Modern approaches to organizing the preparation of students for the OGE in mathematics. “The use of modern teaching methods in preparation for the OGE in Russian.”docx - master class “The use of modern teaching methods in preparation for the OGE in Russian


From the experience of working as a teacher of Russian language and literature

on the topic: “Preparation of students for the OGE in the Russian language”

To be good

teacher, you need to love what

what you teach, and love those to whom

you teach.

V. Klyuchevsky
The Unified State Exam is a serious step in the life of every graduate, requiring thoughtful

choosing your future, and generalizing knowledge on the subject, and the ability to organize

their work, even despite the demands of some parents to cancel the Unified

exam, today State State Examination and Unified State Examination are an objective reality with which it is necessary

a stand is being set up in recreation
, reflecting general information, related to the Unified State Exam and State State Examination in the Russian language, the stand also presents demonstration versions of KIMs from previous years, instructions for completing the work, instructions for filling out forms, recommendations for graduates, a list of references and website addresses.
Educational training.
I think the key point in preparing for the State Exam and the Unified State Exam is

This is a general notebook in which students from the 5th grade write down the material being studied in the form of diagrams, tables, and supporting notes. Moreover, we mark the topics included in the State Examination and Unified State Examination in the margins. Thus, by the 9th grade, children have a complete set of materials on the main topics of the school curriculum. This technique allows you to have all the information in one place and at the same time makes it possible to quickly find the desired section. Testing as a new form of examination accumulates its experience and requires preliminary preparation. Due to this
I am actively introducing test technologies into

educational system starting from the 5th grade.
I use testing technologies at the stages of learning new material, consolidating, generalizing and testing knowledge. I use different types of tests: with and without choice of answers, with a detailed answer, for correspondence, for filling in the blanks, for establishing truth or falsity. Internet testing, the all-Russian game-competition “Russian Bear Cub - Linguistics for Everyone” also contribute to the introduction of test technologies and provide significant assistance in preparing for the Unified State Exam. From the 5th grade, students keep their own dictionary-reference book, where they write down not just rules, but systematize the acquired knowledge into tables, and develop reasoning algorithms based on them. But still, students purposefully begin to prepare for the One state exam only in grades 10-11, and for GIA in grades 8-9. At the first Russian language lessons in the 8th grade and in the 10th grade, I introduce students to the form conducting the Unified State Exam and State Examination Inspectorate, its goals and objectives, forms and KIMs, evaluation criteria and a system for converting points into grades. I immediately show reference books, dictionaries, manuals that can help students prepare independently for the Unified State Exam and State Examination, show CDs and recommend to schoolchildren what Internet resources they can use. In the first week of September I spend diagnostic test for a course for grades 5-9, which allows you to identify problems in the field of spelling, punctuation, and language theory. Diagnostic work is also carried out for the children themselves, so that they look at their gaps in knowledge, so that they come to the conclusion about the need for serious preparation for the Unified State Exam, not only in class, but also in independent homework. Diagnostics is also necessary for the teacher, since after analyzing the work I identify a group of students with high, average and low levels of preparation. This, in turn, helps me not only competently plan lessons, but also additional classes. IN training lessons I include a wide variety of elements: text, tabular, illustrated, verbal, game and various shapes work: -individual independent work, -work in pairs; -work in a group;
- frontal work. The forms of control are varied: 1) self-control; 2) mutual control; 3) teacher control.
In preparation for the Unified State Exam and State Examination
I use it
reasoning. There are several steps here: 1.
Let's remember the theory.
Theoretical material on the main and most complex sections is presented in a generalized and compact form in diagrams and tables, which are developed with students from grade 5, i.e. We work with reference books.

systematization of the material contributes to maximum clarity and generalization

knowledge and integration of what has been learned not only on a particular topic, but throughout

Russian language course.
In addition, tables develop students' analytical abilities and activate their visual memory. The material is presented not only in a compact, but also in an expanded and in-depth form. When repeating a particular topic, I offer information on where you can find the necessary material (in which textbook; for which class; which paragraph; where you can read additional information on the proposed topic 2.
We listen to each other.
Here we solve algorithm problems together, listen to each other.
Each student tells the theory to the teacher or

teacher's assistants from strong group students.
We decide on our own.
To practice each spelling, which are included in the tasks in parts A and B, I use several test options. About 20-30 times the student pronounces this or that spelling out loud and chooses the correct answer. Each thematic block ends with a test. I analyze the children’s work after each test and compile an individual file of errors. Then I make sure to work on the mistakes, while preparing new versions based on the same spellings I have studied. Lessons in grades 9-10 should be general in nature. I almost always use repetition warm-ups. This type of work helps with repetition of all sections of the Russian language. The daily “warm-up” consists, for example, of the following stages: work on the pronunciation and lexical meaning of words; tasks on phonetics and word formation; spelling analysis of words, punctuation and syntactic analysis of sentences; work on correcting grammatical errors.
Memo for graduates.

When solving test tasks, I teach students to observe the following reminders:
1. Before entering the answer,
read the question twice
and make sure you understand correctly what is required of you.
Start answering those questions that you don’t doubt your knowledge of, without stopping at those that may cause long thoughts.
We must learn to skip difficult or incomprehensible tasks.
When you see a new task, forget everything about the previous one. 5. Just think that every new task is a chance to score points! 6. Calculate the time so that in two-thirds of the allotted time you will go through all the easy tasks (“first round”). Then you will have time to score maximum points on those tasks, and then calmly return and think about the difficult ones that you initially had to skip (“second round”).
Essay - reasoning
The most difficult part of the Unified State Examination and State Examination in the Russian language, according to student reviews, is part C. Experience shows that many graduates do not know how to analyze and do not see the problem. The most common mistake is avoiding one’s own thought while proving it. How to avoid this annoying phenomenon?
In preparation for the Unified State Exam and the State Examination, in Russian language lessons, already in middle school, you can give tasks that allow you to learn how to create your own essay-argument text according to a certain model, for example, this: 1. The author talks about what... 2. In his opinion, ... 3. However, I think differently because... or I agree with the author because... 4. So,... An important stage in working on an argumentative essay is identifying the problem. There may be several problems, then you need to identify the main one, and this also needs to be taught in the process of comprehensive analysis. Detection
can occur in several stages: 1) retelling the text; 2) highlighting micro-themes in paragraphs; 3) search for keywords; 4) formation and recording of thoughts contained in each paragraph, identifying the main one; 5) formation of a problem - a question that the author poses to the reader. There are certain difficulties in writing a commentary on the text. I teach children to see the difference between a comment and a simple retelling, which is unacceptable in an essay. It is necessary, I tell the children, to “pass through oneself” what is being analyzed, to briefly outline the essence of the most important points text. I suggest you remember the hint words, i.e. cliche words: “At the beginning of the text...”, “Then...”, “In conclusion...”. It is necessary to delve into the facts, and they themselves will tell you what to pay attention to and will evoke a certain emotional mood. I warn you that you cannot quote a large fragment of the source text. The next stage of work on an essay-reasoning is the formulation of your opinion and its argumentation, which, according to the tradition of the Unified State Examination criteria, consists of two pieces of evidence. It is necessary to teach children to formulate a thesis - a thought that requires evidence, from which, in turn, one can and should ask the question: “Why?” It is important for the guys to learn to control themselves; after argumentation, you can advise asking the question: “What idea have I proven?” The answer to this should be their thesis given above. This self-test will help you avoid logical errors. In conclusion, I would like to say that there are many forms of work and tools to help prepare graduates for the final certification. There is only one point left - the positive motivation of students for this preparation. This is what you need to work on at all stages of preparation for the State Exam and the Unified State Exam. The student must have a specific goal that will help him pass the exam.
The result of my work is the following indicators of students on the OGE

OGE results




academic performance


academic performance

In this publication you can find advice from a practicing mathematics teacher on preparing 9th grade students to successfully pass the OGE in mathematics.

To successfully pass exams, ninth-graders need a certain preparation system.

When preparing students for the OGE, the teacher must:

  • develop self-control skills in students;
  • develop the ability to check the answer for plausibility;
  • systematically practice computational skills;
  • develop the ability to move from a verbal formulation of relationships between quantities to a mathematical one;
  • learn to conduct evidential reasoning when solving problems;
  • learn to build an argument when conducting proof;
  • learn to write down mathematical reasoning and evidence, paying attention to the accuracy and completeness of the justifications carried out.

Several interesting techniques are proposed:

Mandatory oral exercises and quick counting rules

Since the exam does not allow the use of a calculator, students need to be taught how to perform simple (and not so simple) conversions orally. Of course, this will require organizing the development of such a skill until it becomes automatic.

To achieve accuracy and fluency in oral calculations, it is necessary to spend 5-7 minutes in each lesson during all years of study to carry out exercises in oral calculations provided for in the program of each class.

Oral exercises must correspond to the topic and purpose of the lesson and help master the material being studied in this lesson or previously covered. The time required to perform operations such as solving quadratic equations is reduced, linear inequalities and inequalities of the 2nd degree, factorization, transformations irrational expressions and others. These operations move from the category of an independent task to the category of an auxiliary one and become a tool (“multiplication table”) for solving more complex problems.

A book edited by Lysenko F.F., Kulabukhov S.Yu. helps in organizing oral calculations. “Oral calculations and quick counting. Training exercises for the course of grades 7-11" (Rostov-on-Don: LEGION-M. - 2010).

Quick counting techniques are also important, such as:

  • squaring numbers ending in 5;
  • multiplication by 25, by 9, by 11;
  • finding products of two-digit numbers that have the same number of tens and the sum of their units is 10;
  • dividing three-digit numbers consisting of identical digits by the number 37;
  • extracting the square root.

You can use the following benefits:

  • Rachinsky S.A. 1001 tasks for mental arithmetic at school.
  • Perelman Ya. Quick count. Within project activities I’m interested in working with students to compile reference books. This develops their individual abilities. Using the project method leads to the fact that repetition, and therefore preparation for exams, occurs gradually, as if “hidden”, but leads to solid knowledge and skills needed in later life.

In this case it is observed:

Project method for compiling reference books.

High degree of independence and activity of students.

Shifting the focus of learning from teaching to learning.

As the level of complexity of students’ activities increases, so does the level of creativity and quality of work performed.

By solving complex tasks for which there is no specific algorithm, the student develops his own independence and readiness to solve complex problems in real life.

An important part of project activities aimed at preparing for the OGE is the ability to complete large-volume tasks that require patience and attention.

Such qualities as responsibility, conscientiousness, the ability to complete the work started, to protect and defend one’s own opinion are formed. These qualities have always been respected and valued in society.

An example would be a project to compile a directory combining topics: “ Quadratic equations", "Vieta's theorem", "Quadratic inequalities", "Quadratic function".

The use of group work in mathematics lessons in preparation for the OGE

Psychologists have long proven that people learn best what they discuss with others, and remember best what they explain to others.

Students, under the guidance of the teacher, create groups of 3-4 people.

Algorithm of student actions.

Mandatory level tasks (part 1)

Having completed the tasks of Part 1, compare the solutions with the answers and with each other.

They are working on mistakes.

They receive a different version of the tasks of Part 1 and complete only those tasks in which mistakes were made. Each group receives a task and prepares independently. At the same time, students do not know who will perform the task at the board.

Part 2 assignments

Representatives of each group solve the tasks in order, perhaps only those that they were able to solve.

The rest of the students check the assignments, ask questions, and evaluate. The whole group receives an assessment. Each group prepares independently during the week. The test is carried out on an elective basis.

Advanced tasks

The tasks at the board are completed by those students who have completed them independently.

At the same time, the rest have the opportunity to understand the difficulties encountered during the performance of these tasks.

If there are several students who have solved the task, then the test can be carried out in the form of a mathematical battle.

Special attention to geometry

When we conducted a trial exam in April, we found many papers with almost a lot of unsatisfactory grades in geometry. It is advisable to prepare reference books on the topics “Triangles”, “Quadrilaterals”, “Circle”. Then complete a set of tasks of different types of complexity on these topics (take tasks from an open bank)

For example, on the topic “Circle” the following questions are considered:

  • The exam paper contains 8 geometry tasks. Since geometry in school is taught on a residual basis, special attention has to be paid to it.
  • With this approach, the number of tasks solved by students and checked in a group by each other significantly increases.
  • straight lines, segments and angles associated with a circle;
  • properties of inscribed and central angles;
  • angles between chords, tangents and secants;
  • properties of chords;
  • relationships between the lengths of chords, tangent and secant segments;
  • properties of arcs and chords, length of arcs and chords, area of ​​a circle and its parts;
  • relative position of two circles.

On the topic “Triangles” the following questions are considered:

  • signs of equality of triangles;
  • triangle inequality;
  • determining the type of triangle;
  • 4 wonderful triangle points;
  • theorem of sines;
  • cosine theorem;
  • area of ​​triangles;
  • signs of similarity of triangles;
  • inscribed and circumscribed triangles.
  • On the topic “Quadrilaterals” the following questions are considered:
  • inscribed and circumscribed quadrilaterals, their properties and areas;
  • parallelogram and its properties;
  • trapezoid and its properties;
  • rectangle, its properties and characteristics;
  • rhombus, its properties and characteristics;
  • square, its properties and signs.

Teacher's authority

A good result is obtained when the teacher stages a “dead end” in the process of solving a problem. In this case, students should be able to find the place where the “dead-end” option started, so that, returning to it, they can find another solution.

A very effective technique is for the teacher to demonstrate a mental search for a way to solve a problem. The teacher must be ready to reveal to the students the train of thought that he had when preparing for the lesson, even if these thoughts were incorrect. It is advisable to show students the whole picture of finding a solution, right down to showing their draft notes.

A study guide for this section is recommended: Balayan E.N. "Geometry. Tasks on ready-made drawings for preparing for the State Examination and the Unified State Exam. 7-9 grades." It contains theoretical information on geometry for the basic school course and exercises in tables on all topics of geometry for grades 7-9.

If a teacher plans to conduct diagnostic testing on a specific topic (and this is reasonable), then the following principle must be observed: a correctly solved previous task prepares an understanding of the meaning of the next one. And I would also like to say about the trial OGE in April, which is carried out on the initiative of the Education Department , methodological center. The results are very low, since knowledge and skills have not yet become skills in solving mathematical problems. Then a negative comparison of the results on the real OGE and the trial begins. I think such a comparison is not an indicator for assessing the teacher’s work and the uncleanliness of exam papers. There are 1.5 months before the exam, and it is during this period that 9th grade students try to consolidate their skills and get ready for the exam. Moreover, this is the period when all the program material has already been fully studied; it is during this period that it is possible to fully work out individually those tasks that cause difficulties among students.

The transition to comprehensive testing is reasonable only at the end of the year (April-May), when all topics have been studied and students have accumulated a reserve common approaches to the main types of tasks.

We begin preparing for the Unified State Examination in 9th grade at the beginning of the year.

Working with parents.

In September we hold a joint parent meeting for students and their parents, at which we talk about the organization and conduct of the OGE in mathematics in grade 9 and how to prepare for the exam, To obtain high result, score the maximum number of points.

At the first meeting, we introduce parents to the regulatory documents, the structure of the exam, the changes that have occurred this school year, the procedure for conducting the exam, and the evaluation system.

We hold parent meetings once every quarter. Many parents and their children often have to meet and work individually.

When preparing for the OGE, you should know the specifics of the class and the level of knowledge in the subject.

To prepare for the OGE, I divided all students into 2 groups (or 3 groups), and assigned each one its own tasks.

Students who must cope with basic level tasks and get a “3” on the exam.

Students who need to cope with basic level and more advanced tasks.

1) must learn the whole theory;

2) learn to solve all types of basic level tasks;

3) do not cheat on assignments, tests and tests.

4) if you get “2”, then work it out (but no more than 2 times)

1) must learn the entire theory;

2) learn to solve all types of tasks on any topic different ways;

3) be able to explain why you decide this way;

4) be able to solve problems involving equations, percentages, and progressions;

5) know the theory of geometry and be able to solve problems with parameters.

6) if you get “2”, “3” or “4”, then work it out (but no more than 1 time);

7) attend elective courses;

8) complete all additional tasks.

Conducting additional classes to prepare for the OGE:

  • consultations for weak students (solution of part 1);
  • consultations for strong guys (solving problems, part 2);
  • individual consultations

At the first lessons, I introduce students to regulatory documents and provide instructions on the rules for performing Kims. I introduce you to the content of the work and its features. In several classes, we complete tasks collectively, with a full explanation and writing on the board, and solve several tests (Part 1). At the same time, I try to introduce students to how to read assignments correctly and read the assignment question several times. I try to call each student to the board.

Systematic inclusion in oral work of tasks from the OGE open problem bank part 1.

Inclusion in the study of current educational material assignments corresponding to exam tasks. At each lesson, we solve and analyze tasks not only from the textbook, but also tasks that correspond to the topic of the task from Kim.

Using KIM materials in homework.

During the first half of the year, I assign homework from the open bank of KIM assignments: 4-5 assignments from the option. Those tasks that caused difficulties are sorted out on the board.

Inclusion of examination tasks in the content of current control.

In control and test work I include tasks from the open task bank. I make sure that the guys work on the tasks in which they made mistakes (sometimes I have to work on the mistakes several times until the task is solved correctly).

During the final repetition and study of new material, starting from the 5th or 6th grade, the children filled out and used them in lessons and at home notebook for rules(each with its own notebook), where basic formulas, rules, etc. were written down. It helped in solving problems, and when systematically used in work, formulas and solution algorithms were remembered faster.

Carrying out thematic repetition throughout the year.

In the collections for preparation for the OGE there are many tasks on a specific topic, for example, “Equations”. When preparing for a lesson, the teacher has to look for assignments on this topic in different sources, which takes a lot of time. In addition, it is convenient to repeat topic material when the tasks are located in one place. The most optimal solution is subject tests.

To do this, from the tasks of the open task bank, you can create tasks based on prototypes (thematic tests) and fill out the table based on the test results:

etc. We are compiling the same table for geometry topics.

For each student, I collect folders with assignments, into which I gradually add thematic tests and demo options, trial exam papers that the students wrote.

Repetition of theoretical material in general lessons using computer technology.

Lessons using presentations are spectacular and effective in working with information. Especially if these are lessons in repetition and generalization of material on a certain topic. The presentation is visual and expressive; it is an excellent didactic and motivational tool that promotes better memorization of educational material. With its systematic use, learning productivity increases. With the help of a presentation, you can increase the volume of repeated material and work performed. In my work I use my own presentations and presentations created by colleagues and presented on various educational sites on the Internet:

  • Online teacher community
  • Creative Teachers Network
  • Festival of Pedagogical Ideas “Open Lesson”
  • Information and methodological site

We begin systematic repetition of educational material from the 4th quarter.

The final repetition can be based solely on practicing the skills and abilities required to receive a positive mark on the exam.

I take sample exam papers from various collections to prepare for the OGE (previous years and new ones with geometric material)

In addition, students can test their knowledge by solving sample papers online, as well as papers posted on the website of StatGrad and SdamGIA.

The use of computer presentations in mathematics lessons and in preparation for exams opens up enormous opportunities:

the computer can take over the function of knowledge control,

will help you save time in class for solving exam problems,

richly illustrate the material,

show moments that are difficult to understand in dynamics,

repeat what caused difficulties,

differentiate the lesson according to the individual characteristics of the students,

quickly repeat theoretical material.

These presentations are especially helpful for the final repetition of theoretical material in geometry. Part 1 of the work contains 5 geometric tasks. Particularly difficult are tasks of type 13, which contain a lot of theoretical material. Presentations help you clearly see the answers to questions.

According to research, ¼ of the material heard, 1/3 of what was seen, ½ of what was seen and heard, ¾ of the material remains in a person’s memory if the student is involved in active actions during the learning process.

Systematic work on filling out forms. There are many problems with filling out forms, therefore, the earlier students start working on them, the less likely they are to make errors in the form. In additional classes, we analyze all the mistakes that were made when performing diagnostic work. I draw your attention to the fact that each number and sign is written in a separate box, to the correct spelling of the numbers, to the fact that names are not written in the answers, they are not put in % signs, they are not given a decimal or improper fraction, etc. answers in notebooks and We write in the boxes on the board.

Solving a large number of tests. From the end of September, in the classroom, in additional classes and at home, you can distribute a large number of tests, preferably different options, for solving. Then check the answers and analyze those tasks in which an error was made.

You can start preparing solutions to the tasks of the second part from the 2nd quarter.

To do this, you can first use additional classes to which you can invite more prepared children. You can give homework from part 2.

Of course, preparing for lessons, consultations, and conducting additional classes takes a lot of time and effort, but if you organize your activities correctly and interest students in receiving positive assessment, then all the work done will bring the desired result.

There are no easy paths to science. But it is necessary to use all opportunities to ensure that children learn with interest, so that most teenagers experience and realize the attractive aspects of mathematics and its possibilities for improvement. mental abilities, overcoming difficulties and successfully passing the exam.

Maksimova Alena Innokentievna
Job title: teacher of Russian language and literature
Educational institution: MBOU Mar-Kyuel Secondary School
Locality: village of Mar-Kuel
Name of material: article
Subject: Methods of preparation for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam
Publication date: 29.03.2018
Chapter: secondary education

Methods of preparation for the Unified State Exam, OGE in the Russian language

Maksimova Alena Innokentievna

Teacher of Russian language and literature, 1st category, MBOU "Mar - Kyuelskaya Secondary School", Suntarsky ulus (district), Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Relevance of the topic is that currently

the main indicator of the successful functioning of a school in conditions

modernization of the education system is the high results of passing the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. In order for graduates to successfully

passed exams, it is necessary to identify students’ gaps and create favorable conditions and preparation methods for deep learning


Object of study: 9th grade students (2015, 2016, 2017) graduates of 2007, 2017, “Mar-Kyuel Secondary School”.

Subject of study: graduates’ achievements, monitoring.

Research hypothesis: if students pass exams successfully, then in the future this will affect their future life, will help

enroll in your favorite educational institution, become good specialists.

Goal of the work: identify an algorithm for preparing for the Unified State Exam, the Unified State Exam in the Russian language.

The main task of a Russian language teacher is targeted, systematic teaching of all types of various preparations for


In educational activities, it is important to focus on the development of cognitive and independent activity of students.

It is impossible to solve this problem using old methods. All this requires teachers to develop their own teaching system aimed at










today's time

in the age of new information technologies The teacher's work has become more meaningful and accessible. There are various

materials, books, new information technologies, Internet. What makes a teacher’s work more successful and fruitful.

Work with students to prepare for the Unified State Exam should be carried out systematically. Every job has high results if it

carried out year after year more purposefully and deeply. More in-depth preparation for the main state certification begins in grades 8 and 10.

and complete these tasks correctly. Another important argument for high-quality mastery of the subject is compulsory work

with texts of various styles and types of speech. An analysis of the results of the OGE and the Unified State Exam in the Russian language showed that the most difficult for students

is that part of the tasks that is related to the text. Also, the guys do not know how to succinctly and clearly formulate the problem posed in

essays are arguments that have various problems. Then students learn to freely find the problem of the text, the author’s position,

learn to express their own opinion on this issue.

It is also required to write literary arguments on this issue. In that

The final essay, which students write as an admission to the Unified State Exam, helps; students also learn to reason freely about types of texts

various styles.

In the 11th grade, writing a final essay became the entrance to the Unified State Exam. This is the most labor-intensive work, because it’s no secret that children today

They don’t read classical literature. – In order to prepare for the final essay, starting from the 9th grade, it is necessary to write in a separate notebook.

write down the main themes and problems of each studied work of literature. Then students can easily find arguments based on

this topic in various directions. Arguments in all directions are written in advance. Only the structure of the introduction changes and

conclusions. And students automatically learn to write essays on a given topic clearly and coherently.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language is carried out throughout the entire period of its study at school, because, first of all, children

must master the content of the course and at the same time special skills that allow them to apply knowledge in various

according to the level of complexity of situations. Pupils from the 5th grade must be taught methods of self-control and self-examination. Then the students learn

independently analyze their own mistakes and learn to perform tasks correctly. It is necessary to systematically carry out various

tests and at the end of each lesson identify the most

difficult tasks and subsequently work on difficult issues. Starting from the 5th grade, students should develop certain

ideas about the general sections of the Russian language. And each section should have different tasks: gaming methods, creative work,

tests, written and oral reflections on the proposed topic.

There are always the weakest students in the class and individual work should be done with them, starting with easier tasks

gradually complicating them.

Conduct training at the end of each lesson.

Training is a group of simple, similar examples. If the student

answered incorrectly - he is shown a detailed explanation and given the next, similar task. And gradually the students learn

perform tasks automatically. Also, for better mastery of the subject, it is necessary to conduct a mini-

testing on the topic covered, then the knowledge is firmly and permanently consolidated.

Great importance is attached to this form of preparation for the Unified State Examination, such as completing online Unified State Examination, Unified State Examination and tasks included in

online lessons and simulators for the Unified State Exam, OGE. Here the subjective factor in assessment is canceled, it is checked by the system online and

is evaluated automatically. To complete tasks, much attention is paid to studying each task separately in each lesson.

For example, Task 1 and a deep theoretical and practical immersion into it. Rules for completing task 1 first with the teacher,

then on your own. During the first lesson, it is also necessary to monitor the completion of tasks, which student makes mistakes in exactly that

assignment and analyze mistakes in each lesson. With each subsequent lesson, students learn to perform data correctly and accurately

tasks. Monitoring the quality of knowledge in all subjects also makes it possible to identify the range of skills that need to be developed

Great attention was paid to quickly identifying gaps and responding promptly to them. On what task does the student make mistakes every time?

and learns to eliminate these mistakes.

Since the test is not a universal means of control, capable of covering all aspects of independent and

tests on the subject, it is necessary to carry out others that require a detailed answer, writing essays on various topics.

Children must freely express their thoughts and for this purpose work is systematically carried out from the 5th grade. First the guys write in

free themes. On topics that interest them. Then they gradually learn to write on topics given by the teacher.

Also, in order to improve their performance, students must be interested in the subject being studied and be motivated to study it.

subject. Due to the special significance Unified State Examination grades When preparing for exams, there is also a special approach to planning. Every lesson

takes place in clear, targeted training on this topic. Additional classes are also provided for weaker students.

motivated for high results.

And of course, teach how to manage time correctly. Right down to the fact that each task is clearly completed in minutes. Start off

need to start with easier tasks. Gradually moving on to the most difficult ones.

A special place in preparing for the final certification is occupied by working with parents. She is also given great importance. In many ways

depends on how familiar they are with the content of the exam and how highly they rate their own readiness for it. Parents

should become the teacher’s allies in preparing for exams. their task is to ensure that they create favorable conditions for

their children. Firstly, so that students strictly adhere to the school schedule, and secondly, ensure proper nutrition, Thirdly,

psychological situation in the home (home climate) of each student. They must understand the seriousness of the exams and be supportive and

support for your children. Parents can even try to pass the Unified State Exam themselves, so this year they felt like they were in their children’s shoes and

They came to take the Unified State Exam with their passports and gel pens. Parents should be invited more often to talk with the class teacher,


subject specialists,







parents to successfully pass the exam.

Algorithm for preparing for the OGE, Unified State Exam:

practice weekly in class the topics included in plans for individual work with low-performing students and

students motivated to achieve high results; conduct monthly verification tests at the end of each section of Russian

2) systematic (training is carried out consistently preparing students in various areas - information,

subject, psychological);

3) understanding each task ( individual approach to each student);

4) in order to prepare for the final essay, students start a separate notebook and write the problems of each text and arguments for

works being studied.

increase students’ motivation to learn, develop in them a responsible attitude towards mastering knowledge, skills,


6) ensure monitoring of the quality of students’ knowledge for each quarter;

Only in combination will all these techniques and methods help improve the quality of passing the OGE, Unified State Exam in the Russian language.

OGE results in Russian language

Students of 2014 - 2015 passed the OGE in the Russian language with 100% academic performance, quality 44.5%..

expressiveness (figurative - means of expression language), ways of expressing the main members of a sentence, rules for placing signs

punctuation in sentences with words and constructions that are grammatically unrelated to the members of the sentence, introductory words appeals and

clarifying isolated circumstances, are able to correctly identify grammatical bases in a sentence and the difference between complex compounds

sentences from complex subordinates, have an idea of ​​groups of coordinating conjunctions, are able to identify sentences with non-conjunction and conjunction

coordinating and subordinating connections.

Common mistakes

sentence with non-union and allied coordinating connections, methods subordinating connection in phrases, punctuation marks when addressing,

introductory words

Corrective action plan

analyze your mistakes and eliminate them yourself.

Students of 2015–2016 passed the OGE: academic performance - 100%, Quality 37.5%,

The topics have been mastered well: Students have mastered well semantic analysis of the text, lexical and syntactic means are well distinguished

The students conveyed the content of the presentation well, used techniques for compressing the source text, and all gave examples - arguments in the essay,

Students’ work is characterized by semantic integrity, verbal coherence and consistency of presentation. The works are characterized

compositional harmony and completeness; students have no errors in construction. Half of the students lack spelling skills,

punctuation and grammatical errors. There are no factual errors in the presentation of the material, as well as in the understanding and use of terms.

Common mistakes: spelling of suffixes of various parts of speech, punctuation for homogeneous and isolated parts of a sentence, complex

sentence with non-union and allied coordinating connection

Corrective action plan: Work with students in all sections of the Russian language, select the most difficult tasks and teach

complete these tasks flawlessly. Conduct individual work with every student. Teach each student independently

analyze your mistakes.

Students of 2016 – 2017 passed the OGE: academic performance – 100%, 62.5%

The topics have been mastered well: Students have mastered well semantic analysis of the text, lexical and syntactic means are well distinguished

expressiveness (visual and expressive means of language), types of subordinating connections in a phrase, ways of expressing the main members

sentences, know the rules for placing punctuation marks in sentences with words and constructions that are grammatically unrelated to members

sentences, introductory words of address and clarifying isolated circumstances, are able to correctly highlight grammatical bases in a sentence

and the difference between compound sentences and complex sentences, have an idea of ​​groups of coordinating conjunctions.

The students conveyed the content of the presentation well, used techniques for compressing the source text, and all gave examples - arguments in the essay,

Students’ work is characterized by semantic integrity, verbal coherence and consistency of presentation. The works are characterized

compositional harmony and completeness; students have no errors in construction. Half of the students lack spelling skills,

punctuation and grammatical errors. There are no factual errors in the presentation of the material, as well as in the understanding and use of terms.

Common mistakes: spelling of suffixes of various parts of speech, punctuation for homogeneous and isolated members of a sentence, vocabulary and


Corrective action plan: Work with students in all sections of the Russian language, select the most difficult tasks and teach

complete these tasks flawlessly. Carry out individual work with each student. Teach each student independently

analyze your mistakes and complete each task correctly.

Unified State Exam results In Russian

Unified State Examination results in Russian language 2016 – 2017 academic year. year

Academic success 100%

Quality – 57.1%

The topics have been mastered well: Students are good at identify the main information contained in the text, observe grammatical and

syntactic norms of the Russian language, are able to distinguish between the spelling of derivative conjunctions, adverbs, prepositions, know punctuation in

compound sentence and simple sentence with homogeneous members, punctuation marks in a complex sentence, know well

types of text as a speech work. They are able to find the semantic and compositional integrity of the text, distinguish between figurative and expressive

means of the Russian language.

The students wrote a well-written essay - reasoning, formulated the problem of the original text, wrote comments on the formulated

coherence and consistency of presentation, accuracy and expressiveness of speech. Pupils adhere well to language and ethical standards.

Common mistakes: spelling of vowels in the root of a word, spelling of personal endings of verbs and suffixes of participles, spelling of not and nor with

different parts of speech, punctuation marks in sentences with isolated members, punctuation marks in sentences with different types of connections,

functional – semantic types of speech. Description - narration - reasoning, lexical means of expression, means of connecting sentences in

When working on an essay-argument, the most mistakes were made in observing punctuation, language norms and in observing

factual accuracy in background material.

Any teacher working in the 9th grade anxiously and excitedly awaits the successful passing of the main state exam by each graduate. At the same time, it would be good if the results of the main state exam corresponded to the potential capabilities of basic school graduates. I think that both students and their parents agree with this opinion.

As before, the content and structure of the examination paper provides for the assessment of students' basic mathematical competence and mathematical preparation higher level.

The introduction of the state final certification in mathematics in a new form (OGE) in the 9th grade necessitates changes in the methods and forms of teacher work.

This need is due to the fact that the requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the mathematics exam materials have changed. The emphasis has shifted significantly to the requirements of skills and abilities. The wording of the questions has changed: the questions have become non-standard, they are asked in an indirect form, the answer to the question requires a detailed analysis of the problem. And this is all in the first part of the exam, which provides mandatory level knowledge. The content of the problems is replete with mathematical subtleties, for which a sufficient number of hours are not allocated in the general education curriculum. The mandatory part includes tasks that have either been studied for a long time or a small amount of time has been allocated for their study (percentages, standard form of numbers, properties of numerical inequalities, problems in statistics, reading graphs of functions), as well as tasks that require knowledge in other subjects, for example , in physics.

Unfortunately, scientific and methodological services cannot always provide schools with new educational and methodological complexes that meet modern requirements, so teachers have to find ways to solve this problem themselves. And here there is no clear solution, since the preparedness of children is different, the level of classes is different.

In general education classes, the main attention should be paid to practicing the first part of the mathematics exam, since only the first part provides a satisfactory mark.

Preparation for the main state exam differs significantly from the traditional one. The OGE introduces many applied, “life” tasks, and students who are accustomed to traditional school tests or dictations sometimes find it quite difficult at first.

To successfully pass the main state exam for 9th grade students motivation needed. Often they do not realize the seriousness of the upcoming exam. There are many children with poor mathematical preparation, memory impairment, and those who do not want to learn. There are often children in classes who, due to various reasons(illness, competition, family problems, lack of desire to study) often miss lessons. All these reasons respectively lead to poor academic performance, to low rates results of passing the main state exam.

Therefore, students and their parents and legal representatives must be interested in the exam result.

We begin preparing for the Unified State Examination in 9th grade at the beginning of the year.

1. Work with parents. For students and their parents in September - October we hold a joint parent meeting, at which we talk about the organization and conduct of the OGE in mathematics in grade 9 and how to prepare for the exam, To obtain high result, score the maximum number of points.

At the first meeting, we introduce parents to the regulatory documents, the structure of the tests, the changes that have occurred this school year, the procedure for conducting the exam, and the assessment system.

We hold parent meetings once every quarter. Many parents and their children often have to meet and work individually.

2. When preparing for the OGE, you should know the specifics of the class and the level of knowledge in the subject.

To prepare for the OGE, I divided all students into 2 groups (or 3 groups), and assigned each one its own tasks.

Students who must cope with basic level tasks and get a “3” on the exam.

Students who need to cope with basic level and more advanced tasks.

1) must learn the whole theory;

2) learn to solve all types of basic level tasks;

3) do not cheat on assignments, tests and tests.

4) if you get “2”, then work it out (but no more than 2 times)

1) must learn the whole theory;

2) learn to solve all types of tasks on any topic in different ways;

3) be able to explain why you decide this way;

4) be able to solve problems on equations, percentages, progressions;

5) know the theory of geometry and be able to solve problems with parameters.

6) if you get “2”, “3” or “4”, then work it out (but no more than 1 time);

7)attend elective courses;

8) complete all additional tasks.

3. Conducting additional classes to prepare for the OGE:

· consultations for weak students (solution of part 1);

· consultations for strong guys (solving problems, part 2);

· individual consultations

At the first lessons, I introduce students to regulatory documents and provide instructions on the rules for performing Kims. I introduce you to the content of the work and its features. In several classes, we complete tasks collectively, with a full explanation and writing on the board, and solve several tests (Part 1). At the same time, I try to introduce them to how to read assignments correctly, read the assignment question several times. I try to call each student to the board.

4. Systematic inclusion in oral work of tasks from the OGE open problem bank part 1.

5. Inclusion in the study of current educational material of tasks corresponding to examination tasks. At each lesson, we solve and analyze tasks not only from the textbook, but also tasks that correspond to the topic of the task from Kim.

6. Use of Kimov materials in homework.

During the first half of the year, I assign homework from the Kimov collection: 4-5 tasks from the option or several tasks from this collection on a new topic. Those tasks that caused difficulties are sorted out on the board.

7. Inclusion of examination tasks in the content of current control.

In control and test work I include tasks from the open task bank. I make sure that the guys work on the tasks in which they made mistakes (sometimes I have to work on the mistakes several times until the task is solved correctly).

During the final repetition and study of new material, starting from the 5th or 6th grade, the children filled out and used them in lessons and at home notebook for rules(everyone has their own notebook), where basic formulas, rules, etc. were written down. It helped in solving problems, and when systematically used in work, formulas and solution algorithms were remembered faster.

8. Conducting thematic repetition throughout the year.

In the collections for preparation for the OGE there are many tasks on a specific topic, for example, “Equations”. When preparing for a lesson, the teacher has to look for assignments on this topic in different sources, which takes a lot of time. In addition, it is convenient to repeat topic material when the tasks are located in one place. The most optimal solution is subject tests .

To do this, from the tasks of the open task bank, you can create tasks based on prototypes (thematic tests) and fill out the table based on the test results:

F.I. student

Numbers and calculations

Algebraic expressions

Equations and their systems

Inequalities and their systems


Word problems

etc. We are compiling the same table for geometry topics.

For each student, I collect folders with assignments, into which I gradually add thematic tests and demo options, trial exam papers that the students wrote.

9. Repetition of theoretical material in general lessons using computer technology.

Lessons using presentations are spectacular and effective in working with information. Especially if these are lessons in repetition and generalization of material on a certain topic. The presentation is visual and expressive, it is an excellent didactic and motivational tool that promotes better memorization of educational material. When used systematically, the productivity of learning increases. With the help of a presentation, you can increase the volume of repeated material and work performed. In my work I use my own presentations and presentations created by colleagues and presented on various educational sites on the Internet:

1. Online community of teachers

2. Network of Creative Teachers

3. Festival of pedagogical ideas “Open Lesson”

4. Information and methodological site

10. We begin systematic repetition of educational material from the 4th quarter. The final repetition can be based solely on practicing the skills and abilities required to receive a positive mark on the exam.

  • I take sample exam papers from various collections to prepare for the OGE (previous years and new ones with geometric material)
  • In addition, students can test their knowledge by solving sample papers online, as well as papers posted on the StatGrad website and Alex Larin.

The use of computer presentations in mathematics lessons and in preparation for exams opens up enormous opportunities:

  • the computer can take over the function of knowledge control,
  • will help you save time in class for solving exam problems,
  • richly illustrate the material,
  • show moments that are difficult to understand in dynamics,
  • repeat what caused difficulties,
  • differentiate the lesson according to the individual characteristics of the students,
  • quickly repeat theoretical material.

These presentations are especially helpful for the final repetition of theoretical material in geometry. Part 1 of the work contains 5 geometric tasks. Particularly difficult are tasks of type 13, which contain a lot of theoretical material. Presentations help you clearly see the answers to questions.

According to research, ¼ of the material heard, 1/3 of what was seen, ½ of what was seen and heard, ¾ of the material remains in a person’s memory if the student is involved in active actions during the learning process.

11. Systematic work on filling out forms. There are many problems with filling out forms, therefore, the earlier students start working on them, the less likely they are to make errors in the form. In additional classes, we analyze all the mistakes that were made when performing diagnostic work. I draw your attention to the fact that each number and sign is written in a separate box, to the correct spelling of the numbers, to the fact that names are not written in the answers, they are not put in % signs, they are not given a decimal or improper fraction, etc. answers in notebooks and We write in the boxes on the board.

12. Solving a large number of tests. From the end of September, in the classroom, in additional classes and at home, you can distribute a large number of tests, preferably different options, for solving. Then check the answers and analyze those tasks in which an error was made.

13. You can start preparing solutions to the tasks of the second part from the 2nd quarter.

To do this, you can first use additional classes to which you can invite more prepared children. You can give homework from part 2.

Of course, preparing for lessons, consultations, and conducting additional classes takes a lot of time and effort, but if you organize your activities correctly and interest students in receiving a positive assessment, then all the work done will bring the desired result.

There are no easy paths to science. But it is necessary to use all opportunities to ensure that children learn with interest, so that the majority of teenagers experience and realize the attractive aspects of mathematics, its capabilities in improving mental abilities, overcoming difficulties and successfully passing the exam.

OOO The educational center


Abstract on the discipline:


On this topic:

“Methods of preparing schoolchildren for the State Examination and State Examination”


Kononova Daria Nikolaevna

Moscow 2018


Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………. 3

    Theoretical foundations for conducting the OGE in geography

    1. Features of the OGE in Geography…………………………………. 5

      Structure of the examination paper………………………………8

    1. Analysis of OGE graduates’ performance in 2017……………… 11

      Analysis of the implementation of the examination work in the MBOU "Mastakhskaya Secondary School" of the Kobyaisky ulus of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)………… 15

    Methods of preparing schoolchildren for the State Examination and State Examination

    1. Determining the level of knowledge of students………………………….. 22

      The most effective forms of training……………………….. 24

      Methods of preparing students for passing the OGE…………………….. 25

      Student’s psychological readiness for the OGE………………… 29

Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………….. 30

References…………………………………………………………….. 31


According to the “Law on Education in the Russian Federation”, mastering general education programs of the basic general education ends with mandatory state (final) certification (hereinafter referred to as GIA) of graduates of general education institutions, regardless of the form of education. What results will be obtained largely depends on the school’s preliminary preparation for this intense and very important period.

A student graduating from 9th grade is required to pass 4 or 5 exams. Of these, two are compulsory - mathematics and the Russian language (taken in the State Examination Form) and two are optional (can be taken both in the State Examination Form and with tickets).

Geography is also an elective subject. In the modern education system, geography is not given the highest priority, but at the same time, students choose this subject for certification in the 9th grade. The teacher’s task is to properly prepare the student for the State Exam. IN modern literature There are no clear methodological recommendations for the actual preparation of students for the State Examination in Geography, as well as for drawing up a training program. Thus, this topic very relevant.

Purpose of the work: to characterize the OGE in geography in grade 9, to determine the methodology for preparing students.

In accordance with the set goal, the following tasks were formulated.

    Analyze literary sources on this issue.

    Consider the theoretical basis for conducting GIA-9 in geography.

    To identify the features of the state (final) certification of 9th grade graduates in geography.

    Describe the structure of the examination paper.

    Describe the experience of preparing 9th grade students.

To solve the problems, a set of methods was used: theoretical analysis problems of preparing for the final certification in geography of school graduates based on pedagogical and methodological literature; analysis regulatory documents; complex of diagnostic methods

When writing the work, the following methods were used: theoretical analysis of literature, studying the work experience of teachers, testing middle and high school students, observation and comparison.

Structure and scope of work: the work consists of: introduction, 2 chapters with 2-3 sections, conclusion, list of references.

    Theoretical foundations for conducting GIA and OGE in geography

    1. Features of the OGE and Unified State Exam in Geography

Geography is the only one school subject ideological character, forming in students a holistic, comprehensive, systematic understanding of the Earth as a planet of people. The scope of consideration of this subject includes natural (natural) and public (population, social issues, economy) objects and phenomena.

common goal Geographical education of schoolchildren is to form a comprehensively educated personality; in a narrower sense, this goal is for students to master a complete system of geographical knowledge and skills, as well as the possibilities of their application in various life situations.

Since 2008, in the regions of the Russian Federation, as part of the creation of the All-Russian system for assessing the quality of education, state final certification of 9th grade graduates has been carried out (in a new form). The main difference between the new form of certification and traditional exams is that it results in an independent “external” assessment of the quality of preparation of 9th grade graduates. Despite the fact that the exam in the new form is still being conducted in experimental mode, the number of regions implementing this form of final control is steadily growing.

The main task of the GIA in Geography is to assess the level of general educational preparation in geography of graduates of IX grades of general education institutions for the purpose of their state (final) certification. The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes high school, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education.

Tasks for the state final certification of 9th grade graduates (in the new form) and versions of examination papers are developed by specialists from the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI). When preparing exam materials for grade 9, the vast experience of the federal subject commissions of the FIPI in developing test materials for the Unified State Exam is used and creatively processed. The constant improvement of examination materials is also facilitated by scientific research conducted at FIPI in the field of pedagogical measurements.

GIA in Geography is an optional final exam at the end of 9th grade. Graduates choose it if they need geography to enroll in the specialized 10th and 11th grades. Also, this exam can be chosen if the student is well versed in the subject and this is one of the easiest exams for him, because in the 9th grade he will have to choose two exams in optional subjects. In addition, the geography exam, like any other, can be chosen at the regional level for all graduates of the year in a particular region, republic, region or city.

The examination paper consists of 30 tasks of different types. Duration of work – 120 minutes. The assignments test geographic knowledge, which forms the basis of graduates’ geographic literacy, as well as the ability to apply knowledge and skills in various situations.

A special feature of the examination papers is their focus on testing the development of skills that are in demand in the modern world, such as how to use different sources of information - statistical materials, geographical maps, texts. When developing examination papers, orientation requirements were also taken into account modern education to develop the skills to apply acquired knowledge in a wide variety of situations. Emphasis was placed on competency-based tasks, i.e. those that test the ability to apply existing geographical knowledge to analyze phenomena and processes occurring in the modern world. For this purpose, tasks have been developed that require determining from the proposed situation what geographical knowledge is required for its understanding and analysis, and then applying them in situations close to life, testing the ability to extract information from text, statistical tables, and maps.

When performing work, it is allowed to use atlases of grades 7-9. But the tasks do not directly indicate the use of atlas maps. Students themselves must determine which atlas maps are appropriate to use and for which tasks. This tests the ability to identify the geographical component of the proposed situation and select an adequate source of information to solve it.

Along with checking the development of subject competencies, the work traditionally tests knowledge of geographical facts, patterns, understanding of the essence of geographical phenomena and processes, their manifestations in different territories. An important part of the work is also testing spatial ideas about the world and our country.

In connection with the requirements of the standard, the examination paper checks the formation of ideas about the countries of the world and regions of Russia. When conducting certification in the new form, tasks of a standardized form are used, including tasks with a choice of answer, as well as with a short and extended answer (similar to the Unified State Exam). Completing these tasks allows us to establish the level of mastery of the federal state standard of basic general education by 9th grade graduates.

The following are admitted to the GIA: graduates who have annual grades in all general education subjects of the curriculum for the 9th grade are not lower than satisfactory, students who have an unsatisfactory annual mark in one subject with a mandatory exam in this subject, foreign citizens, stateless persons, refugees and internally displaced persons studying in a general education institution.

    1. Structure of the examination paper

The structure of the examination work is most fully reflected in a document such as a specification. The specification of an examination paper in geography is a list of features peculiar to this work. Its features are as follows:

1. The purpose of the examination work is to assess the level of general educational preparation in geography of graduates of 9th grade of general education institutions for the purpose of their state (final) certification. The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools.

2. The content of the examination paper is determined on the basis of the following documents:

    Mandatory minimum content of basic general education in geography (Appendix to Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated May 19, 1998 No. 1236 “On approval of temporary requirements for the mandatory minimum content of basic general education”).

    Federal component of the state standard of basic general education in geography (order of the Ministry of Education of Russia “On approval of the federal component state standards primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education" dated 03/05/2004 No. 1089).

The standard's requirements for the level of graduates' training relate to three main types of activities: reproduction of knowledge and skills, application of knowledge and skills in a familiar situation, application of knowledge and skills in a changed or new situation. Reproduction of knowledge requires naming basic facts and patterns, signs of geographical objects and phenomena; show and describe the position of the most important geographical objects and areas of distribution of geographical phenomena on the map; solve cartometric problems; extract geographic information presented explicitly from a single source of information. The number of tasks to reproduce knowledge in the examination paper is 6.

The application of knowledge and skills in a familiar situation presupposes the ability to determine indicators that characterize geographical features, processes, phenomena, based on information presented in various forms; provide geographic information to different types; give examples of the manifestation of geographical processes and phenomena, geographical patterns; recognize, identify geographical objects, processes and phenomena by their characteristics; compare geographical objects and phenomena, the degree of manifestation of geographical processes in different territories according to the specified characteristics; establish and explain relationships between geographical phenomena and processes; identify empirical dependencies based on data obtained as a result of observations; classify geographical objects and phenomena. The greatest number of tasks on applying knowledge in a familiar situation in the examination paper is 15.

The application of knowledge in a changed and (or) new situation involves the ability to recognize in real life situations questions, ideas or problems that can be solved by means of geography; explain events in the context of real situations using existing geographical knowledge; assess geographical objects, processes and phenomena, predict their development. There are 9 such tasks in the exam paper.

The work presents tasks of different difficulty levels - basic, advanced, high. Basic level tasks have a planned percentage of completion - 60-90%, advanced level - 40-60%, high level - less than 40%.

Exam assignments are graded different quantities points depending on type and difficulty. Correct completion of multiple-choice and short-answer tasks is scored 1 point; for completing tasks with a detailed answer, you can receive from 0 to 2 points, depending on the completeness and correctness of the answer.The maximum primary score for completing the entire examination work is 33 points, since 2016 - 32 points.

It is recommended to set marks on a five-point scale depending on total number points (primary score) received by graduates for completing all tasks of the examination work. For this purpose, a conversion scale is used primary score for completing the examination work to a mark on a five-point scale - table.

Table - Scale for converting the primary score for completing an examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale by year

Mark on a five-point scale






0- 11





0- 11





0- 11














When determining the lower limit of the “3” mark, the results of pedagogical and subject examinations were taken into account. In order to score 12 points, a student had to complete 67% of tasks at a basic level of complexity in 2009 and 75% in other years. A grade of “4” is given if the student scored at least 21 points, that is, completed all tasks of the basic level and 50% of tasks of an increased level of complexity in 2008, at least 19 points in 2009 (all tasks of the basic level and 1 task of an advanced level) and at least 20 points - in subsequent years (all basic level tasks and 37% of advanced level tasks).

A grade of “5” is given if the student scored at least 28 points in 2014-2015 and at least 27 points since 2016, that is, he completed all tasks at the basic level, all tasks at an increased level of complexity, and at least one at a high level.

    Analysis of the performance of OGE exam papers in geography

    1. Analysis of OGE graduates’ performance in geography 2017

Analysis of the results of the state (final) certification in geography allows us to obtain objective information about the state of school geographical education. Information about the level of geographic training of graduates is necessary for education workers at all levels.

When analyzing the results in 2017, calculations were made that showed the average performance indicators.

There have been changes in the assessment criteria for tasks 28-34, and there is some objective and reasonable flexibility in approaches to assessment. For example, the requirement to reduce points for incorrect answers and reasoning on a task that is not related to its content has been removed. A setting of 1 point is also given if the calculations are performed step by step correctly, but the obtained result is incorrect due to a mechanical error when performing computational actions. It is allowed to consider the answer correct if the calculations are performed correctly and the corresponding correct number is obtained, but 2 with the wrong sign (+ or –). In task 28, the permissible error at the base of the profile has been increased from 1 to 2.5 cm. A very important addition to the evaluation criteria “Different wording” has also been retained.

The 2017 KIM included tasks testing the content of all main sections of school geography courses (“Sources of geographical information”, “Nature of the Earth”, “World population”, “World economy”, “Nature management and geoecology”, “Country studies”, “ Geography of Russia"). The largest number of tasks (11) were based on the content of the Russian geography course. The work tests all groups of FC GOS requirements: “to know and understand,” “to be able to,” and “to use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life.”

In the 2017 KIM, tasks with a short answer in the form of one number corresponding to the number of the correct answer were excluded. Instead, new models of tasks were included (with a short answer), requiring to indicate the correct answers from the proposed list (without indicating the number of correct answers that were required to be selected), and a task in which it was required to fill in the text in place of gaps with words or phrases from the proposed list . It was these tasks that caused significant difficulties for graduates in completing their work; less than half of the exam participants successfully completed each of them.

Analysis of the completion of Unified State Exam tasks in 2017 showed different levels of completion of tasks of basic, advanced and high levels of complexity.

Part 1 (tasks 1-27)

Most high level completion of tasks of a basic level of complexity was shown in content: Administrative-territorial structure of Russia. Capitals and large cities (B 66.9%); Geographical features reproduction of the world population, sex and age composition. Level and quality of life of the population (B 60.2%); Time zones (P 59.3%), Geographical models. Geographic map, area plan (B 45.8%)

The tasks of the basic level of complexity in content turned out to be the most difficult: Geography of Russian industries. Geography of agriculture. Geography of the most important modes of transport (11%, compared to 34% in 2016); Lithosphere. Composition and structure. Geographical envelope Earth. Latitudinal zonality and altitudinal zonality (12.7 versus 8% in 2016)

Part 2 (tasks 28-34)

The most successfully completed tasks were of an increased level of complexity in the content of CMM: geography of the main branches of production and non-production spheres (the percentage of completion increased from 12.5% ​​in 2016 to 25.4 in 2017). The performance indicators for tasks of a high level of complexity of the content of CIM have increased: lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, nature of Russia, dynamics of the Earth's population, gender and age composition of the population, production location factors, geography of industrial sectors, the most important types of agricultural transport, rational and irrational use of natural resources, features of the environmental impact of various spheres and sectors of the economy (from 2.5% in 2016 to 10.2% in 2017).

A low percentage of completing tasks of a high level of complexity was shown by the content of the CIM: the Earth as a planet, the modern appearance of the planet Earth, the shape, size, movement of the Earth (5.1%). The performance indicators for completing assignments on the topics: geographical models, geographic map, terrain plan (B level from 14% in 2016 to 37.3%) and (P level from 7% in 2016 to 24.6% in 2017) have increased significantly. ). The percentage of completion of High-level assignments on the topics: Lithosphere has decreased. Hydrosphere. Atmosphere. Biosphere. Nature of Russia. Dynamics of the Earth's population. Sex and age composition of the population. Factors of production location. Geography of industries, the most important types of agricultural transport. Rational and irrational use of natural resources. Features of the environmental impact of various sectors and sectors of the economy from 10% in 2016 to 6.8% in 2017.

Analysis of the exam results also made it possible to identify some typical shortcomings in the educational preparation of Unified State Exam participants. Taking into account these shortcomings is of great importance for increasing the effectiveness of teaching geography. A significant drawback in the preparation of exam participants is their poor command of the conceptual apparatus of physical geography and insufficient understanding of geographical phenomena and processes in geospheres. Taking into account the fact that general education organizations are currently transitioning to work according to the Federal State Educational Standard, it is necessary to note the insufficient development of meta-subject skills. First of all, this is a poor command of linguistic means - the inability to clearly, logically and accurately express one’s point of view, to use adequate linguistic means and geographical terminology. An analysis of the detailed answers of the Unified State Exam participants shows that in most cases, although they coincide in meaning with the elements of the content of the correct answers, they are formulated illiterately not only from the point of view of the use of terminology, but also from the point of view of the norms of the Russian language. A significant portion of graduates are not able to use the sources of information at their disposal (reference materials included in the CMM) to solve problems. Thus, when completing a task to identify a country based on its brief description, which indicated that the country is located on a peninsula in Western Hemisphere, many graduates indicated Norway, Sweden, Denmark, although with the help of a map it was easy to make sure that these countries were in the Eastern Hemisphere.

Knowledge of geographic nomenclature and the position of geographic objects on the map is necessary when performing not only those exam tasks that directly test it, but also for many other tasks. For the least prepared students, we can recommend signing on a contour map selectively (the most significant and often tested in the Unified State Exam) geographical objects marked on it by the teacher (islands and peninsulas, landforms of continents, parts of the World Ocean, rivers and lakes).

As practice shows, a significant proportion of students have insufficiently developed functional literacy, and without purposeful comprehension it is difficult for them to understand what they are asked about in the task. When preparing to perform tasks to establish the correct sequence with weak students, it is recommended to analyze WHAT and HOW is tested in a particular task. This can be done in various ways.

    1. Analysis of the implementation of examination work in the MBOU "Mastakhskaya Secondary School" of the Kobyaisky ulus of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Analysis of the results of the state (final) certification in geography allows us to obtain objective information about the state of school geographical education in a given school. Information about the level of geographic training of graduates is necessary for education workers at all levels.

Let's consider passing the OGE in geography in two last year 2017 and 2018.The number of participants in the OGE in geography in Mastakh secondary school (over the last 2 years) is shown in Table 1.

Table 1

The percentage of boys and girls: boys - 71.4%, girls - 28.6%.

There is a tendency to increase the number of participants in the OGE in geography. Compared to last year, an increase of 20%.

Examination paper with tasks of different difficulty levels; 17 basic, 10 advanced and 3 high-level tasks.

Basic level tasks tested mastery of the requirements of the Federal component educational standard at a level that ensures the ability to navigate the flow of incoming information:

1. Knowledge of basic facts, geographical nomenclature.

2. Understanding the meaning of basic categories and concepts.

3. Understanding the basic cause-and-effect relationships between geographical objects and phenomena.

4. The ability to extract information from statistical sources, geographic maps of certain content.

5. The ability to determine directions, distances and geographic

object coordinates.

To complete advanced level tasks, it was necessary to master the content necessary to ensure the success of further professionalization in the field of geography.

High-level tasks implied mastery of content at a level that ensured the ability to creatively apply knowledge and skills. Basic level tasks accounted for 53% of the maximum primary score for completing the entire work, advanced and high level tasks accounted for 34% and 13%, respectively.

table 2

Dynamics of OGE results in the subject over the past 2 years

% completion for two years – 100, quality: 2017 – 100%, 2018 – 40%. There is a decline in quality. It turns out that in 2018, students who had satisfactory grades in the subject chose geography.

The summarized results of the exam participants completing each of the work tasks are presented in Table 3


Designation of a task in work

Checked elements


Task difficulty level

Percentage of completion by year



Geographical features of the nature of continents and oceans, geography of the peoples of the Earth; differences in the economic development of different territories and water areas; connection between geographical location, natural conditions, resources and economy of individual regions and countries; Know and understand the geographical features of the nature of the continents and oceans, the peoples of the Earth; differences in the economic development of different territories and water areas; results of outstanding geographical discoveries and travels


Specifics of the geographical location and administrative-territorial structure of the Russian Federation; features of its nature, population, main sectors of the economy, natural economic zones and regions; Know the specifics of the geographical location of Russia



Features of the geographical location of Russia Know and understand the features of the nature of Russia


Nature of Russia. Know and understand the natural and anthropogenic causes of geo-ecological problems; measures to preserve nature and protect people from natural and man-made disasters



Features of the sectoral and territorial structure of the Russian economy. Know and understand the features of the main sectors of the Russian economy, natural economic zones and regions


Nature of Russia. Main types of environmental management. Be able to give examples of natural resources, their use and protection, the formation of cultural and everyday characteristics of peoples under the influence of their habitat; be able to find information from different sources necessary to study environmental problems


Population of Russia. Know and understand the characteristics of the Russian population


Geographical objects and phenomena, different territories of the Earth, their provision with natural and human resources, economic potential, environmental problems; Be able to find the information necessary to study different territories of the Earth, their availability of natural and human resources




Economy of Russia. Be able to analyze information from different sources necessary to study different territories of the Earth, their provision with natural and human resources





Atmosphere. Composition, structure, circulation. Distribution of heat and moisture on Earth. Understand geographical phenomena and processes in geospheres



Weather and climate. Study of weather elements. Be able to analyze the information necessary to study different areas of the Earth



Natural and anthropogenic causes of geo-ecological problems at the local, regional and global levels; measures to preserve nature and protect people from natural and man-made phenomena Know and understand the natural and anthropogenic causes of geo-ecological problems



Earth's crust and lithosphere. Composition, structure and development. Earth's surface: landforms, the bottom of the World Ocean; Minerals, the dependence of their location on the structure of the earth’s crust and topography. Mineral resources of the Earth, their types and assessment Be able to identify (recognize) essential features geographical objects and phenomena



Geographic models: globe, geographic map, terrain plan, their main parameters and elements (scale, symbols, methods of cartographic representation, degree network)

Be able to determine geographic coordinates on a map




Natural and anthropogenic causes of geo-ecological problems at the local, regional and global levels; measures to preserve nature and protect people from natural and man-made phenomena Be able to explain the essential features of geographical objects and phenomena. Know and understand the natural and anthropogenic causes of geo-ecological problems



Continents and countries. The main features of the nature of Africa, Australia, Northern and South America, Antarctica, Eurasia. Population of the continents. Natural resources and their use. Changes in nature under the influence of human economic activity. The variety of countries, their main types. Know and understand basic terms and concepts; be able to use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to solve practical problems





Population of the Earth. The size of the Earth's population. Human races, ethnic groups Use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to determine differences in time, read maps of various contents



Determination on the ground, plan and map of the distance, direction, height of points; geographical coordinates and location of geographical objects. Be able to determine distances on a map





Determination on the ground, plan and map of the distance, direction, height of points; geographic coordinates and location of geographic objects Be able to determine directions on a map





Definition of quality environment, its use. Be able to use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to solve practical problems in determining the quality of the environment in one’s area and its use





Reading cards of various contents. Be able to use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to read cards of various contents



Study of geographical objects and phenomena, different territories of the Earth, their provision with natural and human resources, economic potential, environmental problems; Be able to find in different sources the information necessary to study geographical objects and phenomena





Specifics of the geographical location and administrative-territorial structure of the Russian Federation; features of its nature, population, main sectors of the economy, natural economic zones and regions; Know and understand the features of the main sectors of the economy, natural economic zones and regions



Definition of standard time. Be able to use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to determine standard time




Geographical features of the nature of continents and oceans, as well as the geography of the peoples of the Earth; differences in the economic development of different territories and water areas; the connection between the geographical location, natural conditions, resources and economy of individual regions and countries; Know and understand the characteristics of nature, population, main sectors of the economy, natural economic zones and regions of Russia; connection between geographical location, natural conditions, resources and economy of individual countries




Geographical consequences of the Earth's movements, geographical phenomena and processes in the geospheres, the relationship between them, their changes as a result of human activity; Know and understand geographical phenomena and processes in geospheres




Geographical objects and phenomena, different territories of the Earth, their provision with natural and human resources, economic potential, environmental problems; Be able to analyze the information necessary to study different areas of the Earth



Measurements in different forms, identify empirical dependencies on this basis. Be able to identify empirical dependencies based on measurement results presented in different forms.




Geographical consequences of the Earth's movements, geographical phenomena and processes in the geospheres, the relationship between them, their changes as a result of human activity; Understand the geographical implications of the Earth's movements




Essential features of geographical objects and phenomena; Be able to identify (recognize) essential features of geographical objects and phenomena



Analysis of the work showed that the students mastered the topics “Continents, oceans, peoples and countries”, “Nature management and ecology” quite well, while answering the questions “Nature of the Earth and Man” caused great difficulties. Students were most successful in completing tasks that required specific knowledge or well-practiced skills; students identify well-known geographical phenomena and objects, and are able to use familiar maps. Less successful were the answers to questions where it was necessary to use geographical knowledge and skills in a new creative situation, i.e. solve practical problems through geography.It should be noted that the practical skills of working with various sources of geographic information are satisfactory (maps, site plans, tables, diagrams, etc.). Approximately 40% - 50% of students are able to recognize geographical objects and phenomena by their characteristics, but only 20% - 50% are able to explain their essential features.

The exam tested such cartographic skills as presenting measurement results in different forms (find out the terrain profile built along a certain segment on a topographic map), determine standard time; read a topographic map and determine best site for use for the proposed purposes. These skills are developed in 50%-60% of graduates. Overall, about 60% of graduates demonstrated the ability to select a source of information (map) to solve a specific problem (to determine temperature and average annual precipitation, to determine border states). More than 80% can read a weather map using the legend provided and determine the area of ​​effect of a cyclone or anticyclone. It can also be stated that all examinees can find specific statistics in the table. On average, all examinees (40-60% of graduates) have developed the ability to determine certain geographical indicators based on available data (population density, natural increase, mortality according to statistics). This indicates the assimilation of these concepts, an understanding of their essence. The ability to identify geographical objects (regions of Russia, countries, natural areas) based on their characteristics was tested by tasks of an increased level of complexity with geographical text descriptions. In general, more than 40% of those certified were able to identify geographic objects by characteristics.

More than 40% can establish empirical relationships based on the data presented. The data obtained indicate that the exam participants have insufficiently developed this important meta-subject skill, as provided for by the requirements of the educational standard. 40% - 50% of students coped with tasks of a high level of complexity with a detailed answer, requiring an understanding of the connection between geographical location, natural conditions, resources and the economy of individual regions and countries. Moreover, this skill is significant for understanding the relationship between the components of nature and the economic activities of individual countries and regions

3.Methods of preparing schoolchildren for the State Examination and State Examination

State final certification is an integral part educational process, its completion. It allows you to identify the general level of intellectual development of students. The structure and content of the examination paper meet the goal of building differentiated learning in a modern school, which includes two tasks:

    one of them is the formation of basic training in geography for students, which forms the functional basis of general education

    the other is the creation for some schoolchildren of conditions conducive to obtaining an increased level of training.

    1. Determining the level of knowledge of students.

Exams for students of grades 9 and 11 are held in OGE form and Unified State Exam. This type of certification involves solving test tasks. Assignments require the ability to analyze and summarize geographic information, correlate knowledge and skills from various school geography courses with life experience, and apply the geographical knowledge and skills acquired at school in practical activities.

To determine the level of knowledge9th grade students perform a test version of the OGE, and 11th grade students take the Unified State Exam.This work makes it possible to determine what level of knowledge students have, what gaps in knowledge there are, what tasks to pay special attention to,identify the most common errors.The most common mistakes in assignments:

1. Inability to work with maps and obtain the necessary information from them.

Map – main source geographical knowledge, therefore it is important to use various techniques for working with a map when preparing for the Unified State Exam. The use of geographic maps provides enormous opportunities for improving the quality of learning and student development. The wide functionality of the cards allows the teacher to use them in all training courses, implement an activity-based and practice-oriented approach to teaching, and activate cognitive activity students in the lesson, apply different shapes and methodological techniques for working with geographical map, forming the most important geographical skills - cartographic ones.We have to once again explain to students what questions can be answered with the help of cards and give specific examples from the OGE and USE tasks.

For example, identify a country by its brief description.

This highly developed country occupies the territory of four large and several thousand small islands. A feature of nature is the predominance of mountainous terrain, high seismicity, and active volcanism. The country is poor in mineral resources. Due to its elongation in the meridional direction, the climatic conditions are varied. More than 60% of the territory, mainly mountains, is covered with forests: mixed, broad-leaved and variable-humid (including monsoon). The average population density exceeds 100 people per 1 km 2 . Answer: Japan.

    Inattention. Elementary inattention leads to mistakes in the easiest tasks. Students confuse “more-less”, “younger-older”, etc. Here it is important to teach students to read assignments carefully, to teach children to find the main words in questions. For example, arrange the cities listed in order of increasing population. Write down the resulting sequence of numbers in the table. 1) Lipetsk 2) Novosibirsk 3) Pskov.

3. Problems with mathematical calculations. Many children taking geography have a humanitarian orientation and are not strong in mathematics. It is necessary to talk with students again about how to round a number to hundredths or tenths, how to solve a problem using an equation, etc. Solution training is needed here. various types geographical tasks. For example, Average salinity surface waters of the Baltic Sea is 8‰. Determine how many grams of salts are dissolved in 3 liters of its water. In this problem know: 1‰ = 0.001, 1l = 1000cm 3. Answer: 24

4. Diagnostics of ZUN, GIA participants in geography;

To successfully complete and correctly complete assignments, students need to be introduced to the specification of test materials and the codifier.During classes, studentsmust learn:

    work with test tasks (carefully read the wording of the task and understand its meaning (without the opportunity to seek advice from the teacher);

    strictly follow the instructions accompanying the task;

    perform various types of test tasks;

    independently allocate time for completing tasks;

    write clearly printed letters in accordance with the sample specified in the form;

    be well versed in the fields of the form to be filled out during the exam;

    correctly mark the answer option on the form;

    1. The most effective forms of training

Most effective form training in preparing students for the OGE is group or individual.

The use of group forms of learning allows students to be subjects of the educational process: set a goal, plan to achieve it, independently acquire new knowledge, control their friends and themselves, evaluate the results of the activities of their friends and themselves. A very important role is played by the ability of students to correctly ask and answer questions, express their opinions (even erroneous ones), the ability to criticize and understand criticism, convince, explain, prove, evaluate, conduct a dialogue and give a speech. All this is applicable to the group form of learning and very well develops thinking and memory, as well as cognitive skills (compare, analyze, synthesize).

The traditional lesson is no longer suitable as a form of organizing an educational lesson. More acceptable forms of organizing training sessions are lessons in repetition, generalization and systematization of the material being studied, as well as a lesson in testing and assessing knowledge, skills and abilities (in the form of OGE tests).

The most effective principles of learning include awareness, activity, independence in learning and the strength of mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities. A very important role in geography is played by the clarity of learning, since 70% of all exam questions can be answered using atlas maps. Therefore, much attention is paid to working with maps (grades 7, 8, 9).

Systematicity, consistency and complexity in teaching are typical for traditional lessons and in this case become irrelevant.

    1. Methods of preparing students for passing the OGE

Currently, there are many techniques and methods for preparing students for the OGE format, but let’s look at some of them:

1. Training approach

2. Self-education

3. Psychological attitude

To effectively prepare for the OGE, constant training is required. Preparedness for something is understood as a complex of acquired knowledge, skills, abilities, and qualities that allow one to successfully perform a certain activity. The following components can be distinguished in the readiness of students to pass the exam in the form of the OGE:

- information readiness (awareness about the rules of conduct during the exam, awareness about the rules for filling out forms, etc.);

- subject readiness or content readiness (readiness in a certain subject, ability to solve test tasks);

- psychological readiness (state of readiness - “mood”, internal disposition towards a certain behavior, focus on expedient actions, updating and adapting the individual’s capabilities for successful actions in the situation of passing an exam).

To get the maximum result when preparing for the OGE, you need to start preparing in advance, which is often a significant problem. A systematic approach to repeating the studied material is one of the main tasks when preparing for the exam. Independent repetition and training in completing tasks, systematic consultations on control and measuring materials (CMMs) contribute to the systematization of complex knowledge on the subject and the formation of skills in performing tasks on forms. Thus, students become familiar with the requirements and structure of examination materials in a new form, get used to the wording of tasks and the types of tests used in CIM, and learn to briefly and logically answer higher-level tasks.

When preparing for the OGE in geography, the graduate must use textbooks and manuals for preparing for the OGE, which are recommended for use in educational institutions, cartographic and statistical sources for searching and retrieving information. “The map is the alpha and omega of geography,” said N. Baransky, a classic of Russian geographical science. Without knowing the map well, it is impossible to know the subject satisfactorily. Therefore, it is necessary in your work to use both general geographic maps and silent maps (contour maps). To successfully prepare yourself, you need to train as often as possible. The tests will help you get an idea of ​​the wording and difficulty level of the Geography exam. A significant result is achieved by work that does not require additional time, but gives the maximum score for assessment of the OGE. It is necessary to familiarize students with the codifier in detail. The knowledge gained during preparation and self-study allows the graduate to quickly navigate the questions during the exam and complete the task efficiently.

To successfully prepare for the State Examination, it is necessary, first of all, to simply repeat the entire school material, which is included in the content of the program and is necessary to pass the exam. An excellent assistant in this matter are short student dictionaries, which contain important information about certain aspects of each topic studied. But due to the fact that all dictionaries do not serve for explanation, but specifically for refreshing memories, a short dictionary for a schoolchild will be absolutely ineffective for those whose knowledge tends to zero.

In addition, in the process of preparing for the OGE it is very important the right attitude. After all, calm during testing will be much more effective than excitement.

The use of new information technologies makes it possible to diversify and combine the means of pedagogical influence on students, strengthen learning motivation and improve the assimilation of new material, makes it possible to qualitatively change self-control and control over the learning outcome, as well as timely adjustments to both teaching and learning activities. Active work with a computer develops in students a higher level of self-educational skills and abilities - analysis and structuring of the information received. It is necessary to develop the child’s independent work skills, including conducting training and testing on the Internet.

Using the Internet to conduct testing in the State Examination format online (close to the exam format) allows you to assess the level of students’ preparation. When preparing a graduate for the OGE, you can use various training programs that the teacher offers to students, and students can complete interactive training and test tasks. The teacher has the opportunity to organize work with each student and make the necessary changes in their preparation. Testing is carried out outside of class hours or at home, which allows the student to concentrate as much as possible on completing assignments.

Participation in remote competitions and olympiads in the subject contributes to the development of the student’s competence and, as a result, its further implementation in the exam. Students taking the OGE must take an active part in the Olympiads, because The structure of the proposed tasks is close to the exam ones.

Currently, many multimedia teaching aids on geography have been developed that can be used in lessons, when doing homework, when preparing for Olympiads, during students’ research work, and when preparing for the Unified State Exam. The use of information technology in preparation for the OGE has many advantages: the combination of sound, image and interactivity allows you to quickly monitor and evaluate knowledge. The structures of electronic manuals allow you to quickly make transitions within the course and navigate the contents of the manual. The undoubted advantage of using multimedia in preparation for the OGE in geography allows you to intensify the activities of the teacher and the student; improve the quality of teaching the subject; reflect the essential aspects of geographical objects, visibly bringing to life the principle of visibility; bring to the fore the most important and frequently encountered characteristics of objects and natural phenomena in tests.

Among large quantity It is difficult for graduates to choose electronic textbooks on their own that will help them, in a short period of time, with maximum efficiency, repeat theoretical material in all sections of the basic school course in geography, consolidate knowledge and conduct self-control and objective self-assessment of knowledge using tests and assignments similar to the content of the OGE. The theoretical material of many multimedia textbooks includes a lot of unnecessary information, and it is difficult for a ninth-grader to identify the materials necessary to pass the OGE.

3.4 Student’s psychological readiness for the OGE

What is the psychological readiness of a student for the GIA:

    1. This is primarily a focus on expedient actions. It is necessary to have a conversation about whether the student can pass the exam in geography, because spatial imagination is important in geography, and it is no secret that not all students have it. In geography, specific knowledge is very important, namely a good command of a geographical map. Visual memory is important here. Having analyzed the possibilities with the student, you can safely begin preparation.

      It is very important psychologically to form a test culture already in the 6th grade. The test should be a familiar form of work in the classroom, and the habit should be formed gradually, making the requirements more complex with age.

      Next, it is necessary to familiarize students with the specifics of the exam procedure. Parents can provide great assistance in preparing students by showing sincere interest both in preparation, including joint preparation, and directly on the day of the exam, setting the child up for success,

      It is important for the teacher to show calm and maintain a working spirit. In psychology, there is the concept of “test sophistication” - any subject who has been tested has certain advantages over those who are tested for the first time.


The work reveals the main features of the final certification in geography in a secondary school in the form and based on the materials of the OGE. An analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature has shown that the introduction of the GIA, as an element of modernization of the Russian education system, is intended to provide a reliable assessment of the quality of education, continuity of general and vocational education. The specificity of the GIA is that the selection of material to be tested in the exam is made in accordance with the mandatory minimums of school geographical education and covers all courses of the school curriculum.

A multi-aspect characteristic of examination materials in geography is given, the dynamics of changes in the structure and content of KIM in geography are revealed, showing a tendency towards more complex examination papers of the State Examination Institute.

A generalization of the results of the geography exam at the experiment stage showed that the number of participants in the Russian Federation is increasing every year. Students demonstrate an insufficiently high level of knowledge and skills, the main reasons for which are the lack of thoughtful, systematic work to prepare students for the State Examination, motivation of students, insufficient work during all years of study, which should include activities aimed at applying knowledge and skills, rather than for simple reproduction of knowledge. In addition, it should be noted that there is a contradiction between the volume of content of the standard of geographical education and the number of hours allocated to its study in the curriculum.

Analysis of preparation and work with 9th grade allowed us to identify the main problematic issues that arose during the preparation process itself, work them out in a timely manner by repeating the material, solving tests, and generally reduce the number of errors made when writing the first “trial test”.

If the work to prepare students for the OGE is purposeful and systematic, then it will be effective.

The main recommendations for improving the educational process, developed on the basis of an analysis of the results of students’ examination work, will allow teachers to make the necessary adjustments to their work: they will focus on developing the ability to apply knowledge, use it to explain the essence of specific geographical phenomena, the features of their distribution, and show some ways prevention of typical deficiencies in geographical training of graduates.

List of references cheers

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