Sofia is a Russian name. Sofia (Sofia) - name meaning, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Fate is always favorable to a woman named Sofia. And no wonder. She wins the hearts of those around her with her sensitivity, responsiveness, and kindness. Her wisdom and seriousness do not interfere with moving through life easily. Success accompanies her in all her endeavors. The characteristics of the name Sofia are directly related to the time of birth.

Sofia Carson - American actress

Origin of the name Sofia

The name Sophia came to us from Ancient Byzantium during the time of adoption Orthodox faith. According to legend, Sophia was the mother of Faith, Hope and Love, who openly preached the faith of Christ precisely when the ruler of the Roman Empire, Hadrian, worshiped the goddess Artemis. The sisters, subjected to terrible torture, remained faithful to the Christian faith. Sofia was found dead near her daughters' graves three days later.

It is believed that this woman was endowed with all the virtues of her daughters. The translation from ancient Greek sounds like “wise”, “wisdom”. The colloquial form of this name is Sophia. It is its canonical church version. Therefore, the meaning of the name Sophia and the meaning of the name Sophia are absolutely identical.

It is generally accepted that the origin of the name Sophia is ancient Roman. But it is used everywhere. There are different translations of it. For example, in Latin it sounds like “philosophy”, “knowledge”, “prudence”, “prudence”. In Islam, this name means “pure”, “calm”, “carefree”.

In aristocratic families, girls were often called this. This name was passed down from generation to generation.

The full name Sofia also has other common forms: Sophia, Sonya, Sofa, Sofochka, Sofyushka, Sonyushka, Sonechka, Sofonka, Sonya. IN colloquial speech the most commonly used forms are: canonical full name Sophia and abbreviated as Sonya. It may sound slightly different in other languages. For example, on English language the full name sounds like Sofia, in Hungarian - Zsofia, in French - Sophie, in German - Zofia.

Name in religion

This name has many patronesses: Sophia the Wonderworker, Princess Sophia of Slutsk, Martyr Sophia of Rome, Martyr Sophia of Egypt, Venerable Sophia of Suzdal, Venerable Sophia, healer Sophia. Therefore, women celebrate their name days several times a year, commemorating their patronesses on January 28, February 28, April 1, June 4, 17, August 14, 28, September 21, 30, October 1, December 29, 31.

Characteristics of a name by time of birth

Sophia, born in winter, has a difficult character, in which severity, straightforwardness, and harshness of statements predominate. But at the same time, the woman has a kind, selfless heart. kind soul always ready to help in difficult times.

Spring Sophia has an irrepressible temperament, good nature, and sensitivity. It is important for her to be the center of attention. Therefore, a woman who loves compliments is always surrounded by many flatterers.

Sophia, born in summer, hardworking, ready to work around the clock to achieve material well-being. A vain, ambitious woman carefully thinks through her every step, so her achievements are not accidental.

Autumn Sophia is kind and selfless. But people often use this quality of hers to achieve their goals. Therefore, on her life path there will be many disappointments, insults, and betrayals.

Characteristics of a name for a girl, girl, woman

When finding out what the name Sophia means, parents should know about its positive and negative manifestations. Often long life path And unusual fate women leave an indelible mark on the memory of other people.


The meaning of the name Sonya for a little girl is mobility, capricious character, leadership qualities, and the desire to be the center of attention. The baby surprisingly quickly finds an approach to both peers and adults, skillfully using her powers of observation, emotional character, mind.

This child is often invited to visit. Little Sonya is generous, kind and generous. Her diplomatic gift always finds its application in children's disputes and quarrels. The girl believes in miracles and kindness fairy-tale heroes. Sonya tries not to let anyone into her small world so as not to disturb the harmony there.

But the child often has problems with his studies. If you like the subject, then mastering it is easy, otherwise the girl will face difficulties. But Sonya actively participates in the life of the class and school. Here her organizational skills are fully revealed.

Young woman

The meaning of the name Sonya for a girl is irrepressible temperament and energy. She always strives for new achievements and discoveries. It is important for a young girl to find her place in life in order to assert herself and enjoy life. If this does not happen, then she will face deep disappointment and a miserable, aimless existence.

Young Sofa can easily win people over, using her curiosity, perseverance, persistence, and spontaneity. A noisy company always gathers around her. It is now that such traits as responsiveness, desire to help others, and sincere empathy are most clearly revealed in her character. But she does not forgive insults or betrayal.

The girl's fate is in her hands. After all, Sonya always knows what she wants. And most importantly, he sees how to achieve this. Already in her youth, she can easily identify the main thing among many little things. That is why among the bearers of this name there are prominent scientists, critics, famous publishers, and creative people.

Sonya takes her choice of profession seriously, putting in enough effort and striving for self-improvement. Strength of character and originality of thinking help her.


In an effort to achieve desired results adult Sophia may be hindered by excessive impulsiveness. Her insight prevents other people from deceiving her. Routine and monotony scare Sonya, so her life is an exciting journey.

The meaning of the name Sophia for a woman is a freedom-loving character and attractiveness. There are always a lot of men around this fragile woman. But as a life partner, she will choose someone who is strong in spirit and capable of becoming a reliable support. It is important for Sonya that her loved one perceives her as she is and does not try to re-educate her.

Her women's destiny does not always have a smooth path. For Sophia, it is important that marriage is based on love and mutual understanding. Therefore, often the first experience when starting a family is unsuccessful. Her husband should be patient, calm, gentle. In return, the woman will not strive to be a leader in the family, giving the reins to the man. Sophia is an excellent housewife and a wonderful mother.

Famous people

Female name Sofia in history different countries and peoples are marked by various achievements. Quite famous are the extraordinary historical figures and our contemporaries:

— Sofia Palaeologus, wife of Prince John III, who played an important role in the life of the Moscow State

— Sofia Rostopchina – children's writer

— “Sonya the Golden Hand”, or Sofia Bluvshtein - a famous adventurer

— Sofya Perovskaya - famous revolutionary

— Sofia Kovalevskaya — outstanding mathematician

- Sophia Loren - Italian actress

— Sofia Rotaru is a famous singer.

Sofia is characterized by seriousness and sensuality, she is reasonable and judicious.

The name Sophia is similar to the name “Sophia” and translated from Greek means “wisdom”. There is also speculation that this name is associated with marble and agate.

Origin of the name Sofia:

The name Sophia comes from the ancient Greek "sophia", which means "wisdom". The name was very common in Byzantium, from where it came to Rus' along with the adoption of Orthodoxy.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Sofia:

Sophia is non-conflict and appreciates the arguments of reason. Both scientific and analytical work and communication with people are equally good for them. They are born psychologists, reasonable and fair, and in a dispute they can play the role of a lightning rod, a peacemaker. Sofia loves to share knowledge, they make talented and passionate teachers. They always think globally and build a general picture of events. They are pedantic and attentive, but absent-mindedness in detail indicates that they are not interested in the matter. Sophia is stable and rational, deep inner spirituality makes them harmonious and balanced individuals.

While caring about others, Sophia sometimes forgets about herself. They tend to forgive their friends a lot, but they are intolerant of themselves to the point of acuteness, demanding and critical. They do not like unexpected visits, bad humor, or laxity. They are always ready to help, capable of selflessly working in the name of a higher goal. Deeply upset Sophias can “fall out of the world,” detach themselves from what is happening and deeply experience grievances and failures. For Sofia, a sincere apology is very important. In troubles, she tends to blame herself first of all and only then other people.

Sophia's personal life reflects their rational, sensitive nature. Many Sophias are fragile, weak-looking women, very graceful. They always have exquisite taste, they select their wardrobe carefully, and dress exclusively in accordance with the situation. In bed they can be frivolous and painfully sensitive. They need both physical and spiritual love, and are often in a state of falling in love. They choose a partner who is able to accept them as they are. Sofia is in great need of attention; she often gets married out of fear of loneliness. They respond to coldness with coldness.

In Sofia's house they prefer to control internal regulations, however, they do not pay too much attention to details. For them, the main thing is the big picture. Sofia's children are always neat and study well; their mother carefully monitors their progress. Sofia is rarely greedy, but does not allow laxity in finances, does not strive for money, but she is humiliated by its lack.

Sophias born in the summer months are ambitious, and in the autumn months they are unselfish and prone to self-sacrifice. “Spring” Sophias are especially sensitive, they catch colds easily, and they have good visual memory. The “winter” ones have a difficult and harsh character, but they are kind and highly moral from birth.

Successful partners for them are Ignat, Sergey, Boris and Alexey; relationships with men named Dmitry, Andrey and Stanislav can become problematic.

Mother's name was Sofia Christian martyrs Faith, Hope and Love.

Career, business and money

Regarding the question of choosing a profession, Sofia does not like monotony. As a creative, powerful and gifted person, the girl always thinks in on a global scale. The owner of the name Sofia has all facets creative nature discovers through literature, art and the acting stage.

She can get the greatest satisfaction from the profession: fashion designer, architect, designer, doctor, analyst and teacher. Business is not for her, because, as an uncompromising person, Sonya does not know how to take risks often. In life, she achieves everything herself, but she doesn’t forget about her loved ones. The girl knows the value of the money she earns, and therefore does not spend it aimlessly.

Marriage and family

IN family life Sofia will be happy if she shows patience and gets rid of personal ambitions. Homework a woman does not love, so she gladly shares responsibilities with her husband. As a wife, she needs to learn how to conduct a correct dialogue with her partner and make compromises.

Jealous Sofia is unable to restrain her angry outbursts, but allows her husband many things, all for the sake of the children. This sometimes negatively affects her health. Most happy marriage Sofia will be with her chosen one named Ilya, Vladimir, Afanasy, Konstantin, Miron, Dmitry, Denis, German, Pavel.

Sex and love

Independent Sofia is very popular with men. They choose a partner to match themselves - with a peace-loving but tough character. The woman loves compliments and has a special temperament. Sonya looks closely at her other half for a long time and subjects her to checks more than once. She does not tolerate pressure, and does not approve of extramarital affairs.

To achieve Serious relationships, Sofia is sometimes ready to take risks, which is usually not typical for her character. Ofia hides her passion in love, which means a lot in her life. She can shock others by breaking a prosperous family life for the sake of a new strong love feeling.


Sofia is the owner of good health. It’s just that a sweet tooth leads to the problem of obesity and the fight against overweight. That is why, since childhood, Sonya needs to carefully monitor her health, nutrition and diet.

It is very important to choose useful look sports to constantly engage in them. Sofia is suitable for skiing, tennis, skating, and dancing. The name Sophia is weak nervous system, which is noticed already in childhood. Sofia is capricious, persistent, intractable. Starts walking late. She has an unsteady gait, often falls, and is prone to injury. Some people develop flat feet and may have scoliosis.

Most often, Sofia is born last in the family; her umbilical cord may not heal for a long time. Sophia cannot be left unattended; she puts everything into her mouth from the floor and often suffers from stomatitis. IN mature age The name Sofia is prone to depression; there may be gynecological diseases, varicose veins, arthritis, and dysfunction of the thyroid gland. Some people gain weight after giving birth.

Interests and hobbies

Sofia's temperament harmoniously combines activity and phlegmatism, and therefore the range of the girl's hobbies is huge. Sonya is a good artist and a skilled craftswoman, so she has a lot of works at home suitable for an exhibition.

“Summer” Sonechki is interested in military affairs, politics and society. They all free time They give it to meetings, work, friendships with people who are useful to them. But for “autumn” Sophias, philosophy, charity or psychology are hobbies.

DOB: 1850-01-15

Version 1. What does the name Sophia mean?

- from Greek. wisdom, old Sofia.

Sofyushka, Sofa, Sonya, Sonyusha.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

Elder Sophia is drying up about the whole world, no one will sigh for her.

The seamstress Sophia has dried up on the stove (i.e. she sleeps a lot, sleepy, sleepy).


distinguished by a broad outlook and intuition. There is no pride in her, no love of power,
desire to subjugate others. But it has an “angelic fortress” - elastic strength
a very trained female character and body, equally significant in essence,
no matter how inconspicuous external signs. Sofia is not just a woman who conquers,
without wanting it. She is the Tsar-Maiden, or, as the Georgians put it about the semi-mythical
Tamara, King-Queen. She really needs love, constant declarations of love.
Hospitable, devoted to family, husband, children.

date of birth: 0000-00-00

Grand Duchess Moscow (1425-1433), wife of Vasily I

3 version of the meaning of the name Sophia

Sophia - “wisdom” (ancient Greek).

Often Sophia is the only one
child in the family. They pay her a lot of attention and pamper her. The intestines should be protected.

If Sonechka was born in

December then
You don’t have to worry about her, she’s brave, persistent, and sociable.

Knowing the weak
parents' strings, will always find a way to insist on their own. Savvy, observant,
resourceful. Does not tolerate pressure, in such cases he withdraws, pouts his lips, looks
defenseless and will certainly touch the parents. She is active and proactive in the team.
Participates in all competitions and debates, willingly goes in for sports. Maybe all day
ride a bicycle. At school she is a leader, protects the offended, helps those lagging behind.
She has a sharp mind, good memory, and thinks like an adult. Very similar to
mother. Loves to read, prefers adventure literature and science fiction.
A gentle, sophisticated girl, not a crybaby, not harmful. Kind, loves animals, drags
home to homeless cats and dogs, feeds hungry animals in the yard. With strangers
behaves shyly, distrustfully. Although she is not very frank with close friends.
Everyone knows that you can rely on Sophia, trust her.

She is assiduous and pedantic,
which contributes to her academic success. She is principled and ready to stand up for her ideas.
Appreciates a good relationship with relatives, they occupy an important place in her life.
Has a penchant for needlework, she likes painstaking, small work, has musical
abilities, enjoys theater.

Wherever Sophia works,
she is always noticed and appreciated for her conscientiousness and non-conflict nature. Moving forward quickly
in your specialty. Life arranges itself, without looking back at anyone, without trying
to keep up with someone or surpass someone.
She is tactful and delicate, trying not to offend anyone. Its efficient
The advice is useful. It's in her nature to feel sorry for a lonely, unhappy man,
adopt an orphan. Sophia's life passes calmly and measuredly, but there is something
from a smoldering coal. A sudden flash of passion may overwhelm her and she will throw herself
contrary to the rules of decency, into the pool...

Sophia is strict and
serious. Becomes an investigator at the prosecutor's office, an economist, a mathematics teacher,
director of a perfume factory, cutter.

- specific, calculating, quickly doing mental calculations. She better become an accountant, tax
inspector, pharmacist, biologist, defectologist, flight attendant, employee

"Spring" - meticulous
in business, obligatory. Can work as a passport officer, salesperson, notary, make-up artist,
draftswoman, cashier.

- Very
impressionable, capable of empathy. Achieves success working as a doctor, gynecologist,
a teacher in a boarding school, an insurance agent, a theater designer, an art critic,
head of the orphanage.

and “autumn” Sophia
Suitable middle names:

Leontievna, Sergeevna,
Petrovna, Naumovna, Efimovna, Mikhailovna, Borisovna.

and “spring” - Andreevna, Alexandrovna, Pavlovna, Filippovna, Feliksovna, Ilyinichna,

DOB: 1657-09-27

Russian queen, ruler-regent of Russia (1682-1689), sister of Peter I

4 version of interpretation of the name Sophia

Sophia - devotee
friend and wife. But it is not easy to earn her kind attitude - she is distrustful
towards people, although she is friendly and kind to everyone.

Always ready to sacrifice
for the sake of parents, husband, children and friends. Those who need her help will never meet
refusal. She is able to warm up someone else's child or a lonely old woman in her home
and will care about them more than about herself. Very hospitable, excellent
a housewife who knows how to cook delicious food. Modest.

And yet, Sophia is far from a nun. Love can make her very easy
break the most established life. This is exactly the woman who will fly for her beloved
to the ends of the world, although it is quite possible that in a month he will be left broke.
Stubborn and principled. He knows how to stand up for his ideas.

She loves visiting and prefers the circus for entertainment. Both are a holiday
for her soul.

In her old age, Sophia often complains about her legs and undergoes operations.

5th version of the meaning of the name Sophia

Ancient Greek
origin, means: wisdom1. A gentle, sophisticated girl. Not
a crybaby, not a weakling. Good, in her house you can often meet someone in trouble
dog or cat. WITH strangers behaves shyly, distrustfully.
Although she is also not very frank with her family and friends, they know that she
You can always rely on Sophia; if necessary, she will give her last.

she is assiduous and pedantic, which contributes to her academic success. Principled, always
ready to stand up for my ideas. Values ​​good relationships with relatives, the latter
always occupy an important place in her life. Handicraftswoman, loves painstaking small
work, often has musical abilities, and is interested in theater.

Where is Sophia
no matter how hard she works, she is always noticed and appreciated for her conscientiousness and agreeableness. Fast
advances in his specialty. Life arranges itself, without looking back
on whom, without trying to keep up with someone or surpass someone.

delicate. Even knowing that her husband should call her, she cannot always interrupt
telephone monologue of a friend offended by her life. Those who need her help never
will not be refused. She is able to warm up someone else's child or a lonely woman in her home.
old lady and will take care of them. Sophia's husband will soon be able to see
that she is a wonderful cook and loves to have guests often. Life
she goes through it calmly and measuredly, and yet Sophia is far from a nun
- there is something of a smoldering coal in it. Love can very easily force
to break her well-established life.

Sophia is generous in
everyone. Treats her husband's parents very well. Follows fashion, but does not like extravagance.
In old age, Sophia is often left alone. They complain about their legs, they suffer

She should give it
preference for men with the names Yuri, Vladimir, Ignat, Gleb, Arkady, Oleg,
Vladislav, Konstantin. And beware of Andrei, Peter, Stanislav, Dmitry.

1The capital of Bulgaria is called Sofia (emphasis
on the first syllable) after the main temple in honor of St. Sophia.

Name day named after Sophia

February 28, April 1, May 6, June 4, June 17, August 14, September 30, October 1, December 29, December 31,

A person has only one name day - this is either the name day that falls on the birthday, or the first after the birthday

Famous people named Sophia

DOB: 1850-01-15

Russian mathematician, writer and publicist

Sofia Perovskaya

DOB: 1853-09-13

Russian revolutionary, one of the leaders of Narodnaya Volya

The meaning of the letters in the name Sophia

WITH- They are distinguished by stubbornness, unpredictability and leadership qualities. In their actions they are accustomed to rely on logic and common sense. They can be overly emotional, and sometimes even capricious. They constantly want to stand out from the gray mass. Excessive demands may be placed on a partner.

ABOUT- open, cheerful and cheerful natures. Those who have the letter "O" in their name are hardworking and possess creative abilities. Professions related to strategic thinking and economics are ideal for them. They are friends only with reliable people whom they trust.

F- adapt well to conditions environment. Always have lots of great ideas. In their stories they are able to embellish and lie a little. They really love helping people. There's never a dull moment with them. Their life is always filled with many interesting events.

b- easy-going, balanced and slightly shy natures. They have a good-natured attitude towards all people, and in every possible and impossible way they try to avoid conflict situations. In their work they pay attention to even the smallest details.

I- people who have this letter in their name know their worth. They strive to achieve love and respect from the people around them. People with the letter "I" are good thinkers and are capable of hiding many secrets. In addition, they are excellent conversationalists and romantic people with a rich imagination.

Name as a phrase

  • WITH- Word
  • ABOUT- He (Oh, About)
  • F- Firth (the meaning of the word combines the concepts: Spit, Axis of the World, Base, Source);
  • b- Er (Creeping, Low, Soft, Soft)
  • I- (YA = A) Az

The name Sophia is distinguished by impulsiveness and depth. It endows its owner with sensuality and seriousness. It is not for nothing that since ancient times this word has been identified with wisdom, which is impossible without sufficient depth of feelings.

Origin of the name

The roots of the name Sophia go back to Ancient Greece. Translated, this word means “wise.” The name has a similar meaning in Latin: “reasonable”, “prudent”, “cognitive”.

In ancient times, the name Sophia (Sophia) was widespread in aristocratic circles. Girls were often named this way in honor of their grandmothers, and when they grew up and had their own granddaughters, they again passed on their name “by inheritance.”

Forms of the name Sofia

Short name forms:

  • Sofa;
  • Sophia;
  • Sonya;
  • Sonya.

Diminutive forms:

  • Sofochka;
  • Sonechka;
  • Sonyushka;
  • Sofyushka;
  • Sonyusha;
  • Sofonka;
  • Sofyushka.

When writing poems about a girl named Sofia, you can use the following rhymes: euphoria, nostalgia, element, Russia.

Photo gallery: name forms

Sofia - full form name
Sofia - synonym for the name Sofia
Sonya is the most common form of the name Sofia
Sonechka is one of the options affectionate treatment to Sofia

The name Sophia gained great popularity in Byzantium. After Russia adopted Christianity, it spread to our territory. Therefore, it is precisely this form (with soft sign) is considered canonical in Orthodoxy.

Transliteration of the name for a foreign passport is SOFIIA.

Table: name options in different languages

LanguageIt is writtenReading
Chinese索非亚 Suofeya
Korean소피아 Sopia
Japaneseソフィア Sofia
GermanSophia, SofiaZofia, Sofia
Spanish, ItalianSofíaSofia
Swedish, DutchSofia, SophiaSofia
Danish, NorwegianSofie, SophieSophie, Sophie
FinnishSofia, SohviSofia, Sohvi
Arabصوفيا Sufian
GreekΣοφία Sofia
Yiddishסאָפיאַ Sofia
CzechZofieZsofie, Zsofia
PolishZofiaZofia, Zofia

Middle names that go with the first name

The following patronymics harmoniously combine with the name Sofia:

  • Andreevna;
  • Borisovna;
  • Mikhailovna;
  • Konstantinovna;
  • Svyatoslavovna.

Table: dependence of Sonya’s character on her middle name

AnatolievnaCompliant, kind and delicate. Because of her own modesty, it is difficult for her to achieve great success in her career. But this does not upset her at all, since she prefers to give her time and energy household. This kind of girl loves to experiment in the kitchen and enjoys creating culinary masterpieces. She is a hospitable hostess. Very distrustful, does not open up to everyone. It is difficult for her to make new acquaintances, so this lady prefers to be friends with those people whom she has known for many years.
AlexandrovnaVery kind and generous. Gets along well with his spouse's relatives. Graceful, well versed in fashion, but prefers modest outfits, which also perfectly emphasize her natural grace. Responsible in her work, she does not refuse help to anyone, without expecting anything in return. I’m not used to complaining about life and talking about my problems even to my closest people. Such a girl prefers to go through all the troubles on her own and cope with problems on her own.
AndreevnaFickle, flighty and very vulnerable. Has leadership skills. He understands people well and easily fits into a new team. She is attentive to all details in her work, and if she has any doubts, she has no problem asking her colleagues about everything.
DenisovnaNervous and hot-tempered. Easily makes friends with men. In adulthood, she becomes arrogant, capricious and cynical. She is accustomed to luxury, prefers not to deny herself anything, and has an exquisite taste in clothes. Very smart and calculating. She is taciturn in communication. She is observant and always speaks accurately and to the point.
BogdanovnaPerseverance, responsibility and hard work are the qualities that help her achieve high altitudes in a variety of life spheres Oh. Absolutely non-conflict, always ready to cooperate.

Nickname options for social networks

  • combination of first and last name (sofiya_rotaru, rotarusofia, sonya.rotaru);
  • combining name and type of activity (sofiya_kosmetolog, cakessofia,;
  • playing with affectionate variants of address (sone4ka, sofochka, s0fiyushka).

Songs with this name: “Nikita Ryazansky” by the group “Aquarium”, “Sonka - a golden pen” by Viktor Korolev, “Aunt Sofa” by Philip Kirkorov.

Video: song by the group “Aquarium” about Nikita Ryazansky and St. Sophia

Patron saints of Sofia, name day dates

Girls named Sofia are patronized by the following saints:

  • Martyr Sophia of Rome;
  • Venerable Martyr Sophia Selivestrova;
  • Rev. Sophia Hotokuridou;
  • Martyr Sophia of Egypt;
  • Princess Sofia Slutskaya;
  • Venerable Sophia of Suzdal.

The martyr Sophia of Rome suffered for her faith along with her daughters: Faith, Nadezhda and Love. By order of the pagan emperor, the girls, the eldest of whom was 12 years old, were brutally tortured and then executed in front of their mother. Sofia buried her daughters and died on the third day after their execution at the grave of the little ones.

Sophia of Rome - patron saint of girls with this name

Sonechka's name day is celebrated:

  • April, 4;
  • June 4;
  • June 17;
  • August 14;
  • September 30th;
  • October 1;
  • December 29th;
  • 31th of December.

September 30, the day of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, was celebrated in the old days as the modern March 8th. The people called the holiday "Baby's name day". The girls were congratulated, they went to visit each other. It was imperative to pray (or better yet, cry) for the health and fate of your family and friends.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive features:

  • prudence;
  • energy;
  • initiative;
  • determination;
  • persistence.

Sofia is very observant, she always knows what to expect from this or that person. There is no way to hide the deception from her. Such a girl is strong-willed, ambitious, and always knows what she wants from life. She is a pleasant conversationalist and easily interests others with her stories.

Negative qualities:

  • naivety;
  • inertia;
  • hot temper;
  • arrogance;
  • haste in judgment and action.

The owner of this name is characterized by excessive sacrifice. Sometimes Sofia is so preoccupied with the problems of others that she completely forgets about her own affairs.

Sonechka in childhood

As a child, Sonechka is very active, wayward, and capricious. This girl shows her difficult character early. He loves outdoor games, and in the company of friends he always strives to stand out and attract attention. The little girl is inquisitive and smart. Shows politeness to elders and gets along well with peers.

Sonya - true friend, she always acts fairly, so the company gives her the right to judge children who have started an argument. She is good-natured and optimistic, with such a girl it is always easy and fun.

Little Sonya is active and inquisitive

The little owner of this name is a big dreamer. She loves to come up with exciting stories in which good always triumphs over evil. Very calm, often in her own illusory world. She tries to avoid those who try to make fun of her dreams or invade her personal space.

At school, Sofia is far from the best student. She is successful only in those disciplines that could truly interest her. But at the same time, the girl is capable of looking for answers to the most difficult questions, without retreating, stubbornly resisting difficulties. An excellent organizer, she takes part in school competitions and competitions with pleasure.

Teenage Sonya

In her youth, Sofia is active and temperamental; she constantly craves new experiences and discoveries. She is confident in herself and knows her capabilities, so she does everything to achieve high goals. This girl does not stop there, she always strives for self-improvement.

Good nature and an easy-going attitude towards life help Sonya win the trust of others and make strong friendships. This girl never loses heart, failures only make her stronger. Therefore, on the way to her goal, she will be able to handle any difficulties.

In her youth, Sophia shows energy, activity and good nature

The sincerity and kindness of this girl can charm anyone. She is a loyal friend and will always come to the aid of those in need. In communication, Sonya is very polite and is condescending towards the character imperfections of other people. However, he will not tolerate deceivers and traitors and will forever erase them from his life.

The young owner of this name always knows what she wants to achieve in life. Her enthusiasm and versatility attract the same simple-minded and talented people. Very inquisitive, never stops improving.

How a name affects the character and fate of an adult woman

According to Pavel Florensky, Sofia is sensual and secretive. She has strong intuition, but the girl does not always trust her inner instinct. Smart and disciplined, she can find an approach to any person. Sonya never imposes her opinion and does not seek to teach. Will cope well with the position of leader. Her authority, foresight and responsibility help to competently organize the work process. The owner of such a name is distinguished by clarity of judgment and precision of expression; she leaves no understatements.

Mendeleev’s version says that Sofia may experience difficulties in building a career, but she is incredibly lucky in love. She is a charming, witty and mysterious woman who attracts the attention of many men.

The charm and sharp mind of girls with that name are perfectly demonstrated by the story of the legendary adventuress Sonya Zolotoy Ruchka (Sofia Bluvshtein). There are still legends about her ability to win over people. She pulled off her scams so skillfully that people themselves did not understand how this could happen. Much was attributed to the girl’s charm and her subtle ability to manipulate the feelings of others. They say that even in hard labor, Sonya easily charmed her jailers and, thanks to this, tried to escape three times.

According to Mendeleev, Sofia is a charming and mysterious girl

According to Pierre Rouget, Sonya is characterized by perseverance, energy and determination. In business he is guided exclusively by common sense and can find a way out of even the most difficult situation. This woman is very restless and always strives for self-improvement. She craves recognition and is ready to go to great lengths to achieve what she wants. Always wants to control everything and be in the know important events. Possesses analytical thinking and excellent memory.

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima claim that Sofia is a hospitable hostess and a responsible worker. In any case, he shows patience and knows how to restrain his emotions. Such a girl is prone to sympathy and does not get into her soul. If anyone needs her advice or support, she will gladly respond and help.

According to Boris Khigir, Sonya takes her work seriously, she is extremely attentive to all details. Such a girl is quite stubborn, defending her interests to the last. She has an excellent relationship with her parents and tries to keep in touch with her family and friends. The bearer of this name does not discuss her plans for the future with anyone; she prefers to decide everything on her own. She values ​​calm and stability, but falling in love can dramatically change her usual life.

Talents and hobbies

Sofia is diligent and diligent, has handicraft skills, loves to sew, embroider, weave with beads and knit. She has an excellent ear for music and acting skills. Such a girl is open and sociable, she has many friends and acquaintances from various walks of life. Loves to travel to various cities in search of adventure, as well as relax in noisy company.

Sonya's career and business

Sonya is a creative person, she is burdened by the monotony of her work. This is a very energetic woman, she strives to bring many of her brilliant ideas to life. The owner of this name can fully realize herself in the following professions:

  • journalist;
  • written by;
  • writer;
  • actress;
  • teacher;
  • artist;
  • designer;
  • practical psychologist;
  • cultural scientist, literary or film critic, art critic.

Such a girl is a serious and responsible worker, she quickly and efficiently copes with her duties. But Sofia is able to devote herself completely to her work only if she has a genuine interest in the activity. Otherwise, she will be lethargic and irritable, which will ultimately lead to the collapse of her career. The choice of profession is conscious. Likes frequent travel and business trips.

Sofia can realize herself as a journalist, screenwriter, writer

Executive, demanding and independent, Sofia is accustomed to relying only on her own strengths and capabilities. Therefore, he can open his own business without anyone’s help and lead the company to success. She enjoys unquestioned authority among her subordinates and always demands from them only what she herself adheres to.


As a child, Sofia was prone to colds and viral diseases. But as she grows up, she develops a strong immune system that can resist various infections. But such a girl is vulnerable to diseases of the stomach and joints. Sonya is recommended to lead active image life and remove junk food from your diet.

Sofia in love and marriage

Freedom-loving and charming Sofia attracts the admiring glances of many representatives of the stronger sex. This fragile and delicate woman needs a strong and reliable man, next to whom she will feel like behind a stone wall. It is important for Sonya that her chosen one appreciates her and accepts her for who she is, without trying to change her.

A passionate, ardent, and emotional girl dreams of unearthly love. In an intimate relationship with her partner, gentle touches are not as important to her as voluptuous compliments. To earn Sofia’s love, her chosen one should tell the young lady about his sincere feelings.

It is important for Sofia’s chosen one to constantly remind his beloved of his feelings

The owner of such a name sometimes gets married out of hopelessness and loneliness. Because of this, Sonya's first marriage may not be successful. It is important for her to realize that she should only tie the knot with a person whom she loves and trusts. Under no circumstances should fear of the future be the reason for marriage.

Family life with Sofia is not easy. She seeks to control her husband and dictate her terms to him, which is usually perceived extremely negatively by a man. Children for the bearer of such a name are pride and joy. They brighten up Sonya's life and give it meaning.

The husband of this girl must not only take care of the well-being of the family, but also devote as much time as possible to his wife. Otherwise, Sofia may be overcome by apathy, and she will withdraw into herself. The owner of such a name is able to forgive her beloved everything except deception and betrayal.

Table: compatibility with male names

NameCompatibility in loveMarriage CompatibilityFeatures of relationships
Alexander90% 60% This couple has love and passion, but also noisy scandals. They often happen between Sonya and Alexander. But frequent showdowns, oddly enough, are good for them. Quarrels act as a kind of release, during which everyone lets go of negative emotions and again gives their other half tenderness.
Dmitriy100% 80% Partners are used to vigorously sorting out relationships and thus arriving at a mutually beneficial solution.
In this outburst of passions, truly worthwhile ideas. Otherwise, their relationship is full of love, care for each other and devotion.
Sergey80% 70% Unstable union. Sofia very rudely and frankly expresses her dissatisfaction with Sergei's stubbornness and his explosive character. If both partners learn to restrain their emotions and begin to talk more delicately about what does not suit them, this couple will have every chance of creating a happy family.
Andrey90% 60% Both partners are freedom-loving and independent individuals who cannot bear loneliness. Sonya and Andrey have a rich and varied life, in which every day is like a holiday. It is easy for them to come to a common decision without creating conflict situations. Usually their marriage is strong and durable.
Alexei80% 70% Alexey is a responsible and purposeful man who always keeps his word. Sofia appreciates the reliability of her husband; she knows that she can always rely on him. Their relationship is harmonious, full of love, care and mutual understanding.
Eugene70% 100% A wonderful tandem of two loving hearts, in which the spouses are halves of one whole. Partners surround each other with care and love. Evgeniy and Sonya are building harmonious union, in which both are immensely happy.
Maksim80% 70% Maxim is a freedom-loving and independent man; his actions are often guided by emotions rather than common sense. Purposeful and ambitious Sonya does not want to put up with her partner’s shortcomings. The likelihood of a successful marriage for owners of such names is very low.
Vladimir70% 70% Vladimir and Sofia tend to show leadership qualities, do not want to give in to each other and seek compromises. This relationship can be incredibly stable or fall apart in just the first year. life together. They will live together for a long time and happy life or they will break up very quickly - it depends only on themselves.
Denis70% 70% Denis is a good-natured, purposeful and romantic man; he easily manages to attract Sofia’s attention. In this gentle, peace-loving and mysterious woman, he sees a kindred spirit, capable of accepting a man for who he is and loving him.
Igor90% 60% Sofia and Igor are people with completely different preferences and outlooks on life. But strong mutual feelings can unite them. Such people are able to create a harmonious tandem in which a woman will dominate.
Anton60% 40% A strong union between the owners of these names is unlikely. Freedom-loving and flighty Anton just can’t say goodbye to the habits of his bachelor life. This greatly irritates the calm and reasonable Sofia. In addition, a man is capable of betrayal, which a girl will never forgive.
Konstantin60% 100% Purposeful Sonya and Konstantin are able to create harmonious romantic relationships and become business partners. In both cases, the couple is simply doomed to success. The owners of these names are hospitable hosts; their house is always full of guests.
Vitaly60% 100% The union of Sonya and Vitaly is shaky and unstable. Partners often fight for leadership in the relationship, which causes frequent quarrels and scandals in the couple. But still the flame is strong and passionate love is able to absorb the feeling of enmity and reconcile these two powerful and independent personalities.
Oleg60% 80% Sonya and Oleg are perfect for each other. They have many common interests and preferences. Partners enjoy spending time with each other; their lives are vibrant and varied. In addition, both have a huge passion for travel. A girl is an endless generator of ideas, and a man happily brings his beloved’s ideas to life.
Vladislav60% 40% Vladislav is a simple-minded and optimistic man who wins Sonya’s heart with his easy-going nature and kindness. But over time, the girl begins to be annoyed by the irresponsibility and unreliability of her chosen one. Because of this, the union of people with such names may be upset.
Yuri70% 80% Sonya and Yuri - just perfect couple. They are great business partners Good friends and passionate lovers. Luck accompanies them in everything. The union of the owners of these names is stable and durable.
Victor70% 100% There is no leader and subordinate in this pair. Partners adhere to absolute equality in everything. Together they reach great heights. Sofia and Victor completely trust each other, so success and family well-being await them.
Anatoly70% 100% Anatoly wants to find peace and tranquility in his family life, and Sofia always strives to set high goals for herself and achieve them, no matter what. Such a difference in outlook on life can lead to a quick break in relationships.

The meaning of each letter of the name

C - strives for financial well-being to live with dignity and not deny yourself anything. I am ready to do good deeds, but only for selfish reasons. Responsible worker. Shows excessive demands on the partner.

A girl whose name begins with the letter S strives to stand out from the crowd and uses all kinds of means to do this. She can carefully monitor her appearance, shock others with her behavior, or simply “buy” the attention of other people by throwing grand parties.

O - subtle perception of the world. People with this letter in their name are capable of divination, they know how to predict unfavorable situations and avoid them.

F - enterprise, perseverance, self-confidence and endurance. Very creative and versatile developed people. They easily make new acquaintances. But they are ready to tell their secrets and experiences to a few, preferring to remain alone with their thoughts.

And - sensuality, good nature and friendliness. These people are used to hiding their true feelings behind cynicism and prudence, but in reality they are very romantic and kind-hearted.

I prefer to be independent. People who know their worth. Tend to spiritual development. For them, maintaining the respect of others is not as important as not losing their own pride.

Sophia (version with a soft sign): “b” in the name means friendliness, responsiveness, and forbearance. The ability to show delicacy even to those people whom he dislikes. Hard work, attentiveness and accuracy, ability to pay attention to the smallest details. In marriage they are flexible.

Five letters in a name indicate that a person has excellent self-control. Has the ability to subtly perceive the beauty of the surrounding world. This girl is very talented and creative. He easily makes new acquaintances, attracting others with his versatility and mystery. When choosing a life partner, it is extremely important for her to feel the respect of her chosen one.

Table: name matches

StoneMarbleA symbol of prosperity, wealth and uniqueness. A marble product can attract peace and tranquility, smooth out conflicts and disagreements.
ColorWhiteThese people are eternal fighters for justice. Versatile, graceful, resourceful and very talented. In their work, material rewards are not as important to them as the opportunity to realize themselves.
Number1 They have extraordinary thinking. Very energetic and resilient people who are constantly developing. “The few” know their worth and will never allow themselves to be insulted or humiliated. Occasionally they can show rudeness and even cruelty towards others.
PlanetVenusMysterious and dreamy. They do not like to conflict; they try to be friendly towards everyone. But they can be capricious, lazy and windy.
ElementWaterAlways trust their inner voice, which helps them do right choice. They achieve success easily. Very creative, proactive and sociable. They can be extremely nervous, jealous and hot-tempered.
AnimalMartinThe first messenger of spring. Symbolizes rebirth, youth, prosperity and hope. The swallow also represents motherhood and fertility.
Zodiac signScalesThey always listen to their inner instinct, which helps them easily avoid obstacles and cope with difficulties. Relatives and friends often need their advice. They honor friendship, are always true to their word and are not capable of betrayal. They are very responsive and have many friends.
TreeLindenIN Ancient Greece this tree was a symbol of marriage, fidelity and love, and in Rus' the linden personified beauty, tenderness, grace and devotion. Products made from such wood were used as a talisman, protecting against adversity and negative energy. From time immemorial, people revered this tree; it could not be sawed, broken branches or harmed in any other way.
PlantWhite LilyThis beautiful flower stands as the personification of dedication, devotion and empathy.
MetalPlatinumSymbol of purity, impeccability, light and endurance. An amulet made of this metal protects its owner from negative influence and accumulates positive energy.
Auspicious dayFriday
Significant years of life20, 30, 47

When was Sofia born?

Winter Sofia is a very temperamental woman who is not used to hiding her attitude towards anything; she is able to express everything she thinks in a rather rude manner. At the same time, the girl is very good-natured and caring, always ready to help. Her support is absolutely sincere, without any selfish intentions.

Sonya, who was born in the spring, is sympathetic, friendly and emotional. She loves to attract the attention of others, with her you can quickly find mutual language. Innocence and optimism help such a girl quickly win the favor of other people.

Spring Sofia is characterized by optimism and emotionality

Sofia, whose birthday falls on one of summer months, willful and self-confident, she is accustomed to luxury and does not deny herself anything. Such a lady is ready to work hard to provide herself with everything she needs. Smart and reasonable, always confident in her strengths and capabilities.

Autumn Sofia is sensual and selfless, capable of giving everything she has to those in need. Such a girl doesn’t understand people well, so her kindness is often taken advantage of. At such moments she becomes very upset and withdraws into herself.

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesThe character of this woman combines such qualities as good nature and nervousness, tenderness and rudeness, vulnerability and straightforwardness. Sophia-Aries herself believes that kindness and sincerity will not help her achieve what she wants. The actions of such a girl are quite difficult to predict; they often depend on her mood.
TaurusAn emotional, naive and stubborn woman who is able to easily and unobtrusively persuade people to her opinion. A skilled manipulator. Sofia-Taurus easily adapts to changes, therefore she is able to quickly adapt to any circumstances.
TwinsThe energy, creativity and talent of Sonya-Gemini charm those around them. It's easy for her to make new friends. For such a girl, success and career growth are extremely important. Often she chooses creative profession, which allows you to communicate a lot and often with people. In such a field of activity she will be able to fully realize her potential.
CancerA fragile, mysterious and sweet woman who, at first glance, needs protection, love and support. But such an impression usually turns out to be false, since behind her defenselessness lies a strong, strong-willed character. Sophia-Cancer will not let anyone offend her; she is always true to her beliefs and principles, ready to zealously defend her interests, while remaining sweet and good-natured.
a lionA willful, rude, selfish and straightforward woman, not devoid of beauty and grace. She easily attracts the attention of others and wins their favor. For Sophia-Leo, her position in society is extremely important, so she demands complete submission, not only at work, but also in the family circle.
VirgoA mysterious, attractive and shy woman, unsure of her strengths and capabilities. If obstacles arise, she is able to immediately abandon her intentions. Only perseverance and self-confidence will help her tune in and move forward. Very vulnerable, vindictive, at the first opportunity she is ready to strike back at the offender.
ScalesPeaceful, sympathetic, delicate and friendly. Sofia-Libra is able to reason sensibly even in difficult situations and make informed decisions. Many friends and family often need her advice. She is modest and unobtrusive, always giving a person the right to choose. She is used to relying only on her own strengths and capabilities, so it is unusual for her to complain about fate and ask others for help.
ScorpionAn arrogant, explosive and graceful woman, she always strives for recognition and a high position in society. Sofia-Scorpio is usually very successful; she always achieves her goals. Men are attracted to her wit and mystery, and for the sake of her reciprocity they are ready to make great sacrifices.
SagittariusActive, responsive and noble Sofia-Sagittarius is always ready to fight for her happiness and achieve what she wants at any cost. This woman is very stubborn, it is almost impossible to persuade her to her opinion. However, in the course of long and detailed discussions, she may still admit her mistake.
CapricornIntractability, ambition and excessive stubbornness - this is what drives Sophia-Capricorn. She is used to making unilateral decisions that are not subject to discussion. As a rule, this woman is a woman of few words, inclined to hide her true feelings.
AquariusRestrained, receptive, tactful, resourceful and flexible. She is a very serious and responsible worker, but she lacks determination and perseverance. Sofia-Aquarius feels quite comfortable in the place of a subordinate. She is cheerful and good-natured and easily copes with failures.
FishShy, fragile and insecure, Sofia-Pisces is accustomed to stability and constancy. She finds it difficult to adapt to change. This woman does not feel the need to frequently communicate with people; she is capable of thinking for a long time. Such a girl has a rich imagination, she is attracted to everything bright and mysterious.

Famous women

Famous women with this name:

  • Sofia Giatsintova - Soviet actress, as well as a theater director;
  • Sofya Kovalevskaya - Russian mathematician;
  • Sofia Bluvshtein - legendary criminal adventurer Jewish origin, known by the nickname Sonya Golden Pen;
  • Sofia Rotaru - Ukrainian singer;
  • Sophia Loren - Italian film actress;
  • Sofya Vitovtovna - Moscow princess, wife of Moscow Prince Vasily I, daughter of Lithuanian Prince Vitovt;
  • Sofia Muratova - Russian athlete ( gymnastics), Honored Master of Sports, two-time Olympic champion, three-time world champion, Honored Coach of the USSR;
  • Sofya Gubaidulina is a Russian composer, author of more than 100 symphonic works, works for soloists, choir and orchestra, instrumental ensembles, music for theater, cinema and cartoons;
  • Sophie Turner - British actress;
  • Sofia Margarita Vergara is a Colombian and American actress, model, and TV presenter.

Photo gallery: famous Sofia

Sophia Loren - Italian film actress Sophie Turner - British actress Sofia Bluvshtein (Sonka Zolotaya Ruchka) - legendary criminal adventurer Sofia Margarita Vergara - Colombian and American actress Sofia Rotaru - Ukrainian singer Sofia Vitovtovna - Moscow princess Sofya Giatsintova - Soviet actress Sofia Gubaidulina - Russian composer Sofia Kovalevskaya - Russian mathematician Sofia Muratova - Russian athlete

Sofia is a friendly, sympathetic woman who tends to worry about others more than herself. The owner of this name is responsible, resourceful and reasonable, at the same time cheerful and simple-minded. Usually, success awaits her in any business.

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