Seeing a woman coming out of the water in a dream. Why do you dream of muddy, dirty water? I dreamed about Water, what does it mean?

Water is primary matter, and it cannot be viewed one-sidedly. This is a multi-valued symbol that can personify purification and resurrection, birth and death, spirituality and wisdom. Our article is devoted to the question of why there is a lot of water in dreams.

Interpretation in popular dream books

Water brings life and at the same time is capable of swallowing a person in the depths of the abyss. Therefore, it is extremely important to correctly interpret such a multifaceted symbol. Below we will consider the interpretations of the most popular interpreters.

Nostradamus in his writings interprets the water seen in a dream in conjunction with the details of the dream.

  • Drinking a lot of water from a glass in a dream, and seeing a fly at the bottom of it, means lawsuits or slander, which radically affects the course of the sleeper’s life.
  • A seething liquid substance is a sign of new discoveries and teachings. At this stage, carrying out complex experiments will have a positive result.
  • If you happen to see blood in the water, it means the birth of a person whose decisions in the course of his life will become fateful for a large number of people.

The American psychologist Miller clearly saw future joy, prosperity and excellent prospects.

Falling into troubled water warns of soon making bitter mistakes, which you will regret for a long time. The splashes that fell on the top of the dreamer’s head are the personification of light and pure love, which can develop into a strong marriage.

The Romanian seer Vanga endows water with the powers of renewal, washing away sins, and oblivion. Clear water is a sign of joy, and muddy water is a warning of difficulties in relationships with people. Having seen the latter in a dream, you should demonstrate kindness and patience so as not to stain your inner world with unworthy actions. If the dreamer sees himself drowning, then in reality he will soon resist the ordinary course of events.

I dreamed of a lot of water in an open reservoir

Of no small importance is the water body. The interpretation of the dream can vary greatly depending on whether the dreamer saw a river or, for example, an ocean.

  • River. Seeing a calm river means new opportunities, and seeing a flooded pond blocking the road means problems at work. Wide river, according to Freud, is a reflection of sexual fantasies that the dreamer is afraid to admit to his partner. Sailing along the river means profit, and watching while standing on the shore means a long journey.
  • Ocean, sea. Calm water body – good sign. Sailing on the ocean, during which the dreamer hears the sound of waves, portends future failures in business and a series of quarrels at home. If the ocean either becomes shallow or reveals an abyss, then such a dream is seen during a difficult period in life, when the successful course of affairs will be replaced by troubles and disappointments.
  • Lake. This body of water seen in a dream is generally seen as danger, betrayal, or professional problems. Swimming on the lake portends separation from your loved one.

For your information! If a man dreams of the ocean, then Freud believes that he has serious problems sexually. The dreamer should contact an appropriate specialist before a serious illness develops.

Flood in an apartment or house

If you dreamed of a flood in your home, then it is important to remember the whole plot in detail. Seeing how water floods a house and its level rises every second means struggle and resistance to evil. But if the dreamer witnesses how the liquid substance begins to leave, then he will resist the dangerous influence.

Muddy and dirty

To interpret a dream where the dreamer saw dirty, muddy water, you should remember all the details of the night:

  • drinking muddy water means illness;
  • falling into a dirty liquid substance means serious mistakes;
  • walking through troubled waters means disappointment;
  • the dreamer is lashed by dirty waves - to strong emotions.

Muddy water is a sign of trouble, therefore, having seen such a dream, you need to approach any issues with caution.

Clean and transparent

If you dream a lot clean water- this is a good sign that predicts joy, success and improvement in financial situation.

  1. If the dreamer sees himself knee-deep in water, and the wind is blowing around him, which is not able to knock him off his feet, then trials are coming. But this is no reason to worry. The sleeper will endure difficulties and emerge victorious.
  2. When the dreamer is carried along the street by a stream of water, this is a sign of excess energy and good health.
  3. A spring of water from a manhole is a harbinger of an imminent romantic relationship.

However, if the streams are muddy, then it is worth taking a closer look at close circle. There is a deceiver lurking there.

Water is an ambiguous symbol that can portend both good and bad. It is important to correctly interpret the dream and boldly face all the trials prepared by fate.

Water is a very important and multi-valued symbol in the kingdom of Hypnos. First of all, it means life itself, oblivion (the waters of Lethe), the rite of purification and baptism. Water is news, income, and the state of mind of the sleeper. Therefore, in order to find the correct answer to your dream, you need to pay attention to all its details.

What if you dream about a lot of water?

Where there is a lot of water, this element reigns in full force, and its significance intensifies. It is very important to note how the water looked: clear, cloudy, with fast current, waves and other details. If a person wanders through warm, muddy water, it means that he will soon experience deep disappointment in life and apathy towards his future.

Looking at a clear, calm sea means that good news will soon arrive from afar. If there is a storm at sea or the color of the water is unpleasant, then the news will be bad. Swimming where there is a lot of clean, transparent water and immersing yourself in it means that the sleeper, by chance, will succeed in real life avoid great danger.

If the water in which he plunged is very dirty, this foreshadows a person’s shame in love. You can try to understand how these unpleasant circumstances will develop from the details of the dream.

If the situation in the dream is favorable, the abundance of water pleases with its purity, the sun is shining and the sleeper feels comfortable, then this dream is positive and foreshadows quick changes for the better. It is important to note whether there are other characters present in all this splendor, since they are significant figures for interpretation.

If a sleeper looks at a dream high waterfall, which means that in real life he will have to go through a period of fears and fears for his life. This will be connected with a meeting with the insidious and cruel person. Walk along the seashore, the beach - towards the road.

The environment surrounding the person sleeping in a dream will tell you how favorable this path will be. Sailing on a steamship across the endless clear sea is a sign of serious changes for the better. It is important to take into account the appearance and speed of the vehicle.

The higher it is, the faster it will happen positive changes in the fate of the sleeper. If a person swims in a clean, calm sea in a dream, it means his desires will come true. If the water is blue or dark blue, it means that a long-awaited meeting with a loved one will soon occur.

Looking up from the depths at the surface of the waters means that in real life a person is striving for something that is impossible for him.

What does it portend?

Swimming in the sea and feeling its great depth means that in reality the sleeper experiences constant anxiety, and this nervous tension begins to affect his health. Drowning in a large amount of water means danger to life, difficulties and losses.

Watching the movement of ocean waves means what is to come long road, which will radically change the life of the sleeper. See the high tide - good sign. He reports that in the near future new opportunities will open up for the person to develop his business.

Being surrounded by water, which is incredibly pleasant to a person, means in real life he will not be deprived of attention from the opposite sex. See in a dream terrible flood, but the water in which is clean means a temporary postponement of business, interference that will quickly pass.

If the water is cloudy and overwhelms the sleeping person, it means real world he will soon find himself in a strange place.

To understand why you dream of a lot of water, you can make a list of all the symbols found in this dream and opposite each of them write the corresponding interpretation. Then, based on this, you should find the answer to the entire dream.

If a person dreams of something emerging from the depths of the waters, this symbolizes that the past will soon play a large role in his real life. Dreams in which there is a large number of waters are always important for understanding what the future holds for the sleeper.

Dreams with water always need to be interpreted especially carefully. After all, this symbol often turns out to be an important warning for a person, which can protect him from various problems and troubles in reality. If you are unable to independently determine what water means in your dreams, you should seek help from experienced interpreters.

Why do you dream of water - interpretation from dream books

In general, water seen in a dream turns out to be a completely favorable sign. More exact interpretation the plot depends on its details.

In Miller’s dream book, water becomes a harbinger of immeasurable happiness in the dreamer’s life if the latter simply walked on it barefoot. The cleaner and more pleasant the liquid to the touch, the faster a person’s life will change for the better.

IN Women's dream book It is noted that warm water promises the fair sex a pregnancy in reality. Most likely, the girl is already in “ interesting position“, he simply doesn’t realize it because of the short period of time. But the mountain river in the same book is a symbol of surprise. The sleeping person will be amazed by something with his other half. Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine in advance whether the event that surprises a person will be joyful or sad.

Tsvetkov’s work explains that for a woman, water flowing in a dream symbolizes health. If a sleeper of any gender falls into it, then you can hope for happiness that suddenly falls on your head in real life.

I dreamed about a lot of water

A lot of water from a dream portends a long struggle for a man or woman for their interests. In reality, a person will have to actively defend his own life position and convince those around you who are misguided.

If a teenager sees himself under thick water and cannot get to the surface, most likely he is under great pressure from the opinions of his peers and/or parents. The sleeper wants to gain freedom of choice and finally start making decisions on his own. But achieving this will not be easy.

Water is the simplest and most familiar substance for all humanity. Water - why do you dream about this liquid? In fact, it can hide a lot of mysterious and unusual things. Human body eighty percent consists of water, we cannot for a long time live without her. It’s scary to imagine if the water disappears, what will happen to us then? If you dreamed of water, the dream book says that this substance is a reflection of your inner world, emotions and feelings. This dream can tell you a lot about your inner world.

Why do you dream of water: dream books say that the meaning of the dream depends on its appearance and condition.

Why do you dream of water in a dream? If you saw water in a dream, try to remember what emotions you experienced after waking up. Such a dream has an ambiguous interpretation; everything also depends on the circumstances. Water in a dream serves as a relation to your inner world, your feelings and emotions, so such a dream should be treated carefully.

You dreamed of a lot of water: sea, ocean, flood

Why do you dream of a lot of water: it means that pleasant surprises await you. Perhaps you will soon receive a long-awaited gift that you have dreamed of for a long time, but you did not have enough money to purchase it. It’s a bad sign if in a dream the sea was noisy and stormy. Such a dream symbolizes that a person should start changing inside. You have very bad character, you don’t always know how to control your emotions, as a result, things happen conflict situations with others. Look at yourself from the other side, start analyzing your actions.

If you saw something in a dream, something is bothering you in real life. Most often, this anxiety is unfounded; fear appears from within. You should not take negative emotions to heart, otherwise health problems may begin. There are times in every person's life when it is difficult to find a way out of a situation. At such moments, you should not isolate yourself; spend more time with your family and friends. Remember, all bad things will end sooner or later.

— incoming water has an ambiguous interpretation. On the one hand, such a dream symbolizes new stage In human life. Most likely, in the near future you will be done profitable proposition for work, you shouldn’t refuse it. Thus, you will be able to improve your financial situation. On the other hand, such a dream symbolizes a calm and measured life. You've worked hard enough, it's time to rest and relax. Now is the time to plan long trips with family and friends.

Seeing a river, stream, pond or lake in a dream

What she saw suggests that a person is able to cope with any difficulties on his own, without resorting to the help of others. Why dream of water in a river means that you are used to relying only on yourself, no matter how difficult it is at this stage. You know how to analyze your actions so as not to repeat the mistakes you have made in the future. You try to avoid conflict situations and know how to control your emotions. You develop smooth relationships with others, you are respected, your opinion is listened to, and you often seek advice and help.

A bad sign if you dreamed about dirty river water, the dream encourages you to pay attention to your surroundings. You should not let others close to you, keep them at a distance, do not talk about your plans for the future, otherwise they will not come true.

The stream you see symbolizes a new stage in life, pleasant surprises, and perhaps meeting interesting personalities. Now is the time to plan a long trip with your family. For an unmarried girl, such a dream is a sign: she will meet a person who can influence her future life. At first glance, you won’t pay attention to him, but don’t rush to conclusions, look at him from the other side.

If you dreamed of a small pond, try to remember what emotions you experienced in the dream. Did the water in the pond cause you negative emotions? Problems and failures await you, which are almost impossible to cope with alone. Don’t be afraid to ask your family and friends for help, they certainly want you to do well. If you liked the pond, and the water in it was clean, then pleasant surprises await you in reality, you will begin to look at the surrounding reality from a different perspective.

Did you see lake water in a dream? This means that in reality you have a quiet and measured life. You look confidently into the future, step towards your dream, no matter how difficult it may be at this stage. You prefer to spend your free time with your family and friends, arrange joint dinners, go out into nature, visit cultural events. Conflict situations practically do not arise, you skillfully control your emotions, and do not demonstrate your superiority over others. People often envy you, so you shouldn’t let people get close to you, keep them at a distance so as not to experience a feeling of disappointment sooner or later.

Use running water at home

Why do you dream of water in the house? If you dreamed of water in the bathroom, you should pay attention to your surroundings. There are people next to you who, at first glance, seem to be loyal and devoted friends. In fact, this is not so; they communicate with you only because they benefit from it. Try to limit your communication with them, or better yet, refuse it altogether.

  • Was there clean water in the sink? You can achieve success in any endeavor, you just need to put in a little effort.
  • If the toilet fills with water and it is dirty, in reality you may encounter problems and failures that fall like a snowball. At such moments, do not be afraid to ask your family and friends for help.
  • Why do you dream clear water in a bottle - it is a symbol of the new life stage. You've worked hard, it's time to relax and enjoy life.
  • Do you open a saucepan in a dream and find dirty water in it? In reality, you will be able to cope with problems and failures on your own, without resorting to the help of others.
  • If you pour this into a glass and it becomes transparent, pleasant surprises await you. Perhaps you will soon receive an offer that is difficult to refuse.

Flood in an apartment - what does it mean?

If in a dream you return home and, try to remember what emotions you experienced. Most often, seeing a lot of water in a dream means that in reality problems and failures await a person. Unfortunately, as the dream book warns, a lot of water means that it will be almost impossible to cope with them on your own. Don’t be afraid to ask your family and friends for help, they are ready to help at any moment.

Why do you dream of water pouring from the ceiling: you should pay attention to your behavior. Look at yourself from the other side, whether you are doing everything right. Conflict situations often arise with colleagues, family and friends. You have a very bad character, do not know how to control your emotions, and are accustomed to being the center of attention. You should not impose your point of view, learn to listen and hear.

Why do you dream of water on the floor - you should give up bad habits, otherwise health problems will arise. Start eating right, go jogging in the morning, take up cycling. IN Lately can remind oneself of the heart. Go to an appointment with a specialist, get the appropriate tests, and undergo treatment. Do not ignore this dream, otherwise it will get even worse.

Clean and clear water in a dream is always a good sign.

It means that a person can achieve success in any endeavor, he just has to put in a little effort. Try not to let others get close to you, do not talk about your plans for the future, because in this case they are unlikely to come true.

Want to talk to someone? Go to your parents, they certainly want everything to be fine with you.

If in a dream there are people floating in water, you are able to cope with problems and failures on your own, without resorting to the help of others. There are difficult moments when everything seems lost. You shouldn’t give up and fall into a depressed state, avoiding communication. This won't fix the situation. Start analyzing your actions, look at yourself from a different perspective. Remember, all bad things will end sooner or later.

Why do you dream of holy water - in reality you have a calm and measured life. You know exactly what you want, look confidently into the future and move towards your goal, no matter how difficult it is. You know how to analyze your actions so as not to do them again. As the dream book says, holy water can also mean that a meeting awaits you that will affect your future life. Soon you will meet a person who is ideal for the role of a spouse. Don't miss your chance, otherwise you will regret it for the rest of your life.

Seeing dirty and muddy water in a dream

  • - it symbolizes not best time in life. Problems and failures await you. Finding a way out of a situation can sometimes be quite difficult, but do not become discouraged and give up. Don't be afraid to ask your family and friends for help. They will be happy to help you.
  • suggests that in real life you can cope with failures, you just need to put in a little effort. Know how to analyze your actions so as not to repeat mistakes in the future. It's also worth paying attention to your surroundings. Do not let others close to you, keep them at a distance, do not talk about your plans for the future, otherwise they will not come true.
  • Why do you dream of black water? It symbolizes health problems in reality. Try to give up bad habits, start eating right and exercising. Lately you have often been tormented by headaches, go to a specialist, get the appropriate tests and undergo treatment.
  • Why do you dream rusty water- You should pay attention to your surroundings. There are people next to you who, at first glance, look like loyal and devoted friends. They can listen and give advice, but behind your back they say not very good things about you, they rejoice at failures and problems. It’s worth limiting your communication with them, because you have a couple of time-tested friends, you can certainly rely on them in difficult times.

Temperature: cold, warm, hot

  • Icy water seen in a dream has an ambiguous interpretation. As the dream book says, ice water can mean that you have a calm and measured life, you know exactly what you want. Look forward with confidence and move towards your goal, no matter how difficult it may be at this stage. Negative emotions experienced in a dream indicate that it is time to pay attention to your health. Try to give up bad habits, start eating right and exercising.
  • Why do you dream of cold water? A person can achieve success in any endeavor, he just has to put in a little effort. As the dream book says, cold water indicates the fact that you are a fairly purposeful and persistent person who knows how to analyze your actions. Relationships with others are smooth, you try to avoid conflict situations, and skillfully control your emotions.
  • If you saw warm water in a dream, in real life you are beginning a good period in which there will be many pleasant surprises. Now good time to plan a vacation trip to the sea or to a resort. A dream in which warm water brought negative emotions means that you need to pay attention to your health. Go to an appointment with a specialist, get the appropriate tests, and undergo treatment. Do not ignore this dream, otherwise it will get even worse.
  • Why do you dream hot water- in reality something is bothering you. But, as the dream book says, hot water means that the anxiety is unfounded, fear comes from within, and sometimes it is very difficult to cope with it. You should not take your experiences to heart, otherwise you can fall into a depressive state, which is very difficult to cope with.
  • Boiling water seen in a dream symbolizes a not very good period. Why dream of boiling water means that you are constantly faced with problems and failures, and it can be very difficult to cope with them.

Have you seen water in a pool or swam in it?

If, such a dream has an ambiguous interpretation:

  • Have you swam in it and liked it? Such a dream could have been dreamed by a person who has a calm and measured life, he knows exactly what he wants, and looks confidently into the future. You are respected in the team, your opinion is listened to, and they often turn to you for advice and help. Do you prefer free time spend time with your family, have dinners together, watch exciting films, go out into nature.
  • , but at the same time this process does not give you pleasure? It's worth paying attention to your surroundings. Don’t let people get close to you, don’t talk about your plans for the future, otherwise they won’t come true. Do you want to tell someone? Go to your parents, they will be able to give you the advice you need, because they really want you to succeed in life.

Interpretation of the meaning of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

If in a dream you saw the purest water, in real life everything will turn out the way you want. You look confidently into the future and are moving towards your goal. You should not tell others about your plans, otherwise they will not come true. Try to spend more time with your family, have dinners together, go out into nature, watch exciting films.

Each dream book interprets what water means in a dream a little differently.

Miller's Dream Book - you will succeed

The dream in which you saw water is worth trying to remember as best as possible after waking up. It gave you a hint; if you can use it correctly, problems and failures will pass by.

Most often, such a dream indicates that in real life a person is beginning a good period. You can achieve success in any endeavor, you just need to put in a little effort.

Vanga's dream book - reward for work

On the one hand, such a dream symbolizes unexpected changes in life. Soon you will receive a long-awaited gift that you have dreamed of for a very long time, but could not afford. On the other hand, you will receive a bonus for your work. Management sees you as a promising employee and often gives you a responsible job.

If an unmarried girl saw such a dream, she will soon meet a person who will influence her future life.

Freud's Dream Book - you are a popular person

You should pay attention to your behavior. You have a very attractive appearance and are popular with members of the opposite sex. You often have fleeting romances and engage in promiscuous sex. This behavior will not bring anything good; there is a high probability of contracting some disease. Be careful not to ignore your sleep.

Modern dream book - many problems

If in a dream you saw a lot of water, which is becoming more and more abundant, it means that in reality problems and failures await you. It’s quite difficult to cope with them on your own; don’t be afraid to ask others for help. You take failures to heart and analyze your actions several times in order to avoid problems in the future. You have conflict situations with others because you do not know how to control your emotions.

Agiasma, Schweppes, vodka from under a boat, white coal, water, lengthiness, verbosity, life-giving moisture, the basis of life, vodka from under a submarine, anolyte, bucha, bycha, vologa

Water in Miss Hasse's Dream Book:

  • Cold - happiness. Spill - you are passionate about the right thing
  • Muddy - obstacle
  • Drowning in water means you will encounter obstacles
  • Ford - you will be freed from danger
  • Swimming - you are rehabilitated from suspicions
  • Bathing - get along with enemies
  • Drink cold water- health
  • Drinking warm water is a disease
  • To be scalded by boiling water is to incur losses through negligence
  • Walk on water - you will overcome all obstacles
  • Hear the sound of water - you will be harshly judged.
  • Interpretation in Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita sleep Water:

    Water - cold - happiness - clean - well-being, success - drink clean - fortunately - drink muddy - to illness - spill - get carried away with the right thing - muddy - obstacle, resentment, gossip - go in muddy - disappointment - immersion in muddy - get into predicament - drowning in water - encounter obstacles - wade - free yourself from danger - swim - recover from suspicion - see swimmers - get along with enemies - drink cold water - health - drink warm water - illness - pour - to shame, mistake - wash - to joy, liberation - to water - to loss - to be scalded with boiling water - to suffer losses through negligence - to walk on water - you overcome all obstacles - to hear the sound of water - you will be sharply judged

    Why do you dream of Water in Esoteric dream book?

  • Pure - to health, positive results, positive.
  • Dirty - unpleasant work, negative result, negative.
  • IN Ukrainian dream book if you dream about Water:

  • Water is a problem. -Dirty, muddy water is weakness, clean water is health. How to dream about water, then this Bad sign- there will be some kind of failure, and maybe an illness. Clean water, bijucha - good; joy, profit; muddy - trouble, quarrel. Big water I dream - there will be some kind of adventure. Flood - clear water - temporary obstacles; cloudy - a miracle; you are surrounded by water - you will be in luxury. Clean water is life; water with scale is a nuisance, and if you fall into this scale, it means death. As the water flows clean, something good will come, but as the water flows muddy, something bad will come. Swimming is good. Drops of water are for money. Spilled water is a disaster; pouring water - shame, mistake; pouring water on something means loss. How to drink cold water - for health, clean - fortunately, cloudy - for illness. Boiling water - quarrel, enmity; dreaming that water rushed out from under the floor - heavy secret enemies, unexpected obstacles; from the walls - defenselessness, someone is encroaching on you. If the water is clear and the bottom is visible, sand is a problem. Dark, black water is death. Diving into the water means getting into trouble, engaging in a tempting but risky activity; drowning is a complication in life. As you dream that water is rising, someone will arrive at the house. Drinking spring water is good for your health. Pumping water from a well - before a misfortune. Standing in water means death. Falling into the water - beware of prison or other trouble.
  • If you dream about Water? IN Modern dream book:

  • If you dream of clean and clear water, then such a dream promises you joy and prosperity. If the water is dirty and cloudy, you should be prepared for the fact that you are in danger, and light stripe Your life will change to darkness. If in a dream you happen to fall into a puddle or pond with dirty water, then in real life you risk making serious mistakes, which you will regret later. If you dreamed that you were quenching your thirst with dirty water, it means illness; if you quench your thirst with clean water, it means good luck. A flood seen in a dream (especially if it is connected with your home) warns of impending danger. However, if you see the water receding, then the worst is behind you. A dream in which you splash and frolic in the water foreshadows love and all-consuming passion. If at the same time drops of water fall on your head, then your feelings will be mutual.
  • Interpretation of sleep Water in Miller's Dream Book:

  • The following dream and subsequent events in real life are conveyed as follows by a young woman studying dreams:
  • Seeing clean water in a dream foretells that a joyful prospect of prosperity and pleasure awaits you.
  • Falling into troubled water is a sign that you will make many bitter mistakes and will be painfully upset about it. Drinking muddy water portends illness, but drinking clean and fresh water is a sign of the favorable completion of the wildest hopes.
  • If you see that the water has flooded your house and is rising, this means that you will fight, resist evil, but if you see that the water is decreasing, you will succumb to dangerous influences.
  • If you dream that splashes of water are falling on your head, this means a passionate awakening of love that will end happily.
  • “It is unknown how, in a dream, I found myself in a boat floating through clear blue water to a pier, which seemed snow-white to me. The next evening I had a delightful guest - a young man who stayed with me beyond the time prescribed by my mother, and I was severely, condemned for this." blue water and the beautiful white boat in perspective were symbols of disappointment.
  • If you walk on wet ground and feel that your feet are becoming wet, this portends troubles, illness and poverty, which will force you to solve difficult problems, but you will be able to prevent them with your vigilance. The same interpretation can be applied to the muddy water filling the ship.
  • If the water is cloudy. You will be in danger and despondency will take the place of joy.
  • Playing sports in water means a sudden awakening of love and passion.
  • Seeing Water in a dream Culinary dream book:

  • Drinking warm water in a dream is a sign of danger from a strong enemy. Cold water - peace of mind, loyal friends. Holy water - health, sinlessness. Walking on water means success, triumph. Seeing water evaporating and drying up means the weather is changing for the better. Drawing water means long exercises and a lot of trouble. Spilling water in your room means trouble and labor depending on the amount of water spilled.
  • Loff's Dream Book?

  • Water represented in this way often indicates renewal. For example, a tired traveler, dreaming, suddenly comes across a stream. A place where you can refresh yourself and gain strength to continue your journey is close, at hand. Perhaps the dreamer is sailing on a BOAT, slowly gliding along the surface of the water.
  • Water in dreams is a powerful symbol because very often its appearance coincides with highest point feelings. If other objects have a relaxing effect, then a babbling stream flowing through the meadow enhances this effect. If some symbols create a feeling of fear or ANXIETY, then the stormy ocean intensifies it.
  • Water has a symbolic, primary meaning, according to which it either ensures the existence of life, or keeps a secret, is fraught with danger. This is a reflection of the human experience with water.
  • Exception to the above statements general are water taps. In a dream, it is important to determine whether the tap is controlled by the dreamer or another person and for what purpose this is done. If the dreamer is ineffective at operating the tap, then it can be assumed that he feels that he is out of control and unable to cope with simple circumstances (or, even worse, perhaps there is no water in the tap). If the tap is controlled by another person, then we can conclude that the dreamer feels that his position, whether good or bad, is determined by the whim of another. This whim can cause one to feel significant discomfort or comfort, depending on whether it comes from an unpredictable boss , lover or other persons significant to you.
  • If you dream of a river or stream, have they overflowed their banks, and in your opinion, can they be overcome by ordinary means? These are all examples of managed water.
  • Water plays a huge role in human history. Whether it is a deep fresh lake, a river that brings life, or an ocean that swallows people, water is both friend and foe. If the dream contains this significant symbol in whatever form, it is vital to understand its role.
  • The sleeper must be anticipating a time of respite from everyday worries or trying to specially create such an opportunity.
  • Quiet, deep water that seems refreshing can also create feelings of anxiety. The reason for this is the potential danger lurking in the darkness and the lack of knowledge of what lies in the depths.
  • At the dawn of humanity, hunter-gatherers quickly realized that water was a central component of life. (They die from thirst much faster than from hunger.) Even more important was to know where the water was, because it made it clear where the FOOD was. However, with the spread of trade, water became a necessary evil, fraught with unknown dangers. THE TRAVEL by water was dangerous and mysterious, as sea ​​creatures, storms and rough seas took the lives of many travelers; contaminated water affected livestock and spread disease.
  • If there is a lake in the dream, is the entire shoreline within sight and probable reach?
  • Emphasizing the positive view of water, it should be noted that it is often a symbol of new life, restoration of strength and energy. Water in controlled quantities or in a controlled environment almost always causes this feeling in the sleeper. Managed water is the key to solving problems.
  • Uncontrolled water creates anxiety. Raging rivers, rapids and boundless lakes reflect the uncontrollability of the circumstances in which the dreamer finds himself.
  • What does Water mean in a dream? Azar's Dream Book?

  • muddy stream - incur losses and damages
  • swimming in muddy water is an obstacle
  • muddy water is an obstacle
  • swimming in muddy water is a slight change in position
  • Sitting in the water - be careful, people are gossiping about you. Hot water is a shame. If the water is clean - prosperity. Floating on a tree on water means unfulfilled hopes. stream with clean water- a pleasant future. Wash lettuce in water - happiness, good luck. Hear the sound of water - you will hear an oath in reality. Well with muddy water- poor prospects for the future
  • Water in a dream Muslim dream book:

  • Water - if someone sees in a dream that they are drinking zemzem water (zemzem is a sacred well in Mecca, as if the same one that appeared at the command of the angel Hagar to Ismail. Drinking water from zemzem (ob-i-zemzem) is one of the necessary rituals when making a pilgrimage. Zemzema water in special jars is taken home by pilgrims and is considered a healing remedy for all sorts of diseases), then he will be given sacred science.
  • See Water in a dream. IN Muslim dream book:

  • Water - drinking warm water means anxiety and illness, and washing cold water- to health and joy.
  • What does Water mean? Lunar dream book:

  • Water: clean - well-being; cloudy - sadness; fast flowing - sinking into water - getting into a difficult situation; washing is a joy.
  • Seeing Water in a dream. IN Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus:

  • Drinking water and seeing a fly at the bottom of the glass - this dream means trial, litigation or slander that will change the mood of society and its faith in the future.
  • Walking underwater and talking with dolphins is a harbinger that you will discover a previously unknown nation to the world.
  • Seeing strongly boiling water is a sign of the birth of a new teaching or science, favorable period for discoveries and challenging experiences.
  • Seeing water with blood - this dream foreshadows the birth of Scorpio, who will become a great man and declare himself publicly.
  • Walking on water and seeing schools of carp - this dream suggests that relations with Japan will be brought to a critical point, but it will not come to violence or a declaration of war.
  • Water is a symbol of life.
  • Seeing crystal clear water collected in a huge ball - this dream foreshadows favorable weather which will bring many benefits to agricultural work.
  • What does Water mean? Vanga's dream book:

  • If in a dream you saw water flooding your house, then in reality expect a stream of news, one of which will radically change your sense of self and relationships with people.
  • Seeing muddy water is a sign of trouble, complexity of situations and relationships with people. Show kindness and patience, otherwise you will stain your soul with unworthy impressions.
  • Seeing circles or ripples on the surface of the water in a dream means you will have difficulty withstanding the coming changes, but by surviving this stormy event, you will gain power over yourself and other people.
  • If you dreamed that water was pouring on you from above, then this is an omen of an impending wave of cosmic influence, which is unreasonable to resist. If you manage to find harmony with the cosmos, then you will become a great person and become famous throughout the world.
  • Drowning in water means in reality resisting the natural course of events, as a result of which your health will be damaged and your life will be shortened.
  • Water is a symbol of change, resolution of contradictions, evolution, renewal, washing away sins and oblivion.
  • In a dream, drinking clean cold water - in reality the world will be renewed, and you will be involved in this process of purification and resurrection in a new quality, along with many people around you.
  • What does Water mean in a dream? Assyrian dream book?

  • If a person carries water down the street, failure will leave him forever.
  • If you were given water, this means long life. If river water is a huge income; water from a spring, well - wealth; from a ditch, pit - quarrels; from the canal - your crop will be flooded during a storm.
  • If a person wanders in quiet, calm water, he will face a minor lawsuit or a slight illness. And if in a stormy or big water- either a difficult trial or dangerous disease.
  • Meaning of sleep Water in The newest dream book:

  • Clean - to health; to accomplish your plans; bathing in it means healing (if you are sick). Muddy V. - to a disease that can be successfully cured by means traditional medicine; to be in a dirty V. - to illnesses, slander, gossip, accusations of a non-existent sin are not excluded. Finding Artesian waters means achieving your goal; drinking - enjoying the result. Pouring yourself on V. is a surprise; to availability negative program. Overflow V. - empty, meaningless conversations; wasted effort. The groundwater– a conspiracy is being formed against you at work (study).
  • Water in Family dream book:

  • Seeing clean water in a dream means prosperity and pleasure.
  • If you dreamed that the water was receding, you would succumb to dangerous influences.
  • If splashes of water fall on you in a dream, then your soul will awaken passionate love which will bring you happiness.
  • If you saw that water has flooded your house, you will fight and resist evil.
  • If the water is cloudy, danger awaits you.
  • Interpretation in Tsvetkov's Dream Book sleep Water:

  • Drinking warm water - to chagrin, illness.
  • walking in troubled waters is a disappointment for the better;
  • splashed on the head - unexpected passion;
  • cloudy - to illness;
  • wash your face - to joy, liberation;
  • watering - to loss,
  • drinking clean is fortunate;
  • immersion in water - getting into a difficult personal situation;
  • looking at the waterfall is a terrible encounter;
  • drawing water - grief;
  • pour - to shame, mistake;
  • Why do you dream of Water in Noble dream book?

  • Drinking clean water from a well means health.
  • Hence the main division: clean water means joy, something good.
  • Seeing children swimming is a joy for parents.
  • Muddy, dirty, gloomy - everything unfavorable and, above all, sadness.
  • Swimming in a dress is a serious illness.
  • Swimming in clean water means a carefree life, recovery.
  • Drinking cloudy or warm water means sadness.
  • Swimming in dirty and muddy water is a disease, an accusation.
  • To dive is misfortune/dangerous self-discovery.
  • Swimming in a pond is a hassle.
  • Boiling water is happiness.
  • Water is the unconscious forces of the soul and, above all, the world of feelings; it can be the personification of animals or an unconscious return to a childishly naive worldview, but also a symbol of inertia, passivity, and therefore interference and disease.
  • IN Gypsy dream book if you dream about Water:

  • Clean, cold water is a symbol of good health. Warm or dirty water symbolizes illness. Pouring water from a vessel means you have an unhealthy appetite and you need to watch what you eat.
  • If you dream about Water? IN Schiller's Dream Book:

  • pure and transparent good fame, success and prosperity; muddy, dirty, dark sadness, resentment, gossip and damage in business.
  • Interpretation of sleep Water in Dream Book of the Wanderer:

  • Tap water - from the tap - leak vitality; irritation; the condition of our blood and urological vessels; control over the flow of your feelings.
  • Water - clean, transparent - for good; muddy, dirty - to negative experiences, internal emotional discomfort, troubles; malaise. From under the floor, in the house - hostile influences. Plunge into cold water - gain a sober, objective assessment of the situation; recovery.
  • The underwater world is our subconscious, the past, the world of feelings and desires; depth inner life and various insights, intuition.
  • Living, dead water - as a quality given in the perception of sleep - activity, inspiration or passivity, depression.
  • Seeing Water in a dream Old Russian dream book:

  • drinking clean is fortunate; cloudy - to illness; walking in troubled waters means disappointment for the better; immersion in water - getting into a difficult personal situation; wash your face - to joy, liberation; pour - to shame, mistake; watering - to loss; looking at the waterfall is a scary encounter.
  • What does it mean to see water in a dream Italian dream book?

  • Symbolizes the interaction of various aspects environment as a fundamental element of human development and life. If the subject feels comfortable in the water or dominates it, then he is able to make a personal contribution to the development of the environment (and this is positive, despite the fact that the person is aware of the presence big problems). If the subject is drowning or feels uncomfortable in the water, then this indicates a lack of balance, or an unfavorable situation for him. You should pay attention to the state of the water (clean, dirty, running, standing), since this also characterizes the situation under consideration.
  • What does Water mean in a dream? Men's dream book?

  • Enter the water - enter into intimate relationships. Enter sea ​​water or into the ocean - experience unusual sensations. Enter mountain river with clean water - be surprised by the behavior of your partner.
  • Clean is a good sign. Turbid water – complications.
  • Throws himself into a mountain stream - love story, which is not so easy to get rid of. To plunge headlong into water means to find yourself in a difficult situation.
  • Water in a dream Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi:

  • Drink clean clear water luckily. Drinking water from a river in a dream means inescapable prosperity. If you drank all the water from the river, there is a chance of entering the highest echelons of power (we are, of course, talking about managing, say, the city in which you live). If the water has an unpleasant taste or is overly saturated with salt, then the dream is unfavorable. Drinking warm water or being doused with it without your desire is a sign of disaster. If the water that was doused on you in a dream is clean, then everything will be fine, but if it is cloudy and dirty, then get ready for trouble. Falling into water in a dream means worries and troubles. Seeing a large amount of water is a sign of success. A dream in which water goes into the ground has a similar meaning. Watering the garden with water is a sign of wealth.
  • See Water in a dream. IN Vedic dream book of Sivananda:

  • This is a sign of birth.
  • What does Water mean? Islamic dream book of Ibn Sirin:

  • Also, if he sees that he has drunk the waters of heaven, wine and milk, he will acquire wisdom and knowledge and become rich.
  • Seeing Water in a dream. IN French dream book:

  • If you saw standing water in a dream, know that you are in danger. on the contrary, clean and fresh spring water promises a happy beginning and future success in your business. In addition, clear and fresh water is a dream of recovery.
  • What does Water mean? Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong:

  • Drink water. - Portends great benefits.
  • What does Water mean in a dream? Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor?

  • Water is one of the primary elements of the creation of the world. Everything on earth is permeated with water in different proportions, but the kingdom of pure water is pure yin in the north. The trigram of water is Kan: the nature of water is to be wet and flow downwards; accordingly, two broken Yin features surround one whole Yang feature and dominate it. After all, water willingly takes the shape of any vessel, but successfully resists compression. In the winter season, an unlimited space of clean water especially successfully resists any external pressure and obeys only its internal element - cold. To see water in a dream, spaces of unlimited water - water is pure yin, the state of yin not open to the outside. Expanses of cold water (there is a feeling that the water is cold), or seeing ice-bound water in a dream in winter without fear and negative feelings, means the fact of the onset of the winter season and the body’s compliance with the season. Fear and the desire to hide and not see the expanse of terrible water means the body is unprepared for winter: weakness, lack of summer accumulation of strength and defeat of the will, which cannot be favorable. To see expanses of stormy cold water in a dream (the image of a storm on the winter sea) - to see such a dream without fear foreshadows a stormy, stressful and difficult winter in business, for which you need to be prepared; with fear, perhaps with coldness in the legs and arms (sensations in a dream), with the sound of a whistle, the sound of waves in the ears - the dream is unfavorable, and warns not only of general weakness and unpreparedness of the body for winter, but also of a specific manifestation of an already born disease kidneys and Bladder. The will is paralyzed by the fear of its own impotence, which came from incontinent emotions in summer and autumn, and now in winter there are internal barriers to absorbing a weak object strong element No. The dream indicates the need to urgently mothball all matters, abandon career considerations and begin restoring the damaged mental sphere and treating the kidneys. Seeing cold water poured into a glass/cup, but knowing that it is cold and wintry/drinking such water in a dream, or having a feeling of the need to drink it in the absence of desire - this means the penetration of the winter destructive elements into the body solely at the will of the dreamer (see Cup ). The dream warns of a possible kidney disease, however, what is destroyed independently can still be restored independently and quite successfully, the destructive influence of external cold has not yet come into play (especially if the water was not drunk in the dream), or its influence is weak. Drinking cold water in a dream in winter with desire, thirst and need for cold means kidney damage (fever), which causes pain in the sacrum and lower back, heaviness in the legs, heat in the feet, dry mouth and tongue; urine is cloudy, with a foul odor. The dream indicates the need for medical intervention. Standing/walking on snow or ice with bare feet in a dream with the desire to do so also means fever in the kidneys. See also: Thirst.
  • Elements - cold. Emotions - fear. Organs - kidneys, bladder. Planets - Mercury.
  • The primary elements are water.
  • Meaning of sleep Water in Folklore dream book:

  • Pouring water means shame and disgrace. Additional idiom: “to pour water” to talk idle, to gossip.

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