Form of address and social hierarchy. The concept of appeal and its form

Empty you are heartfelt you
She, having mentioned, replaced,
And all the happy dreams
It aroused the soul of a lover.

I stand before her thoughtfully;
There is no strength to take your eyes off her;
And I tell her: how sweet you are!
And I think: how I love you!

A.S. Pushkin

Requires compliance with some unspoken rules. One form of speech etiquette is address.

Depending on age, gender, position, degree of acquaintance and relationship, we address people differently. Wherein special meaning has intonation, because the spoken address takes on a different meaning with different intonations.

Appeals There are official and unofficial. Official addresses at present include some that have been somewhat forgotten by us: “sir”, “madam”, “mister”, “madam”. Sometimes the more familiar “comrade” and “citizen” are used. Addresses can be words that denote a profession, for example, “driver, doctor, duty officer.” At the dacha or in the house where you live, you can address people as “neighbor, neighbor.”

It is unethical to use such faceless addresses as “man”, “woman”, “girl”, “young man”; they should be replaced with phrases like “Please…”, “Excuse me, please...”, “I ask you...”, “Excuse me, please...” etc. When using such forms as “man”, “woman”, “girl”, “young man”, special inconveniences arise when determining the age of the interlocutor: by calling a female person a woman, you can offend a lady who considers herself quite young.

"You" or "you"?

In the 18th century, under Peter I, it came into fashion European style behavior and the pronoun “you” comes into use. Until this time, Russian people addressed each other only as “you”. "You"– originally Russian appeal, A "You" can be considered Western European.

Addressing your interlocutor on "You", We emphasize our polite attitude. We use this pronoun when addressing a stranger or unfamiliar person, an equal or senior in age, or a superior. "You" we can tell a friend in a formal setting. In front of pupils and students, teachers address each other on "You" and by name and patronymic. On "You" they call both high school and college students.

Pronoun "You" used when communicating between closer people: peers, classmates, relatives. Word "You" indicates a trusting, warm relationship between people. We say “you” to a well-known person during friendly relations in an informal setting, to someone of equal or younger age, but having previously discussed this issue. If one of the parties is not inclined to switch to “you”, then the other party should continue communication on the same terms.

In business circles, the transition to "You" can only be with the consent of both parties, and the initiative for the transition must come from the elder in age or official position. That is, offer to speak "You" maybe older to younger. But in turn, a junior employee can ask senior employees to tell him "You".

Appeal "You" or "you" It doesn’t depend on whether we used only the first name or the first and patronymic, we can say: “Hello, Ilya Petrovich,” or we can say: “Hello, Ilya.” Please note that contacting "You" or at "You" without the name combination it sounds offensive.

website, when copying material in full or in part, a link to the source is required.

The language and its stable structures reflect the rich experience of the people, the uniqueness of their traditions, customs, conditions and way of life. The speech illustrates the subjective perception of the picture of the world, corresponding to the consciousness and mentality of its bearer. At the same time, language directly influences the speaker, shaping his personality. This is due primarily to the fact that in the process of assimilation native speech a person absorbs and national culture, which contains the traits of the people’s character and the peculiarities of their worldview.

Speech behavior

In socially oriented communication, the social roles of listeners and speakers are of particular importance. In this case, a certain nature of the speech behavior of the participants is determined by their role position. At the same time, used in communication, they construct the situation. Speech is considered one of the most important tools that contribute to a person’s affirmation. The formation of an adequate understanding of the language message between the participants of communication is carried out by using different ways designations of social relationships within which communication is supposed to unfold. Along with direct representations, in which the most significant participants in the role are identified, there are also indirect ones. The latter are means of a social-symbolic type and are used to demonstrate the status and role positions of interlocutors. One of these tools is appeal in Russian. Let's look at this tool in more detail.

Appeals. General information

What is appeal in Russian? This design can reveal social hierarchy, and in case of equality of status - express the personal attitude of one interlocutor to another. In this case, special words of address may be used. In the Russian language, as well as in other speech systems, such constructions can indicate the title of the person with whom the dialogue is being conducted. Such elements, in particular, include “sir”, “your honor”, ​​“your majesty” and others. At the same time, forms of address in Russian can emphasize the informality or, on the contrary, the formality of relations. For example: “my friends”, “comrades”, “ladies and gentlemen”, “dearest”, “respected”, “darling”, “son” and others. It must be said that a similar function is inherent in a number of structures used as farewells or greetings. For example: “Hello”, “Hello”, “Salute”, “All the best” and others.

Civil status

Speaking about what an address is in the Russian language, we should also mention the position of a person in society, which is clearly indicated by certain elements. This question considers both civil status and a certain assessment of the interlocutor. In the first case, the following constructions can be cited as an example: “Citizen Petrov”, “Comrade Ivanov”, “Ivan Petrovich”. The following can be used as evaluation elements: “Is the task clear to you?”, “Weren’t you interested in why this is so?”, “If it’s easier for you to start with this, please. But in general, I would like you to subsequently...”. It is believed that such treatment in Russian as “assistant manager” (instead of “ticketer”), “sanitary service employee” (can be used instead of “garbage worker”), helps to increase social status and strengthening a person's self-esteem.

"Intentional imitation"

Exist different types addresses in Russian. In general, the topic under consideration is not limited to specific constructions, the meaning of which is directly aimed at the interlocutor. Deliberate imitation during pronunciation acts as a verbal social-symbolic means. So, for example, often, in order for a child to better understand his parents, the latter adjust their speech to the child’s. But on the other hand, when there is a desire to distance yourself from an interlocutor or a group of people, you can use elements that, on the contrary, emphasize differences. For example, French Canadians prefer it when their politicians make their speeches to the public on English language, using a strong French accent (even if the actor speaks clear English). In the Russian language, as a rule, this difference is reflected in the style of speech.

"High" and "low" styles

This tool also refers to the tools of verbal social-symbolic communication. Several subgroups can be distinguished in this group. "High" style presupposes emphatically correct and correct construction and further use of words and their combinations. Such speech is perceived as more formal, official, and somewhat distant. “Low” style is As a rule, slang words and slang predominate here. This pronunciation is perceived as informal.

"Influential" style

Using certain techniques, the speaker can help create a certain image. So, for example, the use of certain constructions can make a person more confident in the eyes of others or more influential. But the opposite can also happen. An inappropriately used speech element can alienate interlocutors from a person, and he will lose the favor of others. Someone who speaks powerfully tends to use a sentence structure like this: "Let's have dinner tonight" instead of "I suppose we could have dinner today." It is believed that such an address in Russian, as given in the first case, implies a call to action and directs the interlocutor to take it.

"Uninfluential" style

Researchers have identified several forms of messages that do not have a significant impact on the interlocutor. These include, in particular:

"You" and "you"

Changing the style of address can in itself be a technique that is aimed at “lowering” or “raising” the status of the interlocutor. It is believed that such an address in Russian as “you” is associated with friendly, informal relations. While “you” reflects emotional distance, formality, formality.

When addressing someone, we name our addressee. This word, as we call it, is called appeal in Russian. Sometimes it is expressed in several words, between which punctuation marks or conjunctions are placed. Also, often in a sentence a phrase acts as an address. Examples: " Mother, I love you. Mom and Dad, you are the most dear people to me. Dear Mom, I love you".

What words are used to express the appeal?

Expressing emotions

Feelings of joy and sadness, rage and admiration, affection and anger can be expressed by appeal. Examples show how emotion can be conveyed not only by intonation, but also with the help of suffixes, definitions, and applications: " Nadenka, don't leave us! Do not think, pathetic little fanfare that scared me. Nightingale, my light how sweetly you sing!"

Vocative sentences. Common requests

Addresses can be very similar to so-called vocative sentences. These sentences contain a semantic connotation. But it has no circulation. Examples of a vocative sentence and a sentence with an address: “Ivan!” she said with despair. / We need to talk, Ivan".

In the first case, we are dealing with a vocative sentence, which contains the semantic connotation of prayer, despair, and hope. In the second case, it is simply an appeal.

Examples of sentences in which this speech component is common demonstrate how verbose and detailed addresses can be: " The young maiden who loosened her braids and opened her lips for a song of love, you will dream of me. You, talking about glory and freedom, forgetting all their promises, don't expect mercy."

IN colloquial speech common appeals are dissected in the sentence: “Where, nice, you're coming, Human?"

Address and speech styles

In literary and colloquial speech, “Don’t torment me, sadness! Where are you taking me? track stitches?"

It is quite common for calls to use constructions with a particle O. If this particle is used with a pronoun, it is usually accompanied by a modifier subordinate clause: "Oh you, who recently answered me with a grin"Have your eyes dropped?"

Particle Handling A more often found in colloquial speech: " Masha, and Masha, where is our porridge?

Place of reference in a sentence

The appeal can be at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the sentence: " Andrey, what happened to you yesterday? / What happened to you, Andrey, happened yesterday? / What happened to you yesterday, Andrey?"

Appeals may not be part of sentences, but can be used independently: " Nikita Andreevich! Well, why aren’t you going?”

Punctuation marks when addressing

The address, no matter what part of the sentence it is in, is always separated by commas. If it is placed outside the structure and is independent, then most often an exclamation mark is placed after it. Let us give examples of sentences with addresses separated by punctuation marks.

  • If an address is used at the beginning of a sentence, then a comma is placed after it: " Darling Natalya Nikolaevna, sing to us!"
  • If the appeal is located inside a sentence, it is isolated on both sides: “I recognize you, Cute, by gait."
  • If the address is placed at the end of a sentence, then we put a comma before it, and after it the sign that intonation requires - a period, an ellipsis, an exclamation mark or a question mark: “What did you have for dinner, children?"

Here are examples in which the appeal is outside the sentence: " Sergey Vitalievich! Urgently to the operating room! / Dear Motherland! How often did I remember you in a foreign land!

If the reference is used with a particle O, then no punctuation is placed between it and the address: " Oh sweet garden, I again inhale the scent of your flowers! "

Rhetorical appeal

Usually addresses are used in dialogues. In the poetic, they participate in stylistic coloring messages. One of these stylistically significant ones is rhetorical appeal. We see an example in the famous poem by M. Yu. Lermontov “The Death of a Poet”: “You, standing in a greedy crowd at the throne, are the executioners of Freedom, Genius and Glory!” (This, by the way, is also an example of a common address.)

The peculiarity of a rhetorical appeal is that it, like a rhetorical question, does not require an answer or response. It simply enhances the expressive message of the speech.

The state exists to provide people normal conditions life. That's why special attention government bodies use citizens' appeals. Their types are diverse. They are divided by topic and form. To achieve a positive reaction from a government agency, you need to know how best to contact it: write or call, come to an appointment or organize a collective complaint.

The response to each document is carried out in accordance with the law. Contrary to popular belief, specialists cannot put under glass, throw away or destroy any paper. The prosecutor's office controls how state organizations consider citizens' appeals. The types of these documents are enshrined in the Constitution. Therefore, improper consideration is considered a violation of the law.

What are citizen appeals?

Types of documents received by government bodies, varied. We are interested in those whose authors are ordinary people. They come to power not only with complaints and problems; citizens often strive to convey to their superiors their proposals for optimizing work and improving the quality of life of people. If you set up the work correctly, you can get a treasure trove useful information. But for this it is necessary to clearly understand the concept and types of citizens’ appeals.

People go to government agencies with various issues. Not all of them fall into the category of appeals. In addition, the organization has the right to consider only those issues that are within its competence. Regulates this work the federal law dated 02.05.2006 No. 59-FZ. The document describes which issues are considered official requests and which should be dealt with in the usual way. The latter, by the way, are not many at all.

It’s just that citizens can communicate with each other. They go to government agencies for a serious reason. Most often, people write complaints about unsatisfactory performance of duties, from their point of view. For example, the topic of appeals is non-payment allotted money, poor service at the institution, refusal to issue any document.

Specialists are required to deal with each question specifically and to the point, and in established by law deadlines. Appeals from citizens, their types, and the procedure for consideration are prescribed in the already mentioned law. Knowledge of its content is mandatory for any civil servant. Almost everyone has to deal with requests. And incorrect work with them leads to sad consequences.

What types of citizens' appeals are described in the legislation

Work with people in all countries is considered the most difficult of those carried out by the state. It places a special responsibility on specialists. Therefore, civil servants separately study the concept and types of citizens’ appeals. They need to clearly understand how to react to a particular paper, call, or email.

The following types of citizen appeals are distinguished by content:

  • offer;
  • statement;
  • complaint;
  • petition.

People can enter into dialogue with authorities both individually and collectively. Therefore, another concept was introduced by law - types of appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation that have several authors. These documents have a different procedure for consideration. These include:

  • collective appeals;
  • petitions.

These documents, as a rule, are drawn up at a meeting of people, a meeting, in a work collective and are of a public nature. A petition, for example, is an appeal to the power structure with a proposal to carry out certain reforms or make changes to regional legislation. We will further analyze separately the listed appeals from citizens, the concept, types, and procedure for consideration. But before that, you should find out who works with them. This needs to be understood by both citizens and employees of institutions.

Who is required to consider applications?

If an organization receives a flow of complaints, suggestions and other papers from the population, it makes sense to create special structure to work with them. It operates on the basis of a special document, the Regulations. It spells out what citizen appeals are, the concept, types, and procedure for consideration based on the current legislation.

It is unacceptable to engage in amateur activities in this matter. Each appeal must go through all stages of paperwork within the established time frame. It is necessary to understand that the issue is strictly controlled. Specialists need to monitor the dates so as not to violate anything. Citizens are encouraged to do the same. If they are not given a response on time, you can complain about breaking the law.

If the institution receives few letters and calls from people, then one person is assigned to work with them. In his job description It is also described that he is obliged to consider citizens’ appeals, types, and peculiarities of conducting a case. In large organizations, a department (specialist) only controls the passage of relevant papers. Responses to appeals are made by specialists whose responsibilities include resolving the issues raised in the appeals. For example, in organs local government many departments and departments are created. People can contact directly structural subdivision, and write to the manager. In any case, the response is prepared by an employee of the department (department) whose jurisdiction the topic of the application falls under.

How to write a request

Let's move on to more practical issues. Not every paper will be accepted as an appeal. The Constitution guarantees citizens the right to make a statement to any authority. But it must be formatted accordingly. No one is obliged to respond to an anonymous letter. Therefore, any type of citizen appeal: proposal, application, complaint - must be written in accordance with legally established standards.

The paper must contain:

  • The name of the institution or organization where the document is sent. It is advisable to indicate the address, full name or position of the person to whom the person is addressing.
  • Your details. They consist of the full name and address for receiving a response. It is advisable to add a phone number in order to organize more efficient communication.
  • Notification, if necessary, of redirection of the response.
  • The essence of the appeal. It should be carefully thought out, made concise and meaningful, without excessive emotionality.
  • The paper is signed by the originator personally. In addition, the date of referral must be indicated.

All specified points are mandatory. The citizen who draws up the document must be careful not to miss anything. In case of an error, his letter will not be considered by officials and will be classified as anonymous. It should be noted that the legislation, when examining the main types of citizens’ requests, does not insist that people indicate a telephone number. Only the address of his residence is required. However, practice shows that the presence of additional information improves the quality of work with the document.

How else can you interact with government agencies?

In addition to written statements, other types (forms) of citizens’ appeals are also established by law. This includes emails. They are also compiled according to certain rules. It is also necessary to indicate the addressee, that is, the name of the institution, the position of the person, to whom you are addressing or his full name. This document must be signed with your real first and last name. Next, you should indicate the email address to which the response will be sent.

Nowadays, almost all institutions have their own websites. If you want to write to the appropriate structure, you need to find it on this Internet resource special form and fill it out. Everything is already there required fields. In addition, in some cases, you can attach Required documents electronic.

This is how the president’s website works, for example. Russian Federation. Any citizen can not only send him a letter, but also track his progress through services in a special account (virtual). When considering the types of citizens' appeals to government bodies, one cannot ignore personal reception. This special shape interaction between the population and the authorities.

A citizen has the right to oral appeal. It is formulated during a personal reception conducted by the head of the relevant organization. In this case, the response can be either oral or written. If additional checks and studies are not required, then the situation is explained to the person right there on the spot. When the essence of the question needs to be studied in detail, he is asked for details for sending a response by mail.

Let's understand the essence of the document

It should be understood that the types of written requests from citizens are different. When writing a document, it is necessary to draft it accordingly so that specialists understand what is required of them. Thus, the complaint notes facts of human rights violations. It is necessary to clearly indicate which provisions of the legislation have not been implemented and by whom. It is advisable to compose the document as concisely as possible, concentrating on the facts and omitting unimportant details.

In addition, the complaints contain criticism and suggestions. However, it is recommended to refrain from emotional assessment work of employees of institutions, you should not insist on their dismissal. Believe me, any appeal is considered in the utmost detail. The head of the organization will deal with the punishment himself. The citizen’s job is to list the facts and ask for restoration of his rights.

An offer is another form of appeal. It contains a person’s thoughts on improving the activities of government agencies, possibly adding to the current legislation. Sometimes people propose specific measures to improve certain areas of interaction between government and society. It is advisable in this document not only to criticize, but also to initiate specific ways to solve the problem.

The statement usually indicates the problem. This may be insufficient work of government agencies, violation of human rights. Unlike a proposal, it does not contain a solution to the problem.

When they list the types of citizens' appeals to local government bodies, they do not always include a petition. It was introduced only in last years. In it, the citizen asks for recognition of his rights or benefits. The application must be accompanied by documents that provide the legal basis for it.

How to contact the municipality

It should be said right away that the types of citizens’ appeals to local government bodies are exactly the same as described above. They are subject to federal and regional legislation. That is, a citizen can safely write complaints, suggestions or petitions and send them to the municipality. True, there are some features of this type of communication with the authorities.

It is necessary to find out what the procedure for processing appeals is. It is formed separately in different organs. In order for the application to be considered faster and at a more serious level, it must be written to the manager. As a rule, such papers are treated very carefully. Do not forget that the types of citizens' appeals to local governments are the same as to federal institutions. That is, sometimes it is better to go to a personal meeting with the manager, having already written a statement with you. Agree, it’s easier to get to a municipal official than to get to the president. You need to use your rights to get things moving. If the manager is unwilling to accept you, there are special bodies whose responsibilities include monitoring the implementation of citizens’ rights. Don’t forget, these include the prosecutor’s office.

Special cases

It is necessary to understand that there are nuances in communication between government structures and the population. This is reflected in the legislation. It describes the features of consideration individual species citizens' appeals. These include, for example, repeated statements. Their consideration should be taken more carefully by both sides. A citizen should know that his repeated appeal on the same issue will remain unanswered. This is the reaction that is legally enshrined.

If the answer is not satisfactory, it is recommended to indicate in your repeated appeal what exactly you are not satisfied with and ask for clarification. In addition, the legislator regulates other features, taking into account all types of citizens’ appeals. If an application has been received from a large group (more than thirty people), it must be considered on site. Anonymous messages are allowed to be left unanswered. Electronic appeals also have their own characteristics. If the applicant requests, the answer may be sent to him by mail. This is also done when a person does not indicate his email address.

About deadlines and responsibilities

For the employee considering the appeal, these are the most important questions. Here the legislation is entirely on the side of the citizen. The deadlines for consideration are described very clearly and strictly. The response must be sent to the applicant within thirty days from the date of registration.

This norm can be violated only in one case, when additional, reasonable time for consideration is required. The head of the institution decides this issue. And the applicant is sent an interim response to keep him up to date. The period is counted from the moment of registration of the application. It is also regulated by law.

If the request is urgent, it must be immediately entered into the log and taken to the manager. The rest are registered throughout the day. Each appeal must have a management resolution. As a rule, this is a task for employees to prepare an answer. The office management service records all stages of the document in a special journal. That is, everything is recorded: who is assigned to respond, where the request is located. At any moment, the responsible person is obliged to report who currently has the paper under consideration.

There are complex statements that are sent to various specialists to prepare a response. Then one person from the group is appointed responsible for it. That is why it is necessary to clearly know what the concept and types of citizen appeals are. Administrative law implies strict liability for violation of the law in this part.

Personal reception of citizens

Do not assume that oral communications are not monitored as strictly as written ones. The law prescribes the procedure for their registration. It is as strict and accurate as when accepting documents on physical or electronic media. All requests are recorded in a journal or in a special card. If the issue was resolved immediately during the conversation, then the decision is briefly recorded in the same document.

If the appeal cannot be considered quickly, it should be submitted in writing. The applicant is asked to draw up a document. He is treated as usual. All stages of the paper process are controlled by the office management service.

Citizens going to see their bosses should remember that they will have to confirm their identity. This is written in the law, and it is difficult to circumvent this clause. Take your passport with you to avoid problems.

In addition, it is necessary to formulate the essence of the appeal in advance. The specialist will definitely ask you what you came with. It is not necessary to convey the whole problem to him, but he will have to name the type of appeal: complaint, proposal, petition or statement. And a clear formulation of the meaning of why you need a meeting with your manager will allow you to determine this. In addition, understanding the essence of the problem will help convey it clearly and specifically. And this, in turn, will help specialists give a reasoned and specific answer.

What to do if they don’t respond to your appeal?

As a rule, government agencies consider citizen applications quite quickly. It’s rare that something remains unanswered, even formally. But such cases also occur in practice. A citizen should be aware of his rights and constitutional duties of services. If they don’t want to work, go to the manager the first time and complain. This is a normal reaction to dishonesty public services. If they don’t want to talk to you, go to the prosecutor’s office. The responsibilities of this body include oversight of the implementation of legislation regarding the consideration of citizens' appeals. Write a statement and wait for a response.

Currently, work with appeals is at high level. You can write a letter to almost any institution, even the highest ones, over the Internet. Use this wonderful right without hesitation. But, if you decide to complain, be prepared with documentary evidence of violation of the law. For example, when you contact the municipality, ask them to put on a copy of the document incoming number. With this paper, it is easier to find the truth in the prosecutor's office or from a superior.

If you are not satisfied with the response to your request, do not write the same message again. You need to take a creative approach to communicating with authorities. Ask them for more detailed information, explanations and so on. If you duplicate the complaint, there will be no response. The legislation allows you to ignore repeated appeals from the same citizen if the topic has not changed.


We briefly reviewed the types of citizens' appeals. Believe me, this is a very voluminous and nuanced question. Each specific case is individual. It is impossible to describe in general all the problems that arise. It’s no secret that sometimes we demand from the authorities answers to questions that cannot be resolved. Any nuance must be analyzed in detail. And it is advisable to do this not in confrontation, but in cooperation with government officials. The laws, in any case, are written in this spirit. But people, what can you do, make their own adjustments to their execution.

Forms of its expression An address is a word or group of words that names the person to whom the speech is addressed. The appeal can be at the beginning of the middle or at the end of the sentence. IN oral speech The address is pronounced with a special intonation, which depends on the place of the address in the sentence; its expressiveness and degree of prevalence. The address at the end of a sentence is characterized by weakened vocative intonation.

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Appeal. Functions of address in a sentence. Forms of its expression

An address is a word (or group of words) that names the person to whom the speech is addressed. The appeal can be at the beginning, middle or end of the sentence.

In oral speech, the address is pronounced with a special intonation, which depends on the place of the address in the sentence, its expressiveness, and degree of prevalence. Special vocative intonation (when pronounced, it is characterized by increased stress, pause, and in writing it is indicated exclamation mark) is inherent in an address that is outside the sentence.

The address at the end of the sentence is characterized by weakened vocative intonation. However, at the end of exclamatory and interrogative sentences, the address may have increased stress.

In the middle of a sentence, the address is distinguished by small pauses, pronounced quickly and in a low tone, but can also have a vocative intonation. If in a sentence several addresses follow each other, then they are pronounced with enumerative intonation, which is combined with vocative intonation.

The address is usually expressed by a noun in the nominative case: these are proper names; terms of kinship, names of persons by profession, age, gender, etc. Words of address: brother, mother, father, brother, etc. have a connotation of a friendly or familiar attitude, while partially losing their main lexical meaning. The function of address is often tautological repetitions of two nouns that are similar in meaning: Writer Brothers ! There is something fatal in our destiny (Nekrasov).

Addresses can be substantivized adjectives, participles, ordinal or cardinal numerals, as well as prepositional case forms that name a person based on situational characteristics: Blossom, young ! And have a healthy body! (Yesenin). The address expressed by the 2nd person pronoun has a connotation of rudeness or familiarity and is used in colloquial speech.

The treatment can be common: with the main word the noun there is an agreed or inconsistent definition, app or even subordinate clause complex sentence.

The main function of an appeal is to attract the attention of the listener, reader. However, in different stylistic contexts the appeal can become strong expressive means language.

Appeal is a figure poetic syntax. Appeal to inanimate objects, expressiveness conveys speech to absent or supposed persons: Rash you, bird cherry , snow, sing you, birds , in the forest (Yesenin). Expression and emotionality in poetic works are created by the use of metonymies and metaphors. The expression of speech is also conveyed by the repetition of an address or the deepening of several addresses to one person. Folklore appeals and proverbs are figurative: Fathers, matchmakers, take it out, holy saints (Chekhov).

Solemn texts use addresses expressed by the 2nd person pronoun (sometimes with a preceding particle o) followed by the following application: Bless my long work, oh you epic muse ! (Pushkin). Periphrases have a touch of solemnity: I love you, Peter's creation ... (Pushkin). The purposes of stylization and speech characteristics of the characters are served by archaic addresses (man, father).

Colloquial, relaxed speech is characterized by addresses formed by repetition of the same word; and the second word is attached to the first using the particle a: Listen, Tosya, and Tosya (Panova). The ease and closeness of the relationship between the speakers is conveyed by the address, which is a truncated form of a noun.

Addresses are a means of characterizing the interlocutor and expressing the attitude towards him. This is achieved by using certain vocabulary, word-forming elements, definitions-epithets and interjections, and when pronouncing intonation.


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For the supplier company, a credit transaction not only speeds up the implementation of the buyer purchasing goods, but also brings additional income in the form of interest, which is included in the price of goods sold and the amount of the bill. The peculiarity of a bill as a promissory note is that it is an unconditional, indisputable obligation that does not depend on the reasons that caused its issuance. The advantages of a bill lie in the combination of two essential functions credit and settlement. distinguish between commercial financial and fictitious...
Medical waste sources of formation classification Potential hazard factors medical waste for the population and environment. Medical waste treatment methods. Sources of formation of medical waste in the city. Main methods of processing medical waste used in the city.
781. Child abuse as a social problem 77.58 KB
Kempe conducted a comprehensive analysis of battered child syndrome. Once the nature of unexplained injuries in children was established, other types of child abuse were classified as abuse, including: sexual psychological abuse and neglect of the child's basic needs. From these clarifications it follows that child abuse refers to such violent acts that violate the rights of the child but are not yet criminally punishable. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child states that states parties...
Literary local history provides students with material that they will not find in the works studied in the program. Of course, provided that in selecting a work of local history, the teacher is guided by one criterion - it must be artistic

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