How high atmospheric pressure affects well-being. How low atmospheric pressure affects a person. Relationship between blood pressure and atmospheric pressure


Bogdanov Andrey

11 years


Yakushkin Natalia Viktorovna,

Physics teacher


Astrakhan region


in physics on the topic:

"The influence of atmospheric pressure on human health".

I. Introduction………………………………………………………………………

II. Main part.

Chapter 1. The state of the research question according to the literature……..

1.1. A bit of history………………………………………………………

1.2. Atmospheric pressure, what is it? .............................................. ................

1.3. Why measure Atmosphere pressure?.............................................

Chapter 2. Influence of atmospheric pressure fluctuations on the human body

2.1. What happens when atmospheric pressure decreases?

2.2. What happens when atmospheric pressure rises?

Chapter 3. Conducting research and conclusions…………………………….

3.1. general characteristics conducting research…………………..

3.2. Research results and conclusions…………………………………..

III. Conclusion………………………………………………………………….

IV. List of used literature and Internet resources.…………………………………….

Hypothesis: Atmospheric pressure affects the human body and well-being?

my goal research work- find out if there is a relationship between the well-being of people and the value of atmospheric air pressure, as well as changes in this pressure.

Tasks of the work: To analyze the literature and other sources on the issue under consideration. Find out what effect atmospheric pressure has on the well-being and health of a person, which people are more susceptible to the influence of fluctuations in atmospheric pressure.

The object of the study is people of different age categories(from 10 years to 50 years), with different health conditions.

The subject of the research is atmospheric pressure, its influence on the well-being and health of a person.


Man is an integral part of nature!

Everything in this world has a clear relationship, various phenomena form a certain balance. I want to explore the relationship between weather conditions and human well-being.

Some people, often moving in time and climatic zones (frequent flights), constantly change the climate and feel very comfortable doing so. Others, on the contrary, just relaxing, feel the slightest fluctuations in temperature and atmospheric pressure, which in turn negatively affects their well-being - it is this sensitivity to changes weather conditions, is called weather dependence.

Weather-dependent people or people - "barometers" - are most often sick, suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, often working a lot, constantly overworking and not resting enough.

Meteorologically dependent people include people with diseases of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the heart, brain and lower extremities, patients with diseases respiratory system, musculoskeletal system, allergy sufferers and patients with neurasthenia.

What factors influence a person's well-being? For a complete description of the atmospheric environment that directly affects human body, the following factors must be taken into account: air temperature, humidity, pressure, wind speed, solar radiation fluxes, long-wave solar radiation, precipitation, air composition atmospheric electricity, atmospheric radioactivity, subsonic noise.

Main part

Chapter 1. The state of the research question according to the literature.

When reporting on television or radio about the weather, announcers and presenters usually report at the end: atmospheric pressure 750 mm mercury column(or 747, or 756...). But how many people understand what this means, and where do weather forecasters get this data from? In my work, I want to talk about how atmospheric pressure is measured, how it changes and affects a person.

1.1. A bit of history

The Italian scientist Evangelista Torricelli was the first to measure atmospheric pressure in 1643. Developing the teachings of Galileo, Torricelli, after long experiments, proved that air has weight, and the pressure of the atmosphere is balanced by a column of water of 32 feet, or 10.3 m. He went even further in his research and later invented a device for measuring atmospheric pressure - a barometer.

1.2. Atmospheric pressure, what is it?

Atmospheric pressure - pressure atmospheric air on the objects in it and on earth's surface. At each point in the atmosphere, atmospheric pressure is equal to the weight of the overlying column of air with a base, equal to one area. Atmospheric pressure decreases with height. In accordance with the international system of units (SI system), the main unit for measuring atmospheric pressure is the hectopascal (hPa), however, in the service of a number of organizations it is allowed to use the old units: millibar (mb) and millimeter of mercury (mm Hg). Normal atmospheric pressure (at sea level) is 760 mm Hg (mm Hg) at 0 degrees C.

1.3. Why measure atmospheric pressure?

Atmospheric pressure is measured in order to be more likely to predict a possible change in the weather. There is a direct relationship between pressure changes and weather changes. An increase or decrease in atmospheric pressure can, with some probability, be a sign of a change in the weather.

Chapter 2 person.

In order for a person to be comfortable, atmospheric pressure should be equal to 750 mm. rt. pillar.

If atmospheric pressure deviates, even by 10 mm, in one direction or another, a person feels uncomfortable and this may affect his state of health.

A person, getting into a space where the pressure is much lower than atmospheric pressure, for example, on high mountains or when taking off or landing an airplane, often experiences pain in the ears and even in the whole body. External pressure decreases rapidly, the air inside us begins to expand, puts pressure on various organs and causes pain.

With an increase in pressure, there is an increased absorption of gases by body fluids, and with a decrease in pressure, the release of dissolved gases. With a rapid decrease in pressure due to the intense release of gases, the blood boils, as it were, which leads to blockage of blood vessels, often fatal.

2.1. What happens when atmospheric pressure decreases?

With a decrease in atmospheric pressure, air humidity rises, precipitation and an increase in air temperature are possible.

The first to feel the decrease in atmospheric pressure are people with low blood pressure (hypotension), "cores", as well as people with respiratory diseases.

Most often, there is general weakness, shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath occurs.

A decrease in atmospheric pressure is especially acute and painful for people with high intracranial pressure. They get worse migraine attacks. In the digestive tract, too, not everything is in order - there is discomfort in the intestines, due to increased gas formation .

2.2. What happens when atmospheric pressure rises?

When atmospheric pressure rises, the weather becomes clear and does not have sudden changes in humidity and temperature.

With an increase in atmospheric pressure, the state of health worsens in hypertensive patients, patients suffering from bronchial asthma and allergies.

When the weather becomes calm, the concentration of harmful industrial impurities in the city air increases, which are an irritating factor for people with respiratory diseases.

Frequent complaints are headaches, malaise, pain in the heart and decreased overall ability to work. An increase in atmospheric pressure has a negative effect on emotional background and often acts as the main cause of sexual disorders.

Another negative characteristic of high atmospheric pressure is a decrease in immunity. This is due to the fact that an increase in atmospheric pressure lowers the number of leukocytes in the blood, and the body becomes more vulnerable to various infections.

Chapter 3. Research and conclusion.

3.1. General characteristics of the study.

After analyzing the changes in atmospheric pressure and air temperature, I built the corresponding graphs.

Atmospheric pressure graph from February 20 to February 29, 2012. (fig.1)

Graph of air temperature for the period from 20 to 29 February 2012. (fig.2)

I conducted a survey among students, their parents and school teachers.

Survey participants were asked to answer the following questions (answer options are given in brackets).

1. What is your gender? ("male", "female")

2. What is your age? ("10-20", "20-30", "30-40", "40-50")

3. Do you have high or low blood pressure more often? ("not selected (healthy)", "low", "high")

4. How have you been feeling during the last 5-7 days? ("very bad", "worse than usual", "normal", "feeling great")

5. Do you tend to correlate your state of health with changes in the weather? (“I find it difficult to answer”, “they do not depend on each other”, “most likely, this is so”, “definitely, there is a relationship”)

Based on the results of the answers to the first and second questions, we built the corresponding diagrams (Fig. 3),

When answering the third question (on the predisposition of respondents to have deviations from the normal blood pressure) I got the following data: (Fig. 5)
A large number of hypotensive patients are women, and hypertensive patients are men. The number of healthy people was distributed almost equally.

On the next question about the state of health in the last few days, the opinion of the respondents was divided. (fig.6)

When answering the question, is there any relationship between a person’s well-being and air pressure, everyone recognizes its presence (Fig. 7)
The distribution for men and women is approximately the same. Students from 10 to 20 years old found it difficult to answer this question.

3.2 Research results and conclusions.

I will consider the percentage of people who felt bad among hypotensive, hypertensive and conditionally healthy people (Fig. 8)

Before summing up the results of the work done, I would like to draw attention to the recommendations of doctors:

How to help yourself with a decrease in atmospheric pressure?

· An important point is the normalization of blood pressure and maintaining it at the usual (normal) level.

Drink more fluids (green tea, with honey)

Don't skip your morning coffee these days

These days you should not give up morning coffee

Take tinctures of ginseng, lemongrass, eleutherococcus

After a working day, take a contrast shower

Go to bed earlier than usual

(slide 22), (slide 23)

How to help yourself with an increase in atmospheric pressure?

Do a light morning exercise

Take a contrast shower

· Morning breakfast should contain more potassium (cottage cheese, raisins, dried apricots, bananas)

Do not overeat during the day

If you have increased intracranial pressure, take the medication prescribed by your neuropathologist beforehand

Take care of your nervous and immune system - do not start important things on this day

Try to spend this day with minimal physical effort and emotions, because your mood will leave much to be desired

· Upon arrival at home, rest for 40 minutes, go about your daily activities and try to go to bed early.

1) The task was solved: the influence of atmospheric pressure on the well-being and health of a person was discovered.

2) It was possible to obtain factual information about the effect of atmospheric pressure on the human body.

3) As a result of full-scale experimental studies, scientific material was obtained in the form of graphs.

Conclusion: The state of health of the vast majority of people directly depends on atmospheric pressure (even with a slight fluctuation). A change in pressure can affect the body, it must necessarily respond to sudden changes in external conditions.

Changes in atmospheric pressure affect well-being in different ways different people. In a healthy person, when atmospheric pressure changes, timely adjustment occurs physiological processes in the body to changing conditions environment. As a result, the protective reaction is enhanced, and healthy people practically do not feel its negative influence. In a sick person, adaptive reactions are weakened, so the body loses the ability to quickly adapt.


The data obtained in the course of the work carried out allow us to conclude that a person's well-being depends on changes in atmospheric pressure. The human body is affected by both low and high atmospheric pressure.

In the tissue fluid and in the tissues of the body is dissolved very a large number of gases. With increased pressure, gases do not have time to stand out from the body. Since their solubility in the blood decreases during the transition from high to normal pressure, gas bubbles appear in the blood; the latter can lead to vascular embolism, i.e. clogging them with gas bubbles. Carbon dioxide and oxygen, as gases that are chemically bound by blood, are less dangerous than nitrogen, which, being well soluble in fats and lipids, accumulates in large quantities in the brain and nerve trunks, especially rich in these substances. For especially sensitive people, increased atmospheric pressure may be accompanied by joint pain and a number of brain phenomena: dizziness, vomiting, shortness of breath, loss of consciousness.

With reduced atmospheric pressure, there is an increase and deepening of breathing, an increase in heart rate (their strength is weaker), a slight drop in blood pressure, and changes in the blood are also observed in the form of an increase in the number of red blood cells.

With a decrease in atmospheric pressure, the partial pressure of oxygen also decreases, therefore, with the normal functioning of the respiratory and circulatory organs, a smaller amount of oxygen enters the body. As a result, the blood is not sufficiently saturated with oxygen and does not fully deliver it to organs and tissues, which leads to oxygen starvation.

Wherein important role in prevention plays training and hardening of the body. It is necessary to go in for sports, systematically perform this or that physical work. Nutrition at low atmospheric pressure should be high-calorie, varied and rich in vitamins and mineral salts. With increased pressure, it is recommended to rest more, take your time, slowly climb the floors .


1. Zorin N.I., elective course "Elements of Biophysics" - M., "Vako", 2007.

2..Volkov V.A., S.V. Gromova, Pourochnye development in physics, 7th grade. - M. "Wako", 2005.

3. Material from the Internet:

CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics by David R. Lide, Editor-in-Chief 1997 Editio

4. Photos from the Internet:

Many people experience various disorders of the cardiovascular system. At the same time, the level of blood pressure as a symptom of pathology is of great importance. a person often depends on weather conditions and atmospheric pressure. Changes in the barometer have an impact not only on sick people, but also on healthy people. In science, there is a definition of the concept of atmospheric pressure - this is the force of the air column on 1 cm of the surface. It is measured in hectopascals, millibars or millimeters of mercury.

In ancient times, it was believed that air has no weight and, accordingly, cannot lead to any changes in the weather or well-being. Later, scientists found out what is the effect of atmospheric pressure on human pressure.

Weather dependent and healthy people

With a barometer reading of 760 mmHg, people's well-being does not change and is within the normal range. Slight fluctuations in atmospheric pressure lead to symptoms such as dizziness, joint pain, or feelings of fear and anxiety. People who do not have diseases may also experience malaise. This is due to the low physical activity, as a result of which the body loses its tone and cannot quickly adapt to environmental conditions.

In a year, the pressure force varies within 30 mm. During the day, the values ​​​​can fluctuate within 1-3 mm Hg. Art. A healthy person does not feel these changes, but weather-dependent people with any health problems can feel these deviations.

The higher the area is above sea level, the vice versa. If a person lives for quite a long time in the same area with a specific value of the measuring device, then it does not have a pathological effect on the state of health. Symptoms usually occur if the pressure changes abruptly. In this case, the first to feel the fluctuations are people who have any diseases - acute or chronic.

Physicians have been fairly precise about how different levels atmospheric pressure affect people and what ailments they experience.


With increased air pressure, a person's pulse becomes less frequent, respiratory function is inhibited. In addition, intestinal peristalsis also increases. The effect of barometric pressure on a person's pressure increases in proportion to the distance a person descends. The most exposed to the characteristics of the air in this case are people who perform work at depth. The level of dissolution of gases in the blood reaches its maximum value, increases efficiency and concentration. However, a large amount of oxygen has a toxic effect and provokes the occurrence of lung diseases. The lifting of workers from the depth is carried out according to accepted standards. In the event of a violation of the return rate, gas bubbles clog the vessels, and death may occur.

Above sea level

The influence of atmospheric pressure on the pressure of a person who is, for example, in the mountains, manifests itself in increased breathing and heart rate, headaches, asthma attacks and nosebleeds. Symptoms go away as the person gets used to the conditions. Often there is a need for medical care for people who have signs of oxygen starvation. The specialist will help you quickly adapt to the low atmospheric pressure.

People who work at extreme altitudes, in order to avoid death from lack of oxygen, are placed in special spacesuits or work in a closed unit where normal pressure is created.

The effect of atmospheric pressure on well-being ordinary people, whose location is not related to work in extreme conditions, is not so explicit. In the event that occurs abrupt change weather conditions, and the person is within the same locality, the symptoms indicated above appear slightly.

Atmospheric pressure and some diseases

If we consider in more detail the state of health, then in people with cardiovascular disorders, first of all, there are disorders of the heart. Doctors recommend in this case to take the usual medications and to observe the regime of sleep and rest.

The influence of atmospheric pressure on the pressure of a person who has mental disorders in remission, expressed as the appearance of obsessive fear or anxiety. Taking sedatives or herbal collection help to reduce unpleasant symptoms, minimizing their manifestation.

In diseases of the articular apparatus during pressure fluctuations, attacks of pain in the affected areas may occur, accompanied by weakness and fatigue.

The influence of atmospheric pressure on arterial pressure is more pronounced in people suffering from chronic abnormalities - hypertensive or hypotensive patients. In this case, it is necessary to ensure constant pressure control, avoiding critical values.

More about meteopathy

Healthy people, as a rule, almost do not feel changes in barometer values, but ailments may be subtle. The most difficult thing is for people whose body reacts to changes not only in atmospheric pressure, but also in solar activity, and others.

Some believe that meteorological dependence is a disease, others that it is a temporary phenomenon. However, the constant sensitivity to changes in the weather, which is associated with disturbances in the functioning of the body, suggests that it is necessary to treat meteopathy, starting, first of all, with diseases. The dependence on atmospheric pressure will decrease and the person will feel much better in any weather.

There are methods that help people feel healthier when the weather changes drastically. These include: taking immunomodulators, contrast showers in the morning, light therapeutic exercises and nutrition rich in vitamins and minerals.

In addition, following medical recommendations will help stabilize general state and the person will be able to carry out normal activities. During the cyclone reduced pressure) or an anticyclone (high pressure), you should avoid heavy physical exertion, unrest and solving important issues.

The science

The influence of atmospheric pressure on health has been studied for a long time and even a science has appeared that studies the effects natural phenomena on the well-being of people - biometeorology. As part of the research, frequent cases of meteopathy were identified, as well as the dependence on weather conditions of sick and relatively healthy people. Scientists have found that a certain percentage of hereditary sensitivity to weather conditions affects the occurrence of malaise.

History and statistics

The discovery made in 1643 by the Italian physicist and mathematician Torricelli made it possible to continue research in the field of the atmosphere and its properties. It was proved that air has weight and presses on one centimeter of the Earth's surface with a force of 1.033 kilograms.

The most was registered in the village of Turukhansk Krasnoyarsk Territory in winter (815 mm Hg), the lowest - in Hurricane Nancy, over Pacific Ocean(641 mm Hg). The location of the anomalous regions suggests that pressure drops occur more frequently than in other areas. However, people living near the Arctic Circle endure such phenomena quite steadfastly, since they are constantly in this territory.

Man is far from being the king of nature, but rather her child, an integral part of the universe. We live in a world where everything is strictly interconnected and subject to a single system.

Everyone knows that the Earth is surrounded by dense air mass which is called the atmosphere. And any object, including the human body, is “pressed” by an air column that has a certain weight. Scientists empirically managed to establish that for every square centimeter human body Atmospheric pressure weighs 1.033 kilograms. And if you carry out simple mathematical calculations, it turns out that on average a person is under pressure of 15550 kg.

The weight is colossal, but, fortunately, completely imperceptible. Perhaps this is due to the presence of dissolved oxygen in human blood.
What is the effect of atmospheric pressure on a person? A little more about this.

Atmospheric pressure norm

Doctors, in a conversation about what atmospheric pressure is considered normal, indicate a range of 750 ... .760 mm Hg. Such a spread is quite acceptable, since the relief of the planet is not perfectly even.

Meteorological dependence

Doctors say that the body of some people is able to adapt to any conditions. They do not care even for such serious tests as long-distance flights by plane from one climate zone in another.

At the same time, others, without leaving their apartment, feel the approach of changes in the weather. This can manifest itself in the form of severe headaches, inexplicable weakness, or constantly wet palms, for example. Such people are more likely to be diagnosed with diseases of the vessels and the endocrine system.

It is especially difficult when atmospheric pressure makes a sharp jump for a short time. According to statistics most of people whose body reacts so violently to changes in atmospheric pressure indicators are women living in major cities. Unfortunately, the rigid rhythm of life, overcrowding, and ecology are not the best companions health.

You can get rid of addiction if you want. You just need to be persistent and consistent. Everyone knows the methods. These are the basics healthy lifestyle life: hardening, swimming, walking-running, healthy eating, adequate sleep, elimination bad habits, weight loss.

How does our body react to increased atmospheric pressure?

Atmospheric pressure (norm for a person) - ideally 760 mm Hg. But such an indicator is very rarely kept.

As a result of an increase in pressure in the atmosphere, clear weather is established, there are no sharp changes in humidity and air temperature. The body of hypertensive patients and allergy sufferers actively reacts to such changes.

In the conditions of the city, in calm weather, naturally, gas pollution makes itself felt. The first to feel this are patients who have a problem with the respiratory organs.

An increase in atmospheric pressure also affects the immune system. Specifically, this is expressed in a decrease in leukocytes in the blood. It will not be easy for a weakened body to cope with infections.

Doctors advise:

Start the day with light morning exercises. Take a contrast shower. For breakfast, give preference to foods that are high in potassium (cottage cheese, raisins, dried apricots, bananas). Don't allow yourself to eat too much. Don't overeat. This day is not the most successful for great physical effort and the manifestation of emotions. Arriving home, rest for an hour, do routine household chores, go to bed earlier than usual.

Low atmospheric pressure and well-being

Low atmospheric pressure, how much is it? Answering the question, we can conditionally say if the barometer reading is lower than 750 mmHg. But it all depends on where you live. In particular, for Moscow, indicators of 748-749 mm Hg. are the norm.

Among the first to feel this deviation from the norm are “cores” and those who have intracranial pressure. They complain of general weakness, frequent migraines, lack of oxygen, shortness of breath, as well as pain in the intestines.

Doctors advise:

Bring your blood pressure back to normal. reduce physical activity. Include ten minutes of rest in every working hour. Drink more liquid, preferring green tea with honey. Drink morning coffee. Take herbal tinctures indicated for cores. Relax in the evenings under a contrast shower. Go to bed earlier than usual.

How changes in humidity affect the body

Low air humidity of 30 - 40 percent is not useful. It irritates the nasal mucosa. Asthmatics and allergy sufferers are the first to feel this deviation. In this case, moisturizing the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx with a slightly salty aqueous solution can help.

Frequent precipitation naturally raises the air humidity to 70-90 percent. It also negatively affects health.
High air humidity can exacerbate chronic diseases of the kidneys and joints.

Doctors advise:

Change the climate, if possible, to dry. Reduce your time outdoors in wet weather. Go for a walk in warm clothes. Remember vitamins

Atmospheric pressure and temperature

The optimum temperature for a person in a room is not higher than +18. This is especially true for the bedroom.

How is the mutual influence of atmospheric pressure and oxygen formed?

In the case of an increase in air temperature and a simultaneous decrease in atmospheric pressure, people with diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory organs suffer.

If the temperature drops and atmospheric pressure rises, it becomes bad for hypertensive patients, asthmatics and those who have problems with the stomach and genitourinary system.

In the case of a sharp and repeated fluctuation in temperature, an unacceptably large amount of histamine, the main provocateur of allergies, is produced in the body.

Good to know

What is the normal atmospheric pressure for a person, now you know. This is 760 mm Hg, but the barometer records such indicators very rarely.

It is also important to remember that the change in atmospheric pressure with height (while it rapidly decreases) occurs quite sharply. It is because of such a drop that a person climbing a mountain very quickly can lose consciousness.

In Russia, atmospheric pressure is measured in mm Hg. But international system takes pascals as the unit of measure. In this case, the normal atmospheric pressure in pascals will be equal to 100 kPa. If we convert our 760 mm Hg. in pascals, then the normal atmospheric pressure in pascals for our country will be 101.3 kPa.

Humidity, temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind direction and speed. Illumination, air saturation with ozone, oxygen, dust, chemicals All of these things affect the body. Why do even cheerful, optimistic people feel worse on cloudy days? Yes, because the body of any of us, when the weather changes, reconfigures all its biological systems. If, for example, there is a cold snap, the heat supply is reduced in it. And when atmospheric pressure drops, the pressure in the arteries drops. If the atmospheric pressure rises, the arterial pressure also rises. That is why, by the way, in clear weather, when there is usually high atmospheric pressure, many people have a headache.

Under normal conditions on the surface of the earth, annual fluctuations in atmospheric air do not exceed 20-30 mm, and daily fluctuations are 4-5 mm. Healthy people tolerate them easily and imperceptibly. Some patients are very sensitive to even such slight changes in pressure. So, with a decrease in pressure in people suffering from rheumatism, pain appears in the affected joints, in patients with hypertension, the state of health worsens, angina pectoris attacks are observed. In people with increased nervous excitability drastic changes pressure cause the appearance of a feeling of fear, deterioration of mood and sleep.

A drop in pressure is followed by a cloudy, rainy weather, for an increase - dry weather, with a strong cooling in winter.

Atmospheric pressure imperceptibly for us mechanically irritates the receptors of the skin and mucous membranes. When it increases, the irritation of the receptors of the skin and mucous membranes also increases. As a result, the oxygen content in the blood decreases. And this causes an exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases.

A decrease in atmospheric pressure worsens the well-being of those who suffer from diseases. gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, the gases in it expand, causing bloating, the diaphragm rises and it becomes difficult to breathe. On such days, you should not eat foods that cause bloating: peas, beans, potatoes, cabbage.

It has been established that with a change in atmospheric pressure, a number of physiological changes occur, the leading pathogenetic link of which is the reaction of skin baroreceptors to external stimuli.

Temperature conditions significantly affect the processes of thermoregulation, metabolism, muscle and nervous activity, causing changes in biochemical and bioelectrical processes in tissues and organs. Great importance have air humidity and wind speed. The effect of wind on the body is mediated by a direct effect on the skin, contributing to its heating or cooling. However, this depends on the level relative humidity and air temperature. Some authors also associate with high atmospheric pressure (more than 750 mm Hg). In 32% of cases, exacerbation of bronchial asthma was associated with an increase in atmospheric pressure, in 29% - with a change in the relative humidity of the air, in 64% - with a change in air temperature. In 25% of patients, exacerbations of bronchial asthma were observed with a combination of the influence of various climatic factors.

On the well-being of a person who has lived in a certain area for a long time, the usual, i.e. characteristic pressure should not cause a particular deterioration in well-being.

Staying in conditions of high atmospheric pressure is almost no different from normal conditions. Only with very high pressure there is a slight decrease in heart rate and a decrease in minimum blood pressure. Breathing becomes more rare, but deep. Hearing and smell slightly decrease, the voice becomes muffled, there is a feeling of a slightly numb skin, dryness of the mucous membranes, etc. However, all these phenomena are relatively easily tolerated.

More unfavorable phenomena are observed during changes in atmospheric pressure - an increase (compression) and especially its decrease (decompression) to normal. The slower the change in pressure occurs, the better and without adverse consequences the human body adapts to it.

Reduced atmospheric pressure as a professional factor occurs during the work of the flight crew, as well as when performing various kinds of work in mountainous areas (mining, road construction, mountaineering, etc.). The magnitude of the decrease in atmospheric pressure depends on the increase in altitude, where the flight is or are being performed. special work. By itself, the reduced barometric pressure factor can only be of some importance if the pressure is reduced very rapidly; the main role is played by the decrease in the partial pressure of oxygen as the atmospheric pressure decreases.

The lower the atmospheric pressure, the lower the partial pressure of oxygen in the air. A decrease in the partial pressure of oxygen leads to a decrease in its tension in the alveoli. From 100 mm Hg. Art., observed at normal atmospheric pressure, the oxygen tension in the alveolar air drops to 70 mm (height 2000 m) and up to 50-55 mm (height 4000-4500m). The most dangerous zone is the height of 8000-8500 m.

A drop in partial pressure in the lungs from 100 to 40 mm results in a decrease in blood oxyhemoglobin from 92 to 84%. In the future, this fall is even more steep and leads to a deterioration in oxygen supply to tissues (anoxemia).

Pathological phenomena that develop in the body when a low pressure enters the atmosphere, especially when it decreases rapidly, are associated with oxygen starvation of tissues, mainly the brain (flight sickness, mountain sickness).

The clinic of the disease has much in common with decompression sickness. Therefore, first of all, they manifest themselves in severe muscle weakness, impaired coordination, decreased memory and attention, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, rapid breathing, tachycardia, bleeding from the nose, mouth, and intestines. Eye symptoms are also associated with changes in the central nervous system. There is a decrease in visual acuity, visual fields, color perception and deep vision are disturbed. All these phenomena disappear when descending to a lower height or when pure oxygen is inhaled. The body carries out the fight against oxygen starvation with the help of compensatory-adaptive reactions. Respiratory movements become more frequent and deeper, cardiac activity intensifies, pulse quickens, blood flow accelerates, the number of red blood cells increases, hemoglobin content increases - all this taken together enhances the delivery of oxygen to the blood, and with it to the tissues.

Training significantly increases the body's resistance to oxygen deficiency. However, it should be borne in mind that a permanent stay in a mountainous area, even for trained subjects, is limited to a height of 4000 m. Adaptation to work at such an altitude is very slow.

If you experience symptoms of decompression sickness while flying high altitudes pilots are advised to immediately begin their descent as soon as possible. more speed. Usually, the symptoms disappear when descending to 6500-7000 m. In case of severe phenomena, a landing is necessary, followed by a suspension from flights for 1-2 days.

The main preventive measure when working in conditions of low atmospheric pressure is the use of apparatus for inhaling pure oxygen, providing warm and comfortable clothing.

Also important is the strict professional selection in professions associated with staying in conditions of low partial oxygen content, periodic medical examination, as well as preliminary training in a pressure chamber, breathing exercises etc.

With a decrease in the partial pressure of oxygen, its tension in the alveolar air decreases. So, for example, if at normal atmospheric pressure the alveolar oxygen pressure is 100 mm Hg, then at an atmospheric pressure of 600 mm it will be 60 mm, and at a pressure of 350 mm (height 6000 m) - about 30 mm Hg. Art. In this regard, of course, blood oxygen saturation decreases, i.e., anoxemia sets in - the main cause of mountain sickness, or, more correctly, altitude sickness.

The state of anoxemia in altitude sickness, first of all, causes pathological phenomena from the higher nervous activity.

With reduced atmospheric pressure, there is an increase and deepening of breathing, an increase in heart rate (their strength is weaker), a slight drop in blood pressure, and changes in the blood are also observed in the form of an increase in the number of red blood cells. The basis of the adverse effect of low atmospheric pressure on the body is oxygen starvation. It is due to the fact that with a decrease in atmospheric pressure, the partial pressure of oxygen also decreases, therefore, with the normal functioning of the respiratory and circulatory organs, a smaller amount of oxygen enters the body.

We have no control over the weather. But to help your body survive this difficult period quite easy. When forecasting a significant deterioration in weather conditions, and therefore sudden changes in atmospheric pressure, first of all, one should not panic, calm down, reduce physical activity as much as possible, and for those who have a rather difficult adaptation, it is necessary to consult a doctor about prescribing appropriate medications.

The general condition of our body depends on many factors. It can worsen gradually - due to chronic lack of sleep, poor diet, and bad habits. And sometimes it happens that it feels like yesterday full of strength and one hundred percent healthy, and in the morning I woke up completely broken. So it happens that something affects the body. And far from always, such changes are directly related to the internal state of the body; they can even be caused by environmental factors, such as atmospheric pressure. Let's talk about how atmospheric pressure affects the health of the human body?

In general, atmospheric pressure refers to the pressure that air exerts on the ground. A huge mass of the air column is constantly pressing on our body, but we do not feel its weight. We adapted to it, got used to it. However, with a decrease or increase in atmospheric pressure, our well-being may change, because environmental conditions change and this affects health ...

Normal atmospheric pressure is considered to be a pressure of approximately seven hundred and sixty millimeters of mercury (760 mm Hg). Changes in these indicators are accompanied by changes in weather conditions.

In certain parts of our planet, high or low pressure is always recorded. People who live there permanently do not feel any disturbances because of this, as the body simply gets used to such conditions.

Who is particularly sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure?

Most often, such changes disturb patients with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and respiratory systems. In addition, atmospheric pressure fluctuations affect a person with an unbalanced psyche and can aggravate the condition of people with mental illnesses. And they have a negative impact on the well-being of those who have experienced clinical death and head injuries.

High atmospheric pressure - how does it affect a person?

At high atmospheric pressure, meteorologists speak of an anticyclone. On the street at this time reigns dry, windless and quiet weather. The anticyclone is not accompanied by sudden changes in temperature, but a significant amount of aggressive substances (exhaust gases, etc.) accumulate in the air.

Negative influence high atmospheric pressure usually affects the well-being of patients with allergic diseases and hypertension. Such ailments at this time often affect human health in full force. In addition, a sharp jump in atmospheric pressure can cause malaise in patients suffering from coronary disease hearts with circulatory failure, as well as from spastic colitis.

High atmospheric pressure can cause a number of health problems. Patients are concerned about headaches, pain in the region of the heart, an increase in blood pressure and a significant deterioration in performance.

The increased atmospheric pressure also acts on the human body, causing feelings of general weakness and lethargy. With an increase in atmospheric pressure, a decrease in leukocytes in the blood is usually observed, which worsens the overall resistance of the body to infections.

In the presence of serious problems with health, an increase in pressure can lead to a heart attack or a hypertensive crisis. Therefore, with a noticeable deterioration in well-being, do not hesitate and call an ambulance.

In order to somewhat improve your well-being during the anticyclone, doctors strongly recommend taking appropriate measures in the evening. So you can go to bed early and sleep well, and in the morning do a simple exercise, disperse the blood, take a contrast (not sharp) shower. Also, it will not be superfluous to saturate your diet with foods rich in potassium.

Low atmospheric pressure - how does it affect a person?

A decrease in atmospheric pressure is classified by meteorologists as a cyclone. During it, the weather deteriorates, there is cloudiness, precipitation, excessive humidity.

Low atmospheric pressure usually negatively affects the health and general well-being of those people who suffer from heart and vascular diseases, diseases of the respiratory system and low blood pressure.

During a cyclone, a person may experience a number of unpleasant symptoms. He may be disturbed by frequent breathing, an increase in heart rate, a decrease in the strength of the heart beat. In some cases, oxygen starvation occurs and shortness of breath appears.

If low atmospheric pressure is accompanied by disturbances in the activity of the heart, it can cause difficulties in the full blood circulation of the extremities. Also, often there are painful sensations in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints and feet, numbness of the fingers is possible.

With a certain predisposition, a cyclone can lead to the development of serious health problems: heart attacks and hypertensive crises. Also, on days of reduced atmospheric pressure, doctors are faced with complaints of exacerbation of the respiratory system, severe headaches and cerebrovascular accidents.

In order to somewhat reduce the likelihood of ailments with a decrease in atmospheric pressure for a relatively healthy person, you need to get a good night's sleep, drink more than ordinary water during the day. pure water. Also in the morning it will not be superfluous to drink a cup of quality coffee or black tea.

If you see how atmospheric pressure negatively affects a person close to you, or you, then be sure to consult a doctor. The specialist will help you choose the right medicines that will prevent the occurrence of serious health problems.

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