Lyudmila Narusova: biography. Lyudmila Narusova - Russian politician: biography, personal life Narusova biography personal life

Predecessor: Dmitry Fedorovich Mezentsev Birth: May 2(1951-05-02 ) (68 years old)
Bryansk, Russian SFSR, USSR Father: Boris Moiseevich Narusov Mother: Valentina Vladimirovna Narusova Spouse: Anatoly Alexandrovich Sobchak Children: Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak The consignment: Russian Party of Life
(until 2006),
Just Russia
(until April 5, 2013) Education: Leningrad State University named after A. A. Zhdanov Academic degree: Candidate of Historical Sciences Profession: historian Activity: teacher, politician, journalist, TV presenter Website: Scientific activity Scientific field: story Known as: specialist in constitutional projects and history of reforms in Russia Awards:

Lyudmila Borisovna Narusova(born May 2, 1951, Bryansk, USSR) - Russian politician, member of the Federation Council of Russia in -2012. Deputy of the State Duma of Russia in -1999. Member of the St. Petersburg Union of Journalists (). Member public council Russian Jewish Congress. Widow of Anatoly Sobchak and mother of Ksenia Sobchak.


Social and political activities

In December 1995, she was elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly. Russian Federation according to the federal list of the movement “Our Home is Russia” (in St. Petersburg). In the Duma she joined the NDR faction, the Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs.

After the death of Anatoly Sobchak in February 2000, she was elected chairman of the political advisory council of St. Petersburg.
Since the same year, Narusova has been an adviser to the head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and president of the St. Petersburg Public Foundation of Anatoly Sobchak.

On April 5, 2013, Lyudmila Narusova was expelled from A Just Russia, according to the statement of party chairman Nikolai Levichev, Narusova was expelled for losing ties with the party.

Narusova herself stated that she left the party three years ago, which she reported to the organization’s leader, Sergei Mironov. “How could they expel me if I didn’t even have a membership card of this party? I didn't get this ticket. The only ticket I had was that of a member of the Party of Life.”



In June 2012, when the Federation Council was considering amendments to the law on rallies, Narusova protested against its hasty promotion. She considered this as intimidation before the rally on June 12, and left the meeting room.

In July 2012, Narusova reacted negatively to the OSCE’s adoption of the “Magnitsky resolution” and emphasized that “determining the list of perpetrators before an investigation, without a court decision, is not a method rule of law" The senator noted that, in fact, a number of states are trying to use the “Magnitsky case” as “a cudgel in political games.” According to the senator, a fair investigation and search for the truth is primarily hampered by the refusal to testify of the main witness, the general director of the Hermitage Capital fund, William Browder. Meanwhile, Browder’s refusal to testify in Russia is due to the fact that the Russian Investigative Committee considers him primarily not as a witness in the case of Magnitsky’s death, but as a suspect in tax evasion in the amount of 5.4 billion rubles.

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  • - article in Lentapedia. year 2012.

An excerpt characterizing Narusov, Lyudmila Borisovna

Princess Marya interrupted him.
“Oh, that would be so terrible...” she began and, without finishing from excitement, with a graceful movement (like everything she did in front of him), bowing her head and looking at him gratefully, she followed her aunt.
In the evening of that day, Nikolai did not go anywhere to visit and stayed at home in order to settle some scores with the horse sellers. When he finished his business, it was already too late to go anywhere, but it was still too early to go to bed, and Nikolai walked up and down the room alone for a long time, pondering his life, which rarely happened to him.
Princess Marya made a pleasant impression on him near Smolensk. The fact that he met her then in such special conditions, and the fact that it was her at one time that his mother pointed out to him as a rich match, made him pay special attention to her. In Voronezh, during his visit, the impression was not only pleasant, but strong. Nikolai was amazed at the special, moral beauty that he noticed in her this time. However, he was about to leave, and it did not occur to him to regret that by leaving Voronezh, he would be deprived of the opportunity to see the princess. But the current meeting with Princess Marya in the church (Nicholas felt it) sank deeper into his heart than he foresaw, and deeper than he desired for his peace of mind. This pale, thin, sad face, this radiant look, these quiet, graceful movements and most importantly - this deep and tender sadness, expressed in all her features, disturbed him and demanded his participation. Rostov could not stand to see in men the expression of a higher, spiritual life (that’s why he did not like Prince Andrei), he contemptuously called it philosophy, dreaminess; but in Princess Marya, precisely in this sadness, which showed the full depth of this alien to Nicholas spiritual world, he felt irresistibly attractive.
“She must be a wonderful girl! That's exactly the angel! - he spoke to himself. “Why am I not free, why did I hurry up with Sonya?” And involuntarily he imagined a comparison between the two: poverty in one and wealth in the other of those spiritual gifts that Nicholas did not have and which therefore he valued so highly. He tried to imagine what would happen if he were free. How would he propose to her and she would become his wife? No, he couldn't imagine this. He felt terrified, and no clear images appeared to him. With Sonya, he had long ago drawn up a future picture for himself, and all of this was simple and clear, precisely because it was all made up, and he knew everything that was in Sonya; but with Princess Marya it was impossible to imagine future life, because he did not understand her, but only loved her.
Dreams about Sonya had something fun and toy-like about them. But thinking about Princess Marya was always difficult and a little scary.
“How she prayed! - he remembered. “It was clear that her whole soul was in prayer. Yes, this is the prayer that moves mountains, and I am confident that its prayer will be fulfilled. Why don't I pray for what I need? - he remembered. - What I need? Freedom, ending with Sonya. “She told the truth,” he recalled the words of the governor’s wife, “except for misfortune, nothing will come from the fact that I marry her.” Confusion, woe maman... things... confusion, terrible confusion! Yes, I don't like her. Yes, I don’t love it as much as I should. My God! get me out of this terrible, hopeless situation! – he suddenly began to pray. “Yes, prayer will move a mountain, but you have to believe and not pray the way Natasha and I prayed as children for the snow to become sugar, and ran out into the yard to try to see if sugar was made from snow.” No, but I’m not praying for trifles now,” he said, putting the pipe in the corner and, folding his hands, standing in front of the image. And, touched by the memory of Princess Marya, he began to pray as he had not prayed for a long time. Tears were in his eyes and in his throat when Lavrushka entered the door with some papers.
- Fool! Why do you bother when they don’t ask you! - Nikolai said, quickly changing his position.
“From the governor,” Lavrushka said in a sleepy voice, “the courier has arrived, a letter for you.”
- Well, okay, thank you, go!
Nikolai took two letters. One was from the mother, the other from Sonya. He recognized their handwriting and printed out Sonya's first letter. Before he had time to read a few lines, his face turned pale and his eyes opened in fear and joy.
- No, this cannot be! – he said out loud. Unable to sit still, he holds the letter in his hands, reading it. began to walk around the room. He ran through the letter, then read it once, twice, and, raising his shoulders and spreading his arms, he stopped in the middle of the room with open mouth and fixed eyes. What he had just prayed for, with the confidence that God would grant his prayer, was fulfilled; but Nikolai was surprised by this as if it was something extraordinary, and as if he had never expected it, and as if the very fact that it happened so quickly proved that it did not happen from God, whom he asked, but from ordinary chance.
That seemingly insoluble knot that tied Rostov’s freedom was resolved by this unexpected (as it seemed to Nikolai), unprovoked by Sonya’s letter. She wrote that the recent unfortunate circumstances, the loss of almost all of the Rostovs’ property in Moscow, and the countess’s more than once expressed desires for Nikolai to marry Princess Bolkonskaya, and his silence and coldness for Lately- all this together made her decide to renounce his promises and give him complete freedom.
“It was too hard for me to think that I could be the cause of grief or discord in the family that had benefited me,” she wrote, “and my love has one goal: the happiness of those I love; and therefore I beg you, Nicolas, to consider yourself free and to know that no matter what, no one can love you more than your Sonya.”
Both letters were from Trinity. Another letter was from the Countess. This letter described last days in Moscow, departure, fire and destruction of the entire fortune. In this letter, by the way, the countess wrote that Prince Andrey was among the wounded traveling with them. His situation was very dangerous, but now the doctor says that there is more hope. Sonya and Natasha, like nurses, look after him.
The next day, Nikolai went to Princess Marya with this letter. Neither Nikolai nor Princess Marya said a word about what the words could mean: “Natasha is caring for him”; but thanks to this letter, Nikolai suddenly became close to the princess into an almost family relationship.
The next day, Rostov accompanied Princess Marya to Yaroslavl and a few days later he himself left for the regiment.

Sonya's letter to Nicholas, which was the fulfillment of his prayer, was written from Trinity. This is what caused it. The thought of Nicholas marrying a rich bride occupied the old countess more and more. She knew that Sonya was the main obstacle to this. And Sonya’s life recently, especially after Nikolai’s letter describing his meeting in Bogucharovo with Princess Marya, became harder and harder in the countess’s house. The Countess did not miss a single opportunity to make an offensive or cruel hint to Sonya.
But a few days before leaving Moscow, touched and excited by everything that was happening, the Countess, calling Sonya to her, instead of reproaches and demands, turned to her with tears and prayed that she, by sacrificing herself, would repay for everything. what was done for her was to break her ties with Nikolai.
“I won’t be at peace until you give me this promise.”
Sonya burst into tears hysterically, answered through her sobs that she would do everything, that she was ready for anything, but she did not make a direct promise and in her soul could not decide on what was demanded of her. She had to sacrifice herself for the happiness of the family that fed and raised her. Sacrificing herself for the happiness of others was Sonya's habit. Her position in the house was such that only on the path of sacrifice could she show her virtues, and she was accustomed and loved to sacrifice herself. But first, in all acts of self-sacrifice, she joyfully realized that by sacrificing herself, she thereby raised her worth in the eyes of herself and others and became more worthy of Nicolas, whom she loved most in life; but now her sacrifice had to consist in giving up what for her constituted the entire reward of the sacrifice, the entire meaning of life. And for the first time in her life, she felt bitterness towards those people who had benefited her in order to torture her more painfully; I felt envy of Natasha, who had never experienced anything like this, never needed sacrifices and forced others to sacrifice herself and yet was loved by everyone. And for the first time Sonya felt as if from her quiet, pure love Nicholas suddenly began to develop a passionate feeling that stood above rules, virtue, and religion; and under the influence of this feeling, Sonya involuntarily, learned by her dependent life of secrecy, answered the countess in general, vague words, avoided conversations with her and decided to wait for a meeting with Nikolai so that in this meeting she would not free her, but, on the contrary, forever bind herself to him .
The troubles and horror of the last days of the Rostovs’ stay in Moscow drowned out the dark thoughts that were weighing on her. She was glad to find salvation from them in practical activities. But when she learned about the presence of Prince Andrei in their house, despite all the sincere pity that she felt for him and Natasha, a joyful and superstitious feeling that God did not want her to be separated from Nicolas overtook her. She knew that Natasha loved one Prince Andrei and did not stop loving him. She knew that now, brought together in such terrible conditions, they would love each other again and that then Nicholas, due to the kinship that would be between them, would not be able to marry Princess Marya. Despite all the horror of everything that happened in the last days and during the first days of the journey, this feeling, this awareness of the intervention of providence in her personal affairs pleased Sonya.
The Rostovs spent their first day on their trip at the Trinity Lavra.
In the Lavra hotel, the Rostovs were allocated three large rooms, one of which was occupied by Prince Andrei. The wounded man was much better that day. Natasha sat with him. In the next room the Count and Countess sat, respectfully talking with the rector, who had visited their old acquaintances and investors. Sonya was sitting right there, and she was tormented by curiosity about what Prince Andrei and Natasha were talking about. She listened to the sounds of their voices from behind the door. The door of Prince Andrei's room opened. Natasha came out of there with an excited face and, without noticing the man who stood up to meet her and grabbed the wide sleeve right hand monk, walked up to Sonya and took her hand.
- Natasha, what are you doing? Come here,” said the Countess.
Natasha came under the blessing, and the abbot advised to turn to God and his saint for help.
Immediately after the abbot left, Nashata took her friend’s hand and walked with her into the empty room.
- Sonya, right? will he be alive? - she said. – Sonya, how happy I am and how unhappy I am! Sonya, my dear, everything is as before. If only he were alive. He can’t... because, because... that... - And Natasha burst into tears.
- So! I knew it! Thank God,” said Sonya. - He will be alive!
Sonya was no less excited than her friend - both by her fear and grief, and by her personal thoughts that were not expressed to anyone. She, sobbing, kissed and consoled Natasha. “If only he were alive!” - she thought. After crying, talking and wiping away their tears, both friends approached Prince Andrei’s door. Natasha carefully opened the doors and looked into the room. Sonya stood next to her at the half-open door.

Lyudmila Borisovna Narusova is a famous politician and talented historian, wife of Anatoly Sobchak.

Height, weight, age. How old is Lyudmila Narusova?

Lyudmila Narusova was able to do brilliant career while maintaining its beauty and charm. How old is Lyudmila Narusova, it’s hard to guess by her youthful appearance appearance. Many fans of this successful woman interested not only in her active political activities, but also in the height, weight, and age of Lyudmila Narusova.

The politician does not hide this information: at 66 years old, she is in excellent shape - her weight with a height of 165 cm is 63 kg. The nationality of Lyudmila Narusova has always been controversial issue: Many claim that her father was a Jew with the surname Narusovich.

Biography and personal life of Lyudmila Narusova

Lyudmila Narusova was born in Bryansk. The girl was independent from childhood and learned to work hard. Already at the age of 16, she worked part-time at a school for the deaf and dumb in Bryansk, and after graduating from school, she entered the Faculty of History in Leningrad. After graduating from university and graduate school and defending her dissertation, Lyudmila Borisovna taught for some time at the Leningrad Institute. Still during student years Narusova began a relationship with her first future husband, who after college became a psychiatrist.

In their second year, the young people got married, but after 2.5 years their marriage broke up. The lawyer who advised Narusova during trial after the divorce, became Anatoly Sobchak. Despite the fact that Sobchak already had one behind her bad marriage Lyudmila Borisovna charmed him with her beauty and intelligence, and in 1980 they got married. In this happy and harmonious marriage, the couple had a daughter, Ksenia. The career of Anatoly Sobchak, who soon took the chair of the mayor of St. Petersburg, was rapidly going uphill, and Lyudmila Borisovna all this time helped her husband and supported his projects - a fund to support the elderly, as well as the Mariinsky Charitable Foundation. In 1995, Narusova was elected as a deputy of the State Duma.

In 2000, Lyudmila Borisovna experienced the loss of her beloved husband, but the tragedy did not break her: Narusova did not stop working. A career advancement awaited her - Narusova was approved as an adviser to the head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, and then as head charitable foundation named after Anatoly Sobchak. Lyudmila Borisovna climbed higher and higher on the career ladder: in 2002 she became a representative of the Federation Council Federal Assembly from the Parliament of Tuva, then - a member of the Federation Council.

Lyudmila Borisovna was active and fearlessly expressed her ideas, without fear of condemnation from the outside. Thus, she opposed the ideas of nationalist organizations, participating in the “Union of Civil Resistance to Fascism” movement. As a member of the Federation Council, Narusova also actively opposed changes to laws on rallies, as she considered them to be a violation of civil rights. Perhaps because of her active position and strong protests against the laws that she considered “repressive and unconstitutional,” Lyudmila Borisovna had many ill-wishers. Thus, at one time, statements about the extermination of Russians began to appear on Twitter on her behalf, but soon the suspicions were refuted and it became clear that Narusova never used social networks, and that her nationalist statements were allegedly published online from an IP address in Holland.

Family and children of Lyudmila Narusova

Lyudmila Narusova's family consisted of her parents and sister Larisa. In Bryansk, her parents held positions of employees - her mother Valentina Vladimirovna Narusova (Khlebosolova) worked as an administrator, and then as a director of the Oktyabr cinema, and her father Boris Moiseevich Narusov held the position of director in local school deaf and dumb.

The fate of Lyudmila’s parents was not easy: during the war, her mother went through a concentration camp, and her father, immediately after graduating from the Smolensk Artillery School, immediately went to the front as a volunteer. Nevertheless, Lyudmila’s parents managed not only to survive the difficult war years, but also to enter into a happy marriage after the war in Herzberg. In this small German village, Lyudmila’s future parents lived and worked for some time: Valentina Vadimovna worked as a translator, and Boris Moiseevich, who by that time had two orders, served as a military commandant.

After some time, the Narusovs decided to return to Soviet Union, however, the authorities forbade them to live in Leningrad because of Valentina Vladimirovna’s past related to the concentration camp: the couple had to move to Bryansk, to the relatives of Boris Moiseevich. It was there that the couple had children: first their daughter Larisa, and then her sister Lyudmila.

Daughter of Lyudmila Narusova - Ksenia Sobchak

The daughter of Lyudmila Narusova and Anatoly Sobchak, Ksenia, was born in 1981. Since childhood, parents have tried to make their daughter’s development comprehensive - Ksenia studied ballet, painting and studying foreign languages. Then she graduated with honors from MGIMO, did successful career TV presenter.

IN last years Ksenia Sobchak followed in the footsteps of her parents and started political activity. Despite the fact that Lyudmila Borisovna supported her daughter in everything, she initially did not welcome Ksenia’s idea of ​​participating in the elections for the post of President. Nevertheless, as Narusova herself later admitted, she still cast her vote in the elections for her daughter.

Lyudmila Narusova's husband - Anatoly Alexandrovich Sobchak

Anatoly Sobchak was the first mayor of St. Petersburg, a well-known personality around whom conflicting opinions arose in the public. From 1980 to 2000, he was the husband of Lyudmila Narusova and together with her was engaged in political activities.

Sobchak graduated from Leningrad State University with a law degree. Anatoly Alexandrovich’s political career began with his election as a people’s deputy Supreme Council. Sobchak then became a member of the Leningrad City Council, and in 1991 he was elected mayor of St. Petersburg.

Instagram and Wikipedia Lyudmila Narusova

Lyudmila Narusova does not maintain her Instagram profile, but Ksenia Sobchak often posts joint photos with her mother. Lyudmila Narusova also never used Twitter, so all the details of her life can be found on Lyudmila Narusova’s Wikipedia. Article found on

Lyudmila Borisovna Narusova is a member of the A Just Russia party and the Federation Council of Tuva. She was married to the former mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak. He shares a celebrity daughter, Ksenia. In the past, Narusova was a member of the Party of Life. She is a current deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.


Lyudmila Borisovna Narusova was born on May 2, 1951 in the city of Bryansk. Her father went through the entire war with the Nazis, ending it in Berlin. Afterwards he worked as a school director in Bryansk. Boris Moiseevich (Lyudmila's father) had higher education, having graduated from the Faculty of History and trained as a defectologist.

Mother was a concentration camp prisoner. Lyudmila Borisovna's father was recently diagnosed with leukemia. She is an excellent daughter - at the first opportunity she moved her elderly parents to St. Petersburg, buying them an apartment next door to her. Lyudmila takes care of her parents and tries to provide them with everything they need. She has elder sister whose name is Larisa.

During the war, Narusova’s mother was taken away by the Germans to work in Germany. At that time she was only sixteen years old. At first she worked for German peasants, then, after the end of the war, she was hired as a translator at the USSR military commandant's office. She worked for some time in the German city of Heriberg, where she met Lyudmila’s father, who was stationed there with his unit. Boris Narusov went to war in 1941 and returned only after it ended. They got married when Narusova’s mother was twenty years old. Her husband was three years older. They had a daughter, Larisa, then Lyudmila Narusova. Their father's nationality is Jewish. Mother is Russian.


After school, Lyudmila entered Leningrad University (in 1969). She graduated from it in seventy-four. Received a degree in history. After graduating from university, she entered graduate school. She defended her dissertation brilliantly and became a candidate of science.


Lyudmila got her first job as a laboratory assistant. She worked at a Bryansk school for the hearing impaired. After some time, I got a job as a teacher at Leningrad State University. At the same time, she worked at the Leningrad University Publishing House, in the socio-political department. Then she moved to the University of Culture as an assistant. Then she was promoted to Later, Lyudmila Narusova became a doctoral student at St. Petersburg state university culture and arts.

Political career

Lyudmila Borisovna began to actively help her husband in his political career, thereby ending up in this circle. At first she supported him in the elections to the Leningrad City Council, then for mayor of St. Petersburg.

Lyudmila began working with hospices (hospitals for cancer patients). She became one of the founders of the Mariinsky Foundation. In ninety-five, she was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation. She joined the NDR faction and the Women's Committee.

After Sobchak's death (in 2000), Lyudmila Borisovna was elected head of the political council of St. Petersburg. In the same year, she became an adviser to the head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation and head of the public foundation named after her husband.

In the spring of 2000, Vladimir Putin appointed Lyudmila head of the Russian-German Foundation for Reconciliation and Mutual Understanding. From the autumn of the same year until 2002, Lyudmila Borisovna was a representative of two boards of trustees.

After some time, she was elected head of the Federal Assembly from Tuva, replacing Chanmyr Udumbara in this post. In October 2002, she became a member of the upper house and the Federal Assembly for Culture, Ecology, Science, Health and Education. And in 2006 she joined the Federal Assembly Commission on Information Policy.

Since autumn 2010, Lyudmila Narusova has been presenting executive agency authorities in the Bryansk region. She is also a member of the Federal Committee on Science and Education.

Lyudmila Narusova: personal life and the birth of a daughter

The first time Lyudmila married a medical student whom she met at the university. But after some time she divorced him. She wanted to sue ex-husband apartment and turned to lawyer Anatoly Sobchak for help.

From that moment their romance began. The housing issue was resolved in Lyudmila's favor. But their acquaintance did not stop there, but continued. At that time she was twenty-four years old and he was thirty-eight. The age difference is quite large, but this did not frighten Lyudmila. After some time they got married. Once she saved his life by not letting him go on a trip to the mountains, where Anatoly’s comrades, with whom Sobchak wanted to leave, died.

In eighty-one, their daughter Ksenia was born. Even as a child, Lyudmila sent her to a ballet studio. Ksenia's father wanted his daughter to become a lawyer. But she chose her path in life. Ksenia is a socialite, in addition, she tries herself in politics and declares that she sympathizes with opposition parties.

Political views of Lyudmila Narusova

Lyudmila Narusova, whose biography is closely connected with politics, advocates limiting the activities of Russian nationalist political organizations. In her opinion, some of their slogans are criminal and unconstitutional.

She also actively supports the activities of foreign foundations and various organizations in Russia. He believes that the country should turn towards the West and be more loyal to it. Lyudmila considers herself an oppositionist and believes that Russia needs many liberal reforms.

In 2012, when the bill on rallies was being considered, Lyudmila Borisovna protested against its promotion. And she even pointedly left the meeting room. In July of the same year, she participated as a witness in one high-profile trial regarding the theft of budget funds and non-payment of taxes on an especially large scale. Lyudmila made several scandalous statements after the end of the trial, since she was dissatisfied with its results.

Lyudmila Narusova does not always support the country’s foreign policy activities. She speaks negatively about Russian planes in Syria and believes that the Russian leadership should not interfere in this conflict.

Narusova in show business

In 2002, Lyudmila Borisovna tried herself in show business. She became the host of the “Price of Success” program on the Rossiya television channel. Before this, Narusova already had experience of similar activities in “Mind Games” and “Freedom of Speech” on TV in St. Petersburg. Lyudmila wanted to become the editor-in-chief of one of the printed publications. And she directly stated this at one of the press conferences. But her dreams have not yet come true.

In 2005, Narusova was accepted into the St. Petersburg Union of Journalists. Lyudmila Borisovna has always been a supporter of tightening the responsibility of the media for the materials that are published, and regretted that there is no unified information policy in Russia.

Lyudmila Borisovna Narusova – public figure, ex-senator, member of the independent organizations, including the Union of Journalists of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, the Council of the Russian Jewish Congress, formerly the “Party of Life”, “A Just Russia”, ex-parliamentarian, Doctor of Historical Sciences, widow of the first mayor of the Northern capital Anatoly Sobchak, president of the Foundation named after him.

The politician, who lost her senatorial seat for an alternative point of view and dissent, sharply criticized the legislative activity of the Federation Council, which, in her opinion, was aimed exclusively at the comfortable existence of power. She repeatedly noted in interviews that in the country, under the guise of patriotism and the fight against terrorism, democratic gains are being narrowed, denunciation is encouraged, spy mania is spreading, and the desire for isolation from the world is spreading.

Lyudmila Borisovna drew public attention to the existence of such dangerous trends as the resuscitation of Stalinism, unconstitutional calls for war (to go to Kyiv, to use it against the USA nuclear weapon), attempts at complete surveillance of citizens, dissemination of monstrous and false information by the media (about the alleged atrocities of Ukrainian soldiers, about a boy crucified in front of his mother).

Childhood and family of Lyudmila Narusova

The future politician and professional historian was born on May 2, 1951 in Bryansk into a family of employees. Her parents met in 1945 and got married a year later in the small German town of Herzberg, where her father, who had gone to the front as a volunteer from Smolensk, served as a military commandant, and her mother, a native of Leningrad, who had gone through a concentration camp and forced labor, worked in the commandant’s office as a translator.

In 1949, they returned to their homeland and settled in Bryansk (my father had relatives there). Because their mother was a prisoner of war, they were not allowed to live in Leningrad, where she dreamed of returning. For the same reason, her aspiration to become a teacher was not destined to come true German language, and was banned further career father as a military man. Mom got a job as a cinema administrator, and dad, having graduated from the defectology and history departments of the Pedagogical Institute, worked as a director high school for hearing impaired children. Their family had two daughters - the eldest Larisa and the youngest Lyudmila.

Starting from the 10th grade, Luda worked at a school for the deaf as a laboratory assistant. In 1969, she became a student at the history department of the state university in the city on the Neva. Then, as a graduate student at the Academic Institute of History, she defended her thesis “Socio-political views of the Decembrists in the 50-60s of the 19th century” and taught at the university since 1978. In 1981, she went to work at the Institute of Culture. N. Krupskaya, received the title of associate professor and began preparing her doctoral research work to receive her next academic degree.

Career of Lyudmila Narusova

In her status as the mayor's wife, Lyudmila actively supported her husband in organizing new system management of the city and in all its affairs - she was involved in the creation of medical institutions to provide palliative care to patients with incurable diseases, and was the executive director of the Mariinsky Charitable Foundation, established in 1992 to restore the Romanov necropolis in the Peter and Paul Cathedral of the Northern capital.

Interview with Lyudmila Narusova and Anatoly Sobchak

In 1995, Lyudmila Borisovna was elected to the State Duma from the socio-political movement “Our Home is Russia”, where she led the work of the commission on the payment of compensation to former prisoners of fascism. In 1999, she ran again for the lower house of the Federal Assembly, but lost to the candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

In 2000, Narusova was a confidant of Vladimir Putin at presidential elections, led the Foundation named after her late husband, became an adviser to the head of the Kremlin administration, head of the supervisory board of the Concord Fund (FS) and the country's representative on the board of trustees of the Austrian and German EVZ Foundation. Thanks to her, a number of facts of financial abuse in the leadership of the Russian Federal Fund were revealed.

The widow of the first mayor of the Northern capital became the host of “Mind Games” and “Freedom of Speech”. In 2002, Lyudmila Borisovna also hosted “The Price of Success,” a talk show on the Rossiya channel. In October, she was elected to the Senate from Tyva, where she served on the Commissions on Information Policy, Housing and Communal Services, and the Committee on Science, Culture, Education, and Health.

Lyudmila Narusova about Putin and Medvedev

In 2005, she was accepted into the St. Petersburg Union of Journalists. The senator intended to help promote the law to increase the responsibility of literary workers for published information. In 2006, she retained her position in the Federation Council.

Personal life of Lyudmila Narusova

Lyudmila got married for the first time when she was studying at Leningrad State University, in her second year. Her ex-husband was a psychiatrist. The relationship did not work out and the couple broke up in 1975, having lived together for 2.5 years. It was with the division of property in a divorce that Lyudmila was helped by Anatoly Sobchak, with whom she consulted as a lawyer.

He was 14 years older than her. The relationship between them did not begin immediately; only after some time did Anatoly Alexandrovich begin to court the girl. In 1980 they got married. For him, their marriage was also the second (his first wife was Nonna Handzyuk, who gave him a daughter, Masha, who became a lawyer).

Lyudmila really wanted children, but she couldn’t get pregnant with her first husband; she often went to Vasilyevsky Island to the Cathedral of St. Xenia the Blessed. In 1981, the couple had a daughter, Ksenia, who became the “Russian Paris Hilton”, TV presenter, socialite, a fighter against election fraud. She was always different strong character, intelligence, courage, education, originality. Her IQ is 175 (for comparison, Albert Einstein had an IQ of 160). As a child, she attended a magnet school in English, studied painting and ballet. Then she graduated from MGIMO with honors.

In her youth, Lyudmila Borisovna was a passionate fan of Emmanuel Vitorgan, she could have met him, but did not dare. But now her daughter did it for her, who married his son Maxim. In November 2016, the daughter made her mother a grandmother, giving birth to her first son.

The income of Sobchak's widow in 2009 was 5 million rubles. However, in 2010, she and Ksenia acquired Vacation home on Rublyovka with an estimated cost of $1 million. There were suggestions in the media that she had savings left over from her late husband.

Lyudmila Borisovna is known for her passion for luxury and chic. She named cooking, reading, and skiing among her main hobbies.

Lyudmila Narusova today

In 2010, the Bryansk Regional Duma approved her candidacy, as a parliamentarian with influence and experience, as its representative in the Federation Council. She also became a participant in the resistance movement against fascism, spoke out categorically against the ideas of radical nationalists, and drew public attention to the criminality of their slogan “Russia for Russians.”

Lyudmila Narusova about deputy Vitaly Milonov

In 2012, despite the threat of recall, the senator criticized her colleagues in connection with the hasty adoption of a controversial legislative act on rallies (to intimidate participants in the upcoming “March of Millions”). She left the meeting room in protest. After 10 years of successful work in the Chamber of Regions, Nikolai Denin, the head of the Bryansk region, relieved her of her position.

In 2015, on the eve of the 15th anniversary of the death of Anatoly Sobchak, she presented it last book“Stalin. Private bussiness". The widow emphasized that her late husband was convinced that Stalin’s crimes in destroying his people were comparable to the acts of Hitler.

In the summer of that year, she shocked her Twitter followers with an angry tirade that the Russian people are the embodiment of evil and must be exterminated.

Lyudmila Borisovna Narusova is a famous person whose biography and nationality are of interest to many people. It is known that she is the mother of Ksenia Sobchak, famous person. After her husband died, she devoted herself to politics and became a deputy in State Duma. In addition, she is a member of various organizations and is the chairman of the foundation. Her entire family consists of famous people, however, her life before marriage, details family life and news about health is practically not announced by means mass media.

Biography, childhood and family of Lyudmila Narusova

The biography of Lyudmila Borisovna Narusova and her nationality is of interest to many, since this woman is famous and her interviews can be seen in various media sources.

She was born on May 2, 1951 in the city of Bryansk into a family of employees. Her mother, whose homeland was Leningrad, was in a concentration camp during the war, and when she was released, she began working as a translator in Germany in Herzberg, the commandant of this city was Lyudmila’s father.

Her future parents liked each other and soon legalized their relationship. At the end of the 40s. they wanted to return to the northern capital, but given the fact that Lyudmila’s mother was in a concentration camp, this could not be done and the family moved to Bryansk, where her father had relatives.

Later Narusova V.V. took the position of administrator at the local cinema "October", after which she became the director of the institution.

Father, B.M. Narusov - worked in various positions. He held the position of platoon commander, worked in a military unit as a Komsomol organizer, and held the position of director in the House of Culture. While working as a director, he studied at pedagogical institute in the specialty of defectology, after successfully completing the training, he took the position of director of a school where the pupils were children with hearing impairments.

This family had two children - Larisa, eldest daughter, and Lyudmila, who became the second child in the family. It is known that the sisters made great progress while studying at school, were excellent students, and actively participated in the activities of the school.

After finishing school, Lyudmila got a job as a laboratory worker at a school for the hearing impaired, where her father worked.

At the end of the 60s. Narusova left to enter higher education educational institution to Leningrad. There she managed to get into full-time study at Leningrad State University at a faculty specializing in the study of history. After completing her studies at the university with success, she continued her studies, becoming a graduate student. After that, she defended her dissertation and began teaching in the late 70s.

No official information is provided about nationality in the biography of Lyudmila Borisovna Narusova.

Career of Lyudmila Narusova

In the early 80s, teacher Lyudmila Borisovna began working at the Krupskaya Institute of Culture. There she became an assistant professor and prepared for scientific work, allowing her to become a doctor.

According to media reports, in 1980 she became the wife of Mayor Anatoly Sobchak. Her goal was to help her husband and support him in all matters. She helped him organize hospices and is the founder of the Mariinsky Foundation, which prepared the burial of the Tsar’s family.

In the winter of 2000, her husband died, and in the same year she was elected chairman of the advisory council in northern capital. Then she became an adviser to the head of the Administration Russian President, and also head the foundation of her deceased husband.

In 2002, many events happened in a woman’s career. She began to represent the Federal Federation Council. Meetings from the Parliament of Tuva.

This woman is known for advocating to limit the activities of the national government. Organizations, since, in her opinion, the words “Russia for Russians” are illegal and can be compared to committing a crime.

Her criticism of the current government brought her fame. She openly spoke out against the amendments made by the Federation Council in 2012.

Her Twitter posts are often criticized and discussed by those who visit her page on social network. Offensive posts often appeared there, but then, according to latest news Media, the woman stated that she was not involved in these statements.

In 2015, she presented the last work of her late husband, which was dedicated to the activities of Joseph Stalin. According to Narusova, in this book her husband put Stalin’s illegal actions on the same level as the actions of A. Hitler.

Personal life of Lyudmila Narusova

For the first time, Lyudmila Narusova married a young doctor specializing in psychiatry. At this time she was a student and was studying in her second year at the university. However, the young couple's relationship was not good, and they managed to live together for more than two years, after which they separated.

I met my second husband during the period of divorce from my first husband - when ex-spouses divided the property. She came to Anatoly Sobchak as a lawyer to get advice.

They didn't fall in love with each other right away, they had big difference aged, Anatoly is fifteen years older than Narusova, and was married. If you look at photographs of Narusova L.B. in his youth, which this moment a lot on the Internet, you can see that it is bright and beautiful woman. Most likely, these advantages were noticed by Anatoly S. They legalized the relationship in 1980, and a year later, on November 5, they had a daughter, who was named Ksenia.

Sobchak Ksenia – famous TV presenter and public figure. Even before she came of age, she became famous, information was written about her in the yellow press, however, according to media reports, the star did not try to justify herself, on the contrary, she stirred up interest and attention. This star stands out, and her biography and personal life news are interesting to many fans.

The parents paid a lot of attention to the child. Having studied at a school where special emphasis was placed on learning foreign language, the daughter of Lyudmila N. graduated from school. Herzen. Afterwards she entered a university in St. Petersburg at the Faculty of Relations between Nations. In 2000 she transferred to the Moscow Institute international relations, 4 years later I completed my master’s degree. Ksenia knows several foreign languages.

The personal life of Lyudmila Narusova with A. Sobchak was happy, they were in good harmony, and the wife supported her husband in any endeavors


An interesting fact is that thanks to her daughter, the woman fulfilled her dream - meeting Emmanuel Vitorgan. She was his fan. Lyudmila Borisovna and this one a famous person became relatives after Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan had a son two years ago.

Lyudmila Narusova today

There are various rumors surrounding the biography and nationality of Lyudmila Borisovna Narusova, however, according to most media sources, she is Russian.

In 2018, elections for the position of President of the Russian Federation were recently held, where Ksenia Sobchak, the daughter of Lyudmila Narusova, took part.

According to media reports, the woman said that she would vote for Ksenia in the elections.

Lyudmila Borisovna is a member of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building.

She was invited to the program " Smart guys", where one of the news discussed was a fire in Kemerovo. She expressed condolences to the victims on air. In her opinion, mourning is silence, but what happened during the days of mourning speaks of something else. During this period of time, the authorities were looking for the culprit and justifying themselves, according to Narusova. In her opinion, the worst thing is that the authorities Kemerovo region, are looking for excuses for not doing anything.

Is it true that Narusova’s daughter is Ksenia Sobchak?

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