The line on the hand is responsible for wealth. The rest of the banknotes are on hand. Which hand should you look at the line of wealth and money, what does it look like, how to determine it

Basics of corrective palmistry. How to change fate along the lines of the hand Kibardin Gennady Mikhailovich

Money triangle

Money triangle

Considered a sign of wealth. This is something that many people constantly talk about and dream about, especially in their youth and middle age. The money triangle on a person’s hand is formed by three lines: Mind (Head), Fate and a short closing line of Mercury. Please note that the main sides of the money triangle are the main lines on the palms of your hands.

The money triangle can be small (Figure 9) and large (Figure 10). IN general case the presence of a money triangle in a person’s palm certainly suggests that he has a clear line of Fate. Although the above example with Tatyana indicates that the “misses” of the Fate line can be successfully compensated for by your enormous hard work and unconditional faith in success.

Rice. 9. Small money triangle

Rice. 10. Big money triangle

Most people in Russia have to earn their own living, and this is quite normal. Miracles only happen in fairy tales. Nevertheless, our financial capabilities are well reflected by the small triangle in the center of the palm. This triangle is very small and it only speaks about a person’s ability to earn money, and not about the fact that by the end of his life he will have a fairly large amount of money.

The small money triangle (Figure 9) shows that its owner knows how to earn, save and increase his money.

However, it is impossible to acquire prosperity in life or wealth by lying on the sofa near the TV or drinking beer every day in the company of the same young slackers near the nearest fence. Prosperity does not come by itself. As people say, water does not flow under a lying stone.

You should clearly understand a simple truth: without active mental and physical efforts on your part, without simple luck and luck in fate, it is difficult to become a rich person.

The larger the money triangle (Fig. 10) and the clearer its lines, the better. If the angles of the triangle at the vertices of the lines of Fate and Head are unclear, then this person is clearly not using his full potential, although he can earn much more, but is lazy.

If there is a “weak angle” between the lines of the Head and Mercury, then this person does not know how to save the money he earns. He quickly wastes them on trifles.

If inside this large triangle there are additional lines and small triangles, it means that a person will always have different and numerous sources of financial income in life. And sometimes, as a rule, their money literally comes from nowhere.

With a very well-defined Head line going to the Mount of the Moon, and the absence of a Mercury line, the owner can quickly get rich solely thanks to his mind. This is what happened to my friend Tatyana when she abruptly decided to change her destiny.

If, at the same time, all the main lines on the hand are well expressed, but there are no small signs, then this is another pointer to a successful person.

Sometimes “branches” extend from the Head line towards the Mount of Mercury - these are the so-called “scoops of money”. Their owner knows how and what to do to make a good profit.

This means that for some people a billion is not money, but for other people, a relatively small amount of money earned can be considered a great achievement and wealth, completely allowing them to satisfy their needs.

If the triangle on your hand is not closed or there are breaks in the line, then it is into this “gap” that your money will flow. A break in the locking line (usually at the bottom right of the right palm) indicates that the person will gradually waste a fortune. In this case, no money is added, although enough money is earned large quantities. Such a gap indicates that this money is spent quite intensively (sometimes over trifles).

If the triangle does not have one side at all (a short locking line), then a person clearly cannot save his earned capital.

If you look at your left palm and see a money triangle there, this means that your comfortable life is predetermined from above, you are simply financially lucky. However, it is absolutely necessary for you to work actively, including using your mind, otherwise big money just don't get it.

The money triangle on your palms is a sure indicator of a rich person. At the same time, it also affects other signs. For example, thin fingers on a person’s hands change their interpretation in favor of this sign and are already regarded by an experienced palmist as an inability to manage incoming finances and material resources for their own benefit.

It is interesting to note that for a truly rich person, the locking line is not inferior in depth and clarity to the lines of Mind and Fate. It can also be noted that the money triangle appears on the palm of a person very early and transforms little over the course of its owner’s life.

Looking at your Life line, you can find small triangles there, directed at an acute angle to the thumb - this is a sign of easy money.

If there is a line between the little finger and the ring finger directed towards the middle of the palm, rejoice! This is a sign of a great inheritance.

In addition to all this, there are other signs on the palms of your hands that indicate a penchant for financial well-being. Therefore, you should carefully study the line of Fate, the thickness of your fingers, papillary patterns and other additional signs of attracting wealth. Having dealt with the money triangle, let’s consider additional signs (signs) of our financial well-being on the palms of our hands.

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Chapter 8 Money Feng Shui

People who want to learn about fate resort to such a science as palmistry, and this is especially true for the brightest moments life path. Based on rich experience, first of all, when resorting to the services of palmists, a person asks questions about life expectancy, health, happiness in love, and, of course, the main question, will there be money? What is palmistry, wealth line and others banknotes, let's look at it in more detail.

No matter what anyone says, a happy life is partly related to financial well-being. With the slogan about happy life, only wise men or people who have nothing to lose can live without wealth. Normal person dreams of living a full life, since we are responsible not only for ourselves, but also for our loved ones.

With the help of such a simple science as palmistry, everyone can find out their financial position. What is palmistry, the line of wealth on the hand, what banknotes should you pay attention to will be discussed below.

Note. There is no specific trait that is responsible for monetary well-being. Such symbolism is readable thanks to the individual lines that create it. There are certain signs that you need to pay special attention to.

Is the money line a myth or reality?

If there is no special thread responsible for finances, we will consider the location of other roads in order to understand and study our palm.

First of all, 4 main features are considered:

  1. Life's road.
  2. Fateful thread.
  3. Mental road.
  4. Heart line.

These main lines will determine the signs of wealth on the hand (palmistry).

How to determine wealth by life thread?

First, let's turn to the main line on the palm - life. If the line is long and deep, it indicates a person who has the potential to achieve success or has definitely achieved something. In any case, the owner knows exactly what he wants.

I can tell about a person’s numerous successes with small lines extending upward. If such symbolism is found at the initial life stage, then this is an extremely confident person.

Note. If such symbolism is supplemented by the fact that the life line runs independently of the mental line and has a distance of several millimeters, then in front of you successful man. Such people know how to make money and 100% of their lives are prosperous.

What can you learn from the line of fate?

The fateful trait plays a lot important role in the vision of financial potential. But this trait is not predictable; throughout life it can disappear and appear again.

Many people do not have it at all, but if its presence is nevertheless detected, this may mean the following:

  1. Fateful events are happening in your life.
  2. If the line is clear and straight, then you are a purposeful person and are trying to achieve your goals. It is this quality that defines successful people who try to live comfortably.

Note. Successful people this road is located at a certain distance from the vital line and goes straight and clearly to the index or middle finger.

It is with such features that the line of wealth or success in the palm indicates the internal potential of a person and the achievement of financial results. Such people know what they want and have a fairly high level in social status.

Talented people can be identified by double or even triple fateful traits. If 2 or 3 traits disappear simultaneously with life, then all achievements and success will come to a person only thanks to his own efforts and life position. If the line ends with a fork, then a prosperous and well-fed old age awaits the fortuneteller.

Note. If at some point you notice the disappearance of a fateful trait, then the goal and cash flows will be lost.

Related material:

A few more signs of wealth on the thread of fate

Money is indicated by small processes and lines of wealth on the hand, from the line of success towards the little finger and index finger, as in the photo. The deeper and more distinct these lines, the more cash flows will come into your life.

If the branch goes to the middle finger, then cash come only through a lot of hard work.

Wealth line, palmistry according to the signs of the mental road

The thread line also shows some signs of wealth, let's note them.

These three lines clearly reflect wealth and success. Even if one line is observed, this also portends the achievement of a set goal and financial success.

Note. If you see that the branch goes to the little finger, the person is practicing risky financial transactions, and this also indicates a commercial streak.

Additional material on the topic:

"Golden signs" on the soul line

A fork extending to the index sign indicates high social status. People with such symbolism, by definition, cannot have a poor life.

Also, if there are lines going up on the line, then they are an indicator that affects wealth.

Palmistry, line of success and wealth, how to find it on your hand?

Our brain acts as an artist who paints his canvas on his hands. The main lines, as a rule, are not corrected, but you have to take care of the secondary threads and signs. They are gradually adjusted throughout life, depending on circumstances. How can you determine success and wealth in your own hands?

  1. We look for all the lines and signs related to financial potential.
  2. Let's analyze their location to each other and to the main lines.
  3. Let's draw conclusions.

Note. It is impossible to know from the lines how much money you will have and at what exact moment a stable financial situation will be achieved. But it is quite possible to obtain information about the potential opportunity and what path can be taken to achieve such stability.

Fortune telling by hand, wealth by signs and lines

A line from the thumb to the index finger is discovered and a symbol in the form of a five-pointed star is obtained. The owner simply has a gift from God to make money out of thin air. For such people, nothing is impossible and they always appear. simple ways for financial transactions.

The combination in the photo with a continuous line up to the little finger portends unexpected wealth to the owner. Such happiness literally falls from the sky (an inheritance or winning the lottery).

A line running across the entire palm to the middle finger. The owner will become rich through his efforts and natural gift. Success will come through creating your own business or career growth.

An additional feature that crosses the line of mind and fate. This is also a great signal financial success. Monetary achievement will come through your own goals and ideas and their implementation. Such people do not rely on “Lady Luck”, but rely only on their ingenuity and brainstorming.

Note. All of the above signs indicate signs of wealth. Palmistry also provides other monetary signs.

Other monetary signs

If the hand is completely covered with deep short lines and dashes, then that's enough auspicious sign, indicating financial potential from birth.

Such people know how money is made, but help from other sources is not excluded.

The line of the sun or Apollo and its possibilities

If a direct and clear thread of Apollo is revealed, then fame and money will enter life at the same time.

The thread is uneven and winding, this indicates the fortuneteller’s instability (ups and downs). Holders of this symbol are not recommended to engage in business.

If a star is observed based on the trait, then this indicates not only a successful rise in business, but also the ability to withstand competitors. Such people maneuver well in critical situations and make the right decisions.

The line is absent, interrupted or very faintly visible on the hand, “alas”, financial luck is not on your side. But this does not mean that there will be no money at all. Owners of such a palm are simply hardworking; they will have to work hard, but you should not rely on luck and easy money.

Note. Remember that your destiny is in your hands, even if you do not have banknotes. It is important to make every effort and the path will not be as easy as for the lucky ones.

What does the famous money triangle tell us?

Surely, many people know or have heard what palmistry is, a triangle of wealth in the palm of your hand. This is the most powerful symbolism in determining financial well-being.

Note. Favorite place"golden sign" in the very center of the palm. The formation of a banknote occurs due to the intersection of the main lines (mind and fate), and the 3rd additional line closes it.

Such a symbol should be clear, not blurry and closed pronounced feature. How larger size of a given sign, the greater the welfare of its owner. If the symbolism can be seen on both hands, then this is 100% wealth. The fact that a triangle is found within a triangle indicates that the owner will become successful through investing.

Let’s not ignore a situation that most often occurs in everyday life. The triangle is not complete, i.e. consists of the line of mind and fate, and the third line is absent or barely visible. This means that your finances are always floating away from you.

Hands of successful people with transcript

As an example, let’s look at the hands of successful people and look at the lines in more detail to see how it all looks. You can join me in comparing your palm with the examples given.

In this example, notice how the main lines are directed and where they end. The picture shows the hand of a very rich person, the lines, like road signs, are directed exactly where you can achieve the highest monetary level:

  1. The thread of mind and life are significantly distant from each other, indicating independence and freedom.
  2. The fateful line is deep, clear and regular, moving towards the index finger.
  3. The correct branch departs from the line of fate and goes to the little finger.
  4. And on the filament of the sun there is a star, which is located on the line of life.
  5. Next, the correct genetic line is visible.

Note. All these lines of wealth on the hand (palmistry) are clearly and clearly expressed, which clearly indicates the client’s enormous potential and, first of all, his desire for financial success.

Another example with interesting signs

In this palm, wealth can be identified by the hills and points where the line of life, fate and the sun intersect.

The hand tells us something like this: is the person himself interested in material values?

He'll tell you about it thumb:

  • Paying attention to the phalanges, we determine: if the first and second are the same, then the owner has logic and willpower in equal shares.
  • If the lower part is longer than the first, then the owner talks and talks more than acts.
  • Next, you need to pay attention to the line of the head, which is responsible for mental abilities.

Note. The last thing to pay attention to is how reliable the money triangle is. If it is closed on 3 sides, then the financial situation will be stable.

What prevents you from becoming successful and rich? What do poor people's signs look like?

After inspecting all the lines, analyze some of the signs that impede cash flow:

  • Crosses under the little or middle finger indicate difficult financial problems that a person will have to face.
  • Very flexible hands and fingers will tell about a person’s wastefulness and lack of ability to handle money.
  • A short thread of the head with dotted lines indicates a lack of business acumen and intuition, which is essential in business.
  • Hills that are poorly visible indicate a lack of energy and lack of business acumen.

Lucky lines on the hand of wealth, who is fortune's favorite?

In a nutshell, the billionaire’s Apollo thread on his right hand extends from the line of love and ends on the corresponding hill with a fork. This sign indicates that a person has had a great desire to be popular and rich all his life.

Guus Hiddink, famous Russian coach. A powerful shovel-shaped hand with stiff fingers indicates a strong-willed personality. Such people are able to make any dream come true. The Mount of Jupiter speaks of clearly expressed ambitions.

The thread of the sun and Saturn begins from the vital line and passes through fate on the Mount of Apollo. Holders of such symbolism will achieve success in any field.

We secure the material, all banknotes on the palm

Studying palmistry on your own for free will allow you not only to get to know yourself, but also eliminate the need to seek the services of palmists. The minimum price for work is 2000 rubles. Professional services reach up to 50,000 rubles and it is not a fact that you will get a comprehensive result for yourself.

So, about monetary symbols:

  1. The long little finger (as in photo “a”) was not previously mentioned. If the little finger is higher than the bend of the ring finger, then in front of you is a person with excellent intellectual abilities and the ability to organize commercial activities.

  1. No gaps were found between the fingers. People know how to manage finances wisely, which has a good effect on well-being.

  1. The development and depth of the main lines foreshadows success and wealth in palmistry. The developed threads will tell you in which direction you can realize yourself:
  • Mercury thread, realize yourself in the area of ​​your own knowledge.
  • The line of the sun will tell you that you can realize yourself thanks to your talents and creative approach to work.

  • The dominant line of fate will indicate that it is necessary to use your life purpose and the reward will be assured.
  • The lines of fate and mind will tell you about the owner’s potential, which can be used for well-being.
  1. Branches from the life line. Before interpreting vertical lines, pay attention to the very structure of the life thread. If it is deep and clear, then the time range of events can be determined from the branches, and the directions to the hills will indicate these events.

Note. That the strength of success in this case depends on the line of fate, which during the implementation of the plan should be directed towards the index finger.

  1. The line of fate or luck can tell a lot. If the thread goes up to the center of the middle finger, then the person really wants to achieve financial heights. A slight shift towards the index finger only intensifies the desire. Outgoing branches will indicate which direction will help you achieve financial well-being. A fork or trident at the end will tell its owner that financial well-being will be achieved only in mature age.

  1. A clear and deep line of the mind without interruption, even if it is short, it is still good sign. These are people with excellent creative potential and are quite practical, they know how to manage finances.

  1. "Golden" or money triangle. As mentioned above, this indicates prosperity. Only if all sides of the triangle are present.

  1. Interesting symbolism, which is called “money wind” by palmists (pictured at number 8). These are many small vertical lines located under the middle finger. Such people make money out of thin air, but do not earn much money.

  1. Sister lines for the life line. A clear vital line indicates excellent physical and psychological condition. Additional roads seem to protect the owner of the symbol from negative impacts from outside. If such a line of wealth is on the left hand, then this is generally wonderful.

  1. A pronounced mount of Jupiter with a star. An excellent combination and indicates a powerful, ambitious person.

  1. Triangle symbol on life line. A sign of easy money, but if the triangle is placed with its sharp side facing the thumb, and one side is located on the very thread of life. This could be an inheritance or marriage to a wealthy person. What exactly will be told by other signs and symbols.

  1. Vertical lines on the hill under the little finger. Indicates a constant small cash flow. It may also indicate the owner’s predisposition to science.

  1. A clear line was found between the ring finger and little finger, foreshadowing an inheritance.
  2. There is a trident on the line of the sun. Indicates the realization of talent, mainly in the field of art. The symbol is great, but it doesn’t always work like wealth.

  1. Rice line between the phalanges of the thumb. The deeper and longer it is, the more practical the life of a fortuneteller.

Well, in general, that’s all I would like to tell you about banknotes. I hope that this article, “Palmistry line of wealth in the palm of your hand,” will help you find your banknotes in your hands, and the video will clearly help you strengthen the material.

Palmistry is an ancient science that has passed through centuries. The first mention of it was noted in Ancient China in 3000 BC. Science has spread throughout the world. Mentioned in the Vedas Ancient India in 1550 BC. Now palmistry is not considered a full-fledged science, which is studied in higher education. educational institutions. It is possible to acquire ancient knowledge in foreign schools, for example, in India.

Human hands have many lines. The main ones are indicated in the photo: the line of success, fate, love, intelligence and others. Scientists have proven that they appear when a person is in the womb and change over the years. Experienced palmists can read the lines on the palms. They determine significant events in life, the possibility of misfortunes. They can tell by the hand how much a person has in this world and what awaits him in his personal life. The lines on the palm determine whether a person has any gift or talent. This fact confirms the existence of a success line.

Start of research

First you need to decide on the hand on which you will look for the line of success. According to the rules of palmistry, the hand that is a person’s working hand is considered active. This is the one you eat with, write with, and so on. In Russia, the absolute majority are right-handed, which means that the right hand needs to be examined. If you are left-handed, then accordingly your working hand is left and you need to look for the line on it. It is believed that right hand illustrates how a person influences own life, the lines on it change throughout life. They disappear or, conversely, become more noticeable. The other hand shows what fate has written; the lines on it do not change. Experienced palmists use both hands when examining.

Success line - meaning

This fold is responsible for a person’s talents, and also shows whether he has a predisposition to doing business. An additional name for the line of success and wealth in palmistry is the Apollo line (line of talent, Sun). It received this name due to the fact that it originates under the Hill of Apollo. Line and fulfillment in the profession. That's why it appears and disappears over the years. Its presence on the hand is interpreted as a sign that the owner of the hand is successful in life, fulfilling his destiny, and this promises him wealth and honor.

If a line is not found on the hand, this does not mean that the person is a mediocre loser. Over time, it may appear if the owner of the hand is not lazy, but begins to develop his talent and make efforts to obtain a sought-after profession.


You should look for the success line under the ring finger. Below it is the hill of Apollo. The line of wealth and good fortune originates from it or nearby. It goes down along the palm. If it is absent or faintly defined, do not be alarmed: as described above, it will appear over time. Often the wealth line is short and ends before the middle of the palm. In this case, it is located exclusively along the axis of the ring finger.

Success line length value

For some people, the line of wealth and talent appears in childhood. This sign belongs young geniuses and child prodigies. If the line of success originates from the middle of the palm, under the line of the heart, this means that a person will receive recognition and security at an advanced age. In his youth, his talents were not appreciated, but success and financial well-being will come later.

A short line of success and talent indicates fulfillment in the profession. You are a happy and successful person. The same meaning applies to a long line stretching across the entire palm with a break in the middle. Interruption of the line of talent promises failure in business, but he who is forewarned is forearmed! With such a sign on your hand, you know about the impending deterioration of the situation and are ready to resist it. It will take a lot of effort, you will probably have to change your occupation. Or maybe it will be enough not to give up what you started halfway.

Crossing the Apollo line with others

Any mark that crosses the talent line is an obstacle to professional path the owner of the hand. Small lines symbolize minor troubles. If the line of the Sun begins in the middle of the palm, is interrupted and continues next to the second line, this means success goes hand in hand with the person. He will succeed professionally at a young age and, having changed his occupation, will continue to succeed in adulthood. Luck accompanies him in all his endeavors.

Intersection with the line of happiness warns of interference in your career in connection with matters of love. The owner of the palm should separate professional and personal feelings. This way he will avoid unnecessary worries, and his financial well-being will not suffer from matters of the heart.

If the Apollo line crosses the marriage line (a small line under the little finger), then, accordingly, family ties will be an obstacle on the professional path. For women, such a sign indicates an interruption in career due to starting a family.

If the line of intelligence and the line of wealth and success intersect, this is a sign that professional success will come through hard work. A person needs to show persistence in achieving well-being, and the result will not be long in coming.

Signs on the line of success

  • Star. A sign located under the ring finger or close to it promises great success. The owner of such a palm will remain in memory. The star gives a person spiritual light and is found among poets, writers, and preachers. If the talent line crosses this sign, it will come big success. It is noteworthy that people with a star on the line of wealth achieve the status of successful and talented person without outside help.
  • Square. An extremely favorable sign. Its presence indicates that the owner of the palm has received help, amulet or protection on the professional path. The square takes people with bad thoughts away from its owner and protects them from scammers.
  • Islands. They promise a person high-profile scandals in connection with professional activity. An island is a damage to reputation or an unclean deed with which the owner of the hand will be associated. It is found among criminal authorities who have achieved success in their field of activity.
  • Cross. Unfavorable sign. Brings unnecessary meetings to a person. Professionally, these are empty deals, people who absorb energy, and obstacles.
  • Triangle. Means inner harmony the owner of the hand. He chose the right path and it will bring him professional success and financial well-being.

What the signs that are sometimes found on the success line on the hand look like, with an explanation in the photo below.

Apollo Double Line

Additional branches of the talent line are a favorable sign. A thin additional branch towards the Mount of Jupiter means the owner of the palm is inclined to leadership positions. In this path he will find his calling. He is a leader by nature. Money comes into such a person’s hands; it is customary to say that he “stands next to the cup of abundance.” A sign of such success is marked as double line success on the hand in the photo above.

If the branch is directed towards the Mount of Mars, there is a tendency towards sports achievements. The person is independent and proactive, selfish in his desires.

A branch towards the Mount of Saturn indicates the analytical mind of the owner of the palm. His calling is information technology, complex technical professions, physics and others exact sciences. Such a person gets money the hard way, you will have to work a lot on yourself.

A branch of the talent line goes towards the Mount of the Moon creative person. These are people who serve Melpomene: actors, writers, artists. If the wealth line bifurcates closer to ring finger- a person is talented in several areas. The main thing is not to waste the gift, but to use it for your own benefit. Choose what attracts you most and pursue that direction. Fortune doesn't like uncertainty.

The main thing about the success line

The ideal wealth line is smooth, deep and continuous. It is extremely rare and only among truly brilliant people. A well-defined line of talent promises the wealth and honor that art will bring. Such people are favored by society and patronized by the authorities.

A person who has not an ideal, but a short and thin line of success is happy and has talents. The capabilities of such people are great; their abilities require development throughout their lives. The more lines of success and wealth in the palm, the big amount you have talents. The absence of lines does not mean the absence of a gift. Personal development will lead to the discovery of talents. Be interested in a little bit of everything, and at the right moment your heart will tell you what your calling is. The only negative point is that difficulties await you on the path to wealth.

A clearly defined success line indicates the ability to overcome difficulties without special effort. Combined with the square, knobby shape of the fingers, it symbolizes success in writing. Long and thin fingers of the owner of the talent line indicate a penchant for poetry.


General value the presence of the Apollo line on the hand is a sign of happiness. Moreover, it is not necessary to reach career heights; it is enough to be satisfied and prosper in your profession or business of life. This sign is present on the palms of mothers with many children: they are happy in their work. The palmist’s task is to discern the line of success and wealth correctly and not to overestimate the client’s capabilities.

Study your palms: the money line on your hand will show what financial capabilities are given to you by nature. This knowledge also helps you understand whether you have the talent to become a rich person.

After you have studied the photo, check out the decoding of the main symbols of palmistry:

  1. A line from the base of the thumb to the index finger. If its shape resembles five-pointed star, you are naturally endowed with the gift of “making money” literally out of thin air. Nothing is impossible - the subconscious always suggests the simplest ways to solve financial problems
  2. If the line from the thumb is continuous and reaches the little finger, then at some stage in life unexpected wealth will fall on you. It will come in an instant: it could be a large inheritance, winning the lottery or something similar
  3. If the line extends to the middle finger, you have a chance of getting rich. But for this you need to use your natural talent as a leader, a manager. Creating your own business or a leadership position that you will occupy will lead to success.
  4. If there is a line in your palm that crosses the lines of intelligence and success, there is a chance to become financially successful. But money will come as a result of your achievements and the realization of your goals. That is, you will have to try, using your “mind and intelligence,” without relying too much on luck

If your palm has any of the listed lines, oh material well-being you don't have to worry. You have every chance of becoming a rich and successful person.

Other money lines on hand

Let's consider special cases of the location of lines on the palms, which will one way or another indicate your financial capabilities, given from birth.

They are as follows:

  1. If your palms are dotted with many fairly deep, but short lines, this is a favorable sign. You are a financially literate person, you understand how to make money and what is the best place to invest. It is possible that success will come thanks to outside help
  2. Pay attention to the line of the Sun - if it is straight and clear, then money will come into your life along with fame. You can get rich if you become a public figure
  3. If the line of the Sun is uneven and winding, then stability should not be expected. Your life - permanent shift success and failure. In financial terms, you either suddenly “hit the jackpot” or suffer from lack of money. It is better for such people not to build their own business, but to work for hire, otherwise they will have to spend too much energy
  4. If the line of the Sun is absent or interrupted, faintly visible in the palm of your hand, financial success is not about you. You can work long and hard, but it won't bring you much money. Focus on the best personal qualities, develop and try, you shouldn’t rely on luck, then you have a chance to get rich

Of course, if you are not naturally endowed with financial talents, this does not mean that you need to resign yourself and forget about financial well-being. Your destiny is in your hands, you just have to put in much more effort than those people who money luck accompanies from birth.

Money triangle

A person’s financial capabilities can also be assessed using the so-called “money triangle”. This is the intersection of three lines:

  • Fate is an indicator of efficiency and hard work
  • Heads are an indicator intellectual abilities and talent to think logically
  • “Scoop of money” - the ability to see and competently evaluate the financial opportunities that come to life

Look at the picture how these lines should ideally be located:

The clearer the triangle appears in your palm, the greater your chances of becoming a successful, rich and financially independent person.

Watch a video on how to strengthen the money triangle:

But natural data can be corrected. What do we have to do:

  1. If the line of Fate is not clear enough or is interrupted, then you need to learn to demand decent payment for your work. You can’t dump or hold on to a low-paying position, you underestimate yourself
  2. If the problem is with the Head line, it means that you are investing too much money in maintaining your family, helping relatives, and at this time they are treating you consumeristly. They take help for granted. You need to learn how to spend on yourself first.
  3. In the case where the problem line is a “scoop”, you have no talent for commercial activities. All earnings slip through your fingers, and why this happens is unclear. This is an indicator of a spendthrift who needs to learn financial literacy, a more rational attitude towards money

If the forecast from the point of view of palmistry is disappointing for you, there is no need to be upset. In your case, you need to learn to be happy with what you have now. Think not with problems, but with solutions. Look for ways out of critical situations. Train positive thinking. Work hard. When you learn to be happy without focusing on financial difficulties, money and abundance will come into your life.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Palmistry is the ancient practice of studying the palm of the hand, designed to learn about aspects of the owner's character, inclinations and talents. It can even reveal the secrets of the future. Some of the things that palm reading can tell you about are health, love, and even finances - which is what we will be discussing today.

In the article:

What is a money line?

There are four main lines that are used in palmistry and these are the lines of the heart, mind, destiny and life. Markings that are responsible for finances are not distinguished as a separate trait. But, nevertheless, they interact with them, changing their meaning, depending on the proximity of a particular mark.

There is not one single trait of money that all people have, but usually there are several traits that may appear in a particular person. They symbolize different aspects of your potential wealth (or lack thereof) depending on their placement.

What's specific about the information is that it doesn't mention how much money you'll have or how soon it will happen, but rather how you'll accumulate that money and how that will impact other aspects of your future.

Signs that portend wealth

Palm card

  1. A line that starts at the base of the thumb and curves towards the index finger, ending in a figure similar to an asterisk. This variety indicates that you have a natural talent for making money.
  2. It starts at the base of the thumb and goes to the little finger. This means that, most likely, you will inherit money or unexpected luck will fall on you.
  3. It starts from the thumb and extends all the way to the middle finger. This foretells that you will earn a fortune through management skills.
  4. It does not start from the thumb, but on the other side of the palm. Intersects and , and . The line of money starts from the line of the mind, extends all the way to the ring finger, crossing the line of success. The presence of this figure indicates that your endeavors will end in success.

Money line on hand

Palmistry and the hands of rich people

If there are many lines, they are deep and straight, this shows that you are smart, well versed in investing money and can make a fortune. In addition, you will meet many good people who will support you. If your palm is also straight and clear, you can gain both fame and wealth.

A curvy line shows that yours financial situation will always be unstable. Your level of well-being will fluctuate sharply; you will either become the owner of a whole fortune, or again find yourself at the bottom of your life. You will have a lot of troubles in business or while building a career. If you want to succeed and stay afloat, it will take a lot of effort.

If this line is often interrupted, then this often indicates bad luck in a monetary sense. You can make a lot of efforts, but money does not want to come into your hands. It doesn’t even depend so much on your personal qualities, although, of course, they are also important. You are simply unlucky for a variety of reasons. Of course, this is not a death sentence, and if you do your best, you will achieve success.

Other signs of wealth on the hand

You can consider all options for signs of wealth and the sun line

There are other signs that indicate a potential opportunity to get rich. The sun line, which is located under the ring finger, usually symbolizes popularity, reputation and success. Therefore, it is easier for those who have this line to become successful.

The branch from the Sun line that extends towards the little finger can also be called the money line. If a person has such a mark, then this indicates that he can understand the intricacies of business, knows how to inspire people and has every chance to become a business shark.

If the branch connects the mind together, then this means that such a person will not burden himself with hard and burdensome work. Nevertheless, he will not be in poverty either. Throughout his life, this person will find a wide variety of sources of financing. Or they will fall on him themselves. This lucky sign fate.

If the lines of the mind and the Sun intersect with short horizontal lines, then the individual must be careful not to bring petty, limited people closer to him, who can set him up and take away his fame and wealth. Also, he needs to avoid displaying wealth in public.

If a person passes through the line of mind in an upward direction and reaches, then they can form a figure similar to the letter “M”. According to Chinese palmistry, if she has such a sign on her hand, then she will be able to accumulate wealth before the age of 40. However, this does not mean that you can relax and do nothing.

What you need to know about the thumb in palmistry?

If you want to know more, you can also pay attention to other marks that can also shed light on your future financial situation in life, as well as how you can improve it.

In addition to these features, the thumb also plays an important role in palmistry. According to, Phala - the line that separates the first phalanx of the finger from the second - can tell a lot about a person’s future well-being.

  1. When this mark is not interrupted, clear and deep, then a person will not climb to the top of success. He will have simple life, without any frills. However, he will not go hungry or be in need either.
  2. If it forms a figure in the form of an eye, then the person will have a difficult childhood, but this will pay off in full in later life.
  3. When the Phala is very wide, it is a sign of trouble. All his life such an individual will be in poverty and in need of the bare necessities.
  4. If it is interrupted in many places, then life will always be black and white. Such people experience both periods of wealth and bankruptcy.
  5. If at the end the line bifurcates, it means that this person will be provided for by his children. In old age he will not experience need.

A few more signs of wealth

It is believed that the line that is located horizontally above the heart line shows your ability to manage money. If you have this line of moderate length, then you are careful and prudent in matters of money and know how to take care of others. Even if you don't work, your partner makes a good living and can provide for you. You, in turn, can manage this money wisely.

It happens that it extends upward towards the ring finger, and at the end there is a mark that looks like a star. This suggests that with a high degree of probability the partner will be fabulously rich. If an intelligence trait has an ascending branch, it usually indicates that the person is good at making money. He can look into the future and invest his money in the best way. He perfectly distinguishes financial fraud, and therefore does not fall for a scam. Oddly enough, he is often lucky in gambling.

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