Fgbu "tsniii iv" of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Domestic weapons and military equipment Central Research Institute of Engineering Troops Nakhabino Kostyunin

Organization of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Central Scientific Research Institute of Engineering Troops named after Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant General of Engineering Troops D.M. Karbyshev" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation 5024149168 received a license at the legal address 143432, Moscow Region, Nakhabino, a worker in the village of Nakhabino. , KARBISHEVA STREET, 2. The company was registered on 11/05/2014. The company has been assigned the All-Russian State Registration Number - 5147746301049. According to the registration documents, the main activity is other scientific research and development in the field of natural and technical sciences. Management of the organization is carried out by the CHIEF VOROBYEV IVAN SEMENOVICH. For more detailed information, you can go to the company card and check the counterparty for reliability.

11/05/2014 Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal tax service No. 23 in the Moscow region carried out the registration of the organization of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "TsNIIII IV" of the MINISTRY OF DEFENSE OF RUSSIA. On 11/18/2016, the registration procedure was initiated at the State Institution - Main Directorate of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation No. 9 Directorate No. 3 Krasnogorsk district of the Moscow region. Registered in Branch No. 23 State institution- Moscow regional branch of the Fund social insurance Russian Federation the company FGBU "TsNIIII IV" of the MINISTRY OF DEFENSE of RUSSIA became 01.11.2016 00:00:00. In the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the last entry about the organization has the following content: State registration of changes made to founding documents legal entity related to the introduction of changes in the information about the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register legal entities, based on the application.

A. Ermolin- Good afternoon to everyone who listens to us, the program “Military Council” is on air, the host in the studio is Anatoly Yermolin. I want to say right away that our program is being recorded today, which does not belittle its significance. Our guest today is Ivan Semenovich Vorobyov, Colonel, Head of the Research and Testing Institute engineering troops Ministry of Defense of Russia, good afternoon, Ivan Semenovich.

I. Vorobyov- Good afternoon, hello everyone.

A. Ermolin- Ivan Semenovich, well, this is not the first time with us, and your colleagues were there too. How do you assess, over the last year maybe, what is going on in principle in your troops? So I hear what the officers say that you have a powerful growth here, the number, the number of brigades, battalions, and regiments is increasing. Tell me more about what's going on.

I. Vorobyov- Well, for the last 2 years, with the advent of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Shoigu Sergey Kuzhugetovich, they turned their faces to the engineering troops, he forced everyone to turn their faces, as if to combat support. And so the development ... With his arrival, the engineering troops received a new development not only in their structural, regular systems, but also in the development of our engineering equipment. Already this year, we are creating a new formation of engineering troops, they will join the armed forces of the Russian Federation, and this is planned for next year. Well, the main thing, as they say, we must radically replace the means of engineering weapons in as soon as possible. And those tasks that were recently set by the Minister of Defense, so that 70% of the equipment should go to latest samples equipment weapons. This task was also set by the head of the engineering troops, Lieutenant General Yury Mikhailovich Stavitsky, including our research and testing institute of the engineering troops of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, on which we are now fruitfully working.

A. Ermolin- And there was a period when you were taken out of combat command, Yes? And attached to the rear, right?

I. Vorobyov“You even know that. Well, we will not evaluate the previous leadership, but there was such a stage in our scientific institution when we were subordinate to another scientific institution, the independent structure of which was subordinate to the military commander of the engineering troops - it was absent. And therefore, there were additional problems in design, in research, in the development of engineering troops to create new models. And this work, let's say so, did not stop, it continued anyway, this material accumulated, material was developed, we studied. While it was a time of such oblivion, we still built it up, this material. And now from October 1st this year The Central Research and Testing Institute of Engineering Troops of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was formed, which is directly subordinate to the head of the engineering troops, Lieutenant General Yury Mikhailovich Stavitsky.

A. Ermolin- Well, that is, it is not at all necessary to enlarge, enlarge everything in order for everything to be as efficient as possible. I know in what sense? Unexpected (inaudible) I want to throw, that's just civil life to what is now happening in Moscow with educational institutions. By the way, I also think that when there are unique structures, they should be merged with some larger ones ... That is, it is not always effective. But it's me, as they say, abusing it on my own, right? Ivan Semenovich, but tell us a few words about yourself, how did your military career develop?

I. Vorobyov- Well, I developed a military career, let's say so, for the first time with the engineering troops. Let's say so - I encountered the monsters of the engineering troops in 1988, while participating in the aftermath at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. When I saw...

A. Ermolin- How old were you then?

I. Vorobyov- I was 24 years old.

A. Ermolin- You mean old?

I. Vorobyov- First lieutenant, yes. I was given a high honor, and I was a participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

A. Ermolin- Admitted to the reactor.

I. Vorobyov- Yes, I was admitted to the reactor, we were stationed in a ten-kilometer zone, our engineering and road battalion was stationed. They carried out the tasks of reburial of radioactive waste, and for the first time I encountered a scientific group that was from the 15th former Central Research Institute of Engineering Troops, which previously existed. It seemed to me that it was simply simply unattainable ... Those people who, deep down, were very great people at that time. And now, after almost 30 years, I headed this institute, the head of the troops somehow added to me. Therefore, I will try to justify this trust. And that story, those ... So work with former bosses Institute, we do not stop it, communication, I listen to them. Well, let's say so, in the future my life turned out more ... I served in the troops, in the southern military district, in the North Caucasus, in the southern military district. A participant in hostilities, in principle, practice - it is, we know what our soldier wants, we know how to protect him, we have seen it all, passed it through our hands. Now, as the task has been set by the chief of troops, all this should be translated into science, translated into new means, into the development of new means of engineering weapons.

A. Ermolin Was it scary in Chernobyl? What was it, scary or interesting? Or is it terribly interesting? What emotions does the young starley have there ...

I. Vorobyov- The main thing... Well, as instructed: the main thing is not to leave the road anywhere, not to go into any restricted areas, not to lift anything that is not necessary. Because everything is radioactive. Well, I think the state of health allows for the time being to head the institute, there are no health problems, but that's all ...

A. Ermolin- Have you caught radiation?

I. Vorobyov- Yes, of course. In small quantities, it is probably useful, we all gradually ... And in Moscow they catch it, this radiation. So I think...

A. Ermolin- Everything is useful for us. (inaudible) everything is useful.

I. Vorobyov Yes, so I don't see anything wrong with that.

A. Ermolin- Well, you can really protect ... Still, such a unique experience of military personnel in conditions nuclear threat there, or radiation. Here's what ... Here, a competent officer can really do it, relying on standard protective equipment, to make sure that all people survive, or receive the minimum dose of radiation.

I. Vorobyov- Well, firstly, according to the requirements for the development of engineering weapons, which partly concerns ... Either this is equipment, or these are some kind of protective equipment, they are all developed taking into account protection from the effects of radiochemical, biological radiation. Currently, our one of the departments of our institute is working on modern technologies, in the use of means of the personnel protection unit. This is if we previously relied more on reinforced concrete structures that were part of the ratification structures, then at the present time these are already modern composites, which are both lightweight, and including their property allows you to give more protection personnel, hide them, ensure the survivability of these structures. Well, including, even ... I will continue this topic so that we somehow (inaudible) our listeners in that we will apply them already by the method (inaudible). And to assemble the structure that we need exactly for that terrain, and as much as possible we can protect the personnel.

A. Ermolin- So I pester your colleagues all the time with one low American, called " good soldiers". It’s just there ... Well, I just recommend reading it, because it’s about how the Americans fought in Iraq. There just with one ... Close military unit the journalist was constantly. And he just describes real experience what the fighters feel, how they died there, what is being done. It's just very similar to what we felt in Afghanistan. The same tactic, they sit on the armor, the same way they tighten their legs so that at least one leg remains on these of their own (inaudible). Actually, why do I remember this - because that's where I just read about these legos, about such prefabricated structures, when the engineering service arrives, chik-chik, and actually built it there ... Well, not from adobe bricks, which at one time in We did Afghanistan, right? But you do everything quickly, right there is a tower, right there are drones, right there is a control zone. That is, very efficient technology. I mean, we already have that too. Or is it still being developed?

I. Vorobyov- It's in development. And it already means what you say on drones, and the control of the adjacent territory, what we should carry out, and how to place it all. A task has been set for the commanders of the troops, it will be carried out, and in the month of May ...

A. Ermolin- Drones (inaudible).

I. Vorobyov- Yes, the drones (inaudible) that worked with us ... At the open (inaudible) guys worked for us at competitions, joint interaction was organized, they worked very fruitfully. But the chiefs of troops were given the task that in May, at the meeting of the leading staff of the engineering troops, we must report to our commanders, to our chiefs on the measures taken. Therefore, these modern samples of funds will already be presented there. modern weapons, this is a line of our engineering equipment, which will be ... In 2 years, which has already been completed, created. The enterprises will present all this so that we can already report and show specifically not on paper already, not on mock-ups, but we will present all of this equipment live to our subordinate officers.

A. Ermolin- Are you studying world experience? You have analysts who don't find out on Ekho Moskvy, let's put it this way.

I. Vorobyov Well, you can't live without it. You know, whoever has the information owns the world, so we have it all the time, it all starts with this. This is the initial data for the design and creation of any piece of equipment, this is experience foreign countries we take. Where, as used, is precisely the practical action in dual-use combat. There are different principles of approach, as for each sample. Therefore, we study them, and before continuing this work, we choose the direction that suits us ... In general, we look, study both the model that we must create, and the opposition to this model, how, what happens in foreign armies, too, we are studying so that he can counteract.

A. Ermolin- I want to remind you that today we are working on the record, and our guest today is Ivan Semenovich Vorobyov, colonel, head of the research, testing institute of engineering troops of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Ivan Semenovich, we stopped at foreign experience, on how you research it and apply it in your developments. And at the same time, do not forget Russian history. After all, a military engineer Russian history, and in the history of the armed forces has always been the first elite itself. And here's how ... What do you draw from there, right? And what traditions are you trying to keep?

I. Vorobyov- Well, first of all, I want to remind our listeners that the engineering troops are the oldest troops of our armed forces. Next January, we will already be celebrating the 313th anniversary of the formation of the engineering troops. Our research and testing institute of engineering troops is one of the oldest scientific institutions of the Ministry of Defense. Just recently, on October 6, we celebrated the 95th anniversary of our institute. Therefore, we never departed from history, and never left. Because if someone forgets history, he has no future. This is the first principle that is preserved in the engineering troops. We are constantly given… We work with our veterans. These are the people who started... Let's say so, who started science on some models, on mock-ups, now they have smoothly moved into software testing schemes. We always work with them, we always interact. They make up the largest percentage in our institute, our respected people, veterans. Who gave not 30 years, but 50, 60 years. There are even veterans who gave engineering troops. And that one invaluable experience that they have since the (inaudible) training ground there, the fighting in Afghanistan, counter-terrorist operations, they ... This is still only for the benefit of the development of the engineering troops. Therefore, honor and praise to them, many thanks to them, and we are always ready to work with them.

A. Ermolin- What period in the history of the engineering troops can be called such a breakthrough in the development of tactics for the use of new technical means.

I. Vorobyov- Well, first of all, we must not forget that the breakthrough period is still the development of engineering troops, (inaudible) engineering weapons, which are now even currently being used. These were the developments of the 70s. It seems like 50 years have passed, but they are relevant now. And now, in the second decade of the 21st century, we are trying to do new stage a breakthrough because, first of all, the development of engineering weapons should be based on new technologies, on new requirements for engineering weapons, and as the task was again set by the chief of troops, each tool should have its own zest so that we do not stop at modernizing just a sample . And it must be developed new, according to new requirements, according to new trends that we have for engineering equipment.

A. Ermolin- And you are satisfied with the engineering culture, the bearers of which are those officers who come to you. Well, I can give you an example as an illustration... Recently I re-read the memoirs of Pyotr Alekseevich Kropotkin, who was a prince, studied in the page corps. He described his page years in great detail, including what great value indulged in fortification work. And he writes like they are cadets, although in the status of pages, right? That is how they are. How much time and effort they spent on calculations, on the construction of fortifications, and how it was a shame for them to break it all later. Because they built it all for real. Now, as you can see... Well, actually I won't repeat myself. Are you satisfied with those engineers who come to you today?

I. Vorobyov“The quality of training at our Tyumen Higher Engineering Command School is very high. And our graduates - they are always in demand in the troops, this is first of all. Our graduates of the Academy of the Military Institute of Engineering Troops, as part of the combined arms academy, are also very much in demand among the troops. Well, if we continue this topic, then if we stop at a soldier, then from this school year engineering training became the main subject of study. Therefore, if a unit is negligent in its engineering training classes, it can get higher than the mark that it will receive in engineering training, it will never receive. Therefore, the attitude of the commanders of all became more serious about engineering training. Because everyone understands perfectly well, if you don’t know engineering, as Peter I says, then you won’t be promoted in rank either. Therefore, everyone is very... Now there has been a big change in relations in engineering training in the troops, and the readiness of personnel, officers, it has increased significantly. Well, if you don’t go that far, the last competition “Our Open Water”, which was held among the pontoon crossing units of the engineering troops in the city of Murom, Vladimir Region, showed highest class officer staff. Personnel of divisions, accomplishment of tasks engineering support, in particular relating to overcoming and forcing a water barrier.

A. Ermolin- I suggest we talk about this in more detail. If possible, a few words about what your institute is like. We have already talked about the troops, about human capital too, right? Let's focus on exactly what you do every day.

I. Vorobyov- Our Institute consists of four main departments, research departments, which have their own areas of activity, scientific activity, including our leading department - this is who is developing engineering ammunition. It creates them, creates ways to overcome these ammunition, search, reconnaissance. (Unintelligible) there is a department that is developing our engineering equipment, in particular those related to earth-moving machines, amphibious assault vehicles. (Indistinct) management, which is counteracting the technical means of reconnaissance, and the creation of camouflage. The fourth department is engaged in the training of our entire scientific work in management. (Unintelligible) the activities of the four directorates, it covers the entire spectrum of our engineering equipment, our tasks that we have as a type of combat support. We cover them in full. The development and direction of development of the means were determined by the chief of the troops, a common understanding of our further activities including. First of all ... Well, if we take it from the departments of those involved in engineering ammunition, this is primarily not a violation of the Geneva Convention, the creation of ammunition must be carried out in strict accordance with overcoming (inaudible) obstacles, this is the creation of search tools that can provide search in any situation, in any environment, and by any means, explosive objects in any conditions. Well, there are very progressive developments in the creation of engineering equipment. We hope that in the month of May, as I told you, we will show these funds. This means that they are promising, they differ significantly from the means that we currently have in service. Because there are new approaches to them presented. Well, our developments continue in terms of means of camouflage against counteraction. First of all, no one could find us anywhere. Well, in short.

A. Ermolin- Do you have, say, a unit that operates in advanced research mode. Here, in the structure of the military-industrial commission, such a powerful direction has been created, and in general, the Americans have existed for 100 years (inaudible), which invented the notorious Internet there at one time, in fact. And there are specially trained people, including science fiction writers, who are paid money to simply fantasize and set tasks for today that seem absolutely unrealistic, and then several decades pass, and suddenly you see, it all starts to work. Here you have such a brain center that would think about what is not yet there.

I. Vorobyov- You know, here in the engineering troops we have such a term (inaudible). There must be action everywhere. Therefore, I will not disclose it, we also have it.

A. Ermolin- It's already nice. I want to remind our listeners that our guest is Ivan Semenovich Vorobyov, colonel, head of the research, testing institute of the engineering troops of the Russian Ministry of Defense, we are leaving for a break.

A. Ermolin- We continue the meeting of the "Military Council". I want to remind you that today we are working on recording, and our guest today is Ivan Semenovich Vorobyov, Colonel, Head of the Research and Testing Institute of Engineering Troops of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Actually, it is not a secret that there was a period when the older generation was not in demand, the middle link was not actually involved in anyone, and now such a hole has formed. That is, as many fellow experts say, yes? That great minds are already at a very retirement age, and young guys with drive are just ready to join the action, but there is such a central link, the most important hard workers who already know the specifics, and who have not yet lost energy. Do you feel such a problem for yourself?

I. Vorobyov- So the whole backbone, in particular, of our institute, there is a backbone in the institute. For all the above categories, as you said, there is a backbone. Youth who already have degrees who defended… The young, promising guys are candidates of technical sciences. The middle link, as you say, who pull this burden, who can work with young people and the older generation, we will say so, our heads of departments. The officers who came have experience in both military service and scientific activities. Our departments are also headed by doctors of sciences, people are in charge ... For science, the age is 40-45 years, these are still young guys for science.

A. Ermolin- Well, in general, yes.

I. Vorobyov- Yes. And those who are officers of the engineering troops who have completed their service, they also pass on their experience within the walls of our institute. Yes, we would like to have more young people, and first of all, we are now developing this youth policy how to attract young specialists to the institute. We got acquainted with the experience of our Bauman, how it all happens there. And I was very pleased when, for example, the employees of Baumanka are young, 23-24 year old guys, it turns out they don’t work for money, they work ...

A. Ermolin“Not just for money.

I. Vorobyov“Not only for money, yes. They don't get a lot of money. I will say that they do not receive much money for Moscow measures. But they work for an idea, they work for interest, they like it, and this is important (inaudible), which I wanted to hear, and in principle we will also direct our youth policy towards this in order to attract young people to our side, and within the walls of our institute. Including (inaudible) no interest. Right now, the issue of creating a scientific company of engineering troops is being worked out. This is the task set by the Minister of Defense ...

A. Ermolin- Where do you want to do it? In Tyumen?

I. Vorobyov- No, we're here (inaudible).

A. Ermolin- (inaudible).

I. Vorobyov- Somewhere we will, yes, here we will tie it to our institute, to our potential, yes. Therefore, the second, maybe we will consider the issue in universities, maybe the issue will be resolved, after all, this is mentally, as they say, in our places, and they will budget places from our institute, that upon graduation from the university, the graduate will be obliged to come to us and work for the benefit of the institute for three years. And then he will be free to choose his profession, or continue to cooperate with us, or leave. Well, this is an option, we are these ...

A. Ermolin- (inaudible) find a perspective. That is, it is as if it has not been worked out yet.

I. Vorobyov- Not worked out, yes, but we have already started it ...

A. Ermolin- There are many interesting ...

I. Vorobyov- Yes, we started working on this idea.

A. Ermolin- That is, 3 years ... He comes to you after a civil institute already certified as ...

I. Vorobyov- Specialist, yes. And he is already in office. We have those positions that the head of the laboratory, he can take, and work already for the good. Moreover, he even takes part in those practices that are production practices, and scientific practices that are institute, he will take them within the walls of the institute.

A. Ermolin- And he can be certified for officer positions, or he (inaudible).

I. Vorobyov- If he has military department, this question ... He will come to us as to civilians, if he suits us, we can call him in the future, and he can go to an officer position with a promotion, and with a further prospect of growth as an officer, as a specialist in engineering troops.

A. Ermolin- Do you trust young ambitious developments? Why am I asking? Because young scientists work not only for money. Young scientists work in the first place ... Actually, the theory is just intellectual workers, the creative class, as they say now, right? They assume that they must be trusted with some very cool tasks, which really, no matter what, they were very interested. In Belarus, by the way, the guys also talk about who develops automotive technology. I mean, everything is there... Average age 25-26 years old, like that.

I. Vorobyov Yes, and I want to build it. This is a priority for young people at the institute, we have stirred them up a little now, ideas have already begun, thoughts have begun. Monthly meetings with youth are already planned, as they say, as my daily routine and work with youth, because somewhere in my soul I don’t consider myself old either. What we implemented, someone once laughed at us, and now it turns out to be a promising direction of development. I educate my youth in the same way so that they understand that they should see a like-minded person in me, see the person who will support them. I am ready to work with them. Two officers wanted to retire, they had already refused to be transferred to the reserve. Therefore, we will continue to work, we have seen a new direction of our activity.

A. Ermolin- Ivan Semenovich, here you come up with ... You are no longer just trying, but coming up with new modern trends increase the attractiveness of your service. In particular, you have already mentioned open water, as a kind of combination of such a professional competition, and a show. What is this? Is this a fashion, or is it a serious strategy?

I. Vorobyov“I still think it’s a strategy. And let's say so, again, 2 years ago, the Minister of Defense gave impetus to this development of competitiveness, competitiveness. I had to study in the 13th year tank biathlon from the engineering troops. I learned a lot, and this year I was involved in the reassignment to the position of our ... Competition of tonne-crossing units " open water". And I believe that it is here in these competitions of any types of military branches that participate, that is, such extreme conditions when technology is simply used to its maximum potential. And this gives a very big leap forward in the development of science in the first place. Because those means that have been used for, say, 20-30 years, it seemed to us that they had already simply been brought to automatism, but here, for example, these competitions in crossing means revealed some problems. Because these conditions were created when we didn’t just meet the standards, as we used to do all the time, but here there was competitive competition on the verge ... Everyone walked along the razor’s edge, while not violating safety requirements, while using that technique to the maximum. Some new schemes were introduced, new ways of using our technology.

A. Ermolin What was the intention, by the way? Here's how... What was the task of the units, what did they compete in?

I. Vorobyov- Subdivisions... So, let's say it was played out... Our main task of the engineering troops, the type of combat support, is to ensure the crossing of the water barrier.

A. Ermolin- Was it in Murom?

I. Vorobyov- Yes, it was in the city of Murom, Vladimir Region, in a limited area where the initial, opposite bank was prepared. Three teams competed at the same time in limited areas (inaudible) up to 100 meters, where they showed their skills. And skill was shown not only by crossing on high-speed boats. And also single ferries, platoon ferries were assembled, a company ferry was assembled, which is capable of transporting large-sized heavy equipment. And the end of the competition was the construction of a floating bridge across the Oka River, 350 meters long. Here is the guidance of this bridge, along which all the equipment passed. Also, in order to show our viewers all the possibilities of engineering equipment, before the start of these competitions, our unique samples were shown, these are ferry-bridge crossing vehicles, crossing facilities. We were also shown, motorized rifle units, artillery units participated with us, which provided ... Aviation helped us a lot. Well, we are also grateful to the administration of the city of Murom, which provided us with great assistance in holding our competitions. And I think the main indicators are those 15,000 people who came to watch and cheer for the engineering troops, and at the deployed recruitment center, which was deployed at this site, we, as part of the engineering troops, 8 people, signed a contract with the Ministry of Defense. Well, as a continuation of the Murom land, we will create such a backbone of engineering troops there, including a large panton crossing unit.

A. Ermolin- Our guest is Ivan Semenovich Vorobyov, colonel, head of the research, testing institute of the engineering troops of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Do you somehow interact with colleagues from, say, Rostekhnologii? And I just remembered that just last Monday we had a representative of Compass Design Bureau, and he talked about new technologies, about new ideas for building mobile ports. It's also like a kind of Lego system, prefabricated metal, environmentally friendly.

I. Vorobyov Well, I'll put it this way in general terms. Our institute cooperates with about 150 scientific institutions and industrial ones.

A. Ermolin- Rostekhnologii, right?

I. Vorobyov- Yes. In general, our cooperation goes in all directions, so we are not from anyone ... We always take who has the best, who offers what. Many people help us to develop on their own initiative, or offer something on their own initiative, let's say so. Everyone used to get used to: give us money, and we will give you something for this money. Now there is a completely different approach, including with Rostekhnologii. They proactively offer us their developments, which we can implement. And if they do not suit us, if they fulfill all our requirements, we take them further to the serial stream.

A. Ermolin- And what other strategic directions do you see in the system of providing troops? So we recalled Chernobyl, and I remembered something in this regard while still being a cadet, so we were shown this technique, which is designed to operate in conditions nuclear strike, contamination of a radioactive area, and to me they always seemed to be some kind of spaceships, which there almost have to walk on Mars. Are they preserved? You can exploit them, and what's new in this direction. There are such smart, very well-protected machines, or the stake is simply placed there on cranes, bulldozers, graders. That is, everything that does not excite fantasy young man, so to speak.

I. Vorobyov- No, well, first of all, we should not give up cranes, bulldozers and excavators. Because without them, nowhere ... Neither the troops will move, they will not complete the tasks. And in terms of prospects, what you said continues. We have never stopped it, the development of robotic systems continues in the first place. Because they - the first developments were started back in the 70-80s. Even let's say so, our probable opponents did not have them, and our developments were already controlled ... There was radio-controlled equipment, these are samples. The only thing is that now the transition has gone more to fulfilling tasks in order to save the lives of personnel. This is primarily a means of demining. As for engineering support, tools are being developed ... These are fire extinguishing tools, remote control. And in the future, other samples will be developed to perform other engineering tasks. First of all, they are aimed at moving our soldier as far as possible from the probable danger in order to ensure his life, and at the same time we could complete all the assigned tasks.

A. Ermolin- Do you protect intellectual property? How do you put it… This is one of the most key problems in general, well, let's say, in neo-crises related to the specifics of our country. So I remember at the Institute of Steel and Alloys they told such a story that, let's say, a doctor of science received Stalin Prize for the invention of the lithium battery in 1957. Actually, the lost profit is gigantic, right? Because the whole world can't right now... Given the spread mobile phones, all kinds of tablets and so on, just can not do without them. It turns out that we have lost the money that we could earn on intellectual property. Here you are somehow ... What are you doing in the country, and how much do you insure your risks on international arena? Or is it impossible to insure them?

I. Vorobyov- Well, we are still ensuring the safety of our intellectual property on our own. Maybe we are up to the level of insurance ...

A. Ermolin- Preservation, or commercialization?

I. Vorobyov- Well, before commercialization, we may come to this a little later. It can’t be, but we’ll come, and these tasks are also set by the boss. But at present, what is being developed within the walls of the institute, I am called to preserve it, this intellectual property while within our walls. And what will be decided, submitted for commercialization, it will already be accepted separate solution so that it is, as they say ... These developments went somewhere further. Therefore, now the main task is to preserve our potential, the intellectual property that has been created today for the development of our engineering weapons in the first place.

A. Ermolin- Well, by the way, there is something to learn from the same Americans. When they have a very clear ranking of all the neo-crows there. They don’t show space to anyone, they don’t show the army to anyone, then it’s already starting to give something for their own, and only at the fourth stage, maybe 10 years after the introduction of the first samples of real ones into operation, foreign commercial partners can get it there .

I. Vorobyov“I think that our special services… The first is that I was told the category, the first category of our service, I don’t know… Therefore…”

A. Ermolin- Well, after all, among the immediate tasks, as the head of such a promising, interesting institute, what do you see as the most important thing in your work?

I. Vorobyov- First of all, it is necessary not to lower, but to increase your scientific potential, this is the first thing. We will have to work, as I said, in order to supply the institute with new personnel, new directions. Thoughts - this will be connected with the arrival of new people to the institute. This is a thorough study of the material that is available on the creation of engineering weapons like our potential enemy, foreign partners, and the development of new promising engineering weapons. This is a prerogative, we must fulfill the task set by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation to provide our troops with new models, modern models of engineering equipment, and new perspective. Well, for now I will keep silent about them a little, I will not reveal them to the end. Let it then be much more interesting for all our listeners.

A. Ermolin- Do you have your own test base?

I. Vorobyov- Yes, we have a test base. First of all, our unique pool for studying the properties of amphibious assault vehicles. We have a very good laboratory for testing electrical equipment, we have a cold store, which ensures the testing of funds for temperature conditions up to -50 degrees. We have the impact of the shock wave, the so-called our pipe, (inaudible) pipe. And there are test sites for floating equipment, there are test sites for testing explosive barriers, where these tests are constantly carried out. Therefore, our institute is currently being optimized, including that we will soon submit these proposals to the chief of troops in order to optimize the creation of the laboratory and experimental base of our institute, which should already correspond to modern conditions, modern requirements, the creation of a laboratory building of a new proposal by a buoy to take out. And to optimize the work of our research departments, and management in general.

A. Ermolin- So I want to ask many more questions, but unfortunately time is very fleeting. I want to remind our listeners that Ivan Semyonovich Vorobyov, Colonel, Head of the Research and Testing Institute of Engineering Troops of the Russian Ministry of Defense, was our guest today. Ivan Semenovich, thank you very much, come to us again, we will always be happy.

I. Vorobyov- Always ready for cooperation.

A. Ermolin- Thanks.

I. Vorobyov- Thank you very much.


15 Central Research and Testing Institute named after D. M. Karbyshev of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in Nakhabino. Prior to this, the institution was called "Research engineering institute ground forces(NIIII SV)", currently - NIITs SIV FGKU "3 Central Research Institute" of the Ministry of Defense of Russia.
Search and applied Scientific research, tests in the field of creating means of engineering weapons, technologies and means of disposal of engineering ammunition; marketing of dual-use technical means and technologies (extraction, purification and desalination of water, autonomous energy supply, humanitarian demining, dismantling of emergency buildings, etc.) testing of samples of equipment and industrial equipment on the impact of an air shock wave and gas explosions in air, soil and water; simulation of emergency situations.

At the Nakhabinsk test site in the 30s, he conducted research and tested new engineering facilities and armaments D.M. Karbyshev - Professor, Doctor of Military Sciences, Hero Soviet Union. Karbyshev played an outstanding role in developing the theory of Soviet military engineering art. The activities of the test site, and then the institute, were closely connected with the work of D. M. Karbyshev.
Lieutenant General of the Engineering Troops D.M. Karbyshev, remaining faithful to the military oath and the Motherland to the end, died heroically in February 1945 in a fascist death camp.
In 1951, the institute was named after the hero-scientist. In the park on the street 11 sappers D.M. A monument was erected to Karbyshev.
Near the Institute to the Great Patriotic War was the Higher Officers' Engineering School. It was located "on the hill" in a three-story building. In 1948, one-year courses were organized at the school for the retraining of young front-line officers. In 1952-1953, the school was transformed into the Central Advanced Courses for Officers of the Engineering Troops. In 1960, the rank of the courses was lowered - they became academic courses for the improvement of command personnel at the Military Engineering Academy. V.V. Kuibyshev. They were moved to the territory and premises previously occupied by the Separate Camouflage Battalion. Now the Training Center is located on this territory.
Subsequently, the territory "on the hill" became under the jurisdiction of the institute and received the name - the second territory. Since 1961, the institute began to be located in two territories.
To date, the main building of the Institute named after D.M. Karbyshev, located on the first territory, with adjacent parkland and ponds, is the main architectural landmark of the village of Nakhabino. It was built in 1941.
From October to December 1941, the main building and other brick buildings were mined using radio-controlled land mines. An employee of the institute, a resident of Nakhabino Vyacheslav Dmitrievich Bobylev, took part in its mining and demining.
Research and Testing Center for Research and Prospects for the Development of Engineering Weapons FBU "3rd Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of Russia"
1919 - October 6, by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic, the Military Engineering Test Site was established
1926 - Scientific and testing engineering and technical range
1934 - Research Institute of Engineering Technology of the Red Army
1941 - Research Military Engineering Institute of the Red Army
1942 - Military engineering test site of the Engineering Committee of the Red Army
1943 - Research and Test Engineering Institute of the Red Army
1944 - Research Engineering Institute of the Red Army
1951 - April 6 Decree of the Presidium Supreme Council In the USSR, the Institute was named after D.M. Karbyshev, Lieutenant General of Engineering Troops, Hero of the Soviet Union
1960 - Central Research and Test Engineering Institute. D.M. Karbysheva
1965 - 15th Central Research and Test Engineering Institute named after D.M. Karbysheva
1966 - On July 15, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the institute was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for the successful completion of tasks for the development, creation and development of military equipment
1990 -15th Central Research and Testing Order of the Red Banner of Labor Institute of the Ministry of Defense named after D.M. Karbysheva
2004 - Federal State Unitary Enterprise (FSUE) "15 TsNIIII im. D.M. Karbyshev of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation"
2007 - Federal State Institution (FGU) "15 Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of Russia"
2010 - Research and testing center for research and development prospects of engineering weapons of the Federal State Institution (FGU) "3rd Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of Russia"
2011 - Research and testing center for research and development prospects of engineering weapons of the Federal Budgetary Institution (FBU) "3rd Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of Russia"

Legal entity status:

Full name:

TIN: 5024149168, OGRN: 5147746301049

Head: Vorobyov Ivan Semenovich
- is a leader in 1 organization.

The company with the full name "FEDERAL STATE BUDGETARY INSTITUTION" CENTRAL RESEARCH AND TESTING INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TROOPS NAMED AFTER HERO OF THE SOVIET UNION LIEUTENANT GENERAL OF ENGINEERING TROOPS D.M. KARBYSHEV" OF THE MINISTRY OF DEFENSE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION" was registered on 11/05/2014 in the Moscow region at the legal address: 143432, Moscow region, Krasnogorsk, the working settlement of Nakhabino, Karbysheva street, 2.

The registrar "Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 23 for the Moscow Region, No. 5081" assigned the company TIN 5024149168 OGRN 5147746301049. Registration number in the Pension Fund: 060022029822. Registration number in the FSS: 502311520650231.

Primary activity according to OKVED: 72.19. Additional views activities according to OKVED: 18.14; 41.20; 58.19; 71.12; 71.12.6; 71.20; 71.20.6; 71.20.9; 74.90.9; 84.22; 91.01.


OGRN 5147746301049
TIN 5024149168
checkpoint 502401001
Organizational and legal form (OPF) Federal state budgetary institutions
Abbreviated name of the legal entity FGBU "TsNIIII IV" MINISTRY OF DEFENSE OF RUSSIA
Region Moscow region
Legal address 143432, Moscow region, city of Krasnogorsk, working settlement of Nakhabino, Karbysheva street, 2
Name Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 23 for the Moscow Region, No. 5081
Date of registration 05.11.2014
Date of assignment of OGRN 05.11.2014
Accounting in the Federal Tax Service
Registration date 05.11.2014
Tax authority
Information about registration in the FIU
Registration number 060022029822
Date of registration 17.12.2014
Name of the territorial body State institution - Main Directorate of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation No. 9 Directorate No. 3 Krasnogorsk district of the Moscow region, No. 060022
Information about registration in the FSS
Registration number 502311520650231
Date of registration 23.12.2014
Name of the executive body Branch No. 23 of the State Institution - Moscow Regional Regional Branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, No. 5023

OKVED codes

Additional activities (11):
18.14 Bookbinding, finishing and related services
41.20 Construction of residential and non-residential buildings
58.19 Other publishing activities
71.12 Activities in the field engineering surveys, engineering and technical design, construction project management, construction control and architectural supervision, providing technical advice in these areas
71.12.6 Activities in the field of technical regulation, standardization, metrology, accreditation, product cataloging
71.20 Technical testing, research, analysis and certification
71.20.6 Examination of project documentation and engineering survey results
71.20.9 Activities for technical control, testing and analysis other
74.90.9 Information security activities
84.22 Activities related to ensuring military security
91.01 Activities of libraries and archives

other information

History of changes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

  1. The date: 05.11.2014
    UAH: 5147746301049
    Tax authority: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change: Creation of a legal entity by reorganization in the form of spin-off
    The documents:
    - CHARTER of legal entity
  2. The date: 03.12.2014
    UAH: 2145024061675
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region, No. 5024
    Reason for the change: Submission of information on the registration of a legal entity with a tax authority
  3. The date: 01.11.2016
    UAH: 2165024242931
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region, No. 5024
    Reason for the change: Submission of information on the registration of a legal entity as an insurant in executive body Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation
  4. The date: 18.11.2016
    UAH: 2165024421550
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region, No. 5024
    Reason for the change: Submission of information on the registration of a legal entity as an insurant in the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
  5. The date: 25.05.2018
    UAH: 6185053123128
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Elektrostal, Moscow Region, No. 5053
    Reason for the change: Amendments to the information contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in connection with the renaming (re-subordination) of address objects
  6. The date: 07.10.2019
    UAH: 9195081546761
    Tax authority: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 23 for the Moscow Region, No. 5081
    Reason for the change: State registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity related to changes in the information about the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, based on an application
    The documents:
    - CHARTER of legal entity
    - ORDER
    - ORDER

Legal address on the city map

Other organizations in the directory

  1. , Moscow - Liquidated
    TIN: 7728720896, OGRN: 1097746842863
    117437, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya street, 16, building 1
    General Director: Andrey Pomazan
  2. , Moscow — Active
    TIN: 7713770622, OGRN: 1137746518986
    123290, Moscow, dead end Magistralny 1st, 5A
    General Director: Shcherbakov Sergey Nikolaevich
  3. , Nizhny Novgorod Region - Active
    TIN: 5229007950, OGRN: 1085200005208
    607520, Nizhny Novgorod region, Sergachsky district, Kochko-pozharki village, Oktyabrskaya street, 29
    Chairman: Ibragimov Gabdylkhay Khafizovich

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