam does not allow the use of a calculator, students need to be taught how to perform simple (and not so simple) conversions orally. Of course, this will require organizing the development of such a skill until it becomes automatic.

To achieve accuracy and fluency in oral calculations, it is necessary to spend 5-7 minutes in each lesson during all years of study to carry out exercises in oral calculations provided for in the program of each class.

Oral exercises must correspond to the topic and purpose of the lesson and help master the material being studied in this lesson or previously covered. The time required to perform operations such as solving quadratic equations, linear inequalities and 2nd degree inequalities, factoring, transforming irrational expressions and others is reduced. These operations move from the category of an independent task to the category of an auxiliary one and become a tool (“multiplication table”) for solving more complex problems.

A book edited by Lysenko F.F., Kulabukhov S.Yu. helps in organizing oral calculations. “Oral calculations and quick counting. Training exercises for the course of grades 7-11" (Rostov-on-Don: LEGION-M. - 2010).

Quick counting techniques are also important, such as:

  • squaring numbers ending in 5;
  • multiplication by 25, by 9, by 11;
  • finding products of two-digit numbers that have the same number of tens and the sum of their units is 10;
  • division of three-digit numbers consisting of identical numbers, to the number 37;
  • extracting the square root.

You can use the following benefits:

  • Rachinsky S.A. 1001 tasks for mental arithmetic at school.
  • Perelman Ya. Quick count. Within project activities I’m interested in working with students to compile reference books. This develops their individual abilities. Using the project method leads to the fact that repetition, and therefore preparation for exams, occurs gradually, as if “hidden”, but leads to solid knowledge and skills needed in later life.

In this case it is observed:

Project method for compiling reference books.

High degree of independence and activity of students.

Shifting the focus of learning from teaching to learning.

As the level of complexity of students’ activities increases, so does the level of creativity and quality of work performed.

By solving complex tasks for which there is no specific algorithm, the student develops his own independence and readiness to solve complex problems in real life.

An important part of project activities aimed at preparing for the OGE is the ability to complete large-volume tasks that require patience and attention.

Such qualities as responsibility, conscientiousness, the ability to complete the work started, to protect and defend one’s own opinion are formed. These qualities have always been respected and valued in society.

An example would be a project to compile a reference book combining the topics: “Quadratic equations”, “Vieta’s theorem”, “ Quadratic inequalities", "Quadratic function".

The use of group work in mathematics lessons in preparation for the OGE

Psychologists have long proven that people learn best what they discuss with others, and remember best what they explain to others.

Students, under the guidance of the teacher, create groups of 3-4 people.

Algorithm of student actions.

Mandatory level tasks (part 1)

Having completed the tasks of Part 1, compare the solutions with the answers and with each other.

They are working on mistakes.

They receive a different version of the tasks of Part 1 and complete only those tasks in which mistakes were made. Each group receives a task and prepares independently. At the same time, students do not know who will perform the task at the board.

Part 2 assignments

Representatives of each group solve the tasks in order, perhaps only those that they were able to solve.

The rest of the students check the assignments, ask questions, and evaluate. The whole group receives an assessment. Each group prepares independently during the week. The test is carried out on an elective basis.

Advanced tasks

The tasks at the board are completed by those students who have completed them independently.

At the same time, the rest have the opportunity to understand the difficulties encountered during the performance of these tasks.

If there are several students who have solved the task, then the test can be carried out in the form of a mathematical battle.

Special attention to geometry

When we conducted a trial exam in April, we found many papers with almost a lot of unsatisfactory grades in geometry. It is advisable to prepare reference books on the topics “Triangles”, “Quadrilaterals”, “Circle”. Then complete a set of tasks different types difficulties on these topics (take tasks from an open bank)

For example, on the topic “Circle” the following questions are considered:

  • The exam paper contains 8 geometry tasks. Since geometry in school is taught on a residual basis, special attention has to be paid to it.
  • With this approach, the number of tasks solved by students and checked in a group by each other significantly increases.
  • straight lines, segments and angles associated with a circle;
  • properties of inscribed and central angles;
  • angles between chords, tangents and secants;
  • properties of chords;
  • relationships between the lengths of chords, tangent and secant segments;
  • properties of arcs and chords, length of arcs and chords, area of ​​a circle and its parts;
  • relative position of two circles.

On the topic “Triangles” the following questions are considered:

  • signs of equality of triangles;
  • triangle inequality;
  • determining the type of triangle;
  • 4 wonderful triangle points;
  • theorem of sines;
  • cosine theorem;
  • area of ​​triangles;
  • signs of similarity of triangles;
  • inscribed and circumscribed triangles.
  • On the topic “Quadrilaterals” the following questions are considered:
  • inscribed and circumscribed quadrilaterals, their properties and areas;
  • parallelogram and its properties;
  • trapezoid and its properties;
  • rectangle, its properties and characteristics;
  • rhombus, its properties and characteristics;
  • square, its properties and signs.

Teacher's authority

A good result is obtained when the teacher stages a “dead end” in the process of solving a problem. In this case, students should be able to find the place where the “dead-end” option started, so that, returning to it, they can find another solution.

A very effective technique is for the teacher to demonstrate a mental search for a way to solve a problem. The teacher must be ready to reveal to the students the train of thought that he had when preparing for the lesson, even if these thoughts were incorrect. It is advisable to show students the whole picture of finding a solution, right down to showing their draft notes.

For this section it is recommended tutorial: Balayan E.N. "Geometry. Tasks on ready-made drawings for preparing for the State Examination and the Unified State Exam. 7-9 grades." It contains theoretical information on geometry for the basic school course and exercises in tables on all topics of geometry for grades 7-9.

If a teacher plans to conduct diagnostic testing on a specific topic (and this is reasonable), then the following principle must be observed: a correctly solved previous task prepares an understanding of the meaning of the next one. And I would also like to say about the trial OGE in April, which is carried out on the initiative of the Education Department , methodological center. The results are very low, since knowledge and skills have not yet become skills in solving mathematical problems. Then a negative comparison of the results on the real OGE and the trial begins. I think such a comparison is not an indicator for assessing the teacher’s work and the uncleanliness of exam papers. There are 1.5 months before the exam, and it is during this period that 9th grade students try to consolidate their skills and get ready for the exam. Moreover, this is the period when all the program material has already been fully studied; it is during this period that it is possible to fully work out individually those tasks that cause difficulties among students.

The transition to comprehensive testing is reasonable only at the end of the year (April-May), when all topics have been studied and students have accumulated a stock of general approaches to the main types of tasks.

We begin preparing for the Unified State Examination in 9th grade at the beginning of the year.

Working with parents.

In September we hold a joint parent meeting for students and their parents, at which we talk about the organization and conduct of the OGE in mathematics in grade 9 and how to prepare for the exam, To obtain high result, score the maximum number of points.

At the first meeting, we introduce parents to the regulatory documents, the structure of the exam, the changes that have occurred this school year, the procedure for conducting the exam, and the evaluation system.

We hold parent meetings once every quarter. Many parents and their children often have to meet and work individually.

When preparing for the OGE, you should know the specifics of the class and the level of knowledge in the subject.

To prepare for the OGE, I divided all students into 2 groups (or 3 groups), and assigned each one its own tasks.

Students who must cope with basic level tasks and get a “3” on the exam.

Students who need to cope with basic level and more advanced tasks.

1) must learn the whole theory;

2) learn to solve all types of basic level tasks;

3) do not cheat on assignments, tests and tests.

4) if you get “2”, then work it out (but no more than 2 times)

1) must learn the entire theory;

2) learn to solve all types of tasks on any topic in different ways;

3) be able to explain why you decide this way;

4) be able to solve problems involving equations, percentages, and progressions;

5) know the theory of geometry and be able to solve problems with parameters.

6) if you get “2”, “3” or “4”, then work it out (but no more than 1 time);

7) attend elective courses;

8) complete all additional tasks.

Conducting additional classes to prepare for the OGE:

  • consultations for weak students (solution of part 1);
  • consultations for strong guys (solving problems, part 2);
  • individual consultations

At the first lessons, I introduce students to regulatory documents and provide instructions on the rules for performing Kims. I introduce you to the content of the work and its features. In several classes, we complete tasks collectively, with a full explanation and writing on the board, and solve several tests (Part 1). At the same time, I try to introduce students to how to read assignments correctly and read the assignment question several times. I try to call each student to the board.

Systematic inclusion in oral work of tasks from the OGE open problem bank part 1.

Inclusion in the study of current educational material of tasks corresponding to examination tasks. At each lesson, we solve and analyze tasks not only from the textbook, but also tasks that correspond to the topic of the task from Kim.

Using KIM materials in homework.

During the first half of the year, I assign homework from the open bank of KIM assignments: 4-5 assignments from the option. Those tasks that caused difficulties are sorted out on the board.

Inclusion of examination tasks in the content of current control.

In control and test work I include tasks from the open task bank. I make sure that the guys work on the tasks in which they made mistakes (sometimes I have to work on the mistakes several times until the task is solved correctly).

During the final repetition and study of new material, starting from the 5th or 6th grade, the children filled out and used them in lessons and at home notebook for rules(each with its own notebook), where basic formulas, rules, etc. were written down. It helped in solving problems, and when systematically used in work, formulas and solution algorithms were remembered faster.

Carrying out thematic repetition throughout the year.

In the collections for preparation for the OGE there are many tasks on a specific topic, for example, “Equations”. When preparing for a lesson, the teacher has to look for assignments on this topic in different sources, which takes a lot of time. In addition, it is convenient to repeat topic material when the tasks are located in one place. The most optimal solution is subject tests.

To do this, from the tasks of the open task bank, you can create tasks based on prototypes (thematic tests) and fill out the table based on the test results:

etc. We are compiling the same table for geometry topics.

For each student, I collect folders with assignments, into which I gradually add thematic tests and demo options, trial exam papers that the students wrote.

Repetition of theoretical material in general lessons using computer technology.

Lessons using presentations are spectacular and effective in working with information. Especially if these are lessons in repetition and generalization of material on a certain topic. The presentation is visual and expressive; it is an excellent didactic and motivational tool that promotes better memorization of educational material. With its systematic use, learning productivity increases. With the help of a presentation, you can increase the volume of repeated material and work performed. In my work I use my own presentations and presentations created by colleagues and presented on various educational sites on the Internet:

  • Online teacher community
  • Creative Teachers Network
  • Festival of Pedagogical Ideas “Open Lesson”
  • Information and methodological site

We begin systematic repetition of educational material from the 4th quarter.

The final repetition can be based solely on practicing the skills and abilities required to receive a positive mark on the exam.

I take sample exam papers from various collections to prepare for the OGE (previous years and new ones with geometric material)

In addition, students can test their knowledge by solving sample papers online, as well as papers posted on the website of StatGrad and SdamGIA.

The use of computer presentations in mathematics lessons and in preparation for exams opens up enormous opportunities:

the computer can take over the function of knowledge control,

will help you save time in class for solving exam problems,

richly illustrate the material,

show moments that are difficult to understand in dynamics,

repeat what caused difficulties,

differentiate the lesson according to the individual characteristics of the students,

quickly repeat theoretical material.

These presentations are especially helpful for the final repetition of theoretical material in geometry. Part 1 of the work contains 5 geometric tasks. Particularly difficult are tasks of type 13, which contain a lot of theoretical material. Presentations help you clearly see the answers to questions.

According to research, ¼ of the material heard, 1/3 of what was seen, ½ of what was seen and heard, ¾ of the material remains in a person’s memory if the student is involved in active actions during the learning process.

Systematic work on filling out forms. There are many problems with filling out forms, therefore, the earlier students start working on them, the less likely they are to make errors in the form. In additional classes, we analyze all the mistakes that were made when performing diagnostic work. I draw your attention to the fact that each number and sign is written in a separate box, to the correct spelling of the numbers, to the fact that names are not written in the answers, they are not put in % signs, they are not given a decimal or improper fraction, etc. answers in notebooks and We write in the boxes on the board.

Solution large number tests. From the end of September, in the classroom, in additional classes and at home, you can distribute a large number of tests, preferably different options, for solving. Then check the answers and analyze those tasks in which an error was made.

You can start preparing solutions to the tasks of the second part from the 2nd quarter.

To do this, you can first use additional classes to which you can invite more prepared children. You can give homework from part 2.

Of course, preparing for lessons, consultations, and conducting additional classes takes a lot of time and effort, but if you organize your activities correctly and interest students in receiving positive assessment, then all the work done will bring the desired result.

There are no easy paths to science. But it is necessary to use all opportunities to ensure that children learn with interest, so that the majority of teenagers experience and realize the attractive aspects of mathematics, its capabilities in improving mental abilities, overcoming difficulties and successfully passing the exam.

Techniques and methods of preparing graduates for the Unified State Exam and State Examination

    Effective forms and methods in preparing for the Unified State Exam

Today, the Unified State Exam has become the only form of final certification of school graduates; in addition, Russian universities recruit applicants based on the results of the Unified State Exam. Therefore, most actual problem teachers began to provide high-quality preparation of students for the exam in the Unified State Exam format.

The optimal long-term option for preparing students is the partial inclusion of test and measurement materials of the final exam in test papers throughout the entire school course. In this way, students gradually become familiar with the requirements and structure of examination materials in test form, and get used to the wording of tasks and types of tests. The experience of many teachers in preparing students for the exam shows that all students who have good or excellent results in the subject during such preparation easily score well above the established minimum threshold during trial testing.

The test form of the Unified State Examination tasks obliges teachers to teach graduates the optimal strategy for working with tests:

    Self-control of time, since it is important to have time reserve for solving more complex tasks.

    Assessment of the objective difficulty of tasks and, accordingly, a reasonable selection of these tasks for priority solution.

    Estimation of the boundaries of the results and substitution as a method of verification carried out immediately after solving the task.

    Technique of spiral movement along the dough.

The test must be completed not only correctly, but also within the strictly allotted time. Therefore, it is necessary to teach students to correctly distribute work time. For this purpose, we carry out diagnostic measurements - small-format test work that involves mentally performing all intermediate actions and recording only the final answer. These sets of exercises can be used not only as independent work, but also in individual and group training, while weak students can write down the entire solution.

In order to save time on the exam, it is also necessary to teach schoolchildren how to count quickly and rationally. During consultations and individual lessons for students, there is a thorough analysis of common mistakes made by students during the Unified State Examination.

The computer form has not yet been introduced passing the Unified State Exam in subjects, but we all understand that soon there may be such an option for passing the exam, so high-quality preparation in any subject is impossible without the use of information and communication technologies.

Taking into account the individual knowledge and abilities of students, identified at the start of each academic year, each teacher tries to comprehensively implement several forms of distance preparation for the Unified State Exam:

    independent repetition of educational material and training in completing tasks using ICT

    on-line testing of students on trusted sites;

    individual and group consultations on difficult topics programs;

    discussion of tasks of increased complexity

Over the years of the Unified State Examination's existence, a large database of test tasks has been accumulated in many subjects, which can be used by teachers to systematize and monitor students' knowledge.

In addition, a database of links to network resources containing materials on all sections of the school curriculum has been collected and regularly updated. It is also important to create electronic diaries in our school, in which it is possible to remotely prepare graduates according to an individual plan

Monitoring of students' competencies upon completion of training is carried out in the form of internal rehearsal testing.

Such a test allows not only to identify the weak points of schoolchildren’s knowledge, but also to practically acquaint them with the procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam, with forms for registering answers and the rules for filling them out, and allows students to prepare psychologically for the testing procedure. Each graduate must have a personal Memo for successfully passing the Unified State Exam.

The above-mentioned form and methods of preparation for the Unified State Exam have confirmed their effectiveness in the final scores of our graduates on the Unified State Exam: the average scores in many subjects of our school students consistently exceed the district and even regional average scores, as last year. Of course, the students in the graduating classes are different, the level of knowledge, skills and abilities is purely individual, but I hope that the bulk of the class will confirm their annual grades.

    The concept of “stress” has become firmly established in our lives.

Stress is the negative feelings and perceptions that people have when they feel they are unable to cope with the demands of a situation.

1. Follow the basic rule: “Don’t waste time.” Before you start preparing for exams, you need to review all the material and put aside what you know well, and start learning unfamiliar, new ones.

2. Use your preparation time as efficiently as possible. Learn new and complex material at a time of day when you think well, that is, your productivity is high. Usually this is in the morning after a good rest.

3. Prepare a place for studying: remove unnecessary things from the table, conveniently arrange the necessary textbooks, manuals, notebooks, paper, pencils. You can introduce yellow and purple colors into the interior of the room, as they increase intellectual activity. For this, some picture in these tones or a print is sufficient.

4. Start preparing for exams in advance, little by little, in parts, while remaining calm. The composition of the plan for each day of preparation, it is necessary to clearly define what exactly will be studied today. It is also necessary to determine the time of training, taking into account the rhythms of the body.

5. It is necessary to return to difficult-to-remember material several times, review it for a few minutes in the evening, and then again in the morning.

6. It is very useful to make plans for specific topics and keep them in mind, rather than memorizing the entire topic completely “from” to “to”. You can also practice writing questions in the form of a short, abstract presentation of the material.

7. It is better to break the material to be learned into meaningful pieces, trying to keep their number to no more than seven. Meaningful pieces of material must be enlarged and generalized, expressing main idea in one sentence. The text can be greatly shortened by presenting it in the form of a diagram such as a “star”, “tree”, etc. At the same time, the perception and quality of memorization are significantly improved due to the greater imagery of the recording.

8. Retelling a text in your own words leads to better memorization than repeated reading, since this is active mental work organized by a goal. Generally speaking, any analytical work with a text leads to better memorization. This could be rearranging the material, finding paradoxical formulations for it, or bringing in a contrasting background or material.

9. Always, and especially when preparing for exams, take care of your health. At this time, you need to eat well and on time. Don’t forget about walks and sports activities, take breaks, and get actively distracted. Rest well - you need sleep. Never stay up late before an exam!

10. Do exercises every day that help relieve internal tension, fatigue, and achieve relaxation.

Exams are stressful for students, teachers and parents. It would be good to develop a constructive attitude towards them for all participants, learn and teach them to perceive the exam not as a test, but as an opportunity to prove themselves, improve their grades for the year, gain exam experience, and become more attentive and organized. What should a school psychologist do while preparing for exams? A psychologist can help create a positive emotional mood in schoolchildren for exams; reduce exam fears and anxieties; teach emotional self-regulation when taking exams.
The word "exam" is translated from Latin as "test". And final exams for eleventh-graders become tests, difficult and sometimes dramatic. After a short break, many young men and women are again subjected to testing their knowledge and skills - already at the entrance exams.
Of course, exams are a purely individual matter; a graduate or applicant finds himself face to face with the commission. And parents can only worry about their child, scold him according to Russian tradition, or try to support him from a distance. The adults have already done everything in their power.
It’s great if parents have the opportunity to pay for classes with tutors, but their help should in no case be limited to this. It is parents who can help their eleventh-grader use their time and energy most effectively when preparing for graduation and entrance examinations. The help of adults is very important, since a person, among other things, also needs psychological readiness for the situation of passing serious exams.
Agree that everyone who takes exams, regardless of their results, learns the most important science in life - the ability not to give up in a difficult situation, and, having failed, to take a deep breath and move on.

How to help prepare for exams (practical recommendations for parents)

Long before the exams, discuss with your child what exactly he will have to take, which disciplines seem most difficult to him, and why? This information will help you jointly create a preparation plan - which subjects will need to spend more time on, and which only requires repetition. Together with your child, determine his “golden watch” (“lark” or “night owl”). Difficult topics It is better to study during the rising hours, well-known ones - during the falling hours.
Read the list of exam questions. Feel free to admit to your child that you no longer remember very well most sections of biology, chemistry, or any other subject that he needs to prepare. Let him enlighten you on certain topics, and you ask questions. The more he has time to tell you, the better.
Agree with your child that the evening before the exam he will stop preparing, take a walk, take a swim and go to bed on time. The last twelve hours should be spent preparing the body, not knowledge.
Discuss the benefits and harms of cheat sheets. Firstly, the child will be interested in knowing your opinion on this matter (perhaps he will even be surprised that you also used cheat sheets and generally know what it is). Secondly, it is necessary to help the child understand that getting a cheat sheet only makes sense when he knows nothing at all. If he thinks that by reading the contents of the cheat sheet he will be able to get a better grade, it is not worth the risk. In any case, only a cheat sheet that is written in his own hand can help a person.
On a day off, when you are not in a hurry, give your child a rehearsal for the written exam. For example, take one of the options for introductory problems in mathematics from the reference book for applicants to universities. Agree that he will have 3 or 4 hours, sit him down at a table free of unnecessary objects, give him several blank sheets of paper, note the time and announce the start of the “exam.” Make sure he is not distracted by the phone or relatives. Stop the test when the time runs out, give the student a rest and check with him that the tasks are completed correctly. Try to correct errors and discuss why they occurred. Talk about the feelings that arose during the home exam: was it funny or uncomfortable, was it possible to concentrate on the task and not be distracted?
Make sure your child takes regular short breaks during preparation. Explain to him that resting without waiting for fatigue is the best remedy from overwork. It is important that the eleventh grader does without stimulants (coffee, strong tea), the nervous system is already on edge before the exam. Trying to concentrate on textbooks in the same room with a working TV or radio can also cause a lot of harm. If a student wants to work to music, there is no need to prevent this, just agree that it should be music without words. If your child received a lower grade than you would like, or completely failed the entrance exam, help him cope with this misfortune. Don't judge or mock him; instead, take the opportunity to understand the reason for the failure, discuss what conclusions can be drawn and what the proverbial "bad luck" means in this case. Newspaper “School Psychologist”, No. 7, 2003. Advice for parents.
1. Don't worry about the number of points your child will get on the exam. Instill in him the idea that the number of points is not an indicator of his capabilities.
2. Do not increase your child’s anxiety on the eve of exams, this will negatively affect the test result.
3. Provide a convenient place at home for studying, make sure that no one in the family interferes.
4. Help the children distribute the topics of preparation by day.
5. Familiarize your child with the methods of preparing for exams. Prepare different versions of test tasks in the subject and train your child, because testing is different from the written and oral exams he is used to.
6. While training on test tasks, teach your child to navigate time and be able to distribute it. If your child doesn’t have a watch, be sure to give him one for the exam.
7. Encourage children and increase their self-confidence.
8. Control your preparation for exams and avoid overload.
9. Pay attention to the child’s nutrition. Foods such as fish, cottage cheese, nuts, dried apricots, etc. stimulate brain function.
10. On the eve of the exam, provide your child with adequate rest; he should rest and get a good night’s sleep.
11. Do not criticize your child after the exam.
12. Remember: the main thing is to reduce the child’s stress and anxiety and provide him the necessary conditions for classes.
You can give some advice to teachers, as well as graduates, just advice!!!
Tips for teachers
1. Test technologies should be more actively introduced into the education system.
2. With their help, you can assess the level of student mastery of the material and develop their skill in working with test tasks.
3. Knowing the standard designs of test items, the student will not waste time understanding the instructions.
4. During such training, psychotechnical skills of self-regulation and self-control are formed.
5. It is advisable to carry out the main part of the work in advance, working out individual details when taking tests on the topics covered.
6. Psychotechnical skills will allow students to behave more confidently during the exam, mobilize themselves in a decisive situation, and master their own emotions.

Tips for graduates
Exam preparation
1. Prepare a place for classes;
2. Introduce yellow and purple colors into the interior of the room;
3. Make a lesson plan. First, determine whether you are a “night owl” or a “lark”, and depending on this, make the most of your morning or evening hours;
4. Start with the most difficult section, with the material you know the worst;
5. Alternate between classes and rest: 40 minutes of classes, then a 10-minute break;
6. Take as many different tests as possible on the subject.
7. Practice with a stopwatch in your hands, time the tests;
8. When preparing for exams, mentally paint yourself a picture of victory and success;
9. Leave one day before the exam to review the most difficult questions again.

On the eve of the exam
Many people believe that in order to fully prepare for the exam, only one, the last night before it, is enough. It is not right. You are tired, and there is no need to overwork yourself. On the contrary, in the evening, stop getting ready, take a shower, take a walk. Get as much sleep as possible so that you can wake up feeling refreshed and in a fighting spirit.
You must arrive at the exam site without being late, preferably 15-20 minutes before the start of testing. You need to have a pass, a passport and several (in reserve) gel or capillary pens with black ink.
If it's cold outside, don't forget to dress warmly, because you'll be sitting for the exam for 3 hours.

Before testing
At the beginning of testing, you will be given the necessary information (how to fill out the form, what letters to write, how to code the school number, etc.).
Be careful! The correctness of your answers depends on how you remember all these rules!
During testing
1. Skim the entire test to see what type of tasks it contains.
2. Read the question carefully to the end to correctly understand its meaning.

3) How to develop attention?

Have you already realized that the basis of memory is attention?!

Right! If there was no attention, we would not be able to remember anything. And if the quality of memorization directly depends on attention, then we must learn to manage it and even train it.

First, let's take a look at its properties:

1. volume;

2. concentration;

3. sustainability;

4. distribution;

5. switchability.

Attention span is the amount of information or objects that a person can remember at the same time. Each person's attention span is different, but it is believed that the average person can remember from 5 to 9 objects at the same time. You can also achieve best results. We will also learn this in the future.

Concentration is one of the most important properties of attention, since the quality of memorization depends on it.

Sustainability is one of key characteristics attention, which is associated with productivity and efficiency of mental work.

Distribution of attention is the performance of several actions in one period of time while simultaneously controlling several processes or objects. This quality is more significant in professional activities, for example, in the profession of an air traffic controller.

Switching attention is the ability of attention to switch from one subject to another.

Attention, like memory, needs constant training. All of the above parameters of attention should be developed. But the most effective thing in this direction is the development of concentration skills. Focus (concentration) depends on

1. good physical shape;

2. emotional attitude towards work and interest in its results;

3. availability of the base necessary to perceive new information.

Therefore, by fulfilling these conditions, we will help improve the ability to concentrate, i.e. improving memory quality.

Maintaining good physical shape is facilitated by sports, especially in the fresh air, proper nutrition, and avoiding the use of alcohol and tobacco. Do you remember that for the normal functioning of brain cells, oxygen and nutrients. Therefore, we make it a rule to take daily evening walks for 15-20 minutes and sleep in a well-ventilated room. Creating these conditions will not require much effort from you.

What about ensuring interest? After all, sometimes we have to study a subject that is not entirely our favorite. In this case, think about why you need the business you are going to do, what benefits await you in the end, i.e. create a motive. It’s more difficult to create an emotional mood. After all, this “thing” is absolutely individual, and it is unlikely that any single recipe will work.

The emotional mood in intellectual work depends both on subjective factors that can be eliminated by an effort of will (laziness, for example), and on objective ones that are in no way dependent on us.

But it happens that when performing specific intellectual work it is impossible to concentrate on the process.

Use one of the following methods:

1. Get some fresh air - spend 15-20 minutes in the fresh air.

2. Take an invigorating, cool shower.

3. Slowly drink a glass of cool water in small sips. This will give you strength and relieve mild fatigue.

4. Perform Hakini mudra. Connect the tips of your outstretched fingers right hand with the fingertips of the left hand.

This position of the fingers promotes the interaction of the right and left hemispheres, while providing access to the right hemisphere, where all information is stored. Moreover, this mudra has a positive effect on the breathing process, making it deeper, which also has a good effect on the functioning of the brain.

Hakini mudra can be practiced at any time to train your memory, when you need to concentrate on something or remember something you have previously read. One indispensable condition: when performing mudras, during any mental work, NEVER cross your legs!

If you urgently need to remember something, connect the fingertips of both hands, while raising your eyes up, and while inhaling, touch your gums with the tip of your tongue. As you exhale, return your tongue to its normal position. Then take a deep breath, and what you want to remember will immediately come to your mind.

Another objective factor that prevents us from concentrating is ignorance of elementary things that are basic for understanding new material. For example, you are reading a text while preparing for an exam, and you cannot force yourself to concentrate. Think - why? Don't understand the meaning of what you read? There may be two reasons for this:

1. You may not know some basic concepts, ideas or concepts. Therefore, the general content eludes you.

2. You simply do not understand certain words from the text of the article.

In the first case, you will have to spend time on what you have not learned before, and only then move on to complex material. In the second, it’s simpler: you write down the meanings of unclear words, make comments, i.e. create a glossary. Please note that today you can find a glossary at the end or at the beginning of many scientific texts.

And finally, one more technique that allows you to understand the meaning of a difficult-to-understand text.

1. Break the text into blocks (paragraphs, maybe even sentences).

2. Highlight unclear areas.

3. Read the block again very carefully.

4. Write down its contents in your own words.


1. You can and should learn to manage your attention.

2. Keep a notebook of effective techniques for developing attention and memory.

3. Use Hakini mudra in lessons, seminars, tests, exams, whenever you need to remember something. This is your magic wand!

Learn to plan your activities. You will discover a sense of purpose in yourself, achieve increased self-esteem, and be surprised at the number of things you accomplish in a week.

    Exercises to improve memory.

Exercise 1. (This exercise can be performed anytime and anywhere: for example, when reading a newspaper, magazine, etc.).

Look carefully at the drawing or photograph for 3 seconds. Then close your eyes and imagine this image in every detail. At the same time, you can ask yourself suggestive questions:

Are there people or animals in the image?

If yes, how can I describe them?

Are there plants? Which?

What can I remember from the objects shown in the picture?

Open your eyes and compare the picture you presented with its original.

Exercise 2.

Try to remember the following information. Write down what you remember. Try to spend as little time remembering as possible.

Write down the phone numbers that you remember as a souvenir.

Write the first and last names of your classmates in grades 1, 3 or 5, 9.

Write the names of the books that you have read so far Last year, and the names of the authors.

This task can be varied: for example, try to remember your friends' home addresses, postal codes, etc.

Exercise 3.

Underline all the letters A that you come across.


This exercise develops the ability to quickly grasp the necessary information.

Exercise 4.

Remember the list below. Close the text, write the list, following the same order.


Chickpeas (chickpeas)




Cleaning agent

Sunflower oil


Rye bread

Orange juice


Exercise 5.

You see the first and last letters of words in front of you. Write the remaining letters to make a word.













Maksimova Alena Innokentievna
Job title: teacher of Russian language and literature
Educational institution: MBOU Mar-Kyuel Secondary School
Locality: village of Mar-Kuel
Name of material: article
Subject: Methods of preparation for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam
Publication date: 29.03.2018
Chapter: secondary education

Methods of preparation for the Unified State Exam, OGE in the Russian language

Maksimova Alena Innokentievna

Teacher of Russian language and literature, 1st category, MBOU "Mar - Kyuelskaya Secondary School", Suntarsky ulus (district), Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Relevance of the topic is that currently

the main indicator of the successful functioning of a school in conditions

modernization of the education system is the high results of passing the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. In order for graduates to successfully

passed exams, it is necessary to identify students’ gaps and create favorable conditions and preparation methods for deep learning


Object of study: 9th grade students (2015, 2016, 2017) graduates of 2007, 2017, “Mar-Kyuel Secondary School”.

Subject of study: graduates’ achievements, monitoring.

Research hypothesis: if students pass exams successfully, then in the future this will affect their future life, will help

enter your favorite educational institution, become good specialists.

Goal of the work: identify an algorithm for preparing for the Unified State Exam, the Unified State Exam in the Russian language.

The main task of a Russian language teacher is targeted, systematic teaching of all types of various preparations for


IN educational activities it is important to focus on the development of cognitive and independent activity students.

It is impossible to solve this problem using old methods. All this requires teachers to develop their own teaching system aimed at










today's time

In the age of new information technologies, the work of a teacher has become more meaningful and accessible. There are various

materials, books, new information Technology, Internet. What makes a teacher’s work more successful and fruitful.

Work with students to prepare for the Unified State Exam should be carried out systematically. Every job has high results if it

carried out year after year more purposefully and deeply. More in-depth preparation for the main state certification begins in grades 8 and 10.

and complete these tasks correctly. Another important argument for high-quality mastery of the subject is compulsory work

with texts of various styles and types of speech. An analysis of the results of the OGE and the Unified State Exam in the Russian language showed that the most difficult for students

is that part of the tasks that is related to the text. Also, the guys do not know how to succinctly and clearly formulate the problem posed in

essays are arguments that have various problems. Then students learn to freely find the problem of the text, the author’s position,

learn to express their own opinion on this issue.

It is also required to write literary arguments on this issue. In that

The final essay, which students write as an admission to the Unified State Exam, helps; students also learn to reason freely about types of texts

various styles.

In the 11th grade, writing a final essay became the entrance to the Unified State Exam. This is the most labor-intensive work, because it’s no secret that children today

They don’t read classical literature. – In order to prepare for the final essay, starting from the 9th grade, it is necessary to write in a separate notebook.

write down the main themes and problems of each studied work of literature. Then students can easily find arguments based on

this topic in various directions. Arguments in all directions are written in advance. Only the structure of the introduction changes and

conclusions. And students automatically learn to write essays on a given topic clearly and coherently.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language is carried out throughout the entire period of its study at school, because, first of all, children

must master the content of the course and at the same time special skills that allow them to apply knowledge in various

according to the level of complexity of situations. Pupils from the 5th grade must be taught methods of self-control and self-examination. Then the students learn

independently analyze their own mistakes and learn to perform tasks correctly. It is necessary to systematically carry out various

tests and at the end of each lesson identify the most

difficult tasks and subsequently work on difficult issues. Starting from the 5th grade, students should develop certain

ideas about the general sections of the Russian language. And each section should have different tasks: gaming methods, creative work,

tests, written and oral reflections on the proposed topic.

There are always the weakest students in the class and individual work should be done with them, starting with easier tasks

gradually complicating them.

Conduct training at the end of each lesson.

Training is a group of simple, similar examples. If the student

answered incorrectly - he is shown a detailed explanation and given the next, similar task. And gradually the students learn

perform tasks automatically. Also, for better mastery of the subject, it is necessary to conduct a mini-

testing on the topic covered, then the knowledge is firmly and permanently consolidated.

Great importance is attached to this form of preparation for the Unified State Examination, such as completing online Unified State Examination, Unified State Examination and tasks included in

online lessons and simulators for the Unified State Exam, OGE. Here the subjective factor in assessment is canceled, it is checked by the system online and

is evaluated automatically. To complete tasks, much attention is paid to studying each task separately in each lesson.

For example, Task 1 and a deep theoretical and practical immersion into it. Rules for completing task 1 first with the teacher,

then on your own. During the first lesson, it is also necessary to monitor the completion of tasks, which student makes mistakes in exactly that

assignment and analyze mistakes in each lesson. With each subsequent lesson, students learn to perform data correctly and accurately

tasks. Monitoring the quality of knowledge in all subjects also makes it possible to identify the range of skills that need to be developed

Great attention was paid to quickly identifying gaps and responding promptly to them. On what task does the student make mistakes every time?

and learns to eliminate these mistakes.

Since the test is not a universal means of control, capable of covering all aspects of independent and

tests on the subject, it is necessary to carry out others that require a detailed answer, writing essays on various topics.

Children must freely express their thoughts and for this purpose work is systematically carried out from the 5th grade. First the guys write in

free themes. On topics that interest them. Then they gradually learn to write on topics given by the teacher.

Also, in order to improve their performance, students must be interested in the subject being studied and be motivated to study it.

subject. Due to the special significance Unified State Examination grades When preparing for exams, there is also a special approach to planning. Every lesson

takes place in clear, targeted training on this topic. Additional classes are also provided for weaker students.

motivated for high results.

And of course, teach how to manage time correctly. Right down to the fact that each task is clearly completed in minutes. Start off

need to start with easier tasks. Gradually moving on to the most difficult ones.

A special place in preparing for the final certification is occupied by working with parents. It is also given great importance. In many ways

depends on how familiar they are with the content of the exam and how highly they rate their own readiness for it. Parents

should become the teacher’s allies in preparing for exams. their task is to ensure that they create favorable conditions for

their children. Firstly, so that students strictly adhere to the school schedule, and secondly, ensure proper nutrition, Thirdly,

psychological situation in the home (home climate) of each student. They must understand the seriousness of the exams and be supportive and

support for your children. Parents can even try to pass the Unified State Exam themselves, so this year they felt like they were in their children’s shoes and

They came to take the Unified State Exam with their passports and gel pens. Parents should be invited more often to talk with the class teacher,


subject specialists,







parents to successfully pass the exam.

Algorithm for preparing for the OGE, Unified State Exam:

practice weekly in class the topics included in plans for individual work with low-performing students and

students motivated to achieve high results; conduct monthly verification tests at the end of each section of Russian

2) systematic (training is carried out consistently preparing students in various areas - information,

subject, psychological);

3) understanding of each task (individual approach to each student);

4) in order to prepare for the final essay, students start a separate notebook and write the problems of each text and arguments for

works being studied.

increase students’ motivation to learn, develop in them a responsible attitude towards mastering knowledge, skills,


6) ensure monitoring of the quality of students’ knowledge for each quarter;

Only in combination will all these techniques and methods help improve the quality of passing the OGE, Unified State Exam in the Russian language.

OGE results in Russian language

Students of 2014 - 2015 passed the OGE in the Russian language with 100% academic performance, quality 44.5%..

expressiveness (visual and expressive means of language), ways of expressing the main members of a sentence, rules for placing signs

punctuation in sentences with words and constructions that are grammatically unrelated to the members of the sentence, introductory words appeals and

clarifying isolated circumstances, are able to correctly identify grammatical bases in a sentence and the difference between complex compounds

sentences from complex subordinates, have an idea of ​​groups of coordinating conjunctions, are able to identify sentences with non-conjunction and conjunction

coordinating and subordinating connections.

Common mistakes

sentence with non-union and allied coordinating connections, methods subordinating connection in phrases, punctuation marks when addressing,

introductory words

Corrective action plan

analyze your mistakes and eliminate them yourself.

Students of 2015–2016 passed the OGE: academic performance - 100%, Quality 37.5%,

The topics have been mastered well: Students have mastered well semantic analysis of the text, lexical and syntactic means are well distinguished

The students conveyed the content of the presentation well, used techniques for compressing the source text, and all gave examples - arguments in the essay,

Students’ work is characterized by semantic integrity, verbal coherence and consistency of presentation. The works are characterized

compositional harmony and completeness; students have no errors in construction. Half of the students lack spelling skills,

punctuation, grammatical errors. There are no factual errors in the presentation of the material, as well as in the understanding and use of terms.

Common mistakes: spelling of suffixes of various parts of speech, punctuation for homogeneous and isolated parts of a sentence, complex

sentence with non-union and allied coordinating connection

Corrective action plan: Work with students in all sections of the Russian language, select the most difficult tasks and teach

complete these tasks flawlessly. Conduct individual work with every student. Teach each student independently

analyze your mistakes.

Students of 2016 – 2017 passed the OGE: academic performance – 100%, 62.5%

The topics have been mastered well: Students have mastered well semantic analysis of the text, lexical and syntactic means are well distinguished

expressiveness (visual and expressive means of language), types of subordinating connections in a phrase, ways of expressing the main members

sentences, know the rules for placing punctuation marks in sentences with words and constructions that are grammatically unrelated to members

sentences, introductory words of address and clarifying isolated circumstances, are able to correctly highlight grammatical bases in a sentence

and the difference between compound sentences and complex sentences, have an idea of ​​groups of coordinating conjunctions.

The students conveyed the content of the presentation well, used techniques for compressing the source text, and all gave examples - arguments in the essay,

Students’ work is characterized by semantic integrity, verbal coherence and consistency of presentation. The works are characterized

compositional harmony and completeness; students have no errors in construction. Half of the students lack spelling skills,

punctuation and grammatical errors. There are no factual errors in the presentation of the material, as well as in the understanding and use of terms.

Common mistakes: spelling of suffixes of various parts of speech, punctuation for homogeneous and isolated members of a sentence, vocabulary and


Corrective action plan: Work with students in all sections of the Russian language, select the most difficult tasks and teach

complete these tasks flawlessly. Carry out individual work with each student. Teach each student independently

analyze your mistakes and complete each task correctly.

Unified State Examination results in Russian language

Unified State Examination results in Russian language 2016 – 2017 academic year. year

Academic success 100%

Quality – 57.1%

The topics have been mastered well: Students are good at identify the main information contained in the text, observe grammatical and

syntactic norms of the Russian language, are able to distinguish between the spelling of derivative conjunctions, adverbs, prepositions, know punctuation in

compound sentence and simple sentence With homogeneous members, punctuation marks in a complex sentence, know well

types of text as a speech work. They are able to find the semantic and compositional integrity of the text, distinguish between figurative and expressive

means of the Russian language.

The students wrote a well-written essay - reasoning, formulated the problem of the original text, wrote comments on the formulated

coherence and consistency of presentation, accuracy and expressiveness of speech. Pupils adhere well to language and ethical standards.

Common mistakes: spelling of vowels in the root of a word, spelling of personal endings of verbs and suffixes of participles, spelling of not and nor with

different parts of speech, punctuation marks in sentences with isolated members, punctuation marks in sentences with different types communications,

functional – semantic types of speech. Description - narration - reasoning, lexical means of expression, means of connecting sentences in

When working on an essay-argument, the most mistakes were made in observing punctuation, language norms and in observing

factual accuracy in background material.

What else to read