Message about the name Alena. Famous people named Alena. What zodiac sign does the name Alena go to?

IN this material you will find information about the meaning male name Alik, his origin, history, you will learn about the options for interpreting the name.

Origin and meaning of the name Alena

The name Alena has several versions of its origin. The most commonly used version is that it is derived from female name Helen, which has Greek roots and means “light” or “radiance.” Another version points to Ancient Rus', where the pagan goddess of the dawn existed. And the name was interpreted as sunny, beautiful, scarlet, chosen. There are other options for translating this name from the Old Russian language - bewitching, attractive, spiritual.

There is an opinion that the name Alena came to Rus' from the ancient Caucasian tribes who called themselves Alans and are now considered the founders of Ossetia.

Interestingly, this name has translations from different languages and quite beautiful. So from Yakut it is translated as “rain rustling on the river.” From Hebrew it means “oak”, in Greek it means “torch”. Transfer from Belarusian language- “scarlet flower”.

Love named Alena

Alena associates this feeling with sympathy and sacrifice. Possessing great charm, many men like her madly, but she reciprocates only when she is sure that he needs her support and compassion. She has many fans, she is a very amorous person, but she is looking for a man who would respect her, have enormous authority in her eyes, and then she will give him not only her body, but also her soul. She values ​​spiritual fusion more than physical fusion, therefore she does not respond so passionately to love, which for her is rather sacrificial, and in return she expects the same.

Sexuality of the name Alena

Despite her high sexual potential, Alena often does not receive satisfaction in sex for fear of being misunderstood. The rules of decency and lack of imagination place her within strict limits, preventing her from getting full pleasure from sexual relations. But such dissatisfaction accumulates and sooner or later an explosion occurs when the partner simply does not always recognize such a reserved and cold Alena. Alena approaches the choice of a partner carefully and prudently. She will never allow anything unnecessary with the first person she meets. Before starting an intimate relationship, she thoroughly gets to know the candidate for her bed. Being married, she can afford a couple of short affairs on the side, out of a desire to prove her worth as a still young and attractive person.

Marriage and family named Alena

Having found a man who will love, respect and appreciate her, Alena becomes a good, caring mother, wife and housewife. She has order, peace and comfort in her house, and despite her dislike for culinary delights, the family is always fed tasty and satisfying food. She does not demand anything impossible from her husband; she can make do with what she has. More immersed in her emotional experiences, Alena pays little attention to everyday troubles.

Business and career

This woman can find herself in the role of an excellent leader, although too demanding, an actress, translator or artist. She has an excellent ability to quickly find and make decisions in any given situation. But he hates bureaucratic red tape, chaos and boring routine work.

The meaning of the name Alena in character

While still a very little girl, Alena already has her own opinion and demands that those around her take it into account. But otherwise, she is a fairly calm and kind child. The baby gets along well with all her peers, which cannot be said about the girl who goes by the name Elena. Alena has been a big flirt since a young age and loves to dress up in her mother’s clothes. Even though it's different good character, she has her own independent judgments, which she largely copies from her father. Parents have to make a lot of effort to convince little Alena. Regarding the girl’s health, parents do not often have to consult doctors. In many ways, she is helped by the desire to spend her holidays actively, on the street.

Teen Alena

The girl has no problems at school. Having a good memory, she grasps everything on the fly and this can lead to the fact that Alena will not be able to understand things on her own in the future. educational material. By the way, this is where parents’ help comes in handy. At school, there may be disagreements with peers or teachers, since this child has his own clear idea of ​​everything, and it is very difficult to convince him. She seeks to impose her vision on everyone, without listening to counter arguments. But basically, Alena is a cheerful and sociable girl, she knows how to quickly establish contacts with the most by different people, doesn't like to be bored. But it happens that her mood changes sharply and she withdraws into herself.

However, despite her open and cheerful character, she, without realizing it, skillfully manipulates people. But for her this is a natural process, she has become accustomed to it from an early age. Only those closest to her know what Alena really is like. Although she does not show it, deep down in her nature she considers herself better than everyone else, so she often feels envious of other people’s successes.

When Alena becomes a girl, she can gain a lot of weight, which is due to hormonal changes in the body. It is important not to miss the moment and follow the doctor’s advice.

Career, business and money

The main areas of career and business that may seriously interest Alena are economics, philosophy and design. Specializing in one type of activity, Alena devotes herself completely to work - she quickly learns and gets on her feet.

But for this psychotype it is preferable that work activity did not assume strict time schedules, then she feels like a fish in water, becoming more successful and quickly developing her business. Such mobility and love of freedom are dictated by the need to snatch time for beloved household members with their problems.

Marriage and family

Alena's chosen one is captivated by her kindness, openness and generosity. Mutual interest and the rapid development of relationships very quickly lead partners to the decision to tie their lives together.

At first family life Alena is a person of mood. Most often it is caring and loving wife, but at times misunderstandings occur in marriage due to unreasonable whims and irritability. Alena is always the first to smooth out the conflict, believing that her chosen one is the only, most beloved husband and father in her life.

She can be a leader in the family, but if she understands that there is a strong and self-sufficient man nearby, she easily gives up this position. Alena is a wonderful wife if there is no place for boredom and monotony in family life. And when children appear, she becomes a model of a loving wife and mother.

Sex and love

The woman is erotic and sexy, she belongs to the category of conquerors of men's hearts. Playful and temperamental, with an irrepressible imagination, she chooses a sex partner who can realize all her ideas.

In love, Alena does not tolerate violence; she is impressed by freedom. Therefore, living with a partner in the same territory, sometimes he strives to leave it for a short time in order to “get bored.” According to the woman, in such a situation the relationship only gets stronger, and sex brings new and unique sensations.

At least in ordinary life Alena is independent; in sex she always yields to her partner, having weighed his strength and temperament in advance. Not being in a close relationship with the man she likes, a woman subconsciously understands whether he will suit her in bed.


At a young age, girls and young women with this name may have minor problems with overweight. But the task of losing weight is always solvable for them, since these are the type of people who simply cannot imagine their life without active rest and sports.

Having already become a woman, Alena, due to her vulnerability and concern for her loved ones, may be prone to nervous breakdowns and depression. In such cases, a strong character comes to the rescue, which allows you to quickly and independently recover. Among chronic diseases Pulmonary pathologies and diseases of the genitourinary system may be observed.

Interests and hobbies

Alena is a person who gets carried away quickly and cools down just as quickly. In addition to active recreation and sports, she can only be captivated by creativity. Since a woman is always “in character” in life, her hobbies can be cinema or theater, art or computer graphics, and drawing.

Alena has no permanent hobbies - she quickly learns something new and immediately moves away from it, looking for other hobbies. The only truly lasting hobby for a woman can be creating a cozy homely atmosphere in her apartment, implementing creative design and constantly improving it.

The meaning of the name Alena. Detailed description origin and characteristics of the owners of this name.

Alyona- a feminine, sophisticated and attractive woman who, even in old age, remains a young soul. The owners of this name are very cheerful, energetic, sociable and friendly. They easily make contact with strangers and, what is most interesting, sometimes even turn their enemies into true friends.

What does the name Alena mean according to the church calendar?

Alena according to the church calendar

Although some sources consider the name Alen to be Slavic, in church calendar it is missing. This is due to the fact that it was worn by a woman who practiced magic. And since this was strictly prohibited in the 18th century, she was simply excommunicated from the church and her name was crossed out from the calendar. That is why if you decide to name your daughter this beautiful name, then at baptism she will be named Elena.

This name will be translated as Light or Shining. If you do not want your child to be given this name, then if you wish, you can choose another one in the Saints. True, you must remember that in order for your child to really receive heavenly protection, it is better to give preference to those Holy women who are revered either on the girl’s birthday or, as a last resort, the next day.

Patron saint named Alena

Holy Queen Helen

Although it was mentioned above that the name Alena is not in church calendar, A holy woman bearing this name once existed. Some sources claim that she was brutally tortured and then killed by her own father only because she did not worship the pagan Gods, but sacredly believed in the Almighty.

At first, the father tried to persuade his daughter to obey the same God's laws as he did, and when he realized that it was useless, he took the sin upon his soul and took the life of his own child. Later he realized what he had done, converted to Christianity and built a chapel in honor of his murdered daughter. This chapel still houses an icon depicting Helen of Brussels.

According to the church calendar, the patrons of Alen are:

  • Holy Queen Equal to the Apostles Elena
  • Elena Diveevskaya
  • Helen the Martyr, daughter of the Apostle Alpheus
  • Elena Equal to the Apostles Princess of Russia
  • Venerable Elena of Serbia

The secret of the name Alena

The secret of the name Alena

Little Alenas are always very kind girls who always obey their elders in everything. IN preschool age they are ideal children. They are very smart, diligent, hardworking and sociable. As a rule, the owners of this name begin to read and count even before entering school, and some even study foreign languages.

For this reason, parents take them to first grade with great confidence that their child will delight them with exceptionally good grades. But as practice shows, Alena stops studying at school and throughout this period they simply force themselves to do what they are supposed to do. But still, this attitude towards learning does not prevent them from choosing prestigious profession and get a good job.

In this case, their natural charisma, lively mind and sociability help them. If you have the impression that the girl wearing given name, is a fluffy bunny, then you are deeply mistaken. If she understands that she is in even the slightest danger, she almost instantly turns into a cunning and resourceful tigress who can hurt anyone who tries to encroach on her peace of mind.

What nationality is the name Alena?

Nationality named after Alena

There are many different versions of the appearance of this beautiful and sonorous name. Some sources claim that it has Slavic roots and dates back to the times when tribes roamed the world. One of them was called Alena. Since it was very warlike, powerful and brave, the name that came from it was deciphered as Victorious or Conqueror.

There is also a version that the name Alena has Jewish roots and originated from the word Alon. It also meant power and was translated as Strong Oak. In addition, some sources claim that this name also has ancient Russian roots. During pagan times, people worshiped the Goddess Alena, who was considered the mistress of the morning dawn. And to please her, they began to name their daughters in her honor, thereby contributing to the spread of this name throughout the entire territory of the earth.

Name Alena: meaning and popularity

I would like to say right away that the name Alena is not particularly popular among young parents. Some of them consider it too uninteresting, while others are frightened by the fact that it is not in the modern church calendar. In view of all this, this name is not even included in the 50 most popular names in our country. As practice shows, most of the girls were named Alena in the period from 1970 to 2000.

Meaning of the name:

  • A- helps a girl make all her dreams come true
  • L- reveals artistic talents
  • E- helps a girl express her thoughts more correctly
  • N- enhances the internal energy of the owner of the name
  • A- repeat

Alena - decoding of the name from Greek

Above we have already told you about Slavic and Jewish origin name. And no matter how strange it may sound, some historical sources confirm that it was very popular in Ancient Greece. In this country it was associated with fire or warmth, so it was most often translated as Torch or Light.

Name Alena in English, in different languages

  • English- Helena, Nell, Nella, Lenny
  • German- Helenchen, Helika, Lenel
  • French- Helen, Nellie
  • Spanish- Elena, Elenita, Elya
  • Portuguese- Leninya, Leni
  • Italian- Ellena, Elline
  • Belorussian- Lena, Lenachka, Alenka, Altsya
  • Polish- Helena, Helya
  • Scottish- Eileen, Eila
  • Finnish- Ellu, Helya

How is the name Alena written in a foreign passport?

Many travelers who are applying for a passport for the first time in their lives to travel abroad completely rely on passport officers and do not check how correctly their name is entered in the official document. Unfortunately, even these specialists make mistakes, and as a result, the person is not allowed into the country.

So that you don't have an issue either similar problem, be sure to make sure that your Russian name written in the official document in Latin. The name Alena must be entered in the passport as ALENA.

Alena: what is an abbreviated short name, a diminutive pet name?

Shortened forms of the name:

Affectionate forms of the name:

  • Alenchik
  • Alyonushka
  • Alenka
  • Alenusya
  • Lenushka
  • Lelechka

Alena: the meaning of the name character and fate

Adult Alena is very different from what she was like as a child. From a quiet and calm child, she turns into a young girl, ready to go towards her goal no matter what. She becomes as purposeful and efficient as possible and does everything to achieve what she wants.

Moreover, her internal strength is enough for her to be able to quite calmly do several things at once. A small disadvantage of the character of Alain adults is their impulsiveness and excessive emotionality. They are the ones who prevent girls from looking soberly at what is happening around them and accepting right decisions. And it is for this reason that sometimes they agree to not very good propositions and find themselves in situations that ground them for a while.

But even such sudden steps of fate do not break Alena. She is the type of person who knows how to pull herself together and start doing everything again. Usually the owners of this name achieve a certain status in life, although on the way to independence and wealth they often lose almost all their friends.

Name Alena: sexuality, marriage

Young Alena is very amorous and fickle. Today it seems to her that she loves her boyfriend, and tomorrow she has no feelings for him at all. But all this does not mean that this girl cannot love one man. She’s just so picky that if something irritates her in her partner’s behavior, then it’s easier for her to cut him out of her life than to waste her time and rebuild it for herself.

But when Alena truly falls in love, she does everything so that her chosen one is surrounded by care and attention. For owners of this name, thrift is laid down on a subconscious level. Therefore, if they have a loved one, they spare no effort or time to cook something tasty for him or simply clean his apartment.

TO intimate relationships Alena moves on with men quite quickly, but still does everything so that those around her don’t know for as long as possible how close she is to her chosen one. Girls with this name get married very early, but if they meet a patient and kind man, then they will happily live with him all their lives.

Name Alena: health and psyche

Most often, the owners of this name do not even know what doctors are. Since Alena's adults are very active, he walks a lot in the fresh air or plays some kind of sport. And this is what allows their body to more effectively cut off pathogens of various diseases.

The only one vulnerable spot of girls with this name is the back. But still, if a representative of the fair sex literally immediately tries to eliminate the cause of the pathology, she will be able to forget about it once and for all. As for Alena’s psyche, everything is fine with her.

This girl’s nervous system quite calmly endures the most severe shocks and, best of all, literally in a matter of days she moral condition comes back to normal. This happens because Alena simply does not focus on something bad. If she finds herself in an unpleasant situation, she tries to quickly figure it out and again enjoys life with all her might.

What middle name suits a girl’s name Alena?

In principle, almost all middle names are ideal for Alena. The only exception is the patronymic Andreevna. It affects the owner of this name Negative influence and as a result, the worst qualities begin to dominate in her character.

As a rule, Alena Andreevna is a rather lazy and mercantile person who only thinks about making her feel good. She treats the person who cares about her as a consumer, without giving this person either warmth or respect in return.

Alena: compatibility with male names

In order for Alena to feel happy, she must have a strong-willed man next to her who can sometimes calm her down. Olegs, Boriss and Sergei have such energy.

These men, despite their slightly tough character, are very gentle towards the one they have chosen as their partner. As a rule, they always manage to cool down the ardor of their chosen one and show her in which direction to move next.

In addition, Alena is suitable for:

  • Eugene
  • Valery
  • Borislav
  • Alexander

When is Alena’s name day, Angel’s Day according to the Orthodox calendar?

At the very beginning of our article, we already mentioned that there is no such name as Alena in the Church Saints. That is why Angel Day of the owner of this name is celebrated on the days of veneration of Holy women with the name Elena.


  • March 19
  • June 3
  • July 24
  • 10th of August
  • September 17
  • November 12

Happy Angel Day for Alena: short in verse and prose

Happy Angel Day for Alena
  • Dear Alena! You are like a bright sun to me that warms my soul. On your name day, I want to wish you that you continue to exude light and warmth, and always remain as kind and beautiful.
  • Happy Angel Day Alyonushka! I would like to wish you good health, good financial well-being and, of course, simple female happiness. Be happy my dearest and closest person.

Song with the name Alena

Tattoo for Alena: photo

Tattoo for Alena

Pendant with the name Alena made of gold: photo

Pendant No. 1

Pendant No. 2

Name Alena: intuition, intelligence

Although Alena does not particularly like to read, she is intellectually developed quite normally. Thanks to the fact that modern owners of this name are familiar with computers, all necessary information they learn from the internet just by talking to people on various forums. It is easier for such girls to experience the world in this way. Therefore, instead of learning English in courses, they make an online acquaintance with an Englishman and begin to communicate intensively with him.

The most interesting thing is that thanks to their intuition they even find on the World Wide Web the right people who will help them in their endeavors in the future. But don’t think that Alena spends all her time in front of a computer monitor. She communicates a lot with real people and does it with great pleasure.

Name Alena: hobbies, activities, business

All Alenas, without exception, categorically do not accept hard physical labor, so they usually choose professions that require only mental stress. Most often they work as economists, teachers, psychiatrists, historians or social workers. If the chosen profession involves a consolidated schedule, then the owner of this name feels completely satisfied and happy.

But it’s best for Alena not to get involved in business. As practice shows, they very quickly get tired of frequent business trips and business meetings and stop investing both their strength and new finances in their brainchild. Alain's business flourishes only if someone gently pushes her to further action.

What zodiac sign does the name Alena go to?

Zodiac signs suitable for Alen

It’s probably not even worth talking about how much the stars influence our lives. That is why if you want to smooth out as much as possible the negative impact that they can have on a person, then try to correctly combine the zodiac signs and name.

Zodiac signs suitable for Alena:

  • Twins. They will help the owner of this name to be as witty, energetic and optimistic as possible. All these character traits will contribute to the fact that Alena will go through life very easily.
  • Scales. They will contribute to the fact that the girl bearing this name will be able to correctly show others her inner world and as a result, only the right people will be drawn to her.
  • Fish. They will make Alena a sensitive and gentle woman who will strive to help all those around her.

Talisman stone for the name Alena

Alena, like all other extraordinary personalities, is suitable for the aventurine stone. It helps the owners of this name to look at their surroundings more soberly, thereby giving them the opportunity to understand from the first time what they need to do next. In addition, this pebble is capable of attracting the fair sex to her true soul mate.

Flower, plant, tree-talisman for the name Alena

garden rose

It is believed that the common garden rose has the best effect on Allen. This flower has a calming effect on them and, as a result, they commit much less rash actions.

The tree talisman of the owners of this name is cherry. She energetically tunes them to strong marriage and respect for your partner.

Totem animal named Alena

The totem animal of all Alen is the king of beasts - the Lion. Since it embodies the strength, beauty and invincibility of the spirit, it energetically charges the owner of this name with perseverance, fearlessness and love of life.

Numerology of the name Alena

Numerology of the name Alena

Alena's life is controlled by a unit. It is she who makes her move forward and try to achieve good results in the most difficult matters. She makes good partners out of Alain, ready to sacrifice their well-being in order to to a loved one it was nice.

Nickname for the name Alena

  • Miss whimsical
  • Shining star
  • Proud wolf
  • A girl with a complex character
  • Cunning angel
  • Charming nymph

Famous people, celebrities named Alena: photos

Alena Babenko

Alena Apina

Alena Khmelnitskaya

Video: ALYONA. Meaning and Interpretation of the name

Alena - from Greek “fiery”, “shining”, “scarlet”, “torch”.

History of the origin of the name Alena

It is traditionally believed that the name Alena is a modified form of the name Elena. Translated from the ancient Greek “hele” - sunlight, and “helenos” means fiery, torch, scarlet. However modern research came to the conclusion that these two names are absolutely unrelated and have different roots of origin. Alena is Old Russian name. Alyons or Alans are warlike ancient tribes that lived on the territory of Russia during pagan times, whose symbol was fire and sword. Besides, in Ancient Rus' Among the pagans, Alena was the name of the goddess of the dawn. In the colloquial version, the name sounded like Olena, later it became an independent, very common Russian name Alena.

Alena does not have an Angel Day, so the name is not considered a church name, it is not in the calendar. At baptism, girls with the name Alena are named Elena. Therefore, Alena’s patron saints are the same as Elena’s: Saint Queen Helena, who devoted herself to religion, and Saint Helena. Alena celebrates Angel Day on Elena’s name day: January 28, March 19, June 3, June 8, July 24, August 10, November 12.

Short form of the name: Alyonka, Alyonushka Lena, Lesya, Alya, Lena, Lenusya, Elenka.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Alena

The energy of the name Alena contains powerful life potential, endowing its owner with charisma, strength, determination, along with childlike spontaneity and simplicity. Alena is sincere, cheerful and incredibly sweet. She attracts others like a magnet, because her name means light and warmth. This is an active, insightful and unpredictable woman who always has her own opinion, which she adheres to; it is unlikely that it will be possible to impose a different opinion on her. Among strangers can be reserved and cautious. Among family and friends she is sociable, open and trusting. Alena simply does not know how to be cunning and cunning, she openly expresses her feelings, emotions, and has a good disposition. It’s not for nothing that Russian heroines folk tales Those with these qualities were called Alyonushka. Most often, Alena inherits her father’s character and can be categorical and persistent.

Character traits of the name Alena

Alena is cheerful and cheerful person, she seems to radiate Inner Light and warmth. Her energy and optimism energize everyone around her; it is calm and pleasant to be around her. Friends and family love her for her sincere feelings, simplicity and ability to support her in Hard time. She has amazing ability empathize and sympathize, will always be able to help with deeds or give useful advice. It’s enough to talk to her, to be close to her, and all the problems seem insignificant and solvable. But if she is offended or her pride is hurt, she becomes withdrawn, avoids communicating with the offender and experiences negative emotions for a long time.

Alena is incredibly feminine, she has an easy-going easy character, knows how to be weak and defenseless, thereby winning men’s hearts. But this is only externally; in fact, she has a strong inner core, she can stand up for herself, defend her opinion. At the right moments in life, he shows determination, courage and perseverance. Alena has high, not inflated self-esteem, she is demanding of herself, but she treats people more loyally and expects the same attitude towards herself. The indifference and inattention of people upsets her. Impudence, aggression, and envy are alien to her. One of Alena's shortcomings is her curiosity and inability to keep other people's secrets. Therefore, she often finds herself in an awkward position and loves to chat and gossip.

Possessing excessive emotionality and impressionability, she is prone to frequent mood changes: from sentimentality, causeless sadness to bright emotional outbursts. Alena is an active girl who loves change, a change of scenery, travel and vivid impressions that charge her with even more vital energy. He cannot sit in one place for a long time, he gets tired of the monotony and everyday life.

Alena's family and love relationships

Alena's femininity and mystery are very attractive to the opposite sex. She is bathing in male attention, knows how to manipulate men, is well versed with male psychology. Her high self-esteem, ability to dress tastefully and look good, external defenselessness and fragility attracts strong half humanity. Men want to protect a sweet girl and become her support. She is a flirt, loves to flirt, thereby often giving hope to a man, without considering him as a candidate for creation. Serious relationships. Choosing a partner for life together, first of all, draws attention to his rich inner world, sincerity, nobility, kindness and generosity. Material question for her on last place, may well marry a poor man young man and be happy with him. Alena’s feeling of love is associated with suffering; she is ready to sacrifice her well-being and interests in the name of love. Expects the same sacrifice and return from his partner. She's the kind of woman who can refuse successful career, move to the ends of the world for the sake of your beloved man and family.

In marriage, Alena is devoted and faithful to her husband, strives to create comfort in the house, she is an ideal loving wife and mother, a real keeper of the hearth. She not only manages to keep the house in perfect order and takes care of the children, but also constantly surprises her husband with extraordinary actions and ardent temperament. With such a woman you will never be bored or uninteresting; she is ready for experiments and new experiences. Routine, monotony in everyday life disappoints Alena; she is not picky in everyday life, she can be content with little, she is thrifty and economical.

Alena is an affectionate, feminine, gentle and caring wife. She is able to share all the hardships with her husband, support him in difficult situations, instill in him optimism and faith in his own strength. She manages to be sweet, charming and stubborn, persistent at the same time, showing her individuality. The ideal husband for Alena is a strong, calm and good-natured man who can take care of her well-being, like a father.

Choice of profession, Business, Alena’s career

Alena - addicted creative person, for which there are no frameworks or strict schedules. Brings her joy and satisfaction live communication with people, not boring office clerical work. She is always looking for new experiences. She can manifest and realize herself in creative profession, in the social sphere. Alena is closer to the profession of a psychologist, social worker, journalist. This is a woman with refined taste, she is drawn to everything beautiful, loves to surround herself beautiful things, a profession related to design and needlework will suit her. Alena is a responsible worker, with a developed sense of duty, she will make every effort and effort to complete a job or a complex, important task. She is not capable of meanness, she is very peaceful, she is always ready to help her colleagues, for which they respect and love her. It is preferable to engage in mental rather than physical labor. Alena strives for new knowledge, engages in self-education, and tries to understand all the intricacies of her chosen profession. If she gets bored with work, she can quit her job without a second thought and start all over again in new field activities that she finds more interesting and promising.

Alena's health

Emotionality, touchiness, frequent mood swings can lead to depression and cause unreasonable melancholy. Alyonushka has weak lungs, it is recommended that she take more walks, be fresh air, visit more often sea ​​coast, in nature, strengthen the immune system. It is worth paying attention to bladder, possible problems with the lower back.

Name Alena for a child

Little Alyonushka is a kind and affectionate girl, everyone’s favorite. She is cheerful, open, very charming, knows how to produce good impression. Among unfamiliar people he behaves warily and withdrawn. Often this quality distances her from the team by initial stage communication. Later, after adaptation, she becomes the life of the party, loved by everyone. Prefers to spend free time with a cozy home environment, does not like noisy, active games. She loves nature, animals, and is ready to take home all the stray dogs and cats. IN school years she is inquisitive and active, gets carried away easily, and often changes her hobbies. She has talents: she sings, dances, and has an excellent memory. Good memory helps her quickly learn the material, studies well, but sometimes shows frivolity in her studies. Parents must develop in their child determination, hard work and the ability to bring things to completion without stopping halfway.

Alena’s specialty is the ability to defend her point of view and convince her that she is right. She does not tolerate other people's instructions, moral teachings, and does not give in to other people's opinions. She can be overly trusting and selfless, trusting people. If she is disappointed in the person who hurt her, she takes the insult seriously. Over time, he learns from his own mistakes, becomes wiser, and carefully chooses his social circle.

What forces us to consider the name Alena separately from Elena is the fact that many parents, and Alena themselves, choose exactly this variation of this name, and, in fact, they are right, because, as it turned out, Elena and Alena are two completely different names, With different origins and influence on its owner. So, Alena is not at all diminutive form named Elena, and an independent name, rooted in pagan Rus'(there is also an assumption that it could come from the name of the Alan tribe that inhabited the current territory of Ossetia).

Characteristics of the name Alena

Alena has long been associated with something sunny, beautiful and kind, and it is not without reason that the main characters of many Russian fairy tales bore this very name. However, Alen’s character is not always as radiant as the phonosemantics of this name. Contrary to the feeling that a girl with that name should sit at home, babysit children and bake pies, in real life Alenas are very adventurous, fearless and changeable (in the sense that they easily change their character to suit a specific person).

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

Who might suit such a difficult name? It would be best to name a girl born under Alena. zodiac signs Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, because in each of these signs there is something inherent and close to Alena’s character. Just like Aries, Alena is subject to constant nervous tension, which from time to time splashes out on the people around her. Just like Leo, Alena is energetic, self-confident, has an inner core and painfully endures failures. And just like Sagittarius, Alena never sits still, she loves to travel, seeks and always finds adventures.

Pros and cons of the name Alena

The strengths of this name are its beauty, simplicity, traditionality, and also quite good character Alen, who know how to win over any person with their cheerfulness and goodwill. Concerning weaknesses this name, then it should be taken into account that over the past centuries the names Alena and Elena have become so intertwined that a woman with the name Alena cannot avoid all sorts of confusion. It is precisely because this name is Old Russian that it was not included in the list of Orthodox names, so at baptism Alena’s parents will have to choose a middle name for their daughter. In addition, the combination of the name Alena with many common patronymics sounds somewhat strange, so do not be surprised if, again, many people try to “persuade” you by pronouncing the patronymic name “correctly.”


If parents are not afraid of such little things, then it will be important for them to know that Alena usually has rather poor health. Special attention should be addressed to the spine, intestines and kidneys; sometimes owners of this name may experience mild nervous disorders.

Love and family relationships

Concerning family relations, then Alenas are often simply ideal wives and mothers. The charming Alena's choice of life partner is always rich, but she chooses a man with strong character and the attitude of the patron. Alena holds her husband with affection, which, along with optimism, she has shown for many years.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Alenas choose a wide variety of occupations: from archeology to economics, and all thanks to the fact that the owners of this name very often change preferences, work and hobbies. They don’t need to study much; they pick up everything new on the fly. Often Alena can do a little bit of everything and achieve success in all endeavors. She is hardworking and active, which, combined with the qualities of a good housewife, makes her practically the standard of a modern woman.

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