Project activities in preschool educational institutions. Technologies of project activities in preschool educational institutions. Project activities in kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard: why it is needed and what are its types

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1 Project activities in kindergarten. Project method in the activities of preschool educational institutions. From birth, a child is a discoverer, an explorer of the world that surrounds him. Everything is new for him: sun and rain, fear and joy. Everyone knows that five-year-old children are called “why kids.” The child cannot find the answer to all his questions on his own; teachers help him. In preschool institutions, educators widely use the method of problem-based learning: questions that develop logical thinking, modeling problem situations, experimentation, experimental research activities, solving crosswords, charades, puzzles, etc. The integrated teaching method is innovative for preschoolers. It is aimed at developing the child’s personality, his cognitive and creative abilities. A series of lessons is united by a main problem. For example, giving children a complete understanding of domestic animals, the teacher in the cognitive cycle classes introduces them to the role of domestic animals in human life, in the artistic and aesthetic cycle classes with images of domestic animals in the works of writers and poets, with the transfer of these images in folk and applied arts and the work of illustrators. The variability of using the integrated method is quite diverse. Full integration (environmental education with fiction, fine arts, music education, physical development) Partial integration (integration of fiction and artistic activities) Integration based on a single project, which is based on a problem. The transition of a preschool institution to the project method of activity, as a rule, is carried out in the following stages: classes with the inclusion of problematic situations of children's experimentation, etc.; complex block-thematic classes; integration: partial integration; full integration; project method: form of organization of educational space; method of developing creative cognitive thinking. Rough plan The teacher’s work in preparing the project 1. Based on the children’s problems studied, set the goal of the project. 2. Developing a plan to achieve the goal (the teacher discusses the plan with the parents). 3. Involvement of specialists in the implementation of relevant sections of the project. 4. Drawing up a project plan. 5. Collection, accumulation of material. 6. Inclusion of activities, games and other types of children's activities in the plan. 7. Homework for yourself. execution. 8. Project presentation, open lesson. Main stages of the project method 1. Goal setting: the teacher helps the child choose the most relevant and feasible task for him for a certain period of time. 2. Development of a project plan of activities to achieve the goal: who to turn to for help (an adult, a teacher); what sources can you find information from? what items to use (accessories, equipment);

2 what objects to learn to work with to achieve the goal. 3. Implementation of the project - practical part. 4. Summing up and defining tasks for new projects. Projects are currently classified as: a. by composition of participants; b. by target setting; c. by topic; d. according to implementation deadlines. In the practice of modern preschool institutions, the following types of projects are used: 1. research and creative projects: children experiment, and then the results are presented in the form of newspapers, dramatization, children's design; 2. role-playing projects (with elements of creative games, when children take on the role of fairy tale characters and solve problems in their own way); 3. information-practice-oriented projects: children collect information and implement it, focusing on social interests (design and design of the group, stained glass windows, etc.); 4. creative projects in kindergarten (registration of the result in the form of a children's party, children's design, for example, “Theater Week”). Since the leading activity of a preschooler is play, then, starting from younger age, role-playing and creative projects are used: “Favorite Toys”, “The ABC of Health”, etc. Other types of projects are also significant, including: complex ones: “World of Theater”, “Hello, Pushkin!”, “Echo of Centuries”, “Book Week”; intergroup: “Mathematical collages”, “The world of animals and birds”, “Seasons”; creative: “My friends”, “In our boring garden”, “We love fairy tales”, “The world of nature”, “Rowan berries of Russia”; group: “Tales of Love”, “Know Yourself”, “ Undersea world", "Fun Astronomy"; individual: “Me and my family”, “Family tree”, “Secrets of grandma’s chest”, “Fairytale bird”; research: “The World of Water”, “Breath and Health”, “Nutrition and Health”. In terms of duration, they can be short-term (one or several lessons), medium-long, long-term (for example, “Pushkin’s Work” - for the academic year). The main goal of the project method in kindergarten is the development of the free creative personality of the child, which is determined by developmental goals and objectives research activities children. Development objectives: 1. ensuring the psychological well-being and health of children; 2. development cognitive abilities; 3. development creative imagination; 4. development of creative thinking; 5. development of communication skills. The tasks of research activities are specific for each age. In early preschool age, this is: children’s entry into a problematic play situation (the leading role of the teacher); activating the desire to look for ways to resolve a problem situation (together with the teacher); formation of initial prerequisites for search activity ( practical experiments). In older preschool age this is:

3 formation of prerequisites for search activity and intellectual initiative; developing the ability to identify possible methods of solving a problem with the help of an adult, and then independently; developing the ability to apply these methods to help solve the problem, using various options; developing a desire to use special terminology, conducting a constructive conversation in the process of joint research activities. Stages Activities of the project teacher Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 1. Formulates the problem (goal). When setting a goal, the product of the project is also determined. 2. Introduces the game (story) situation. 3. Formulates the problem (not rigidly). 4. Helps in solving a problem. 5. Helps plan activities 6. Organizes activities. 7. Practical assistance (if necessary). 8. Directs and controls the implementation of the project. 9. Preparing for the presentation. 10. Presentation. Children's activities 1. Entering into the problem. 2. Getting used to the game situation. 3. Acceptance of the task. 4. Addition of project tasks. 5. Uniting children into working groups. 6. Role distribution. 7. Formation of specific knowledge and skills. 8. The product of the activity is prepared for presentation. 9. Present (to spectators or experts) the product of the activity. The project method is relevant and very effective. It gives the child the opportunity to experiment and synthesize acquired knowledge. Develop Creative skills and communication skills, which allows him to successfully adapt to the changed situation of school learning. The introduction of the project method into practice began with the organization of work with teaching staff. Here you can use the following forms of work: Consultations on the topics: “Variability of the use of the integrated method in the education of preschool children”; “Project method as a method of developmental education for preschoolers”; “Types of projects and their use in different age groups”; Workshops: “Identification of cognitive interests in preschool children”; “Development of long-term thematic planning for the inclusion additional education into the educational process"; “Additional education in the educational process”; “Development of group projects based on design and research activities”; “Summarizing the materials of experimental work on the development of a project-based teaching method”; Exemplary projects in preschool educational institutions in working with personnel: 1. “Prospects for the development of preschool educational institutions in conditions of self-government” (administrative group, methodological service, council of teachers, creative group); 2. “Raising a healthy child” (within the framework of medical, psycho-physiological and pedagogical services); 3. “Master class. Prospects for improving teaching skills" (all teachers participate in the project); 4. “Young talents” (methodological service, group of mentors, young specialists); 5. “Prospects for environmental education of preschool children” (educators, additional education teachers); 6. “Nutrition and health” (medical service, methodological service, educators, catering workers); 7. problematic projects between teachers of groups working on the same program; 8. design project to improve the development environment (administrative, methodological, psychological services, additional education teacher in visual arts, building maintenance worker);

4 9. social projects “Our anniversaries”, “ Significant dates"(all team members, students, society participate) The project method is used in working with children, starting from early preschool age. It made it possible to determine the objectives of training, to form the prerequisites for educational and research skills in accordance with the main lines of development. Junior preschool age Learning objectives: 1. awaken interest in the proposed activity; 2. introduce children to the learning process; 3. form different ideas; 4. involve children in reproducing images using various options; 5. encourage children to engage in joint search activities and experimentation. Improvement mental processes: 1. formation of emotional interest; 2. familiarity with objects and actions with them; 3. development of thinking and imagination; 4. speech development. Formation of design and research skills: 1. awareness of the goal; 2. mastering various ways of solving assigned problems; 3. the ability to anticipate the result based on one’s past experience; 4. search for different means of achieving the goal. Lines of personality development. Physical development: stimulation of the natural process of development of motor abilities and qualities; formation of conscious ideas about the need to take care of one’s health (role-playing project “The ABC of Health”); social development: formation of methods of communication (vernissage “Me and my family”, individual family projects"Geneological tree"); cognitive development: enrichment and expansion of ideas about the world around us; expansion and qualitative change in methods of orientation in the surrounding world; conscious use of sensory sensations in solving practical problems (mathematical collages, intergroup project “The World of Animals and Birds”, “Creative projects “My Friends”, “The World of Nature”, “We Love Fairy Tales”); aesthetic development: development of an emotional and value-based attitude towards works of art and artistic images; mastery of artistic activity (complex projects “The World of Theatre”, “Hello, Pushkin!”, role-playing projects “Favorite Toys”).

5 Senior preschool age. Learning objectives: 1. develop search activity, intellectual initiative; 2. develop special ways of orienting experimentation and modeling; 3. form generalized methods of mental work and means of building one’s own cognitive activity; 4. develop the ability to predict future changes. Formation of prerequisites educational activities: 1. arbitrariness in behavior and productive activity; 2. the need to create your own picture of the world; 3. communication skills. Formation of design and research skills: 1. identify the problem; 2. search on your own the right solution; 3. choose the most adequate one from the available methods and use it productively; 4. independently analyze the results obtained. Lines of personality development. Social development: development of self-knowledge and positive self-esteem; mastering methods of non-situational and personal communication; high level communicative competence; awareness of the functions of speech (individual project “Me and My Family”, “Family Tree”, project “Tales of Love”, group projects “Know Yourself”); Physical development: development of a conscious attitude towards one’s health; formation of the need for healthy way life; improvement of the process of development of motor abilities and qualities (role-playing projects “The ABC of Health”, “Secrets of Ilya Muromets”). Cognitive development: systematization of knowledge, stimulating the development of cognitive and creative abilities; development of abilities for practical and mental experimentation and symbolic modeling, speech planning, logical operations (club of book lovers " Wonderland”, group projects “Ural Gems”, “Underwater World”, “Fun Astronomy”, intergroup project “Seasons”, complex projects “Hello, Pushkin!”, “Heroes of the Russian Land”); Aesthetic development: in-depth introduction to art, the variety of artistic images; mastering various types of art. activities; development of abilities for aesthetic appreciation (role-playing project “Visiting a Fairy Tale”, complex projects “Echo of Centuries”, “Book Week”, “World of Theatre”). Topic of the block Project name Product of children's activity Heritage “Echo of Centuries” “Timeline” (work with encyclopedias, selection and systematization of illustrative material,

6 “I am in the world of people” “The world around us” “You and your health” “Defenders of the Fatherland” “Hello, Pushkin!” Projects “Family Tree”, “My Family”, “Secrets of Grandma’s Chest” Projects in kindergarten: 1) “My Friends” 2) “In our Neskuchny Garden” 3) “Children’s Day” 4) “Tales of Love” 5) “Fun Etiquette” “Four Elements” “Seasons” “World of Animals and Birds” “Ural Gems” “Fun Astronomy” “Complaint Book of Nature” “In the Land of Numbers and Figures” “Useful Things” “From Coach to Rocket” “Me and my body” “Windows on the world. Sense organs" "Your nutrition and health" "Pie's journey" (structure digestive system) “Life-giving forces” “About vitamins and health” “How we breathe” (the adventure of Oxygen) Fine art, manual labor, theatrical performance) Historical album “Defenders of the Fatherland” (drawings, paper sculpture, children’s writing) Practical workshops (making posters, invitations , costumes) Theatrical performance “Heroes of the Russian Land” Creation of albums “Pushkin and Nanny”, “Pushkin’s Family”, “Friends, our union is wonderful!”, “In Pushkin’s places”. Didactic games“Pushkin’s Fairy Tales”, crossword puzzles and logical tasks based on fairy tales, practical workshop “Fashion of the Pushkin era”, “Small theatrical meetings”, “Meetings by the fireplace” (Pushkin’s fairy tales in painting, sculpture, music) Children’s books “Hello, Pushkin!, “ Fairy Tales of Pushkin” Model “At Lukomorye” Theatrical performance “Fairy Tales of Pushkin”, “Pushkin Ball”. “Family Tree” Album of drawings “My Family” Exhibition of family heirlooms. Albums (ind.) (drawings + funny stories) Theatrical sketches, publication of newspapers and magazines Project “Kindergarten of the Future”. Release of a wall newspaper. Carnival. Development of a children's code. Literary living room. Making "Valentines". School "Marquise of Etiquette" Card index of experiences. Making collages Children's book "This is a dangerous element" Children's book, dance miniatures, collages. Handwritten magazines, books, writing, artistic activities Collage, children's book “The Legend of the Stones” Quiz “Through Hardships to the Stars” Theatrical sketches “Unknown Planet”, “Journey to the Moon”. Composition of "Star Tales". Writing fairy tales on behalf of natural objects. "Forest Newspaper" Issue of the magazine “Ecological City Traffic Light” Collages. Geometric vernissage. Theater sketches. Mathematical show "Alice in the Land of Mathematics". Encyclopedia “From the History of Things” “Adventures of Things” - writing fairy tales about ordinary things. Making a children's book using constructive activities. Children's brochures by type of equipment (transport). “Our Helpers” (a book about the history of household appliances). Diary “I’m growing” Project “Country Aibolitiya” “Benefits and harms” (projects on the senses) Mini projects “What is food for?” Children's book "Adventures in the Land of Vitamins", compiling a card index of dishes. Writing fairy tales, poems, theatrical sketches. “How did fruits and vegetables argue about their benefits?” Tablet “Harm-benefit” “For fresh air"(poster) Children's book of hardening. Approximate scheme for the implementation of the project "Family" (old age) Sections of the program Types of children's activities Play activities Social development Speech and verbal communication Health and physical development COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT The world in which we live Nature Beginnings of literacy Role-playing game “Home”, “Family”; “Furniture salon”, “Home clothing salon”, etc. Dramatization games based on the works: “Turnip”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Geese-Swans”, etc. Printed board game “My Apartment”. Thematic classes under the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Rights and responsibilities in the family. Compilation " Family tree"(in the context of the past and future), maps of the microdistrict with the designation of houses where children live, albums "Traditions of our family", "My small homeland", "Kaleidoscope of Birthdays" (zodiac signs of the children of the group, the publication by each family of the newspaper "The Happiest Day in the Family" (for the child's birthday). Meetings in the video salon "Your own director." Creative storytelling for children on the topics "A day off in my family”, “My loved ones”, “Our beloved pets”, “summer at the dacha”, “Our journey”, “The world of family hobbies”, “I will be a mother (father)”, “How I help at home”, Word creation. Creation albums "My Family" (drawings, photographs, poems by children). Joint participation of children and parents in literary lounges. Drawing up a daily routine for each family, competition of family complexes morning exercises, hardening procedures. Joint hiking trips “Let’s go to the pool together.” Inter-family competitions “Mom, Dad, I’m a sports family.” Organization of a family mini-cafe. Presentation “My Family’s Favorite Dish”, compilation of the book “Family Recipes”. Cooking classes (taught by parents, teachers, chef). Classification (furniture, dishes, Appliances, Food). Geographical representations. Drawing up a plan diagram “My House”, making a layout “My District”, working with maps “My City”. Collages “Pets”. Compiling family albums " Houseplants", "What grows in our dacha." Mathematics “Height and age of family members”, joint game of children and parents “Family Budget”. Compiling a dictionary of names of family members “What do names mean”

7 Construction AESTHETIC DEVELOPMENT Art. literature Fine art and design Theater “House of My Dreams”, “Country House”, “Homework”. Planar modeling compiling mosaic plots on family themes. Proverbs and sayings about family. Reading fairy tales “Wild Swans”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, the Nenets fairy tale “Cuckoo”. Selective reading: A. Lindgren “Kid and Carlson”, Odoevsky “Town in a Snuff Box”, L. Tolstoy “Stories for Little Children”. Memorization: E Blaginina “Let’s sit in silence.” Drawing “My family”, “Family portraits”, “We are on vacation”, “My house”, “My room”, “Wallpaper for a new apartment”. Publishing family newspapers. Making ikebana, bouquets, panels, collages from natural materials (with the participation of parents) Exhibitions “Family Hobby”. Family mini-performances, drawing up scripts for children’s entertainment, theatrical sketches “Family Dialogues”. Families visiting theaters together. Project development algorithm Stages Tasks Activities of the project group Initial Planning Decision making Execution Evaluation of results Project protection Definition of the problem (topic). Selecting a group of participants. Problem analysis. Identification of information sources. Setting objectives and choosing criteria for evaluating results. Distribution of roles in the team. Collection and clarification of information. Discussion of alternatives. Choosing the optimal option. Clarification of activity plans. Clarification of available information, discussion of the task Formation of tasks, accumulation of information. Selection and justification of success criteria. Working with information. Synthesis and analysis of ideas. Activities of the scientific and methodological service Motivation for design, explanation of the purpose of the project Assistance in analysis and synthesis (at the request of the group). Observation. Observation. Consultations. Project implementation Work on the project, its design. Observation, advice (at the request of the group) Analysis of project implementation, achieved results (successes and failures) Preparation for defense. Rationale for the design process. Explanation of the results obtained, their evaluation. Participation in collective analysis of the project and self-assessment Protection of the project. Participation in collective assessment of project results. Observation. Directing the analysis process (if necessary) Participating in the collective analysis and evaluation of project results.

Organization project activities in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard From birth, a child is a discoverer, an explorer of the world that surrounds him. Everything is new for him: sun and rain, fear and joy.

Learning objectives: 1. develop search activity, intellectual initiative; 2. develop special ways of orienting experimentation and modeling; 3. form generalized methods of mental

Consultation for teachers “Project method in the activities of preschool educational institutions” From birth, a child is a discoverer, an explorer of the world that surrounds him. Everything is new for him: sun and rain,

Project method in the activities of preschool educational institutions. Project method in the activities of preschool educational institutions. From birth, a child is a discoverer, an explorer of the world that surrounds him. Everything is new for him: the sun

From birth, a child is a discoverer, an explorer of the world that surrounds him. Everything is new for him: sun and rain, fear and joy. Everyone knows that five-year-old children are called

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Project for Mother's Day "Mom is the most important person." Project duration: from November 14 to November 30 Authors: educators: Bogdanovich A.N. Kopaigora N.A. Type of project: creative, group, short-term. Directions

Project activity as a universal method for developing the cognitive activity of preschool children The author of the project method, John Dewey, founded an experimental school in Chicago in 1894, in which syllabus was replaced

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PRESCHOOL PEDAGOGY Starodubtseva Elena Viktorovna Shcherbina Lyubov Stepanovna Fedoseenko Tatyana Tikhonovna MBDOU "D/S 46" Belgorod, Belgorod region DESIGN AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES IN

Svetlana Khokhryakova

Modern pedagogical research shows that the main problem of preschool education is the loss of liveliness and attractiveness of the learning process. The number of preschoolers who do not want to go to school is increasing; Positive motivation for classes has decreased, and children’s academic performance is falling. How to improve the situation?

The goal of modern preschool education is the formation of personality through one’s own activity, development of universal educational activities, cognitive activity, creativity of children and their personality through different kinds activities.

Today, the learning process is not a ready-made outline, but a search and co-creation, in which children learn to plan, draw conclusions, acquire new knowledge through their own activity.

Term "universal learning activities" means the ability to learn, i.e. the child’s ability to self-development through active assimilation and acquisition of knowledge through practical activity.

One of the problems of today's education is the preparation of the future school student - a researcher who sees problems, has a creative approach to solving them, knows modern search methods, and knows how to obtain knowledge himself.

Preschool workers are aware of the need to develop each child as a valuable individual. When talking about forms and methods of teaching, we mention the child’s activity as the final goal and necessary condition for development. Children's activity is expressed in actions, in the ability to find ways to solve problems. To generate such activity, it is necessary to use productive methods.

Due to the fact that priority areas in preschool education, And new task began to ensure the development of universal educational activities, the need arose to revise the forms and means of organizing the educational process in kindergarten.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to provide conditions for the formation of these qualities already in preschool age. Children 5-7 years old under appropriate conditions and joint activities with adults in kindergarten are able to master these skills.

The greatest development of cognitive activity and expansion of cognitive interests of pupils occurs in children's experimentation and project activities.

Technology design- one of these ways to develop the creative abilities of every child. It is based on the conceptual idea of ​​trust in the child’s nature and reliance on his search behavior.

It forms a powerful, stimulating basis for the formation of cognitive motivation in preschoolers. One of the goals of the teaching staff to use project activities is the unification of all participants in the educational process (children, parents, teachers).

Inclusion of preschoolers in project activities allows you to develop an independent and responsive personality, develops creative beginnings And intellectual abilities, promotes the formation of determination, perseverance, teaches how to overcome emerging difficulties and problems, communicate with peers and adults.

Main goal design method is the development of the free creative personality of the child, which is determined by the tasks of development and the tasks of research children's activities.

Development objectives:

Ensuring the psychological well-being and health of children;

Development of cognitive abilities;

Development of creative imagination;

Development of creative thinking;

Development of communication skills.

What gives project activities for each participant?

Children’s cooperation occurs in a socially significant situation, so each child has the opportunity to demonstrate their individual abilities and realize their individual cognitive interests.

Parents develop a positive active parental position and a trusting attitude towards the educational institution, and parental competence develops. Parents taking part in project activities preschool institutions:

We established close contact not only with our child, but also with the team of parents and children of the group;

We got the opportunity not only to learn about what the child does in kindergarten, but also to take an active part in the life of the group;

We were able to realize our creative abilities.

Teachers are given the opportunity to actively and creatively express themselves. Educators who use in their activity project method:

Show the ability to independently creatively plan the entire educational process;

Have the ability to take a flexible approach to planning, taking into account the interests and needs of children;

Carry out search pedagogical activity;

Realize their creative skills (in visual arts, literature, music) activities).

Design the method is unique and good because it can be used in working with children in different sections of the program "Rainbow", include various techniques and technologies. In my practice I use the following types projects:

Research - creative projects: children experiment, and then the results are presented in the form of newspapers, dramatization, children's design;

Role-playing games projects(with elements of creative games, when children take on the characters of a fairy tale and solve the problems in their own way);

Information-practice-oriented projects: children collect information and implement it, focusing on social interests (decoration and design of the group, stained glass, etc.);

Creative projects in kindergarten(format the result in the form children's party, children's design, For example "Theater Week").

Technology design, which I strive to form the basis of the entire educational process in kindergarten, contributes to the introduction of new ideas into the development of content and methods of teaching and education, it gives the child the opportunity to experiment and synthesize acquired knowledge. Develop creativity and communication skills, which allows him to successfully adapt to the changed situation of school learning.


Sample work plan for a teacher to prepare project

1. Based on the studied problems of children, set a goal project.

2. Develop a plan to achieve the goal (the teacher discusses the plan with the parents).

3. Involvement of specialists in the implementation of relevant sections project.

4. Drawing up a diagram project.

5. Collection, accumulation of material.

6. Including a diagram in the plan lesson project, games and other types children's activities.

7. Homework for independent completion.

8. Presentation project, open lesson.

Main stages of the method projects

1. Goal setting: the teacher helps the child choose the most relevant and feasible task for him for a certain period of time.

2. Development project - an action plan to achieve a goal:

Who to turn to for help (adult, teacher);

What sources can you find information from?

What items to use (accessories, equipment);

What objects should you learn to work with to achieve your goal?

3. Execution project– practical part.

4. Summing up - identifying tasks for new projects.

Publications on the topic:

1. introduction, "Greetings". Hello, dear parents. I would like to express the hope that we will spend an interesting evening today.

Consultation for teachers “Project activities in kindergarten” The concept of a project first arose in the Roman architectural school of the 16th century to refer to sketches and plans. Gradually this concept began to be used.

Project activities in kindergarten Project activities in kindergarten. “Any education reform must be based on the individual. If we follow this.

Project activities in kindergarten Design is a complex activity, the participants of which automatically master new concepts and ideas about various areas.

Hurray, spring has come! I greet you, dear friends, and congratulate you on the beginning of a new stage in our lives - warm, sunny and full of hope. As usual, his owner Tatyana Sukhikh is on duty at the blog. With the arrival of spring, inspiration appeared to create something! Let it be something useful, for example, a project at a preschool educational institution on some non-standard topic. Yes, yes, we also write projects with children, can you imagine?

The project sounds somehow official and scientific, doesn’t it? But in fact, this word hides the name of one of the methods for implementing tasks for the development and training of preschoolers. Project activities consist of working together teacher, parents and children studying some issue.

The purpose and purpose of the projects is to promote the development of independent thinking in children, the ability to make decisions, look for answers, plan, foresee the result and learn to cooperate with other people. The teacher gives some task to the children, feasible for their age, and teaches how to solve it and how to present the result of the solution.

Preschoolers cannot develop a project on their own; in kindergarten we do everything together. Typically, this type of activity is purely educational in nature; we use the project as a tool for learning, gaining knowledge and enriching life experience. This method has only recently begun to be used in preschool education; it is considered progressive and effective for modern children.

Active parents can easily do this simple task at home; I will describe in detail the types, topics, and structure. Development and learning in preschool format is carried out mainly through play activities, so projects have a creative, playful orientation. The most effective is group research activities of children.

The topics of the projects are very diverse.

Well, for example, a popular theme for children’s projects is “ Family Tree" or "My family." This project can be implemented in different ways - in the form of a collective panel with photographs of the family of each child in the group, or a painted large tree, or an exhibition of children's works on the theme of the children's family.

The point is not to give children a finished project, but to give them a topic and help them determine the path for implementing the project: what materials to use, who to ask for help, how to design the project product, how to present it. Moreover, this applies not only to children of the senior and preparatory groups. Kids also do projects that they can handle.

For those who want to create a project according to all the rules

The peculiarities of the pedagogical and educational system in Russia are such that every step we take must be strictly in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Therefore, even such a creative task as writing a project requires compliance methodological recommendations Ministries.

In order not to search for information for a long time, I suggest “registering” in my favorite online store “UchMag”, since there is absolutely any methodological literature, including excellent manuals on our topic:

  • “Projects in preschool educational institutions: practice of teaching children 3-7 years old”;
  • “Innovative pedagogical technologies. Project method in preschool educational institutions";
  • “Projects in preschool educational institutions: theory and practice of child development”;
  • “Projects in preschool educational institutions. Practice of teaching children 3-7 years old. Program for installation via the Internet";
  • “Preschool educational institution development program. CD for computer: innovative educational project";
  • “Environmental projects in preschool educational institutions. Research activities on walks";
  • Offline webinar “Technology for organizing project activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards for Additional Education”.

For preschool teachers, that is, a preschool educational institution, taking into account modern requirements to a preschool teacher, such manuals are just a treasure. Here is everything you need for proper planning and implementation pedagogical activity: how to draw up a project, what to take into account, how to present the results, etc.

Types of projects in kindergarten

In the current practice of modern kindergartens, we use the following types of projects:

  • Research with a creative bent: the guys find out some information, for example, why snow melts in the spring, and the results are presented in the form of drawings, wall newspapers, staged skits, etc.;
  • Creative tasks are also educational in nature, but the results of the research are presented in the form of a theatrical performance, a performance, or a children's party;
  • Social and informational: the guys research the subject of the project and draw up the result in the form of a newspaper, folder, poster, installation;
  • Role-playing or gaming: children solve a project task using a fairy tale familiar to them, getting used to the roles of the characters, presenting the result of the research in the form of a role-playing plot.

According to the method of project implementation, they are divided into group, individual, intergroup, and complex.

In terms of implementation time, projects can be short-term (one lesson), medium-duration (1-2 lessons) and long-term (the entire academic year or half-year).

It may seem, especially to parents, that these projects are too difficult for preschoolers. But, I repeat, preschoolers are just getting acquainted with this type of activity, preparing for independent research that they will conduct at school.

You've probably seen foreign films where children prepare some projects, often making volcanoes, various devices, and bringing them to school pet and talk about him? Such types of activities are extremely useful for children, as they broaden their horizons, activate cognitive activity, reveal creative and scientific abilities.

The name - projects - sounds very serious and pompous to our post-Soviet ears. In fact, for children this is just one type of work that requires research and presentation of the result. Both short-term and long-term projects are designed to increase the child’s self-esteem, since initially the adult is determined to recognize the value of any result of the child’s research.

The point is not to get an ideal research result from a child, say, on the topic of a favorite toy. The point is to instill in him an interest in research and analysis of the processes that occur around us. Arousing curiosity and healthy curiosity in children is the task of children's projects.

What exactly is the work on the project?

The stages of work on a children's project in kindergarten come down to preparation on the part of the teacher and implementation through the joint efforts of adults and children:

  • Determining the goals and objectives of the project is the work of the educator, who must choose the topic of the project in such a way as to solve a problem with its help. For example, to give kids deeper knowledge about natural phenomena (rain, wind) or to reinforce the names of the days of the week, seasons, colors, etc.

Having determined the goal, the teacher voices it in front of the children. Together we choose the final product of the project - a poster, an album, a holiday, a performance. The type of product depends on the type of project and goals, of course. At this stage, children are faced with the following tasks: to understand and enter into a problem, to enter into a game situation (since the main type of learning in kindergarten is play).

The main thing that the teacher must achieve is to awaken activity in children and direct them to find ways to solve the problem. For example, we want to learn more flower names. At the first stage of working on the project, children, with the help of the teacher, must get involved in the implementation of the project and present the final product, it can be a panel, a bouquet of paper flowers, an applique, or a drawing.

  • Work on the implementation of the project: we need to jointly draw up a work plan, that is, motivate the children to independently determine how to implement their plan. Who should I turn to for help (my parents, of course), what materials to use, where to look for answers to questions?

The children are divided into groups and distribute tasks among themselves, with the help of the teacher, of course.

The tasks to be accomplished at this stage are to create a favorable environment for creative searches, involve children in joint activities, encourage independent thinking. In the planning process, children train logical thinking and develop ingenuity.

  • Actually, work on the practical implementation of the project’s objectives: depending on the goal, according to the plan, we carry out project tasks step by step and design the final product, for example, an exhibition. We make a presentation in front of parents or conditional experts.
  • Let's summarize: what worked, did not work. This is for the teacher. He notes the effectiveness of the project for himself and outlines topics for further projects.

What does the project look like on paper?

It is clear that the teacher must know how to write a project, since everything that we do in the group must be documented, so to speak.

As I have said more than once, to make your life easier, it is logical to make a blank, a template and simply enter the necessary information.

What must be written in the content of the project:

  • Title, topic, tasks, type of project. It’s not difficult here: the name is in tune with the topic, and the tasks go beyond the topic. But there may be universal goals for all projects: social, cognitive, physical, aesthetic development of children according to age. You already know the types of projects;
  • Statement of the problem: also depends on the topic of the project. If this concerns the topic of the Motherland, then the problem can be formulated as follows: find out from the children what the Motherland is, what it means for each person. It can be noted that there is insufficient awareness of children on this issue and low interest of parents in the formation of patriotism in children;
  • Activities within the project: if it’s a short-term project, then we write down what we plan to do in one lesson. Long-term ones involve many different activities: classes, conversations, consultations with parents, excursions, reading literature, applied activities;
  • Resources for project implementation: we list them methodological literature, materials of the method room;
  • Form of the final product: exhibition, presentation, celebration, open lesson. Perhaps you will find innovative forms of the product that no one has done before;
  • Analytical note: write an analysis of the problem, briefly, why the implementation of this project is important for each participant, for children, parents, and teachers. For example, that now there is a decrease in patriotism, a loss of interest in the history of the homeland, the history of one’s family, etc. And the project will make children and adults aware of their involvement in their homeland;
  • Stages of project implementation: I already wrote about this above, it’s not worth repeating, I think;
  • The result of the project is based on goals and objectives.

What's left behind the scenes?

More than one Talmud could be written on this topic, about projects. But another time. I will only add that I would like parents to understand: today there is serious problem in our children. This is low communication skills, lack of curiosity, lack of independence, passivity. Our main task is to teach children to communicate, interact with other people, independently look for a way out of any situation, and be able to act appropriately to the situation.

Projects are divided by type of activity:

  • Creative and research projects that allow children to experiment and display the results visually in the form of wall newspapers, stands, etc.
  • Role-playing projects that allow game form solve assigned tasks in the form of characters.
  • Information projects, which make it possible to collect information, analyze and display it on stands, stained glass windows, etc.

Finished projects

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Projects to improve the territory of kindergartens
  • Traffic regulations, road traffic, traffic lights. Projects, plans, reports

Showing publications 1-10 of 42963.
All sections | Projects. Project activities in kindergarten

Project “Global Scientist” Introduction…………………………………………………………………….… 3 Main part……………………………………………………………… ………….4- I. Biography of Rameev Bashir Iskandarovich………4- 7 II. Outstanding invention of the scientist Rameev. 5-III. Chief designer Uralov…………………………………IV. Memory.……………………………………………………… 6-7...

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Projects. Project activity in kindergarten - Project “Our friend is a traffic light!”

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

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Projects. Project activity in kindergarten - Ecological project “Underwater World”

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In kindergarten.

Intensive changes in the surrounding life, the active penetration of scientific and technological progress into all its spheres dictate to the teacher the need to choose more effective means of teaching and education based on modern methods and new integrated technologies. One of the promising methods to help solve this problem is project activity method.

Project activity is an independent and joint activity of adults and children in planning and organizing pedagogical process within a specific topic that has a socially significant result. This is a method of pedagogically organized development by a child environment, is a link in the education system, in the chain of the personality development program.

Project specifics is its complex integrated nature (eg: interconnection environmental education with aesthetic, economic education; practical orientation, inclusion of the child in creative activity, organization of child interaction with the social urban environment). The project is implemented in a playful way, involving children in various types of creative and practically significant activities, in direct contact with various objects of the social environment (excursions, meetings with people different professions, games on objects of the social environment, practically useful things).

Main goal The project method in preschool institutions is the development of the free creative personality of the child, which is determined by the developmental tasks and tasks of the children’s research activities.

Development objectives:

    ensuring the psychological well-being and health of children; development of cognitive abilities; development of creative imagination; development of creative thinking; development of communication skills.

The tasks of research activities are specific for each age.

In early preschool age this is:

· children’s entry into a problematic play situation (the leading role of the teacher);

· activating the desire to look for ways to resolve a problem situation (together with the teacher);

· formation of initial prerequisites for research activities (practical experiments).

In older preschool age this is:

· formation of prerequisites for search activity and intellectual initiative;

· developing the ability to identify possible methods of solving a problem with the help of an adult, and then independently;

· developing the ability to apply these methods to help solve the problem, using various options;

· developing a desire to use special terminology, conducting a constructive conversation in the process of joint research activities.

The following are used in the practice of modern preschool institutions: types of projects:

Research and creative : children experiment, and then the results are presented in the form of newspapers, dramatization, children's design;

“Tree”, “In the Footsteps of Christmas Tree Decorations”

Role-playing games : ( with elements of creative games, when children take on the characters of a fairy tale and solve the problems in their own way);

S. r game “Sea Cruise”, “Visiting Grandma”.

Information-practice-oriented : children collect information and implement it, focusing on social interests (decoration and design of the group, stained glass windows, etc.);

“Let’s decorate the group for the holiday”, “Knizhkina Hospital”

Creative: (design of the result in the form of a children's party. Children's design, e.g. “theater week”

Ø Creative (6 – 7 years)

All aspects of the child’s personality are intensively formed: moral, intellectual, emotional-volitional, effective-practical. The role of an adult is the development and support of children’s creative activity, creating conditions that allow them to independently determine the goals and content of upcoming activities. Choose ways to work on the project and organize it, determine development prospects.

Project activities with preschoolers require compliance with a certain sequence of stages:

Selecting the topic of the project, its type, number of participants Statement of the problem. Setting a goal. Thinking through the steps to achieve the goal, forms, methods of work, distribution of roles. Independent work of project participants on their tasks. Interim discussion of the data obtained. Project protection. Group discussion. Results of external assessment, conclusions.

The topic and problem are formulated either by the teacher, based on the interests of the children, and the children accept it; or children with the help leading questions adult. In kindergarten, project topics should be based on the reproduction of home life: housing, equipment, family relationships, responsibilities of family members, work of adults. The theme then expands to the reproduction of social life.

The main condition is that design should be aimed at applying existing knowledge and acquiring new ones. (eg, when the children build houses for their dolls, the teacher puts forward the idea of ​​placing them nearby - a street appears. The street should have a name, the houses should have numbers. The teacher shows the children letters and numbers - new knowledge is acquired.

The teacher helps children plan activities, organizes activities to solve problems through experimentation and modeling. Organizes work on the project in stages: directs the search for solutions, experimentation, substantive - speech activity, productive, research. Provides practical assistance (as needed). Parents of preschool children can be involved in the implementation of the project. They will help children collect and arrange materials. Project defense competitions should not be held among preschoolers. Good form– project festivals, because the pursuit of quantity and prizes has a bad effect on the very idea of ​​the project. In each project you need to see and note something good, to create a situation of success for each child.

Thus, the project method is relevant and very effective. It gives the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize acquired knowledge, develop creativity and communication skills, which allows him to successfully adapt to the changed situation of schooling

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