Job description of the educator (for teaching children the Tatar language). Effective forms and methods of teaching the Tatar language to preschool children (consultation for educators)

"The interaction of the educator in teaching children Tatar language with teachers kindergarten for the implementation of EMC"

We started working on the teaching materials in February 2012, when we received educational and methodological kits, audio-video materials.

To organize the work, I made a presentation of this work (on teaching two state languages) to kindergarten teachers and its introduction and implementation began. In order to involve teachers and parents in the learning process, it is recommended to watch a TV show on Sundays at 9.30 on the TNV channel “Akiyat Ilend” - “In the Land of Fairy Tales”, where the material covered in kindergarten is consolidated, since the plot of each program was created based on the teaching materials . Parents of each group are informed about the day and time of the broadcasted nursery transmission. Parents and teachers have the opportunity to observe and enjoy the success of their children not only at open events, but also in Everyday life kindergarten.

89% of Russian-speaking teachers of our general educational institution completed courses to teach Russian-speaking teachers the Tatar language, and 11% (1 young specialist) will study online at the Ana Tele course this academic year. Every week, I conduct mini-courses with educators, taking into account the idea embodied in the teaching materials. In these classes, I introduce educators to methodological techniques, teaching aids, visual and handout materials, used aids and equipment that help create and maintain the developing and teaching nature of the Tatar language environment in the group. The language development environment includes both language environment, as well as the subject. The subject environment attracts the child, arouses his interest in the language. The child knows that he can come up, look, pick up what he needs, arouses his interest. In this regard, real communication in the Tatar language is stimulated within the subject environment. This environment is interactive. Our preschool educational institution is equipped with a specialized room for teaching children the Tatar language.

Each group has visual material for the parents of our pupils to consolidate the knowledge of the Tatar language at home. Preschool teachers purposefully and consistently create a positive motivation for the pleasure of communication and co-creation with adults and children for each child throughout the entire educational process, organize situations that cause the need for communication, taking into account the age of children and their speech experience, using a variety of methods and techniques that are attractive to the child (game, surprise, problem-search), creative tasks that stimulate speech activity and contribute to the development of initiative speech, creative speech skills.

"Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity."

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Saytyma rakhim itegez, khörmätle colleague. Uzara aralashyp, tҗҗribә urtaklashyik.

Educator - for me it is rather not a profession, but a way of life. Every day I come to the children, we communicate, study, and every time a new world opens up for me, new life. Children teach me to be patient, restrained. For me, the first condition in working with children is a smile, joy, praise, sincere interest in problems. little man. I want every child to be comfortable and cozy with me.

About myself

Being in a constant search for new forms and methods, I strive to make the process of learning a second language interesting, entertaining, accessible to every child.The main goal of teaching the Tatar language is to develop the communicative activity of children. Therefore, as the most important goal of training, I put forward the formation of skills and abilities of verbal communication or communication to the fore. The way to this goal is the practical use of the language. I form the implementation of the communicative goal of learning in all types of learning: speaking, listening, turning to the practice of orientation, multimedia, learning through games, fairy tales, cartoons. Also, for training, I use an educational and methodological kit, which includes collections works of art for educators and parents, as well as sets of audio and video materials in the Tatar language.

Books that shaped my inner world

Gөlchәchәk Galiyeva "Өzelgәn өmet", Fanis Yarullin "Җilkәnnәr җildә synala", G.Әpsәләmov "Ak chәchәklәр", Nәbirә Gyimatdinova әsәrlәre, Zif Kadyrova "Yazmysh sonina", Nailya Yakhina "".

My view of the world

Optimist. Tormysh ul-bik matur. Any kүrә belergә genә kirәk. Nindi genә ochrakta yazmysh sine ayaktan ega ikәn, sin үzeңdә sikerep toryp yulynny davam itәrdәy koch tabarga tieshsen. Fanis Yarullinnyn sүzlәre belәn әytkәndә:

“Yazmysh seznen tez astyna kiterep suksa - egylmas ochen yakasyna yabyshygyz.
Utlarga salsa - үzegez annan da kochlerәk yanygyz, shulvakyt kyzuyn sismәsez.
Sularga tashlasa - kүbek bulyp өskә kүtаrelmәgez - asyltash bulyp tөpkә batygyz, yaltyravygyzny kүrep chumyp alyrlar.
Tuzan itep һavaga kutәrsә - yangyr tamchylaryn kushylyp җirgә tөshegez.
Kara urmannard adashtyrs - koyashka karap yul saylagyz.
Tashlar belәn bastyrsa - chishmәgә әverelep irekkә urgygyz.
Җirgә kumsә - eagle shikelle tishep chygygyz.
Җilkәnnәregezne җillar eksa - soyuegezne җilkәn itep kүtәregez.
Nindi genә ochrakta da җiңәrҙ өyrәnegez.
Kochle ruhlylar gyna maksatka ireshә ala.
Tүzemlelәr genә bakhetka laek!”

My achievements

Diploma of the Education Department of the Educational Establishment of the Educational Institution of the Moscow Region of Kazan for the Vakhitovsky and Privolzhsky Districts, 2012.

Diploma of the Department of Education of the Executive Committee of Kazan for the Volga region, dated 01/24/2013. No. 39.

Diploma of MADOU "Kindergarten No. 362 of the combined" type of the Privolzhsky district of Kazan For high professionalism in the preparation and conduct of classes in the circle on testoplasty "Kolobok" Order No. 118 of May 30, 2012.

Letter of thanks from the Kazan City Methodological Center for the testoplasty program “Kolobok”, presented at the city competition “Festival of Pedagogical Ideas”, 2013.

Diploma of the Education Department of the Executive Committee municipality Kazan in the Vakhitovsky and Privolzhsky districts, for active participation in the district round of the city competition "Festival of Pedagogical Ideas", 2013.

Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan for participation in the Republican competition "The Best Bilingual Kindergarten" 2014.

Certificate of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan for obtaining monetary reward for participation in the Republican competition "The best bilingual kindergarten", 2014.

Diploma of the Department of Education of the Executive Committee of the Municipality of Kazan for the Vakhitovsky and Privolzhsky districts "The best methodological development for interaction with parents in teaching the Tatar language" "Auction of pedagogical ideas", 2014.

Diploma of the Education Department of the Educational Establishment of the Educational Establishment of the Moscow Region of Kazan for the Vakhitovsky and Privolzhsky Districts, for 1st place in the regional competition theatrical performances among children's groups in the Tatar language "Yoldyzlary Theatre", 2016

Gratitude from the Tatar Republican Committee of the Trade Union of Workers of State Institutions and Public Services of the Russian Federation for participation in creative competition, dedicated to the 130th anniversary of G. Tukay, in the nomination: "The best craft for the work of G. Tukay", 2016.

Diploma of the Primary trade union organization of management federal service bailiffs in the Republic of Tatarstan in the competition dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the Tatar folk poet G. Tukay., 2016.

My portfolio

Eze Kalsyn Kersez Namusynnyn,
Neither utse da sinen kulynnan.
Kochlelegen belan gorurlanma!
Keshelegen belan gorurlan!

...Sin yashәmә җirdә faydasyz ber

Tүmgәk bulip tigez urynda.
Yanyp Kalsyn gomren, lighthouse bulyp,
Uzenan son kilgan buynga.

Musa Җәlil.

My publications:

Materials for parents Miscellaneous

Regional component Holiday scenarios

In the conditions of the new language situation in the republic, the formation of a person occurs under the influence of two national cultures, traditions, two systems of ethical norms of verbal and non-verbal behavior. Teaching children the Tatar language in kindergarten is one of the most difficult methodological tasks. How younger child, the more chances he has to master the second language to the maximum extent possible and with natural pronunciation. Issues related to teaching the Tatar language to children preschool age are quite controversial. One side - early childhood is considered by experts as the most favorable period for mastering a second language. On the other hand, preschool children have certain difficulties in mastering a second language, since they are not sufficiently motivated. At preschool age, there are still no real motives for mastering a second language. Also for children, and for some children and out Tatar families- the Tatar language is essentially .

Here, a properly organized language environment can come to the rescue. The natural language environment sufficiently stimulates the processes of mastering the native language

The goals that we set for the child are abstract for him, so we must build the learning process in order to meet the cognitive, playful, personal needs of the child. Preschool children may experience psychological barriers due to the unusual sounds of Tatar speech, unfamiliar and strange words and phrases for children, arising from associations with their native speech.

Success in teaching children allows, on the one hand, the use of a student-centered approach to the child, which involves individual work, the use of a reward system, and the involvement of children in success in their activities; on the other hand, the creation of a Tatar-speaking developing environment.

My goal in the upbringing and development of the child's personality is a child successfully adapting to further educational activities, already in a school environment;

And the main thing in my work is the creation of conditions for free communication of preschool children in the Tatar language by means of effective educational technologies.

Educational tasks:

1. Arouse interest in learning the Tatar language through information and gaming technologies.

2. To form communication skills among themselves in the Tatar language.

3.Develop the perception, attention, memory of children; interest in various types games to encourage activity.

4. Raise interest and respect for the culture, traditions and customs of the Tatar people.

When teaching the Tatar language, children face an additional difficulty: decreased motivation and cognitive activity may be related to the difficulty of mastering the skills speech activity in a non-native language. For a specialist in the Tatar language, the use of such forms of visualization as cards, pictures, illustrations, toys, audio materials facilitates the educational process, but (multimedia presentations, project methods, electronic manuals, various software products that develop communicative-oriented gaming methods and techniques) contribute to an increase in cognitive activity of children and education of love for the second state language. The main typesused in preschool institutions:

Health-saving technologies Project activities Developing technologies Correctional technologies Information technologies Person-oriented technologies Technology "Teacher's Portfolio" Game technology Technology for creating a subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution. In my work, I rely on gaming and . My topic of self-education is “Using the Tatar language in teaching children” The use of ICT in classes in preschool institutions has a number of advantages over traditional forms of organizing classes. Ways of visual support of the material allow to achieve a long-term concentration of attention of pupils, as well as simultaneous impact on several sense organs of the child at once, which contributes to a more solid consolidation of new knowledge gained. Relevance of the use of ICT. Computer technologies are actively used in the educational process, opening up new opportunities for the education sector: the efficiency of searching, structuring information, formulating an educational problem in various information and communication ways, working with various information resources, ready-made software and methodological complexes that allow designing a solution to practical problems. Usage interactive games makes it possible to expand Creative skills teacher and has a positive impact on the education, training and development of preschoolers. The use of ICT in teaching the Tatar language to preschoolers" involves: - the complexity and multifunctionality of using interactive games in teaching in the classroom for teaching preschool children the Tatar language; - the adaptability of an electronic educational resource, the possibility of making changes and additions to it, depending on the program and the characteristics of a particular educational direction and the goals of teachers. Therefore, I am interested in creating electronic games to consolidate the material on the program. I can present my author's electronic games: "Salavat kupere (Rainbow)" for the senior, preparatory gr-fix colors in the Tatar language, "My first fairy tales" for 3-7 years old, (fairy tales from animated plots) can be used in the OOD "Tugan telda sөylәshәbez”, according to the projects “We speak Tatar”, “Koshlar” for 6-7 years old And the compilation of gaming technologies from individual games and elements is, I think, the concern of every educator.

Game technology: is built as a holistic education, covering a certain part of the educational process and integrated general content, plot, character. It includes sequentially: games and exercises that form the ability to identify the main, characteristic features of objects, compare, contrast them; groups of games for the generalization of objects according to certain characteristics; groups of games, during which preschoolers develop the ability to distinguish real phenomena from unreal ones; groups of games that bring up the ability to control oneself, the speed of reaction to a word, tic hearing, ingenuity, etc. At present, our preschool educational institution is implementing the teaching materials for teaching children Tatar and mother tongue. main goal this process is the effective organization of work on the use of teaching materials.

Based on this goal, the following tasks have been identified that relate to all participants in the educational process: 1. To study the regulatory and legal documents on the introduction of a new teaching method into the educational process 2. To develop a plan of work with teachers for teaching the Tatar language. 3. Contribute to the creation of a language environment in groups in order to assimilate the minimum vocabulary for children. 4. Develop didactic games and material for teaching children the Tatar language. How to consolidate with children the new vocabulary learned during the Tatar language school - vocabulary that is non-native for Russian-speaking children? Of course in the form of a game; we should not forget that, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the upbringing and educational process should be based on age-appropriate forms of work with children. And the game is the main form of work with preschool children and leading for them.

A hypothesis was put forward: Along with the systematic use of the new teaching materials in the classroom and in sensitive moments, the development didactic games will contribute to the qualitative assimilation of the vocabulary minimum, the skills of mastering the vocabulary minimum in colloquial speech(dialogues) of teachers and pupils.

Thus, the most important task at the present time is:

Creating the conditions necessary for the wider introduction of author's games

in the educational process, in our case, in their free time.

In the classroom, in individual work, children gradually enter a foreign language environment, through the game. Therefore, the game, being the main activity of the child, allows to overcome most of the difficulties associated with the conditional nature of foreign language communication. For the positive impact of the Tatar language on the formation of personality, the author's multifunctional didactic manuals "Field of Miracles", "Magic Flower" made by me significantly help; 4-7 years old), a didactic game made of felt "Matur bakcha" on the topics of vegetables, counting up to 10. The abundance of game situations, fairy tales creates an atmosphere of joy, creativity, and a favorable psychological climate in the classroom.

In the classes for teaching children the Tatar language, I encountered such a problem, there are very shy children who are hard to get in touch with, it is difficult to build a dialogue with them, especially in the Tatar language. Although the child quickly memorizes words, I can only learn this in his actions (in games, assignments, didactic games). But there is one moment that could not be overlooked - these are finger games, finger theater, during which he repeated words with pleasure. (show finger theater) And I caught myself thinking about what to do, puppet theater, in order to arouse their active interest, to captivate them. At first, these heroes of fairy tales came to our classes as a surprise moment. And then, by the joint efforts of the team, they made heroes from the fairy tales “Shurale”, “Su Anasy”, “Gingerbread Man”, “Goat and Sheep”, “Three Bears”, this is how the work of the circle “Ekiyatler Ilende” began, in my opinion this additional increases the preschooler's interest in learning the second state language. (show puppets) Fairy tales enjoy great love among children. Through fairy tales, we can solve all the tasks assigned to us. The fairy tale has an advantage over other educational methods, it plays a crucial role in the development of imagination, the ability, without which the child's mental activity is impossible during preschool education.

If the game is the leading activity of children doshk. age, and the theater is one of the most democratic and accessible forms of art, which allows you to solve many actual problems pedagogy and psychology. By participating in the theatrical activities of the circle, children get acquainted with the world around them, in order to learn and consolidate the Tatar language, the child’s vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, because the children in roles open up, it is easier to build a dialogue with them, since teaching the Tatar language is the main task. Theatrical activity so activates the children that the child automatically turns on the memory, he remembers everything. Playing a role, the child wants to portray his character, so attention switches to the image itself, and it is easier to memorize speech. In addition, theatrical activity allows the child to solve many problem situations indirectly on behalf of some character - this helps to overcome shyness, insecurity, and shyness. Of course, the creative process is a real miracle. I love watching children discover their unique abilities, it is clear that they are interested, and when it is interesting, everything is better remembered and fixed. At this stage, according to the plan of the senior preschool age for teaching the Tatar language, we have such a topic “Och ayu”, and in circle work we consolidate all this, not only in senior group, but also in the middle.

For example: in the middle group with dolls, three bears are very willing to get used to the role: - Isenme, min zur ayu. _Isenme, min kechkene ayu. - Me, ayu, alma asha ... etc. Thus, they involuntarily improvise. Expected results: - activated and improved vocabulary, sound pronunciation - the ability to build a dialogue is formed, memory develops, thinking - behavior is corrected, the experience of moral behavior is formed. But we cannot do without the technology of creating a subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution; without this environment, the child will not perceive the understanding of the material being taught. Conclusion. Informatization of the preschool educational institution is the process of its development; the sequence of transitions of an educational institution from one state to another. This transition, as a rule, requires special efforts from teachers, which must be organized in one way or another: these can be one-time events or a whole program of work. - prospects for informatization of preschool educational institutions. - the possibility of informatization of preschool educational institutions as a means of increasing the effectiveness of upbringing and education; - the possibility of informatization of preschool educational institutions as a means of increasing the efficiency of the activities of educators, heads of preschool educational institutions; - problems of informatization of preschool educational institutions. A necessary condition for the implementation of all of these areas is to provide an appropriate material and technical base:

Installation and maintenance of computer equipment in classrooms and groups;

Providing technical conditions for Internet access.

Thus, the work on the use of ICT, on teaching children the Tatar language, is relevant and requires further implementation. Games have a strong emotional impact on students, form many skills and abilities: primarily communicative, the ability to work in a team, make decisions, take responsibility. They develop organizational skills, foster a sense of empathy, stimulate mutual assistance in solving difficult problems. Thus, the use of game methods in the educational process allows solving a whole range of pedagogical problems. The use of gaming technologies in the process of teaching the Tatar language in combination with other pedagogical technologies increase the effectiveness of children's education. But we should not forget that even the best game cannot ensure the achievement of all educational goals, so gaming technologies must be considered in the system of all forms and methods used in education.
Together (playing, informational) new pedagogical technologies guarantee the achievements of a preschooler and further contribute to successful learning at school. The creation of technology is impossible without creativity. For a teacher who has learned to work at a technological level, the main guideline will always be the cognitive process in its developing state.

The use of innovative pedagogical technologies contributes to: improving the quality of education; advanced training of educators; application of pedagogical experience and its systematization; use of computer technologies by pupils; preservation and strengthening of the health of pupils; improving the quality of education and upbringing.


Computerization in the field of education: problems and prospects, M, Pedagogy, 1997.

Mashbits, - pedagogical problems of computerization of education, M, Pedagogy, 1998.

Informatization of education: directions, means, technologies, Manual for the system of advanced training, Under the general. ed. , M, MPEI, 2004.

On measures aimed at the introduction of modern educational technologies, Educational Issues, 3-2005.

New pedagogical and Information Technology in the education system / Ed. , M., 2000.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 5" The Scarlet Flower» Chistopolsky, Republic

Report on the topic

"New approaches to teaching children the Tatar language"

Prepared by:

education educator

children to the Tatar language:

Chistopol, March 2016

website of the tutor for teaching the Tatar language

Profession: Tatar language teacher

Professional interests: teach children to communicate in Tatar

Hobbies: aquarium world

Region: Republic of Tatarstan

Locality: Nizhnekamsk

Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 94 "Soenech"

About myself

Graduated from Kazan State Pedagogical University specialty "Teacher of the Tatar language and literature". I worked at a school, but I decided to try to work with preschool children .... and I was not disappointed. At first, it was unusual that there were no habitual vowels - consonants, subject-predicates, nouns and adjectives. But burning eyes, genuine children's interest are worth a lot. I realized that even in kindergarten, albeit in a more simplified form, you can teach children about culture, introduce them to the traditions and customs of the Tatar people, and of course, teach simple speech constructions, and most importantly, love and respect the Tatar language. And we will leave the vowels-consonants (tartyklar-suzyklar) for school.

I have been working as a Tatar language teacher for about 4 years.

Books that shaped my inner world

I love Tatar literature, both Soviet and modern, in particular: Ayaz Gyylәҗev, Mөkhәmmәt Maһdiev, Labib Leron, Zifa Kadyrova, Fәuziya Bәiramova, Nәbirė Gyimatdinova. Intertwining destinies, an intriguing plot, no doubt big influence to the book's success. But for me, the human qualities of the hero are important: in any situation, in any position, you must remain a Human. All people, all tend to make mistakes, but you should never step over the age-old human values. And the canons of Islam help people in this. Eternal canons that help, guide, make you think about how and why you live.

My portfolio

I. General information about the teacher

Mukhamedzyanova Gulshat Ildusovna

Education: higher, Kazan State Pedagogical University, teacher of the Tatar language and literature

Advanced training:1. "Theoretical and Applied Aspects of the Educational Process of a Preschool Educational Establishment in the Conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard", 72 hours, GAPOU "Nizhnekamsk Pedagogical College"

2."Modern educational technologies in the implementation of the main educational program preschool education”, 64 hours, PEI HE “Kazan Innovative University. V.G. Timiryaseva (IEPM)

II. Official documents

(see album official docs)

III. The work of a teacher to generalize and disseminate his own pedagogical experience

2015 - a series of interactive games for teaching the Tatar language to children of the preparatory group "Pearls of Tatarstan"

2015 - summary of the OOD for teaching the Tatar language to children of the middle group "Kunelle yal kone"

2015 - summary of the OOD for teaching the Tatar language for children of the senior group "Shaһәrdә yөribez"

2015 - abstract of KVN entertainment for children of the middle group "Uenchyklar"

2015 - summary of the OOD for teaching the Tatar language to children of the preparatory group "Nishli"

2015 - summary of the OOD for teaching the Tatar language to children of the senior group "Kibetta"

2015 - didactic manual for children 4-7 years old "Development books"

2015 - didactic manual for children 4-7 years old "Colorful family"

2016 - show open event"The specifics of teaching preschoolers the Tatar language" in the framework of the pedagogical practice of students of the branch high school teacher training at the University of Reims, Champagne-Ardenne in Chaumont, France on the basis of the MDEI "CRR - Kindergarten No. 91" Belekech ", certificate;

2016 - showing a lesson in the Tatar language "Pearls of Tatarstan" for educators and teachers - students of regional advanced training courses "Kazan (Volga) Federal University" on the basis of MBDOU No. 94, Nizhnekamsk, feedback from teachers;

2016 - showing a lesson in the Tatar language "Savyt-saba" for educators and parents of pupils on the basis of MBDOU No. 94 in Nizhnekamsk, reviews of teachers and parents;

2017 - a master class for teachers on the topic “ICT in the implementation of the content of teaching materials for teaching children the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan” at the final pedagogical meeting of preschool education workers of the Nizhnekamsk municipal district “Innovative technologies as a means cognitive development children of preschool age in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education "on the basis of the MBDOU" Kindergarten No. 93 "Elluki", certificate;

2017 - showing a lesson (educational activity) on the topic “Pearls of Tatarstan” within the framework of the regional seminar “Use of modern technologies in educational activities of the preschool educational institution”according to the work plan of the Regional Innovation Platform (order of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education NGPU No. 13 / 2-D 01.29.2016) based on MADOU No. 111 “Batyr”, Naberezhnye Chelny, certificate No. 815;

2017 - a master class for teachers "Electronic guide" at the city methodological association of educators for teaching the Tatar (Russian) languages ​​of the preschool educational institution of the Nizhnekamsk municipal district on the basis of the MADOU "CRR - kindergarten No. 92 "Ladushki", certificate;

IV. Participation in district, regional and all-Russian professional competitions

1. Participation in professional competitions in educational training

2015 Review competition "The best bilingual group of kindergarten - 2015" (letter of thanks)

2015 - preparation and organization of the municipal competition "Clever and clever" on the basis of the CRR "Kindergarten No. 91" (letter of thanks)

2. Participation in regional professional competitions

2015 - municipal competition of reciters of G. Tukay's poem among preschoolers "Yattan soyla Tukay shigyrlaren-shushi bulyr in zur bүlagen" (participant diploma)

2015 - competition of didactic games and teaching aids on teaching two state languages ​​in the nomination "Didactic manual" (diploma of the 1st degree)

2016 - KMO in with. Big Afanasovo on the topic "ICT games in educational activities" (program)

2016 - municipal competition of reciters of G. Tukay's poem among preschoolers "Yattan soyla Tukay shigyrlaren-shushi bulyr in zur bүlagen" (participant diploma)

2017 - open regional festival-competition “Happy childhood. Bakhetle balachak” among pupils of preschool educational institutions on the basis of MADOU “CRR-kindergarten No. 92 “Ladushki”, nomination “Artistic word”, Bakhtieva Reseda, Mavleeva Samira, Sharifullin Danir, II degree diploma;

2018 - municipal competition "Alish and children" among pupils of preschool educational institutions, dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of the writer A. Alish, Yapparov Samir, II degree diploma;

2018 - municipal festival-competition of children's theaters "Theatrical Palette", nomination "Miniatures and excerpts" on the basis of "CRR-kindergarten No. 90" Sunflower ", Yapparova Samira, Hadiev Aigiz, Nafikov Niyaz, diploma of the I degree;

2018 - municipal festival-competition of children's theaters "Theatrical palette", on the basis of the "CRR-kindergarten No. 90 "Sunflower", theater group "Soenech", diploma of the II degree;

3. Participation in regional professional competitions

2015 - Republican tournament "Computer literacy" (II degree diploma)

2015 - regional competition "Fair of Pedagogical Ideas" (participant certificate)

2015 - regional seminar "The use of interactive equipment in the pedagogical space of the preschool educational institution" (participant certificate)

2015 - republican seminar on the topic: "Modern technologies as organizational and methodological tools in the organization of the pedagogical process of preschool education" (participant certificate)

2015 - regional seminar - workshop "Interactive technologies in the work of kindergarten" (participant certificate)

2016 - a regional event on the basis of kindergarten No. 39, dedicated to international day native language "Yoldyzdan sibelgәn enҗelәr" (certificate of participation)

2016 - p regional event on the basis of kindergarten No. 39, dedicated to the international day of the native language "Yoldyzdan sibelgәn enҗelәr" (diploma of the participant of the pupil-Akhmetova Azalia)

2016 - a master class at the methodological association of educators for teaching the Tatar and Russian languages ​​​​of preschool institutions of the NMR on the topic "ICT games in educational activities" on the basis of the MBDOU "Rucheyek" in the village of Bolshoe Afanasovo, certificate;

2017 - a master class at the methodological association of educators for teaching the Tatar and Russian languages ​​​​of preschool institutions NMR "Modern educational technologies in teaching preschoolers the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tajikistan, taking into account the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education" on the topic "The role of ICT in teaching preschoolers two state languages" on the basis MADOU "CRR - Kindergarten No. 92 "Ladushki", certificate;

2017 - a master class at the methodological association of educators for teaching the Tatar and Russian languages ​​​​of preschool institutions of the NMR "Balalarnyn soylam useshendә yanacha tekhnologiyar" on the topic "Author's ICT development" Interactive store "on the basis of MADOU "Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 74", certificate;

2017 - presentation of the didactic manual "Lap-book on the topic" Circus "at the methodological association of educators for teaching the Tatar and Russian languages ​​​​of preschool institutions of the NMR" Balalarnyn soylam үseshendә yanacha tekhnologiyar "on the basis of MADOU" Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 74 ", certificate.

2016 - participation in the regional seminar "Creating conditions for the development and realization of the creative potential of children with the help of LEGO technologies and robotics" on the basis of MBDOU No. 2 in Almetyevsk with the support of the Department of Education of the Almetyevsk Municipal District, certificate;

2016 Presentation of the lap-book "Maktapkayul" at the regional workshop "The system of work of preschool educational institutions for the formation of practical skills in the Tatar language among preschoolers" on the basis of MADOU "Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 43", certificate;

2017 - participation in the regional workshop "Interactive games of a new generation in the intellectual development of preschoolers" on the basis of MBDOU "Kindergarten" Fairy tale”Zainsk, certificate;

2017 - presentation with a report “Using Lego blocks to consolidate Tatar words” at the regional workshop “Using quest technologies in educational activities in multilingual development with preschool children” on the basis of the MBDOU “Kindergarten “Magic Fairy Tale” Zainsk, certificate;

2017 - master class "Introduction to the profession of a salesperson through ICT games" at the republican workshop "Early career guidance for preschoolers in the context of the implementation of GEF DO" on the basis of MBDOU No. 94 "Soenech", certificate of participation;

2017 - master class "Didactic support of the pedagogical process for the study of the Tatar language" for students of the National Philosophy Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kazan Innovative University. Timiryasova (IUEP) at the republican workshop "Innovative approaches to organizing a developing subject-spatial environment in a preschool educational institution in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education" on the basis of MBDOU No. 94 "Soenech", certificate of participation;

2018 - master class “Kibetkә sәyakhət” for students of the National Philosophy Educational Institution of Higher Education “Kazan Innovative University. Timiryasova (IUEP) at the republican workshop "Developing subject-spatial environment in preschool educational institutions to familiarize children with professions" on the basis of MBDOU No. 94 "Soenech", certificate;

2018 - participation in the republican seminar of teachers of the Tatar language and literature “Application of the innovative system of V.N. Meshcheryakova in teaching the Tatar language to Russian-speaking students” on the basis of secondary school No. 27 with in-depth study of individual subjects, certificate;

2018 - participation in the municipal seminar for teachers of the preschool educational institution “Organization gaming activity preschoolers in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard”, certificate;

2018 - master class "The role of Lego blocks in the study of the Tatar language by preschoolers" at the regional seminar as part of the activities of the innovation platform "System-activity approach to building educational activities using Lego technologies and robotics aimed at developing the creativity of preschool children in conditions for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education ”on the basis of the preschool educational institution of the Department of Education of the Almetyevsk Municipal District, certificate;

2018 - master class "Interactive store" at the municipal seminar for preschool teachers "Organization of play activities for preschoolers in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard" on the basis of the MBU "Department of preschool education" Nizhnekamsk, certificate.

4. Participation in all-Russian professional competitions

2015 V All-Russian competition "Talents of Russia" (diploma of the 1st degree)

5. Participation in international professional competitions

2015 - International scientific and practical conference"Education quality management in new socio-cultural conditions: experience, problems, prospects" (participant certificate)

2015 - IV international competition"Talents of Russia" in the nomination "Methodological development" (diploma of II degree)

2017 - international competition-festival within the framework of the project "On the Wings of Talent" on the basis of the Republican House of Folk Art in Izhevsk (Udmurtia), the theater group "Soenech", 1st degree diploma winner;

2017 - international competition-festival within the framework of the project "When we are together" on the basis of the recreation center "Energetik", Naberezhnye Chelny, the theater group "Soenech", diploma of the laureate of the 1st degree;

2018 - international competition-festival within the framework of the Planet of Talents project on the basis of the Energetik Palace of Culture, Naberezhnye Chelny, the Soenech theater group, 2nd degree diploma winner;

V. The use of modern educational technologies, including information and communication, in the learning process and in educational work

A series of interactive games for teaching the Tatar language to children of the preparatory group "Pearls of Tatarstan"

Electronic mobile video guide for children 4-7 years old on the topics: "Gailә, wenchyklar"

Electronic audio guide to the museum for children 4-7 years old

Job description


1. General provisions

1.2 caregiver (for teaching children the Tatar language) should have : higher professional education or secondary vocational education in the field of study "Education and Pedagogy" without presenting requirements for work experience, or higher vocational education or secondary vocational education and additional vocational education in the field of study "Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology" without presenting requirements for work experience.

1.3. caregiver(for teaching children the Tatar language)directly reports to the head teacherand head of the DOE.

1.4. Its activities are guided by :

- federal law dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ (as amended on July 23, 2013) “On education in Russian Federation»;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 30, 2013 N 1014 “On Approval of the Procedure for Organization and Implementation of Educational Activities in Basic General Education Programs - Educational Programs of Preschool Education”;

Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. 124 - Federal Law (as amended on November 25, 2013) “On the Basic Guarantees of the Child in the Russian Federation”;

By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 10/17/2013 "On approval of the federal state educational standard preschool education"";

Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2013 N 26 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the preschool educational organizations"(together with "SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations ...";

Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of October 18, 2013 No. 544n “On Approval professional standards teacher";

The charter of DOU.

1.5. Must know:

Priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; pedagogy, children's, age and social psychology; psychology of relationships, individual and age characteristics of children, age physiology, preschool hygiene; methods and forms of monitoring the activities of pupils; pedagogical ethics; theory and methodology educational work, organization of free time of pupils; methods of managing educational systems; modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated, developmental learning, the implementation of a competency-based approach; methods of persuasion, argumentation of one's position, establishing contacts with pupils of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), work colleagues; cause diagnostic technologies conflict situations, their prevention and resolution; fundamentals of ecology, economics, sociology; labor legislation; basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment; internal labor regulations of the educational institution; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

1.6. caregiver (for teaching children the Tatar language) must:

Demonstrate knowledge of the curriculum.

Be able to plan, conduct educational activities, analyze their effectiveness (introspection of OD).

Own the forms and methods of teaching that go beyond the scope of OD: additional educational services, etc.

Develop (master) and apply modern psychological and pedagogical technologies based on knowledge of the laws of personality development and behavior in a real and virtual environment.

Use and test special approaches to learning in order to include all students in the educational process, including those with special needs in education: students who have shown outstanding abilities; students for whom Russian is not their native language; students with handicapped health.

To rule study groups in order to involve students in the process of education and upbringing, motivating their educational and cognitive activities.

Find the value aspect of educational activity, ensure its understanding and experience by pupils.

To be able to design and create situations and events that develop the emotional and value sphere of the child (the culture of experiences and value orientations of the child).

Build educational activity taking into account the cultural differences of children, gender, age and individual characteristics.
- Apply tools and methods for diagnosing and evaluating indicators of the level and dynamics of a child's development.

Interact with other specialists within the framework of the psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation.

Own standardized methods of psychodiagnostics personal characteristics and age features pupils.

Master and apply psychological and pedagogical technologies (including inclusive ones) necessary for targeted work with various contingents of pupils: gifted children, socially vulnerable children, children in difficult life situations, migrant children, orphans, children with special educational needs (autistic children, children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, etc.), children with disabilities, children with behavioral deviations, children with addiction.

Evaluate the educational results of children mastering the main general education program, as well as (together with a psychologist) monitor personal characteristics.

2. Qualification requirements and

required level of knowledge.

2.1. The educator (for teaching children the Tatar language) must have a profile higher pedagogical or secondary specialized pedagogical education (subject to further education at a university in the profile) and speak literary Tatar and Russian.

It is allowed to work after a mandatory medical examination and obtaining a work permit.

2.2. The educator (for teaching children the Tatar language) should know:

    Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation";

    Law of the Republic of Tatarstan "On the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan and other languages ​​in the Republic of Tatarstan";


    Directive and informative documents on the problems of preschool education;

    the Convention on the Rights of the Child;

    Charter of the DOW;

    Methods of teaching the Tatar language;

    Preschool pedagogy and psychology;

    Fundamentals of pre-hospital medical care;

    Rules and regulations on HSE, HSE, protection of life and health of children, protection of the rights and interests of minors, protection of consumer rights.

H. Main responsibilities.

3.1. caregiver (for teaching children the Tatar language)constitutes a working educational

program for the academic year.

3.2. Plans and conducts work on the development of integrative qualities in children, prepares them for schooling in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

3.3. Carries out organized educational activities (OD) and creates a language environment in two state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan for the assimilation of teaching materials by children.

3.4. Planning and implementation of educational work in
in accordance with the program implemented in the unified educational space of the preschool educational institution.

3.5. The educator (for teaching children the Tatar language) teaches children the Tatar language athigh professional level and ensures the creation of conditions for the life of children, their social and psychological adaptation.

3.6. Conducts OD with children in subgroups.

OD duration:

Preparatory group - 25-30 minutes;

Senior group - 25 minutes;

middle group 20 minutes.

3.7. Organizes OD into subgroups, based on the level of children's language proficiency and theirnationality.

3.8. Raises children's interest in learning the Tatar language.

3.9. In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 463 dated June 29, 2001 "On measures to improve the study of the native Tatar - Russian languages ​​in preschool educational institutions", teaching the native language is carried out starting fromIthe younger group (only with children of Tatar nationality), and the Tatar and Russian languages ​​- from the middle group.

3.10. Conducts OD for teaching native, Tatar, Russian languages ​​three times a week at the expense of the following ODs:

    AT I junior group: development of speech, familiarization with fiction and design;

    In IIyounger group: familiarization with fiction, design, modeling;

    In the senior group: familiarization with fiction, modeling, drawing;

    In the group preparatory to school: speech development, familiarization with fiction, drawing.

3.11. The inclusion of OD for teaching native, Tatar, Russian languages ​​should notexceed total OD provided for by the "Program of education and training in kindergarten" M., Education, 2005 G.

3.12. When conducting OD on teaching the native language, the educator uses "Balalar bakchasynda tarbiyaһәm belem biru programs "Kazan, 2006 ate, Educational - methodicalth set"Tugan teld ә sөylәshәbez» ( Khazratova F.V., Zaripova Z. M., Kazan, 2012 ate) , Reader"Balachak Alany" (Kazan, 2011 ate).

3.13. When teaching the Tatar language, the teacher uses the "Program for teaching the Tatar language in kindergarten", "Programat to educational - methodicalkit"Tatar with өylәshәbez"(Zaripova Z. M., Kidryacheva R. G.Kazan, RIC School, 2013), Educational and methodicaluyset"T atarcha sөylәshәbez»

(Zaripova Z. M., Kidryacheva R. G. Kazan, 2012 ate) .

3.14. In addition to the main OD, the educator is obliged to conduct group and individual works with kids.

3.15. The weekly load of the teacher (teaching children the Tatar language) is 36 hours in 6 groups(1 bet).

3.16. Provides assistance and advises teachers on educational issuespublic languages Republic of Tatarstan.

3.17. Makes plans for OD, ensures their implementation.

3.18. Takes part in the work of the pedagogical council. Prepares a report on their work with the presentation of learning outcomespublic languages Republic of Tatarstan, holdsopen demonstrationEvents for teachers and parents.

3.19. Develops plans for equipping a classroom for teaching children the Tatar language andreplenishment of its modern equipment and didactic material.

3.20. Complies with the rules, regulations and instructions for labor protection.

3.21. Organizes work with parents on teaching the Tatar language in a preschool educational institution, a family.

3.22. Conducts initial and final diagnostics for teaching Russian-speaking children the Tatar language, children of Tatars in their native language (starting from the middle group). Participates in the monitoring of the assimilation of the general educational program of the preschool educational institution by children and the preparation of individual educational routes.

3.23. Provides the creation of conditions for the life of children, their socio-psychological adaptation, social and labor adaptation.

3.24. Provides sanitary and hygienic and safe conditions in accordance with SanPiN

3.25. Together with medical workers ensures the preservation and strengthening of the health of each child.

3.26. Regularly informs the heads of preschool educational institutions and medical staff about the state of health of children. Organizes the implementation of the daily routine established for children.

3.27. Carries out education, training, proper care for children in accordance with the Charter of the preschool institution and the Law on Education No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012.

3.28. Participates in parent meetings, conferences, seminars, etc. to promote the need to master the Tatar language. Prepares a visual campaign for parents.

3.29. Constantly improves his skills. Introduces innovative technologies and advanced pedagogical experience in working with children.

3.30. Provides continuity in work with the school.

3.31. Properly applies collective and individual protective equipment.

3.32. Immediately informs his immediate supervisor about any accident that occurred in the preschool educational institution, about signs of an occupational disease, as well as about a situation that will pose a threat to the life and health of people.

4. Rights

caregiver (for teaching children the Tatar language)DOW has the right:

4.1. To make proposals for improving the educational process, to introduce the most effective forms and methods, technical teaching aids.

4.2. To take part in managing the affairs of the team, teachers' council, methodical associations, seminars, consultations.

4.3. Raise the qualification level.

5. Responsibility

caregiver (for teaching children the Tatar language)DOE is responsible for:

5.1. Life and health of children.

5.2. Strict implementation of the Rules internal regulations DOW.

5.3. Proper maintenance of regulatory documents.

5.4. Performing discipline.

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