Ecological situation of the native land. Ecology of the native land. The negative impact of garbage

V.I. Litvinova MDOU General developmental kindergarten No. 11, Tomsk
The word “ecology” has become firmly entrenched in our lives. We are observing the greening of all spheres of life, it includes various aspects - philosophical, economic, geographical, social, ethical, etc. This is where ecology came from native land, regions, cities, houses, souls, “ecological passport”, “ecologically friendly products”, etc. Let's remember what ecology is. "Eco" is what is outside, around us. There is a translation from Greek: “oikos” - house, dwelling, location and “logy” - studying. Ecology is the science of the relationships of organisms and the communities they form among themselves and with the environment. Simply put, ecology studies the environment that surrounds any Living being, including humans, and the term itself has a broader meaning.
IN Lately many publications have appeared on environmental theme, including about the Tomsk region. This material can be used to work with children in ecology classes, because Tomsk is our habitat, which means we are influenced by the state of nature in the Tomsk region. Tomsk ecologists offer many ways to protect nature. For example, one of the measures to improve the environment is the improvement and landscaping of populated areas - the creation of parks, squares, gardens, boulevards, street and intra-block landscaping, protective green zones around industrial enterprises. Species diversity of plantings is also necessary. Gorzelenkhoz, the Botanical Garden, and flower growers take care of this. The city becomes more beautiful every year. How to protect people's work from vandalism? One way out is to educate people with beauty.
The balance in nature is easy to disturb; the life of living beings is very fragile. We see this in our own lives: due to air and water pollution, people get sick. Natural resources exhausted. How to save what little is left? How to use it rationally? How to preserve and improve your habitat? Knowledge about this needs to be given to children in a way that is accessible to their sensory, emotional and mental development. It is necessary to lay down a basic minimum of environmental knowledge for subsequent environmental education at school.
For several years I have been developing the topic: “Ecology of my native land.” The Tomsk region has many natural areas, mineral resources, and a diverse world of plants and animals. You can find many topics for environmental research in classes with children. For example, in the Tomsk region there are many deposits of clay, sand, and gravel. Properties of these objects inanimate nature You can explore to your heart's content - sculpt from clay, play with water by the fountain, "catch" air in soap bubbles, and try to grind stones, simulating a tidal wave, and you can make "Easter cakes" from sand all year round - there is a special table for this -sandbox. There is plenty of space for all these experiments in the Winter Garden; not every teacher would want to arrange “this” in a group room. In my work I use programs from S.N. Nikolaeva, N.A. Ryzhova,
N. Kondratieva (program “We”), other manuals on ecology, adapted for work in the Winter Garden. Some of the best, in my opinion, are “Ecology for Children”, “Ekolobok”, “Murzilka” by L.N. Erdakova. His publications on habitats are very helpful in my work. The topics presented in his manuals can be developed endlessly; there are no indifferent children in the classroom. Classes are held in the Winter Garden, at preschool educational institutions. The territory of the preschool educational institution is very interesting: there are small fragments of “wild” nature, there are several pine trees, under which boletus grows every year, there is an area with birch trees and a small lawn where boletus, white cape, russula or pigweed grow. These topics, of course, are also used in classes. The Winter Garden presents different types indoor plants, there is a "Living Corner" where hedgehogs live, guinea pig, rabbit, hamster, turtles, parrots, fish, snails and other living creatures. Situations with animals are played out in class: we cannot bring hedgehogs from the forest, because we will not be able to find many insects for them to eat, hedgehogs sleep in winter, and it is hot and noisy in the Winter Garden - you will not sleep. We try to force the children to behave quietly, because the Winter Garden is a small forest, the noise will make all the little animals and insects (spiders, snails, etc.) hide, and they won’t see anyone. Children are proud of the Winter Garden, this is evident when they bring their parents and show them their favorite animal.
The entire program “Ecology of the Native Land” is divided into blocks:
"Inanimate nature". These include topics: “Water”, “Air”, “Soil”, “Rocks and Minerals”, “Cosmic Bodies”, “Sun”, “Moon”, “Constellations and moon calendar", "Space Travel".
II. " Live nature and its relationship with the inanimate." Here we get acquainted with biological objects Tomsk region, city, Winter Garden, their life cycles; ecosystems of fresh water bodies, swamps, taiga, and other forests. During the school year
a lot of practical work in the Winter Garden for caring for animals and plants, planting plants for oneself, for a kindergarten, landscaping the territory of a preschool educational institution. This includes the topic “Man as a living being.”
"Ecology of our habitat." Here we conduct environmental studies of the city, kindergarten, home, work with the “Ecological Passport”, “Red Book”, and talk about nature conservation.
"Our planet is in danger." Here we are talking about water, air, soil pollution; about human behavior in nature, on the street, at home; carry out environmental activities, holidays and entertainment.
In classes, children will learn about the ecosystems of the Tomsk region, other regions of Siberia and globe, because it’s no secret that no matter where we live, we still influence the nature of the whole world. Scientists and progressive people of our time have been writing about this more and more often lately. The worsening environmental problems in our country and abroad threaten the existence of people all over the world. Not only the nature of the Earth requires protection, but also humanity - as a part of this nature. Intensive educational work is needed to develop among the population ecological culture environmental management. In the education system, the foundations of environmental consciousness and culture are laid in preschool childhood. But existing programs are mainly educational programs about the world around us. Teachers form in children a humane attitude towards living beings; this is, of course, a positive attitude towards nature, but it is no longer sufficient. We need an urgent change in people's consciousness and attitude towards nature.
Several years ago, the “Red Book of the Tomsk Region” was published. This is an official reference book compiled by Tomsk ecologists. It turns out that in the Tomsk region, 180 rare and endangered species of animals, plants, and fungi need protection due to a reduction in their numbers as a result of human activity, and some species may disappear. Despite various activities to preserve the nature of the Tomsk region, carried out by employees of "Oblkompriroda", environmental organizations and the "Society for the Conservation of Nature", the culture of the population is low. There are many examples of this, we will not dwell on them now.
Preschool childhood is the beginning of the formation of a person’s personality, his attitude towards himself and the world around him. How small man learn to relate to the world around him, so in adult life will apply the acquired knowledge. Children are instinctively drawn to nature, to living beings. During this period of their development, they learn everything with their senses and try to understand existence. Therefore, it is important to form in children a consciously correct attitude towards the natural objects and phenomena that surround them. It's hard to love what you don't know. The more children learn about the natural objects of our city and region, the more carefully they will treat them, the better they will begin to understand their needs for a clean and healthy environment and food. The role of the teacher is important here - how he presents this knowledge, this knowledge will remain, if not in the child’s memory, then somewhere in the subconscious. Our children now have a beneficial time to understand themselves in the world around them; when they grow up, they will have responsibilities, school, work, and hobbies. Classes are held different ways: this is both a conversation and practical lessons, and observation and communication with living objects. Children discuss in class what kind of house they would like to live in, what the yard near the house should be like, what kind of apartment, etc. During such a conversation, it is not the teacher who teaches the children how and where they should live, but the children express their inner desire, the need for an environmentally friendly , aesthetic and harmonious with the nature of life. Children learn not to think thoughtlessly about the things of nature and everyday life around them, but to find the expediency of their use, for example: planting trees in the city for clean air; old things that are still wearable can be given to others; plastic utensils can be reused, etc. Children acquire practical skills and abilities. For example, plant seeds are sown. First they find out that there is a small plant “sleeping” inside; then - how to “wake up” it and grow it - warm it with your hands, plant it in the ground, water it, put it in a bright place warm place, and if you do it wrong, the seed will not wake up. In classes, children get acquainted with the life of natural objects, for example, with the life of trees. How they grow, grow old, what happens to them when they grow old and fall to the ground. You can touch the trees, they are warm even in winter. A tree can help difficult moments life: poplar will take away sadness, birch will give joy and heal. The child learns to find help from plants. “Look at the flower, be surprised, rejoice,” these words can help us too. This establishes a harmonious connection between the child and nature. Education goes through natural objects: what a beautiful moss, a bump under our feet - we won’t take it, let it stay here, here they are beautiful, here they are in place, this is someone’s home, someone’s food. Everything in nature is expedient, if you remove one link in the food chain, an ecological disaster may occur. In the process of communicating with living beings, it is restored peace of mind, child's health. It is especially interesting for children to get acquainted with natural areas Tomsk district - their eyes light up. If you are careful, you can see and learn a lot that is not somewhere in Africa, but not far away, in the neighboring forest, for example, you can see a ferret or a hare. Children begin to fantasize, including themselves in various situations. This is a kind of training for correct environmental behavior.
Or work with the “Ecological Passport” - it contains all the trees and shrubs growing on the preschool grounds, icons of birds, insects, plants and other living creatures that live or sometimes appear on the territory of the kindergarten. Children suggest which bird or insect still needs to be marked on the “Ecological Passport”.
Parents help introduce children to the unique places of the city, region - these are nature reserves, specially protected areas, natural monuments (lakes, springs, etc.), Siberian Botanical Garden, University Grove, then talk about their trips. We discuss together how to have a good rest in nature and not harm it. These are traditional places for Tomsk residents to relax and gather wild plants. No police or environmental inspectors will be enough to protect these places. We need the good will of people, environmental culture
tour and ecological worldview. How we coped with this task will be shown in the near future.
As a result of four years of environmental education and training, children must distinguish living from nonliving nature; know about the life and needs of living organisms, about the ecosystems of the Tomsk region; learn to humanely treat animals in a corner of nature, care for the plants of the Winter Garden; have basic environmental culture: do not throw garbage, do not break trees, etc.

Olga Evdokimova


"We and to our grandchildren 2015» .

MBDOU kindergarten No. 47


Senior group.

Teacher of the first qualification category

Evdokimova Olga Borisovna.

Type project: informational and creative.

Participants project: children senior group, teacher, parents.

Implementation period: short term.

Relevance project: Subject project« Ecology of the native land» .

IN modern conditions problem environmental education of preschool children acquires particular urgency and relevance. It is during preschool childhood that the formation of human personality, the formation began ecological culture. Therefore, it is very important to awaken children’s interest in living nature, cultivate a love for it, and teach them to take care of the world around them.

Target: Introduce children to nature native land. Formation of cognitive interest in nature in children native land, prerequisites ecological consciousness, organizations creative activity. The belief that the beauty of nature is priceless, therefore it must be protected.


Systematize knowledge about the world around us.

Shape elementary representations about relationships in nature.

Cultivate a love for nature native land, perception of its beauty and diversity.

Develop children's search and research activities.

Expand and systematize knowledge about the flora and fauna of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania.

To develop cognitive interest in the objects of the world around us through reading poetry about nature and through practical activities.

Develop coherent speech, enrich children's vocabulary, imaginative and variable thinking, fantasy, imagination, creative abilities.

Expected results project:

Expanding knowledge about the flora and fauna of our republic.

They will treat nature with care and master skills ecologically safe behavior in nature.

A desire to explore natural objects will be formed.

They will learn to observe individual natural objects and conduct simple studies of inanimate nature.

Developing curiosity in children creativity, cognitive activity, communication skills.

An object project activities:

Developmental environment and work with pupils, as the basis for the inclusion of older pupils preschool age To ecological culture of the native land.

Item project activities:

A system of work aimed at creating environmental consciousness and enrichment of knowledge of children of senior preschool age with native land, taking into account the leading principles of local history and consistency, taking into account regional component allows you to improve environmental work in older preschool age.

Stage 1 project - preparatory.

Implementation strategy development project;

Setting goals and developing tasks;

Selection methodological material, development of lesson notes, excursions, observations;

Creating a subject-development environment (manuals, visuals, photo albums).

Block “Ossetia is the best, the best”. (Nature North Ossetia and its uniqueness).

2. Block "Piroda Ossetia".

(knowledge about nature, relationships, diversity of flora).

3. Block "Animals of our the edges» .

(knowledge about typical representatives our the edges, their adaptation to the environment; show food chains, adaptation to changes in environment).

4. Block "Let's protect nature".

(Problems ecology, security).

Stage 2 project - main.

Learning poems about nature native land;

Target: active participation of children in activities environmental education.

Using verbal methods.

Conversations about the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania (introducing students to legends, fairy tales, stories, poems about our region).

Audio recordings about nature and wildlife - reinforcing the voices of animals and natural noises(noise of the forest, voices of birds, animals). Games “Recognize by the voice of birds”,

Upbringing environmental culture of pupils and respect for nature; compiling a fairy tale based on topic: "Forest in Trouble".

Reading fiction and educational literature - searching for new knowledge (about wild animals, wintering birds, etc.)

Using experimentation and modeling methods.

Experimenting with natural material – development cognitive activity natural material(volcano).

Creating layouts is a productive activity, using it in experiments.

Practical methods.

"The best feeder"

, "Nature's Complaint Book"- compiling creative stories for students. Participation in community cleanups and landscaping.

Creation of herbariums - search activities, consolidation of knowledge about plants, rules of behavior with plants. Compilation herbariums: "Trees of Ossetia". "Flowers and herbs of Ossetia".

Visual methods.

Looking at illustrations, postcards, photographs - to convey to students all the beauty of our the edges. "Nature of Ossetia", "Rivers of Ossetia".

Creating zones ecological environment.

Corner of educational literature (encyclopedias, fairy tales, legends, poems).

Mini-museum "My Ossetia". Photo albums, sets of postcards, booklets.

Ecological mini-laboratory. Experiment cups, filter paper, food paint, magnifying glasses, natural material : pebbles, sand, leaves, branches, cones).

Working with parents.

Conversations between parents and children about nature native land.

Assistance in compiling herbariums.

Participation in equipping a mini-museum.

Replenishment of fiction and scientific literature.

Doing homework (writing stories, natural crafts) .

Stage 3 project - final.

Quiz « Native love and know your land!”

Exhibition of children's activity products (drawings).

Creation of a mini-museum "Gifts of Nature".

I. Block “Ossetia is the most, the most”.

1. Reveal children’s ideas about nature the edges, its uniqueness.

a) How is it unusual?

b) What do you know about Ossetia?

II. Block "Animal world".

1. Reveal children’s ideas about insects and birds.

a) What birds and insects move through the air?

b) Determine essential features birds.

c) Name the signs of insects.

d) What do birds and insects eat?

2. Identify ideas about animals in Ossetia.

a) What animals do you know?

b) What do they eat?

c) What animals go into hibernation?

d) What animals change their fur coat?

3. Identify ideas about river inhabitants.

a) Who lives in rivers?

b) Who eats fish?

c) What fish live in the rivers of Ossetia?

d) Determine the essential characteristics of fish (scales, fins, gills, eggs, body shape).

e) Can fish live without water?

III. Block "Vegetable world".

1. Identify ideas about trees.

b) Name the trees and their characteristics?

2. Reveal ideas about flowers and herbs.

a) What flowers do you know?

c) Where do flowers grow?


1. Zolotova E. I. “Introducing preschoolers to the world of animals”/Edited by N. F. Vinogradova. M.: "Education", 1988

2. Ivanova A. I. “Methodology of organization environmental observations and experiments in kindergarten" Manual for employees of preschool institutions. Sphere, 2003.

3. N. A. Ryzhova, Loginova L. "Mini - Museum in kindergarten". – M: 2008

4. N. A. Ryzhova « Ecological education in kindergarten" "Karapuz" M.: 2001.

Ecology and us

Protection and rational use of flora and fauna.

Completed by: student

9th grade MOUOO

schools in the village of Yusupovo

Tagirova Fluza

Head: teacher

Russian language MOUOO

Schools in Yusupovo

Nigamaeva E.A.


1. Wildlife is the main asset of the Earth.

2. Flora and plant resources.

3. Relationship between flora and fauna.

4. Take care of nature!

Living nature is the main asset of our Earth; human society has developed in its depths and exists at its expense. It satisfies our nutritional needs and provides the main living conditions for people on the planet - the composition of the air environment, protection from cosmic radiation, clean water, soil fertility, and climate moderation.

For man vegetable world acts as plant resources. These resources, especially forests, are significant in Bashkortostan. Forests occupy about 39% of the region's territory. In neighboring Tatarstan, the forest area makes up only 17% of the territory. Wood reserves allow the development of forestry, wood chemical and other industries.

The water conservation role of forests is very important. They accumulate more snow, which feeds the rivers. Especially important for us are mountain forests that feed rivers and protect mountain slopes from erosion. If you deplete the forests, you can cause irreparable damage not only to Bashkortostan, but also to neighboring regions, since the rivers flowing into the plains will dry up.

Forests are the source of life for numerous herbivorous animals, in close connection with which there are also predatory animals.

From negative qualities, somewhat reducing the value of the republic’s forest resources, we note their uneven distribution. About 70% of the forest area is in Mountainous Bashkortostan, where forest cover reaches more than 80%. As a result of intensive deforestation, the forest area of ​​Bashkortostan has decreased by half over the last century. Due to plowing, steppe vegetation suffered. Steppe areas also suffer from excessive grazing.

Various animals inhabiting the territory of the republic represent animal resources for us. Like the vegetation, animal world significantly depleted by man. Wild horses, saigas, beavers, and red deer have long disappeared. The number of bears, otters, and minks has decreased. Animals of prey are sometimes thought to cause damage.

Let's consider the opposite - the positive impact of humans on the flora and fauna. This impact is expressed in protection, rational use and replenishment of plants and animals. Much has been done and is being done in this direction.

1. Three reserves were created - Bashkir State reserve, Shulgantash and Yuzhno-Uralsky. On the territory of these reserves there are protected rare species animals and plants.

2. 15 state hunting reserves and 12 conservation reserves were organized medicinal plants. 148 natural sites have been declared natural monuments.

3. Protection and restoration of forests are being decided - field-protective forest plantations are being created, forests are being planted, work is underway to prevent forest fires, school forest districts and green patrols are being created.

4. Much has been done to protect and replenish animals: valuable animals have been settled - American mink, deer, muskrat, muskrat, river beaver. The moose population is growing.

5. Many animals are taken under protection, for example Brown bear, deer, roe deer, etc.

6. Lakes, reservoirs and ponds are being stocked with fish.

7. There is a fight against poachers who violate the timing and places of hunting and fishing.

There is still much to be done. It is necessary to abandon the consumer attitude towards forest resources. In this case, it should be noted that the principle is “as much as is needed” on the other – “as much as possible”. Forest resources are called renewable and exhaustible. We can harvest wood only within the limits of annual forest growth, and not as much as you need. “If you cut down a tree, plant two,” foresters say, but, unfortunately, so far in the republic an average of 20 thousand hectares are planted and 27 thousand hectares are cut down.

All our activities will help the wildlife of the region only if each of us firmly understands the importance of caring for forests, meadows, birds, and animals. When communicating with nature, convince yourself: “This is our common, and therefore my forest, my river, lake. I must take care of all this. Who will save this world if not me.”

Life practice itself suggests: the ecology of nature without the ecology of the soul is unthinkable. We are terribly destroying the vegetation cover of the earth, proud and independent animals, all the beauty that only sustains life.

Nature appears before us in all its beauty and grandeur. We admire her, she selflessly gives us joy.

But why then are there guys who destroy bird nests, clog springs or rivers, and break trees? Or they even brutally deal with a cat or dog...

How should we educate the current younger generation, the generation of the 21st century? How to develop environmental consciousness, careful attitude to nature? This is a difficult task. That's not something to develop in a person environmental habits. After all, we do not understand the behavior of those who pick a flower and do not think about the fact that this flower is dying. What needs to be done so that forests, fields, rivers, our smaller brothers - animals and birds - do not suffer from the cruel hands of poachers? How to stop from thoughtless actions? Ultimately, man himself, a piece of nature, will suffer.

What ways, forms and methods are used to educate a caring person who will be a real guardian and master of the incredible riches of our planet?



Section "ECOLOGY"

ZhitkevichLolita Viktorovna

9-A class


Municipal institution "Secondary school No. 15"

Alchevsk, Lugansk region. Ukraine

A full-fledged life of society is impossible without taking into account the environmental component in any field of activity. Every person, regardless of his age and position in society, is aware of his dependence on a healthy and safe environment. I live in the city of Alchevsk, for which ecology is one of the most problematic issues.And not only because of the man-made disaster on heating networks in 2006, after which Alchevsk was talked about all over the world, when students were evacuated to other cities of Ukraine for a month so that we would not freeze at school and at home. This is already a thing of the past after all. But I am worried about the present and, even more so, about the future of the city. I want to live in it, my future children will live in it, and I want them to live for a long time. And it’s bitter to hear when visitors joke about us: “Alchevsk is a city of young people” - that is, they don’t live to old age here, or “When Zhilovka laughs, Liman cries and vice versa” - that is, different areas of the city are suffocating in the smoke from factory chimneys, depending from the direction of the wind. But this is true. Therefore, environmental issues concern all residents of the city and we can certainly say that this is the most actual question our life. However, I will not discover anything new; it is difficult to find novelty in my work, although understanding the situation and trying to find some solutions to it, I believe, is already the beginning of a change in consciousness. And if this happens to all residents of the city, then the situation will definitely change for the better.

But first, a little about our region, about the Lugansk region. Lugansk region is one of the most unfavorable environmental conditions regions of Ukraine. In the region out of 1500 enterprises and organizations of the coal, metallurgical, chemical and petrochemical industries and energy There are 106 enterprises in the coal industry alone. During the year, emissions from one enterprise average about 2 thousand tons per year. Such high performance are formed mainly due to methane emissions and rock dumps, which are prone to combustion. After all, in the region there are 537 rock dumps, of which 66 are active and inactive, which are burning. There is also an urgent question about the consequences of closing mines - out of 109 mines being liquidated throughout Ukraine, 40 mines were closed only in the Lugansk region, and this causes significant deterioration of the environmental situation. The main source of air pollution remains the coal industry, whose emissions average up to 200 thousand tons annually, or up to 40% of the region’s gross emissions. The energy industry takes second place - 156 thousand tons, or 30% of the regional volume. As for emissions from metallurgical industry enterprises, they amounted to 87 thousand tons, or 17%, and the production of coke and petroleum products - 23 thousand tons, or 5% of all emissions in the region. 123 enterprises use technological process about forty thousand tons of various potent substances. About 500 thousand tons of polluted substances of three hundred types are emitted into the atmosphere annually, more than three quarters of them are not purified. High specific gravity industry in the economic complex of the region, insufficient equipment of enterprises with dust and gas collection devices led to a decrease in the oxygen content in the air and an increase in the amount toxic substances, the air is oversaturated with sulfuric acid gases, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, phenol, ammonia, coke oven gas, etc. Dust and gas cleaning equipment in factories is worn out or outdated, and toxic gases go straight into the sky.

It's no secret that in the Lugansk region there are 7 environmentally hazardous objects of national importance. In just 9 months of last year, almost 400 thousand tons of pollutants were released into the atmosphere. Significant influence Air pollution is affected by industrial enterprises located within the city. The heaviest load on the air basin is exerted by enterprises in Lugansk - up to 30% of all stationary emissions, Krasnodonsk coal region - 22%, Alchevsk - 21%, which is associated with metallurgical production, and Lisichansk - 7%, due to the production of petroleum products.

The fact that the city is working on solving environmental problems is often said and written in the newspapers. Like, everything is under control. But it’s worth looking, for example, at our snow and everything becomes clear without any numbers.

Instead of snow-white snowdrifts, there is snow mixed with soot on the streets, and it turns gray and then black on the second or third day after it falls. Sometimes red dust falls from the sky, which is extremely difficult to wash off. The snow is dusted with soot not only in the immediate vicinity of production, but also on playgrounds, near schools, hospitals and train station. My household duties include daily wiping dust from the window sills, where it collects in a black layer - with the windows closed, and many housewives wipe it both in the morning and in the evening.

Perhaps the reason for this is that 25% of industrial products in the Lugansk region are produced d located on the territory of Alchevsk. However, the environmental situation in Alchevsk is catastrophic. It’s hard for anyone who hasn’t experienced it to even imagine what we breathe. Maximum permissible concentrations (MACs) are exceeded for many ingredients; atmospheric emissions per year amount to more than 1 ton per inhabitant and over 2 thousand tons per 1 sq. km. Options for reducing the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere by two city-forming enterprises - metallurgical and coke plants - are being considered not only by plant managers, but also by environmentalists at all levels. After all, four schools and one medical institution were in the sanitary protection zone. But the Industrial Union of Donbass corporation (a strategic investor in the steel plant) organized an additional “industrial zone” - it launched an oxygen converter shop with a steel production of 8-10 million tons in addition to the production volume of the existing plant. In total, this is more than 15 million tons, which is at least 40% of all steel currently produced in Ukraine. At the same time, wages at local enterprises are among the lowest in the industry; it is, for example, seven times lower than at factories in Poland and Hungary, which Alchevsk provides with metal.

Almost throughout the entire region, the human living environment is assessed as critical. The region has the lowest life expectancy in Ukraine, 85% of children are born with various pathologies and abnormalities; in our city, the most common disease, especially in children, is bronchitis and other respiratory diseases. Therefore, the Lugansk region must be recognized as a zone of emergency environmental disaster.

I'm not even talking about the water we drink. About 5 million tons of mineral salts and over 230 tons of amino and nitro compounds have accumulated in the underground aquifer. High degree of contamination natural environment with a high population density (500 people per 1 sq. km.) leads to high level morbidity. H The frequency of cases of cancer and tuberculosis in the city is twice the regional average. From an environmental point of view, the situation with water resources even worse than the condition of the air basin. From 284 wastewater treatment plants Wastewater 172 that exist in the region do not meet sanitary and hygienic standards, so discharges of contaminated wastewater in Alchevsk have increased 5 times.

Of course, it is difficult to combine the desire to develop industry - and our factories are the salaries of city residents, their main source of income - and to reduce emissions into the atmosphere during metal production, but something needs to be done! And although the mayor of the city says: “Emissions per ton of products of AMK PJSC decreased last year from 28 kg to 25,” the air pollution in the city is still colossal, and the situation does not change significantly.

My supervisor and I obtained data from the city sanitary and epidemiological station and the hydrometeorological service laboratory on the degree of air pollution. To assess quality atmospheric air ratios of annual average concentrations of impurities to their average daily maximum are applied permissible concentrations(MPC), as well as the air pollution index - ISA. ISA is a total air pollution index, which is calculated for the five most common harmful substances (dust, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and formaldehyde or phenol).

The state of atmospheric air in the city of Alchevsk was analyzed according to 4 indicators (suspended substances, carbon monoxide CO, nitrogen dioxide NO 2 and sulfur dioxide SO 2 ) for the period from 1996 to 2011. Changes in the maximum one-time and average daily concentrations of pollutants in the atmosphere of Alchevsk for the period from 1996 to 2011 are presented graphically in Figures 1 and 2.


Figure 1 – Maximum single concentrations of pollutants

font-size:14.0pt; line-height:150%;color:#0D0D0D">Figure 2 – Average daily concentrations of pollutants

Based on the analyzed data, we can conclude that MAC norms are exceeded for all four indicators with an increasing trend, with maximum one-time indicators giving the greatest excess of MAC norms for suspended substances, and average daily indicators for sulfur dioxide.

To calculate the API in Alchevsk, we used data from the city sanitary and epidemiological station and the laboratory of the hydrometeorological service. The calculation of the API was made using five indicators (suspended substances, carbon monoxide CO, sulfur dioxide SO 2, nitrogen dioxide NO 2 and phenol) for the period from 2006 to 2011.

Alchevsk recorded the highest volume of harmful emissions into the atmosphere in the Lugansk region. It exceeds the norm for one person by 4 times.

Figure 3 shows the values ​​of the air pollution index IZA of the city of Alchevsk for the period from 2006 to 2011 according to the city sanitary and epidemiological station and the hydrometeorological service laboratory.

letter-spacing:-.2pt">Figure 3 – Values ISA of the city of Alchevsk for the period from 2006 to 2011.

According to the hydrometeorological service, the state of the atmospheric air in Alchevsk belongs to the category “Increased air pollution”, and according to the city SES - to the categories “High” and “Very high air pollution”.This discrepancy in data can be explained by the following reasons.

Firstly, the city SES and the hydrometeorological service have posts located at different points (Figure 4). The hydrometeorological service posts (indicated by blue drops on the map) cover almost the entire territory of the city in a triangle on both sides of the industrial sites of PJSC AMK and PJSC Alchevskkoks. And the city SES posts (marked with red crosses on the map) are located almost on the same straight line and do not cover the entire territory of the city. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that the location of city SES posts in the southeast direction from the emission source is the most polluted, therefore, the IPA values ​​​​according to the city SES data are higher than those according to the hydrometeorological service.

Secondly, the hydrometeorological service monitors atmospheric air by the number of samples at each post regularly, and observations of the city SES by the number of samples can only be classified as episodic.

Figure 4 – Location of hydrometeorological service and city SES posts monitoring the state of atmospheric air

I believe that for improvement ecological situation in the city and region it is necessary:

revise MPCs based on European standards;

do not allow new metal production enterprises to be located in the city;

bring to justice and punish to the fullest extent of the law the managers and owners of enterprises that pollute the atmosphere, and fines for failure to fulfill their obligations should increase for each overdue year.


1. , Yatsyuk ecologist and protection of the excessive natural environment. - Lviv: Poster, 20 p.

2. Brovdiy V. The world in which we want to live / V. Brovdiy, O. Gatsa, N. Kuruts // Space, Earth, Nature, Ecology, People / V. Brovdiy, O. Gatsa, N. Kuruts. - K., 1997. - P. 29-37.

3. B. Ecology. Nature-Man-Technology: Textbook for technical students. direction and specialist universities / , .- Under general. ed. ; M.: UNITY-DANA, 2006.

– 43 s.

4. Report of the Alchevsk City Center for Environmental Monitoring “Development of recommendations for organizing and conducting monitoring of the state of the environment in Alchevsk” - Alchevsk, 2012. - 98 p.

5. DonSTU report « Research and analysis of the influence of anthropogenic factors on the natural environment and development of recommendations for creating a system environmental monitoring city ​​of Alchevsk" - Alchevsk, 2012. – 82 p.

6. , Batman and self-organization: Mining cities of Donbass during the period of restructuring of the coal industry: social and environmental dimensions. – Lugansk: Alma Mater, 2001.

7. Belov. Based on publications from city newspapers (history pages). Donetsk: “Donechchina”, 2008.

8. Official website of Alchevsk City Council. http://www. al. /ru/

This is a photo of snow two days ago and streams flowing after the snow melts in the area of ​​the plant.

I live in the small Siberian village of Kanarai. I have a street, a house, a path that is dear to me, favorite places in the forest where I like to relax, wander, and watch nature. A man is rich in his roots. I want to be rich and generous in soul, I want to know my roots, I want to be proud of my land, and teach my children to love and take care of it.

Nature, homeland, people, spring - words of the same root. As Paustovsky said, “...the earth gives birth, everything comes from the earth.” And so do we. Earth and man are inseparable. So why have we today become deaf and blind? We notice air when we begin to run out of it. We are used to the world being green. We walk, we trample, we trample. Just think! There is a lot of grass. There's enough for everyone!
I am outraged by human cruelty and indifference to all living things. Many of us naively believe: there will be enough for our lifetime. And what will we leave to our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren!?
In the village, the main environmental threat is street pollution. Many people throw out all their waste on river banks (we live in the interfluve), in alleys, in old destroyed houses, on the road. Garbage ends up in rivers, and children, while swimming in the summer, cut their legs and arms on broken bottles. And adults are not worried that their grandchildren or great-grandchildren will live in the landfill.
The fire season begins in autumn and spring. Kilometers of forest burn due to an unextinguished fire, a match or an abandoned cigarette. They burn straw and tops. Due to human negligence, the village is covered in a veil of smoke. It can be difficult to breathe, smoke penetrates into all the cracks.
One after another, entire species of animals, birds, and plants are disappearing from the earth. Rivers, lakes, seas are spoiled. We look like savages. They became hardened, coarsened, stopped listening to the music of the spring drops, the brook babbling under the ice, and stopped enjoying the sun and the coming day. Surely we came to this wonderful world to rejoice and be surprised. You will be surprised by a blossoming flower, the singing of birds, the blue of the clouds - and you will be filled with human soul kindness and beauty. Now you are rich. Run, quickly share your treasures with others and remember: it is the earth that holds you in its palms, cherishes and raises you like a caring mother.
If the earth could speak, what would it tell us?
Sometimes I want to shout: “Man, stop! Defend your land!
How can we not remember our ancestors, who, falling to the ground, asked for help, protection, strength, wisdom. And the earth healed the wounds of both the living and dead water. Let's fall to her and ask for forgiveness.
I want to appeal to all people of the earth. “People, take care of nature, help as much as you can! Remember! Without nature there will be no us on earth. Nature and man are inseparable!

Bazhenov Viktor, 7th grade student

Canary is my green paradise.

There is a small place on earth

Canaray village
Forever my green paradise.
Dear Siberia, my Motherland.
I love you like a mother.
Everything here is native, everything familiar:
A churchyard with crosses outside the village,
And from Krasnaya Gorka it surprises with its distances,
The vast expanse of forest.
In its beauty both the forest and the valley
They tell me: “Be kind to us”
Just look around:
There is a river here, a green meadow there.
The road runs like a ribbon into the distance,
Calls me on the road, says:
“Go, admire, observe:
Like wheat in the fields,
The water flows in the spring,
Lakes: Wild, Tarai
Please visit more often, my friend.
Drink up the breath of the forest,
And warm yourself with the gentle sun.
Pour the power of nature into your soul.
Take care and protect her.
Please don’t forget.”
And I understood.
I was born and live here
And only here can I be happy.
My land, I don’t need another,
I love you just like that!

Chekunov Vadim, 6th grade student

Take a closer look, what kind of beauty is it?

I love you, my Siberia!

I was born here
I live here
I admire the beauty of nature,
And I can’t live any other way.
Why do I love you, my Krasnoyarsk region?
Canarai, dear to my heart?
For clean air
Free breathing,
For the first ray of light,
For a warm day,
For the meadow with daisies, for the summer,
For the warmth of the sun's rays,
For the beauty of your nights,
For the color of bird cherry
With a gentle cape,
For diamond dew.
That the forest is being silvered,
For the chirping of grasshoppers, beetles,
For the smell of lungwort,
Because I can only do it here
Drink spring water.
My land! I'm with you forever
I live here happy
I keep you warm and kind.
I will protect you lovingly
My beautiful great one!
You're alive, just like me!

Grafkina Lyudmila, 5th grade student

Ecology of the native land

Our home is dear, our common home -

The land where you and I live.

I am twelve years old. I study at an ordinary village school. I live in amazing beautiful place: around there are spacious fields, clearings covered with a colorful carpet of flowers. And what forests?! Wonderful beauty!

I already want to understand, learn, comprehend, see a lot, but I see, unfortunately, not only beauty.
Our nature of Siberia Krasnoyarsk Territory, including forests, the waters of the village of Kanaray need serious help.
In my village, forests and berry forests are being cut down, even where it is not allowed to be cut down, despite the protective zones around the village. All this is for the sake of money, profit. Forests are dying from fires and from the careless attitude of us, people, towards the forest. I read that up to 80% of forest fires are caused by humans. Residents themselves pollute the air, water, and kill animals. People, don’t you care about the future of your children and great-grandchildren!? I remembered the lines from the poem:
We cut down forests, arrange landfills,
But who will take everything under protection?
The streams are empty, there are only sticks in the forest,
Think about it, what awaits us next?
Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote that “water... you cannot say that you are necessary for life: you are life itself.” I agree that we cannot live on earth without water. What is happening now!? Adults wash their cars in the river, pollute them with gasoline, ash, and foam from washing powders; my peers throw glass and bottles into the water. And they themselves drink this water. What will all this lead to?!
I read about in the book “Ecology of the Krasnoyarsk Territory” that
« consumption fresh water such that humanity can exhaust all its reserves by 2010.”
People, come to your senses, understand! By destroying the Earth, you are destroying our future, the future of your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. After all, our lives depend on each of us. Let's stop our disappearance big house: we will plant a tree with our own hands, we will put out a fire or fire in time, we will carefully clear the stream, we will not destroy nests and anthills, we will protect the birds, we will feed them in winter.
By doing this, we will already help our nature and strengthen the prosperity of our planet. After all, if there is no air, forests, rivers, sun, animals, there will be no all of us on Earth. Nature is vulnerable and fragile, let's hurry and save our land from harm.
When I grow up, I want to solve issues of protecting the natural environment. These are not just dreams, I diligently study with excellent marks so that I can be ready to solve these issues that concern me. After all, our destiny lies in the fate of nature. Who, if not us, will take care of our own home!

Diana Mironova, 5th grade student

Eternal beauty

Summer. Road.

Letnik and me.

I'm going to buy strawberries, friends.

I inhale the smell of cut grass

Forests, cones and bark,

I look around, I look...

Here is the defender of the forest ahead.

The doctor is a woodpecker for a bitch,

And the toiling ants,

And fast chipmunks,

Flowers - daisies in a row,

They are talking about something important.

And suddenly: I saw in the distance

Bright clearing - frying!

The heads are shining like the sun,

And my heart is warmed.

I just can't take my eyes off

From this eternal beauty.

And the sun runs ahead,

He caresses me and says:

“You come visit more often,

Don't pick forest flowers,

Sit down and talk to me

Then I will be content

And you and I will become friends.”

I ran after the sun

But I never caught up with him...

(Letnik is the name of the place).

Khokhryakov Dmitry, 7th grade student

Ecology of the native land

ON THE. Nekrasov wrote: “Nowhere can one breathe the freedom of native meadows, native fields.” I completely agree with him. ,

I was born and raised in the village of Kanaray. In winter, I like to go hunting with Uncle Vova, unravel the tricks of animals, recognize birds by their voices, and know how to imitate them. I like to wander through the forest, peer, observe. A beautiful landscape makes me feel joyful, distracts me from troubles, calms me down, even heals me. My homeland is the “pantry of the sun.” It is rich in forests and deep rivers, and clean lakes - “Dikoe”, “Tarai”, forest glades and edges, flowers of wondrous beauty.
But the beauty of our land is fragile and vulnerable, it is easy to spoil and offend with every little thing.
Therefore, today the issue of environmental protection is very serious. Crazy human activities over the centuries have destroyed habitats, and the twentieth century was a time of environmental disasters.
The souls of people are burned by fire, many people are busy only with profit, dreaming of getting rich at any cost, and then... Man ceases to be a creator, a creator. He ruins environment, leaving only stumps from the forests.
Man is not the king of nature, but an integral part of it. If any living creature dies, a link in this chain is destroyed.
When will we understand this?!
We must live in harmony with nature. Then peace will come in the soul of every person. With these lines from the poem I want to address all the people of the earth:
Man, look around, look around and understand,
How the Earth suffers from the mistakes of progress,
What remained were dead wood and black stumps
From the once dense, cheerful forest.
Come to the spring - it is from the eternal depths,
His voice sounds, it sparkles in the sun.
Man, you don’t live alone on Earth,
Keep the keys of pure life for posterity.

What else to read