What mushrooms are in November. Autumn mushrooms. A photo. At what temperature do mushrooms grow in autumn

November is very interesting species composition mushroom month. At this time (especially if November turned out to be warm), you can simultaneously meet mushrooms of all four seasons of the year.

If you are lucky, you will find mushrooms at the beginning of the month that are characteristic of the autumn, or even the early autumn and late summer seasons, or even in general. spring views. Late autumn and early winter mushrooms bear fruit throughout the month.

In general, in November things are the same with mushrooms as in India with predatory mammals: only there you can meet lions, tigers, bears and wolves at the same time.

A hike in the forest at this time can turn into the most interesting observations and finds.

A mushroom picker should be aware that a number of mushrooms complete their fruiting not in September, and not even in October, as many people think, but in November. At the beginning of the month, champignons complete their life cycle - ordinary (meadow) and forest (Agaricus campestris and A. silvaticus).

In early November, the well-known russula still grows in mixed forests - pungent caustic (Russula emetica) and valui (R. foetens). Until the middle of the month, their famous relative, spruce camelina (Lactarius deliciosus), continues to bear fruit in spruce forests. You can also find some puffballs, such as round goby (Calvatia utriformis) and pearl puffball (Lycoperdon perlatum).

Autumn rows continue to grow - purple (Lepista nuda), gray (Clitocybe nebularis), earthen (Tricholoma terreum).

On the roots of trees and fallen trunks until the middle of the month grows similar to autumn honey agaric and significantly (in my opinion) the scaly scaly (Pholiota squarrosa) surpassing it in taste.

In forests of various types, pink cystoderm (Cystoderma carcharias), false valuy (Hebeloma crustiliniforme), gray dung beetle (Coprinus atramentarius), dry money (Collybia peronata) and tree-loving (C. dryophila; it is also spring mushroom - this mushroom appears from May ).

Common and gray-pink mycenae (Musepa vulgaris and M. galericulata), oyster mushroom panel (Panellus serotina, for some time it was attributed to oyster mushrooms, and then separated), lentinellus (Lentinellus cochleatus), slit leaf (Schizophyllum commune) grow on various woods .

Brick-red (Hypholoma sublateritium) can often be found. Here is an example of an unfortunate title; How is that Guinea pig- and not a marine, and not a pig, and false honey agaric- and not honey agarics (honey mushrooms belong to the family of ordinary, and this mushroom belongs to the family of strophariaceae), and not false - the mushroom is quite edible, although it tastes bitter.

In pine forests, and especially in young pine plantations, sometimes completely covered with hoarfrost, and even snow, our loved ones stand in close groups, especially when in the marinade, granular and late oil (Suillus granulatus and S. luteus). Late marsupials also bear fruit - donkey otidea (aka donkey ears - Otidea onotica), autumn line (Gyromitra infula). Such mushrooms for which November is the time of completion life cycle, many more could be listed.

A separate group is made up of species that continue or just begin fruiting this month. Before the first snow falls, and often after it has melted, various hygrophores (Hygrophorus spp.) have time to appear and disappear - one of the latest autumn mushrooms. Some manage to grow even in early December.

The well-known and massively cultivated oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) is growing. The fallen snow only stops its development until the next thaw. This fungus waits out November and “goes into winter” - it is not afraid of frost, and in the thaw the growth of fruiting bodies continues.

November is the time of active appearance and development of Flammulina (winter fungus - Flammulina velutipes). Everywhere, in the forest and on city streets, on deciduous, and sometimes on coniferous trees bright orange clusters of these snow-frost-resistant and (I’m not afraid of such a word) super-delicious mushrooms appear. By the way, in Japan it is the number one cultivated mushroom.

And finally, as a highlight. If a real "mushroom picker's star" shines over someone's head, then in November he may be lucky enough to find white truffle(Choiromyces venosus). This mushroom grows underground at a depth of 6-10 cm, appearing very rarely on the soil surface. It can be detected only by barely noticeable tubercles, which, however, are always devoid of vegetation. But in the meantime, I found it, and more than once, it’s worth, as they say, just “fill your eyes”. Here's a tip for you: the white truffle prefers to settle first of all in young plantings of pine and spruce (you won’t find it - you’ll definitely collect butterflies); less common under hazel bushes and in pure birch and aspen forests.

I declare the closed mushroom season 2016 open! After a night frost of 6 degrees, and a blizzard for a week, there were snowdrifts, like in a fairy tale for 12 months, And now everything has melted, and I went into the forest for snowdrops! Well, not exactly for flowers, but for mushrooms from under the snow)). There is still snow in the forest in the lowlands, but the mushrooms do not know about it! They dance around in circles! There are smoky talkers, and purple rows, and Polish mushrooms, and honey mushrooms, and more different mushrooms many inedible and even poisonous!. I always photograph only those mushrooms that surprised me or liked me. Therefore, I did not photograph talkers and rows. And there are many. They stand in long rows, no one collects, everyone thinks that there is nothing in the forest and they do not go for mushrooms. So today my forest! Just me and the boars. And the birds sing, and the pines sing their eternal song of the winds.

1. Mushrooms are just starting to appear. That will be fun in a week! But they are not destined to grow up. Weather forecasters promise frosts in the near future.

2. Under the leaves, they hide from the cold, and grow to themselves, as if nothing had happened! Mushrooms, have you forgotten that it's already the end of November?))

3. It is very interesting to collect them. Honey mushrooms grow in small groups, If you find one, look at both! There is a whole clearing under the leaves and needles!

Some of the older ones are a little cold.

5. But this did not make them worse)))

6.Bright yellow deer horns. Poisonous. Edible only those that have color, like honey mushrooms. Such a nondescript one.

7. Well, Polish mushrooms have climbed! All with long legs, as a selection! Look at photo-- small, but the moss is high! And the legs are very long and strong.

8. Boars know their job! We plowed the whole forest in search of acorns. Do not look for wild boars here. They ran away. They are afraid of me.

9. Light mushrooms with long thick legs from birth --- special species of mushrooms, found only in one place in the Vitkovsky forest. I have never seen these anywhere else, and no one sold them on the market. So there aren't any in the area.

10. Large mushrooms in open areas froze, of course.

11. These beautiful yellow flowers have a gelatinous consistency. It's called the orange shaker. And they are edible! Soups are made from them. Ugh. Honestly))

12. These are also edible. The ears are called Yes, well, them. Is there nothing to eat? Let them grow in the forest, and so the basket is already full))

13. In the group of mushroom pickers on Facebook, people write that they collect them. But I don't risk it. What if it’s not ears, and they don’t look very good))

14. And here are the mossiness mushrooms - even very much! Fleshy, hard, elastic!. I brought it home - not a single one was wrinkled! They also have a large and long leg. This is a feature of all winter mushrooms))) Bury deeper into the ground, under a layer of leaves, and only put a hat above the ground.

15. The boars left, leaving their monument --- the head of a boar. Such a stump.

16. Here in such a forest I picked mushrooms today. Village New Vitkov. Lviv region

17. Amanitas are full in the forest, but there are no white mushrooms. Not fair. After all, they say that whites and fly agarics have the same conditions and time for growth.

That's it. See you soon!

Autumn is the ideal time of year for picking mushrooms, as more dew forms at night and the soil layer becomes moist. Under such favorable conditions, boletus and birch boletus begin to grow from under the ground in huge numbers. It is in autumn that you can harvest a rich harvest of forest gifts, make preparations for the winter. So what mushrooms grow in October? During this peak period, you may be lucky enough to collect a lot of oyster mushrooms and porcini mushrooms. Consider all types of autumn mushrooms, their distinctive features and rules for safe harvesting.

Forest all over autumn time stands in silence, only under your feet you can hear how the fallen leaves rustle. If absent very coldy at the beginning of the month, it will be possible to find boletus, porcini mushrooms in the forest that hide in the grass and bushes.

At the first severe frost, which occurs in this month, such instances disappear. However, when the heat returns, it is possible to find other equally tasty forest trophies:

  • boletus;
  • mushrooms;
  • flywheels.

The king of the forest is polish mushroom. If weather conditions are good, it appears en masse. This variety is easy to clean, especially tasty.

You can count on a good harvest by collecting autumn mushrooms, which grow in large numbers at this time. Their appearance begins at the end of summer. Mushroom season may end in December.

Most mushroom pickers stop doing their favorite thing due to the departure of popular specimens. Also this month, it is likely to find many other mushrooms that are not inferior in taste to the more popular ones.

Collection of forest gifts

The autumn month is rich in forest gifts. What specimens can be found when coming to the forest?


At the beginning of the month, mushrooms are noticed that live in spruce and pine forests. Moreover, porcini mushrooms grow the longest in October in pine reindeer moss. Their development resumes after the passage of frost, but the specimens freeze hard. Such a mushroom, liquefied with water, is suitable for consumption. Mushrooms are less and less common in autumn, but they can really be found in sunny glades.


Prolongs its growth and late oiler, which has a membranous ring on the leg. Outwardly, a mushroom with a 12-centimeter hat and a tubercle in the center, brown. It has a dense yellow flesh, the skin is easily torn off, sticking to the hands. The leg is medium, smooth to the touch, solid. The habitat of the butterdish is pine forests.

Black milk mushrooms

It is possible to find a black mushroom. It is found in mixed forests. The breast is dark greenish in color, with a hollow, small leg. He hides under the withered leaves. If you find one, you can also find neighbors. If it is salted, it will have an excellent taste and a dense structure.

umbrella mushrooms

Sometimes you can find a mushroom delicacy - this is a colorful umbrella. Of course, in October it is of a different variety and is presented as a blushing or shaggy umbrella.


The mushroom grows until late frost. Its color is like the yolk of an egg. The continuous stem flows smoothly into the hat. Young chanterelles have a convex hat, more mature ones have a funnel with wavy borders on it.


Mushrooms continue their growth in autumn. It does not end even after frost. In summer and in the first month of autumn, mushrooms are damaged by moss, but in October they are clean, dense in structure. Habitat - pine and spruce forests.


Pine and forests of mixed type in autumn are rich in the harvest of bitters, which do not die after the first frost. The mushroom has a red-brown funnel-shaped hat with dry skin. Bitters emit a white, bitter, caustic juice, so they need to be soaked for a long time, constantly changing the water. Often they are salted.


The blushing row is crowded little known mushroom. Variety likes mixed forests, grows where there is a lot of sawdust. On pine stumps, rowing occurs throughout half of October. By the end of the month, she disappears. These instances always grow in a heap, big family. Harvest - about 100 pieces. The variety has a smooth, dry skin. The hat is brown with a dark tint in the center. Small mushrooms with wide plates white color, mature - with a yellow tint.

There are also other varieties of rowing, which are very much more common after October 15th. Some of them tolerate cold well, so they can be harvested until the end of the year.

If the frost has not hit hard, the gray and green rows are not afraid of it, sticking out their hats from under the needles, the moss area in the middle of the pines, from the sandy ground.

These are the same mushrooms that can be purchased on the market, only wild ones. Often, oyster mushrooms are very saturated gray shade compared to self-grown specimens. They grow by the end of October, located on dead tree trunks.


This type of mushroom can be found throughout October. The place of their growth is pine forests, beaches. Zelenushki are tasty, have pale yellow flesh, with green skin and a dark middle. The leg is low, solid, yellow color almost always covered with sand. The hat of the greenfinch is convex, there are waves along the edge. After cooking green color the fungus is preserved.

Honey mushrooms

The yield of mushrooms is in 1st place compared to other mushrooms. They meet near the most unpredictable places. More often than not, these are fallen deciduous trees and kick. Honey mushrooms grow fat. They can stick around even an old stump.

Collection rules

When collecting forest gifts, you should remember the precautions. It is necessary to be able to distinguish between mushrooms: those that are allowed to eat, from those that are life-threatening.

For example, you can randomly collect a basket of dung beetles. Combining them with alcohol, it is possible to cause severe intoxication of the body.

Do not forget about the risks of collecting poisonous specimens. This time of growth of a large number false mushrooms, despite the fact that they are very difficult to distinguish from the real ones. It is also possible to easily put a pale grebe in the basket.

Therefore, after returning home, you need to carefully review the collected gifts.

At the slightest suspicion of the inedibility of the mushroom, it is better to throw it away.

Autumn mushroom picker calendar

Those who like to pick mushrooms should have a calendar and a gift guide. By comparing them with each other, it is easy to understand which mushroom can be found in a given period. As weather vary, each variety has its own growth period.

Autumn calendar.

  1. September is good month, as various summer mushrooms continue to appear, while autumn varieties grow massively. In the second half of the month there are honey mushrooms, volnushki, pigs, boletus, whites.
  2. October - the second half of the month says the end mushroom season, the calendar can be postponed until next year. After the 15th, the air temperature drops to 5 degrees, frosts begin at night. Although you can still find young mushrooms that have been preserved under the leaves, as well as mushrooms, volnushka, whites.

October is open for picking a lot of mushrooms. It all depends on climatic conditions and growing areas. The main thing is to put only edible mushrooms in the basket.

The first serious autumn frosts, as a rule, discourage mushroom pickers from walking into the forest with a basket. The season is closed! However, if the frosts are followed by a thaw, as happened this October, the residents Leningrad region there is every chance even in late autumn to please yourself with a “quiet hunt” and diversify the menu.

A week without night frosts made us, who moved for a while to a village near Luga, seriously think about resuming our favorite summer activity - mushroom picking. And the outstanding warm day with the sun, somehow not at all like autumn shining from a cloudless sky, literally forced us to follow our old mushroom paths. It cannot be said that they somehow especially counted on success, but what if?

Already the first steps through the forest brought confidence that our hopes were not in vain: among the abundance of frost-beaten and sour from the rains bittersweet there were mushrooms, the age of which was clearly less than a week, i.e. they grew after the frost. These were and russula, and young fly agaric- here it was not their suitability for food that was important, but the very fact of the probability of the appearance of fruiting bodies on the mycelium after night frosts.

On the sandy hillocks were found in abundance greenfinches(otherwise they are called brilliant greens, and if we speak the language of science, then this mushroom is called). Strong, wonderful color, they were located on the slopes with whole families. The earth or white moss rises with a tubercle - look for brilliant green. This mushroom grows most often in pine forests, less often mixed with pine forests, mainly large groups. The hat of the brilliant green is first convex, then flat, often with a wavy raised edge, sometimes cracking; dense, smooth or slightly scaly, yellowish-greenish, olive-brown in the middle. The pulp is well developed, dense, white or yellowish, of pleasant taste, without any special smell. Those who ate them assure that the mushroom is very tasty. Zelenki pickled, salted, canned. At the same time, they complain, however, that there is too much sand in these mushrooms. However, there is a way to get rid of this trouble by soaking brilliant green for a couple of hours in salt water, and then thoroughly washing them with running water. Let's say right away - we did not begin to collect greens, because we had never tried them and at the time of the walk through the forest we were not even sure of their edibility at all. This evening, after chatting with neighbors, we found out that these mushrooms can not only be used for food, but they are also useful: firstly, they contain anticoagulants that prevent blood clotting, and also have a slight antimicrobial effect.

The ability to fight microbes is different and fox, which we also managed to find in the forest. There were quite a few foxes. They preferred to hide in the moss and, due to their relative youth, did not yet have time to reach large sizes. Finding a fox is always a joyful event, but in the slightly faded October forest, its bright color was especially pleasant.

Closer to the most favorite places, in the summer in abundance pleasing us with porcini mushrooms, they began to meet. Their appearance was not so hot - most often they became limp from the past rains with all the ensuing consequences. At the same time, they remained absolutely clean, since, apparently, neither worms nor mosquito larvae are no longer found at this time of the year.

However, I did not want to collect the sour oil. I wanted to find whites, although it was already clear that they were unlikely to be in the same “good shape” as summer or September.

White found. A total of 9 pieces. They looked rather exhausted - apparently, the appearance on White light after the frosts, it was still difficult for them. The hat had some kind of shabby appearance, with inconceivable tubercles and small pits, the biological meaning of which remained incomprehensible. Their cleanliness somehow did not particularly please them, because anyway they were somehow watery, but not at all as strong and vigorous as they should be.

In general, porcini mushrooms are something magical. We can only express solidarity with the opinion of Igor Lebedinsky, who maintains an entire site on the Internet dedicated to mushrooms, and who literally said the following about white mushrooms: “You can write a novel about white fungus. To write, but not to write: the porcini mushroom will still not fit into the framework of the novel. beautiful mushrooms a lot, but where else can you find such a mushroom, near which you want to sit down and die in peace, because nothing will be better? It's easy with white. You just have to find... Porcini- the antipode of the pale grebe. The toadstool breathes aesthetics, the toadstool is impeccable in every detail ... but for some reason it does not please. (Although, of course, it is clear why). White fungus is a completely different matter. Not always correct, not too elegant, simple. Like Lenin".

Our autumn whites did not quite correspond to this, on the whole, a very fair characterization. It would be superfluous to die near them. But on palatability their certain autumn “dilapidation” was not reflected in any way, we, in any case, did not notice. Summing up the results of the campaign, one should say this: there are a lot of mushrooms in the forest both before frost and after the first frost, and as literature data show, you can find them even under the snow. Of course, these will not be white or even chanterelles, but representatives of the same Ryadovkov family, to which Zelenka also belongs. It's about pimples. Here is a wonderful story told by one of the inquisitive mushroom pickers:

“It happened on January 6, 1995, when we gathered to celebrate Christmas in the Kukhmar tract, not far from Pereslavl-Zalessky. We are teachers who have been working together in a computer camp for several summer shifts. The preparation of the festive dinner was accompanied, as usual, by memories of the summer months spent together.

Oh, here would be another mushroom soup ...
“What are you talking about,” I replied. - Let's do it!
- No, from dried mushrooms- that's not it anymore. That would be fresh.
- So, we'll make it fresh. Everyone present looked at me intently...
- Maxim, do not joke, do not poison the soul. Waist-deep snow in the forest!

It all ended with a grand bet on a bottle of cognac: if I can gather mushrooms and cook soup today, the sixth of January, my cognac, if not, I lost. In the evening to festive table soup was served fresh mushrooms. I won the bet. It’s just that my programmer friends didn’t know about winter mushrooms that are found in our country and are not at all so rare. Only you need to look for them not on the ground, under the snow, but on the trees.

One of our most common winter mushrooms is Winter honey agaric (Flammulina velutipes Sing.). It belongs to the extensive Ryadovkov family ( Tricholomataceae). Many others belong to this family. known species mushrooms - autumn (or real) honey agaric and meadow agaric; appearing in autumn in our deciduous forests rowing is purple, and in pine forests - rowing is green (greenfinch); pigs, govorushki, money, garlic. The fruiting bodies of winter mushrooms appear late in autumn with a decrease in air temperature and an increase in humidity. The mass development of this fungus lasts after snowfall until the onset of stable frosts. Then, throughout December, January and February - until March - the fungus continues its development: frozen mushrooms thaw during the thaw period and continue to grow and form viable spores.

Only with the onset of early spring, the fruiting bodies begin to turn brown, shrink and die. At this time, they are already inedible. According to its taste and nutritional qualities, winter mushrooms belong to the fourth category (we remind you that the highest food category is the first, which includes porcini mushrooms and mushrooms). However, it appears in significant quantities when other edible mushrooms no longer exist. With it, you can do everything that they do with other mushrooms - cook soup from it, salt, dry, marinate. From the false honey agaric, the winter reliably differs in the color of the plates on the bottom of the cap - they are yellowish-white in it (this can also be seen in our photo), while the false honey agaric has greenish plates. However, you can safely collect winter mushrooms and not be afraid to get poisoned - false, inedible or similar to it. poisonous mushrooms it just doesn't happen this time of year. (Information from the site

Today, mushrooms can be found in different places (forest, meadow, garden, park, hedge or bush). They are found both in mountainous areas and in river valleys. They grow in industrial centers, on city streets, on the territories of factories, near garbage dumps and even deep underground - in mountain mines. Therefore, late autumn mushrooms are very common.

It so happened that with the onset of the first autumn frosts, mushroom pickers stop visiting forests with baskets in their hands. When autumn comes, the season is considered closed. But one should take into account the fact that the thaw following the frosts gives lovers silent hunting another opportunity to enjoy your favorite dish.

Formation fruiting body is directly dependent on the weather. The growth process and the number of fungi are affected by humidity and air temperature. It should be noted that the periods large quantity rainfall are quite favorable for mushroom pickers. Mushrooms do not like dry autumn very much.

When the October and November fogs stand like a wall around the clock, and the air already smells of frost, it's time for the last mushrooms, among which there are a lot of edible specimens.

Types of late mushrooms

Mushroom pickers allocate a large number of mushrooms that grow in late autumn. It is worth considering the most popular and delicious of them.

Autumn line

The popular names of the mushroom in question are autumn lobe, horned line, inviolable gyromitra and smarzhok. The line is quite beautiful and unique, it is difficult to confuse it with any other relative. Its growth begins in August and ends at the end of October. He loves autumn, but under the condition of wet and cool weather, the mushroom may appear as early as mid-July.

Stitch loves coniferous forest, soil and rotting wood, moisture, forest edges, fire pits, clearings. Small groups can be found on fallen trees between moss. But it also happens that hundreds of copies are placed in a small area, but their size is quite small.

The hat ranges from 5 to 10 centimeters. Its color is brown to brown-black, and the surface is velvety. The leg can grow up to 11 centimeters. It is flattened on the sides, often hollow, slightly curved. It has longitudinal grooves and a white or pinkish tint. But brown or gray color is not excluded.

The line has a brittle, cartilaginous type of white flesh that is wax-like and does not have any flavor. It cannot be called very tasty. In addition, raw, it is quite poisonous to humans, so you should take it seriously. The most important thing is to weld the line before frying it, and be sure to drain the resulting liquid. Mushroom pickers try to infrequently eat lines, because this threatens health problems.

Other names: autumn or alder oyster mushroom, late panellus, willow pig. Growth begins from the end of September and continues until permanent snow appears on the soil and the air becomes frosty for a long time (November - January). Mushrooms like to be located on trees, stumps, in deciduous or mixed forests. They grow in fairly large groups.

The hat can have a diameter of up to 16 centimeters, and if we talk about its shade, they are varied: gray-olive, yellow, blue-brown, dirty green, gray, purple. In frost, the hat often turns dark yellow or slightly red.

The leg grows up to 4 centimeters long and has a cylindrical shape. In addition, it is curved, tilted to the side. It has small scales on it. The color ranges from greenish-brown to brown. The top of the leg is somewhat darker than its lower part.

The mushroom has a dense pulp of a loose texture, which can be fleshy when high humidity and becomes very hard with age. Mushroom pickers prefer to collect oyster mushroom immediately after its growth, because after a while it hardens. This period falls on late autumn. Soups are prepared from the mushroom, fried and salted. If you had to cut a ripe oyster mushroom, then it is better to peel off the skin from it and boil it a little longer. It is worth considering that frosts make the mushroom less tasty, but it does not lose its edibility.

winter tinder fungus

This mushroom has a 10-centimeter hat covered with small villi. Over time, it becomes naked, rough, scales appear on it. The color of the cap is brown with yellow, the edges are fringed. The stem of the mushroom grows up to 3 centimeters in height and has an eccentric, lateral or central shape. The shade of the stem is identical to the hat, but its base is rather dark.

The tubular coating of the tinder fungus is white or yellow, and when it dries, it turns brown. The pulp has a white tint. Spores are also light, ellipsoid, spindle-shaped, smooth. The tinder fungus grows on branches, stumps, tree trunks. The fungus prefers autumn, spends the winter on a tree, and scatters spores by spring.

winter honey agaric

In another way it is called flammulina velvety-legged or. Its hat is small - from 3 to 9 centimeters, but there are specimens with hats bigger size. On a young mushroom, it is round and convex, but over time it becomes prostrate and turns orange or Brown color. The hat is covered with mucus, and when it dries, it glistens.

Under the hat there are rare plates that are connected to the stem. They are yellow-white or cream, darkening considerably with age. If we talk about the leg, then it grows up to 7 centimeters in height and up to 1 centimeter in diameter. Its shape is called cylindrical, and the color is yellow at the top and red or brown at the bottom. The stem is always slightly velvety in character and dry in type.

The pulp has no taste and smell. It is light yellow, hard towards the bottom, and near the cap is somewhat softer. Mushroom can be safely eaten, because it is classified as an edible type.

deer mushroom

It has a small cap, which is initially convex, and then flat and smooth. Dimensions reach up to 14 centimeters. Its color is gray-brown or brown. The plates are always wide, with a white tint. The stem is identical in color to the hat. The spores are pink and the flesh is tasty and aromatic.

Crowded row

Refers to late autumn mushrooms. Her hat is large - up to 10 centimeters in diameter. In a young mushroom, it is slightly spherical, and in a mature one, it is half-spread, wrapped up, wavy or covered with cracks. Found in one bundle various forms hats.

The row is painted in a light brown shade, its surface is smooth with adhering earth. The flesh on the cap is thickened, light and has a specific smell. This explains the fact that rowing is rarely eaten.

The stem reaches 9 centimeters in height and 1 centimeter in width. It has a cylindrical shape and is thickened towards the bottom. Sometimes it twists, deforms and grows together with neighboring mushroom legs. Its color can be white or brown. The leg is always smooth with firm and fibrous flesh.

It also has other names: smoky govorushka, smoky gray, row. All these names came from the fact that the fungus has a certain coating, which somewhat obscures it.

The hat here is quite large - up to 13 centimeters in diameter. Its shape is hemispherical, and the edges are tucked to the bottom. The color can be dull gray or ash. It darkens a little high humidity. The surface is matte, velvety.

The leg of the govorushka is similar to a cylinder and thickened at the base. Height up to 15 centimeters. Earth or fallen leaves often stick to it. The plates are light and fall on the leg. The pulp is also light with small fibers. The smell of the govorushka is special, similar to a flower.

The mushroom is conditionally edible and is often harvested and eaten. But you should not completely exclude possible poisoning that can be caused by the components that make up the talker.

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