Methodology: professional readiness questionnaire. Professional readiness questionnaire (OPG) L.N. Kabardova. Principles of the questionnaire to determine professional readiness

Characteristics of professionally important qualities

Profession groups Professionally important qualities
Man is nature · Observation · Spatial imagination · Need for motor activity · Physical endurance · Organizational skills · Analytic skills
Man - technology · Technical thinking · Switching and concentration · Spatial imagination · RAM· Good reaction and coordination of movements · Stability nervous system to external stimuli · Tolerance of monotony and monotony
Man - man · Communication and organizational skills · Empathic abilities · Emotional stability · Stability and distribution of attention · Agreeableness · Self-control, endurance
Man is a sign · Stability, concentration, switching and distribution of attention · Abstract thinking· Figurative memory · Lack of pronounced extraversion and increased neuroticism · Accuracy · Perseverance
Man is an artistic image · Visual-figurative thinking · Figurative memory · Creative imagination· Emotional lability · Special Abilities(art, music)
The man himself · Communication and organizational skills · Perseverance · Efficiency, physical endurance · Motor memory · Visual-figurative thinking

(L.N. Kabardova)

The questionnaire is aimed at obtaining information about the presence, mutual combination, success of implementation and emotional reinforcement of professionally oriented skills and abilities among optants, which makes it possible to judge the degree of readiness of the optant for successful functioning in a certain professional field.

Instructions: Read carefully all 42 statements in the questionnaire and answer the three questions below, first assessing your ability (1), then attitude (2) and desire (3).

Evaluate your answers in points (from 0 to 2) and enter them in the answer form (the cell number in the table corresponds to the statement number). In each cell of the table you must put points corresponding to your answers to all three questions. If you have never done what is described in the statement, then put dashes instead of answers and try to evaluate only your desire (3).

When reading the statement, be sure to pay attention to the words: “often”, “easily”, “systematically”. Your answer should take into account the meaning of these words.

If you know how to do one of the actions listed in the statement, then it is this action that you should evaluate with three marks.

1. How good are you at doing what the statement says?

I usually do well - 2 points.

I do average - 1 point.

I do it poorly - 0 points.

2. How did you feel when you did what the statement says?

Positive (pleasant, interesting, easy) - 2 points.

Neutral (all the same) - 1 point.

Negative (unpleasant, uninteresting, difficult) - 0 points.

3. Would you like to see what the statement says included in your future work?

Yes - 2 points.

Still - 1 point.

No - 0 points.

Questionnaire text

1. Make extracts from various texts and group them according to a certain criterion.

2. Understand physical processes and patterns.

3. For a long time (more than one year), independently and patiently carry out all the work that ensures the growth and development of plants (watering, fertilizing, replanting, etc.).

4. Compose poems, stories, notes, write essays that are considered by many to be interesting and worthy of attention.

5. Patiently, without irritation, explain to someone what he wants to know, even if he has to repeat it several times.

6. Make decisions quickly extreme situation

7. Retell texts and compare stories on a given topic.

8. Debug any mechanisms (bicycle, motorcycle), repair electrical devices (vacuum cleaner, iron, lamp).

9. Conduct regular observations of developing plants and record observation data in a special diary.

10. Create finished works of painting, graphics, sculpture.

11. Communicate a lot and often with different people without getting tired of it.

12. Conclude some profitable agreements or deals with people (even close ones).

13. Work with foreign texts without any special difficulties.

14. Repair locks, taps, furniture, toys.

15. Understand the features of development and external distinctive features numerous types plants.

16. Compose music and songs that are successful with people.

17. Organize people for any events.

18. Be responsible not only for yourself, but also for the work of your partners and associates.

19. Perform tasks in which you need to create a logical chain of actions, using various formulas, theorems, and laws.

20. Perform actions that require good coordination of movements and manual dexterity: work on a machine, on an electric sewing machine, perform installation and assembly of small parts.

21. Regularly perform the work necessary to care for animals: feed, clean (animal and cages), treat, train.

22. In public for many spectators to play roles, imitate, impersonate someone, recite poetry, prose.

23. Perform work that requires mandatory contact with many different people.

24. Trade something on the market, street, in an intermediary company.

25. Perform tasks that require good knowledge of mathematical formulas, laws and the ability to apply them correctly when solving.

26. From standard parts intended for assembling certain products, construct new ones, invented independently.

27. Understand the breeds and types of animals: horses, birds, fish, insects; know their characteristics external signs and habits.

28. Always clearly see what a writer, playwright, artist, director, or actor has done with talent and what has not, and be able to justify this orally and in writing.

29. Influence people, convince, prevent conflicts, settle quarrels, resolve disputes.

30. Be interested in everything new and unusual.

31. Perform quantitative calculations, data calculations, and draw various consequences and patterns based on this.

32. Perform tasks that require you to mentally imagine the location of objects or figures in space.

33. Immediately notice the slightest changes in behavior or appearance animals or plants.

34. Create new ones on paper and in the original, interesting models clothes, hairstyles, jewelry, interior design, design innovations.

35. Empathize with people (even not very close ones), understand their problems, provide all possible assistance.

36. Make real plans, projects, how to make money.

37. Work with symbolic information: make and draw maps, drawings, diagrams.

38. Choose the most rational (simple, short) way to solve a technical or logical problem.

39. When working with plants or animals, endure manual labor, unfavorable weather, dirt, specific animal smell.

40. Quicker and more often than others to notice the unusual, surprising, and beautiful in the ordinary.

41. Speak, report something, express your thoughts out loud.

42. Participate in matters where there is financial risk.

Description of the technique. The questionnaire is based on the principle of self-assessment by students at the same time of their capabilities in the implementation of certain skills specified by the questionnaire (academic, creative, labor, social, etc.), their real, experienced and formed in personal experience emotional attitude that arises every time when performing the types of activities described in the questionnaire and one’s preference or reluctance to have the assessed types of activity in one’s future profession.

Instructions: Read the question carefully. You must give 3 answers to it and rate them in points (from 0 to 2).

  1. How well can you do what is written in the question:
    • I usually do well – 2
    • I do medium - 1
    • I do bad – 0
  2. What feelings did you have when you did this?
    • positive (pleasant, interesting, easy) – 2
    • neutral (all the same) – 1
    • negative (unpleasant, uninteresting, difficult) – 0
  3. Would you like the action described in the question to be included in your future work:
    • yes – 2
    • anyway – 1
    • no – 0


1 PROFESSIONAL READINESS QUESTIONNAIRE (OPG) Questionnaire professional readiness was developed by L.N. Kabardova (Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov). The questionnaire is further development E.A. Klimov’s ideas on identifying the professional orientation of the optant in the areas allocated to him professional activity(person, technology, nature, sign, artistic image). The professional readiness questionnaire was developed by L.N. Kabardova (Department of Psychology, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov). The questionnaire is a further development of E.A. Klimov’s idea of ​​identifying the optant’s professional orientation in the areas of professional activity he identifies (person, technology, nature, sign, artistic image). Professional readiness can be defined as a subjective state of an individual, reflecting the ability and desire to engage in a certain specific type of professional activity. It is not necessarily accompanied by objective professional preparedness. The questionnaire is based on the student’s self-assessment of their capabilities in implementing the skills asked by the questionnaire (academic, labor, social, creative, etc.), the emotional attitude experienced and formed in personal experience that arises every time they perform the types of activities described in the questionnaire, and their desire or reluctance have assessed activities in your future profession. The methodology allows the optant to analyze the components of professional readiness: subjectively assessed skills, emotional attitude, willingness to work and get an idea of ​​the degree of readiness for successful activities in

2 in a certain area, about the degree of consistency of the personal professional plan. The technique involves personality diagnosis from the age of 5, can be used both in individual and group counseling and is designed for approximately 5 minutes. Application procedure Read all 5 statements of the questionnaire carefully. After reading each of the statements, answer the three questions given and score your answers. How well can you do what is written in the statement? I usually do well. I'm doing average. I do it poorly (I can’t do it at all) points.. What feelings did you have when you did this? Positive (pleasant, interesting, easy) score. Neutral (all the same) score. Negative (unpleasant, uninteresting, difficult) points. Would you like the action described in the statement to be included in your future work? Yes points. Still a score. No points. Enter your scores in the “Answer Table” (the number of the cell in the table corresponds to the number of the statement). In each cell of the “Answer Table”, put points corresponding to your answers to all three questions. For each statement, rate first your skill (), then attitude (), then desire (). In the same

3 sequences, enter evaluation points in the cells of the “Answer Table”. If you have never done what is described in the statement, then instead of points, put dashes in the box in the first two questions (and) and try to answer only the th question. When reading the statement, be sure to pay attention to the qualifying words: “often”, “easy”, “systematically”, etc. Your answer should take into account the meaning of these words. If you know how to do one of the several actions listed in the question, then it is this action that you evaluate with three marks. Work carefully! OCG text. Make extracts, clippings from various texts and group them according to a certain criterion.. Perform practical tasks on laboratory work in physics (drawing and assembling diagrams, troubleshooting them, understanding the operating principle of the device, etc.).. For a long time (more than a year) independently, patiently carry out all the work that ensures the growth and development of plants (watering, fertilizing, replanting ).. Compose poems, stories, notes, write essays that are considered by many to be interesting and worthy of attention. 5. Restrain yourself, do not “take out” your irritation, anger, resentment on others, Bad mood. 6. Isolate main ideas from the text and compose based on them short summary, plan, new text. 7. Understand physical processes and patterns, solve problems in physics. 8. Conduct regular observations of developing plants and record observation data in a special diary. 9. Make beautiful products from wood, fabric, dried plants, threads with your own hands.

4 . Patiently, without irritation, explain to someone what he wants to know, even if you have to repeat what was said several times.. Easily find errors in written works on the Russian language and literature.. Understand chemical processes, properties chemical elements, solve problems in chemistry.. Understand the features of development and external distinctive features different types plants.. Create finished works of painting, graphics, sculpture. 5. Communicate a lot and often with different people without getting tired of it. 6. In foreign language lessons, answer and ask questions, retell texts and compose stories on a given topic. 7. Debug any mechanisms (bicycle, motorcycle), repair electrical appliances (vacuum cleaner, iron, lamp). 8. Mostly everything is your own free time spend on caring for and monitoring any animal. 9. Compose music and songs that are successful with peers and adults.. Listen to people carefully, patiently, without interrupting.. When performing tasks on foreign language work with foreign texts without any special difficulties.. Set up and repair electronic equipment (receiver, tape recorder, TV, equipment for discotheques).. Regularly, without reminding adults, care for animals: feed, clean, treat, train.. Publicly, for spectators , play roles, imitate, impersonate someone, recite poetry, prose. 5. Engage young children in activities, games, and stories.

5 6. Complete tasks in mathematics and chemistry that require you to create a logical chain of actions, using various formulas, laws, and theorems. 7. Repair locks, taps, furniture, toys. 8. Understand the breeds and types of animals, know their characteristic external signs and habits. 9. Always clearly see what a writer, playwright, artist, director, actor has done with talent and what has not, and be able to justify this orally and in writing.. Organize people for any business, event.. Perform mathematics tasks that require good knowledge of mathematical formulas, laws and the ability to apply them correctly when solving.. Perform actions that require good coordination of movements and manual dexterity: work on a machine, on an electric sewing machine, perform installation and assembly of small parts.. Immediately notice the smallest changes in behavior or in the appearance of an animal or plant.. Play on musical instruments, publicly perform songs, dance numbers. 5. Perform work that requires mandatory contact with many different people. 6. Perform quantitative calculations, data calculations (using formulas and without them), and based on this, derive various patterns and consequences. 7. From standard parts intended for assembling certain models and products, construct new ones, invented independently. 8. Engage in in-depth study of biology, anatomy, botany, zoology, read scientific literature, listen to lectures, scientific reports.

6 9. Create new interesting models of clothing, hairstyles, jewelry, interior design.. Influence people, convince, prevent conflicts, settle quarrels, resolve disputes.. Work with symbolic information: compile and draw maps, diagrams, drawings.. Perform tasks that require you to mentally imagine the location of objects or figures in space. Study for a long time research work in a biological circle, at a biological station, in a zoo circle, nursery... To notice the unusual, surprising, beautiful in the ordinary faster and more often than others. 5. Empathize with people, understand their problems, provide all possible assistance. 6. Accurately and accurately perform “paper” work: write, write out, check, count, calculate. 7. Choose the most rational (simple, short) way to solve a technical, logical, mathematical problem. 8. When working with plants or animals, take for granted manual physical labor, unfavorable weather conditions, dirt, and the specific smell of animals. 9. Persistently and patiently strive for perfection in the work being created or performed (in any field of creativity). 5. Talk, report something, express your thoughts out loud. Processing the results obtained When starting to process the results, the consultant first finds in the answer form the numbers of those statements that the optant, when assessing skills, scored points or put a dash through. In this case, the next two assessments of this statement when calculating the total points for these

7 scales are not taken into account. They are taken into account only in a qualitative analysis of each area. The consultant calculates the sum of points scored separately by the “skills”, separately by “relationships” and separately by the “wishes” of the optor in each professional area. The final results are scores for skills, attitudes, and desires for each of the five types of professions: person (H) sign system(Z.s.); man (H) technology (T); man (H) nature (P); person (H) artistic image (H.o.); person (H) person (H). Interpretation of the results obtained The choice of the most preferable professional field for a given optant is carried out on the basis of a comparison of scores on the three described scales: skills, relationships, desires. A combination in which high scores in answers to the th and th questions are correlated with the real skills of the optant is assessed positively, i.e. high rating on the -scale. The analysis of the results is carried out in several aspects: a comparison of three assessments (skills and desires) within each type of profession provides information about internal consistency attitudes towards professions, the level of personal maturity of the optant; comparison of scores between all five types of professions provides information about the presence or absence of preferences; considering two types of professions that have gained a large number of points, you can expand the scope of possible options to take into account the complexity and diversity of modern professions, interdisciplinary

8 nature of knowledge required modern production and management; necessarily analyze those statements that the optant rated with the maximum number of points (, etc.), as well as the minimum number of points (, etc.) or a score for skill or attitude, but a score at will, which will help to specify the choice, narrow the scope of professional options to specific specialties. The final distribution of points can be compared with the chosen (presumed) profession by the optant to determine the degree of consistency of intentions and real prerequisites success. Such qualitative analysis allows us to discover hidden resources, difficulties personal nature, preventing the formation of a personal professional plan, and determine the possibilities of further work with the optant. Professional readiness questionnaire Score How well you can do it Do you like it Would you like to do it in the future Haven’t tried it; I can’t I don’t like it; not interested Don't want Do it average Indifferent Anyway I can; I do well Like; I really like it I want; really want to

9 Answer table

10 Z.s. T P H. o. H Note. Z.s. sign system, T technology, P nature, H.o. artistic image, H person. Vershinin S.I., Savina M.S., Makhmudov L.Sh., Borisova M.V. Professional readiness questionnaire (OPG) // Vershinin S.I., Savina M.S., Makhmudov L.Sh., Borisova M.V. Fundamentals of career guidance: Proc. manual for higher education students educational institutions/ M.: Publishing center "Academy", 9. C

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Professional readiness questionnaire

The methodology was developed to identify the professional inclinations of schoolchildren and can be used by teachers and psychologists when conducting career guidance work.

Professional readiness is defined as a subjective state of an individual, meaning the desire and ability to engage in a given type of professional activity. The questionnaire is based on a person’s self-assessment of his inclinations and capabilities.

Instructions. Read all 50 statements in the questionnaire carefully. After reading each statement, answer the three questions below and score your answers (from 0 to 2):

1. How well can you do what is written in the statement?

I usually do well - 2 points;

I do average - 1 point;

I do it poorly, I can’t do it at all - 0 points.

2. How did you feel when you did this?

Positive (pleasant, interesting, easy) - 2 points;

Neutral (all the same) - 1 point;

Negative (unpleasant, uninteresting, difficult) - 0 points.

3. Would you like the action described in the statement to be included in your future work?

Yes - 2 points;

All the same - 1 point;

No - 0 points.

Enter your scores in the “Answer Table” (the cell number in the table corresponds to the number of the statement). In each box you must put a score corresponding to your answers to all three questions. For each statement, you first evaluate your skill - “y”, then your attitude - “o”, then your desire - “w”. In the same sequence you assign evaluation points.

If you have never done what is written in the statement, then instead of points, put dashes in the cell for the first two questions (“y” and “o”) and try to answer only the third question (“g”).

When reading statements, be sure to pay attention to the words “often”, “easily”, “systematically”, etc. Your answer should take into account the meaning of these words.

If you can do only one of the actions listed in the question, then it is this action that you evaluate.

Questionnaire text

1. Make extracts, clippings from various texts and group them according to a certain criterion.

2. Perform practical tasks in laboratory work in physics (assemble and draw up diagrams, troubleshoot them, understand the principle of operation of the device, etc.).

3. For a long time (more than one year), independently carry out all the work that ensures the growth and development of plants (watering, fertilizing, replanting, etc.).

4. Compose poems, stories, notes, write essays that are considered by many to be interesting and worthy of attention.

5. Restrain yourself, do not “throw out” your irritation, anger, resentment, or bad mood on others.

6. Isolate the main thoughts from the text and draw up a short summary, plan, or new text based on them.

7. Understand physical processes and patterns, solve problems in physics.

8. Conduct regular observation of the developing plant and record observation data in a special diary.

9. Make beautiful products from wood, fabric, metal, dried plants, threads.

10. Patiently, without irritation, explain something incomprehensible to someone, even if you have to repeat it several times.

11. It is easy to find errors in written works on the Russian language and literature.

12. Understand chemical processes, properties of chemical elements, solve chemistry problems.

13. Understand the developmental features and external distinctive features of numerous plant species.

14. Create finished works of painting, graphics, sculpture.

15. Communicate a lot and often with different people without getting tired of it.

16. In foreign language lessons, answer and ask questions, retell texts and compose stories on a given topic.

17. Debug any mechanisms (bicycle, motorcycle), repair electrical devices (vacuum cleaner, iron, lamp).

18. Spend your free time mainly on caring for and observing some animal.

19. Compose music and songs that are successful with peers and adults.

20. Listen to people carefully, patiently, without interrupting.

21. When completing assignments in a foreign language, work with texts without any particular difficulties.

22. Set up and repair electronic equipment (receiver, tape recorder, TV, equipment for discos).

23. Regularly, without prompting from adults, care for animals: feed, clean (animal and cage), treat, train.

24. In public, for many spectators, play roles, impersonate someone, recite poetry, prose.

25. Engage young children in activities, games, and stories.

26. Complete tasks in mathematics and chemistry that require you to create a logical chain of actions, using various formulas, laws, and theorems.

27. Repair locks, taps, furniture, toys.

28. Understand the breeds and types of animals (horses, birds, fish, insects, etc.), know their characteristic external signs and habits.

29. Always clearly see what a writer, playwright, artist, director, or actor has done with talent and what has not, and be able to justify this orally or in writing.

30. Organize people for any business or event.

31. Complete mathematics tasks that require a good knowledge of formulas, laws and the ability to correctly apply them when solving.

32. Perform actions that require good coordination of movements and manual dexterity: work on a machine, an electric sewing machine, assemble products from small parts.

33. Immediately notice the smallest changes in the behavior of an animal or the appearance of a plant.

34. Play musical instruments, perform songs and dance numbers in public.

35. Perform work that requires mandatory contact with many different people.

36. Perform quantitative calculations, calculate data (using formulas and without them), derive various patterns based on this, and identify consequences.

37. From standard parts intended for assembling certain models and products, construct new ones, invented independently.

38. Specially engage in in-depth study of biology, botany, zoology (read scientific literature, listen to lectures, scientific reports).

39. Create new, interesting models (clothing, hairstyles, jewelry), room interiors, and product designs on paper and in the original.

40. Influence people, convince, prevent conflicts, settle quarrels, resolve disputes.

41. Work with symbolic information: compose and draw diagrams, maps, drawings.

42. Perform tasks that require you to mentally imagine the location of objects or figures in space.

43. Engage in research work for a long time in biological circles, at biological stations, in zoo circles and nurseries.

44. Quicker and more often than others to notice the unusual, surprising, and beautiful in the ordinary.

45. Empathize with people (even not very close ones), understand their problems, and provide all possible assistance.

46. ​​Accurately and accurately perform “paper” work: write, write out, check, count.

47. Choose the most rational (simple, short) way to solve a problem: technical, logical, mathematical.

48. When working with plants or animals, perform hard physical work, endure adverse weather conditions, dirt, and a specific smell.

49. Persistently and patiently strive for perfection in the work being created or performed (in any field of creativity).

50. Speak, report something, express your thoughts out loud.

Processing of results and conclusions Determination of the inclination (the greatest preference) for any professional field is carried out on the basis of a comparison of the sums of points (vertically for each column of the table) on three scales (skills, attitudes, desires). Zero indicators are not taken into account and can only be taken into account in a qualitative analysis. A combination in which high scores when answering questions “o” and “g” are correlated with the subject’s real skills, i.e., with a high score on the first scale - “y”, is assessed positively. For example, the ratio of three estimates of the type 10-12-11 is more favorable than the ratio 3-18-12, since in the first case the estimates are more justified by the presence of relevant experience in this field of activity.

Answer table

Designations: Ch-Z - “man - sign”, Ch-T - “man - technology”, Ch-P - “man-nature”, Ch-Ho - “man - artistic image”, Ch-Ch - “man - man” ; y - assessment of skill, o - assessment of attitude, w - assessment of desire. The statements that the subject rated are necessarily analyzed the largest number points, i.e. 2-2-2, as well as statements in which the two highest scores are combined with the average, i.e. 2-2-1 or 1-2-2. This is necessary, firstly, in order to narrow the professional sphere to some specific specialties (for example, a tendency to work in the field of “man - sign” (philologist, historian, editor, translator, journalist, etc.)), in -secondly, in order to go beyond the boundaries of one sphere to professions that occupy an intermediate position (for example, a mathematics teacher is a “person-sign”, a fashion designer is “a person - an artistic image”).

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Date of_____ ______________


The formation of a justified motive for choosing a profession presupposes that students are aware of the entire set of inherent motivational features (leading individual needs and motives, inclinations, aspirations, etc.). Identification of the basic needs and motives of activity, in connection with the analysis of the student’s professional intentions, allows us to include the motive for choosing a profession in the system of other motivational tendencies of the individual. Thus, the process of relating oneself to the world of professional work becomes more conscious and personally significant for the student.

Methodology “Professional Readiness Questionnaire”

Diagnosable psychological qualities. Professional intentions, interests.

The questionnaire is based on the principle of students’ self-assessment of their capabilities in the implementation of certain skills (academic, creative, labor, social, etc.) of their real, experienced and formed in personal experience emotional attitude that arises when performing individual species activities, and their preference or reluctance to have these types of activities in their future profession.


Read the questions carefully. You must give three answers to them and rate them in points (from 0 to 2).

1. How well can you do what is asked in the question:

I usually do well - 2

I do average - 1

I'm doing bad - Oh

2. What sensations did you have when you did this:

positive (pleasant, interesting, easy) - 2

neutral (all the same) - 1

negative (unpleasant, uninteresting, difficult) - O

3. Would you like the activity described in the question to be included in your future work:

I don't care - 1

Enter your scores in the answer table (the cell number in the table corresponds to the question number). In each cell of the answer table you need to enter points corresponding to your answers to all three questions. In each question, you first assess your “skill” (1), then your “attitude” (2), and then your “desire” (3). In the same sequence, you enter evaluation points into the cell of the table.

If you have never done what is asked in the question, then instead of points, put dashes in the box in the first two questions (1 and 2) and try to answer only the third question.

When reading the question, be sure to pay attention to the words “often”, “easily”, “systematically”, etc. Your answer should take into account the meaning of these words.

If you can do one of the several actions listed in the question, then rate this with three marks.

Work carefully, don't rush

OCG questions:

1. Make extracts, clippings from various texts and group them according to a certain criterion.

2. Perform practical tasks in laboratory work in physics (draw up and assemble circuits, troubleshoot them, understand the principle of operation of the device, etc.).

3. For a long time (more than 1 year), independently and patiently carry out all the work that ensures the growth and development of plants (watering, fertilizing, replanting, etc.).

4. Compose poems, stories, notes, write essays that are considered by many to be interesting and worthy of attention.

5. Restrain yourself, do not “take out” your irritation, anger, resentment, or bad mood on others.

6. Isolate the main thoughts from the text and draw up a short summary, plan, or new text based on them.

7. Understand physical processes and patterns, solve problems in physics.

8. Conduct regular observations of developing plants and record observation data in a special diary.

9. Make beautiful products with your own hands from wood, fabric, metal, dried plants, threads.

10. Patiently, without irritation, explain to someone what he wants to know, even if he has to repeat it several times.

11. It is easy to find errors in written works on the Russian language and literature.

12. Understand chemical processes, properties of chemical elements, solve chemistry problems.

13. Understand the developmental features and external distinctive features of numerous plant species.

14. Create finished works of painting, graphics, sculpture.

15. Communicate a lot and often with different people without getting tired of it.

16. In foreign language lessons, answer and ask questions, retell texts and prepare stories on a given topic.

17. Debug any mechanisms (bicycle, motorcycle), repair electrical devices (vacuum cleaner, iron, lamp).

18. Spend your free time mainly on caring for and observing some animal.

19. Compose music and songs that are successful with peers and adults.

20. Listen to people carefully, patiently, without interrupting.

21. When completing assignments in a foreign language, work with foreign texts without any particular difficulties.

22. Set up and repair electronic equipment (receiver, tape recorder, TV, equipment for discos).

23. Regularly, without prompting from adults, perform the work necessary to care for animals: feed, clean (animal and cages), treat, train.

24. In public, for many spectators, play roles, imitate, impersonate someone, recite poetry, prose.

25. Engage young children in activities, games, and stories.

26. Complete tasks in mathematics and chemistry, in which you need to create a logical chain of actions, using various formulas, laws, and theorems.

27. Repair locks, taps, furniture, toys.

28. Understand the breeds and types of animals: horses, birds, fish, insects; know their characteristic external signs and habits.

29. Clearly distinguish what was done with talent by a writer, playwright, artist, director, actor, and what was not, and be able to justify this orally or in writing.

30. Organize people for any business or event.

31. Perform tasks in mathematics that require a good knowledge of mathematical formulas, laws and the ability to apply them correctly when solving.

32. Perform actions that require good coordination of movements and manual dexterity: work on a machine, on an electric sewing machine, install and assemble products from small parts.

33. Immediately notice the slightest changes in the behavior or appearance of an animal or plant.

34. Play musical instruments, perform songs and dance numbers in public.

35. Perform work that requires mandatory contact with many different people.

36. Perform quantitative calculations of data (using and without formulas), and based on this, derive various patterns and consequences.

37. From standard parts intended for assembling certain models and products, construct new ones, invented independently.

38. Specially engage in in-depth study of biology, anatomy, botany, zoology, read scientific literature, listen to lectures, scientific reports.

39. Create new, interesting models of clothing, hairstyles, jewelry, interior design on paper and in the original, design new items.

40. Influence people: convince, prevent conflicts, settle quarrels, resolve disputes.

41. Work with symbolic information: compose and draw maps, diagrams, drawings.

42. Perform tasks that require you to mentally imagine the location of objects or figures in space.

43. Engage in research work for a long time in biological circles, at biological stations, in zoo circles and nurseries.

44. Quicker and more often than others to notice the unusual, surprising, and beautiful in the ordinary.

45. Empathize with people (even not very close ones), understand their problems, and provide all possible assistance.

46. ​​Accurately and accurately perform “paper” work: write, write out, check, count, calculate.

47. Choose the most rational (simple, short) way to solve a problem: technical, logical, mathematical.

48. When working with plants or animals, endure manual physical labor, adverse weather conditions, dirt, and the specific smell of animals.

49. Persistently and patiently strive for perfection in the work being created or performed (in any field of creativity).

50. Speak, report something, express your thoughts out loud.

Processing the results

Designate the upper cells of the five columns in accordance with the types of professions from left to right: 1 - “H - 3” (man - sign), 2 - “H - T” (man - technology), 3 - “H - P” (man - nature ), 4 - “Ch - X” (person - artistic image), 5 - “Ch - Ch” (person - person).

When starting to process the results, the career consultant or student first finds in the answer table those question numbers (cells) that are rated “0” points or a dash (“-”). When assessing skills in this way, the next two scores for the same question (2nd and 3rd) are not taken into account when calculating the total points on these scales (they can be crossed out in the table). Then, for each professional area, it is calculated total amount points scored (separately “skills”, separately “relationships” and separately “professional wishes”). As a result of this calculation, a clear picture of the correlations of assessments on three scales is formed: the student’s skills, his emotional attitude and professional wishes, preferences in each professional field and for each specific issue (type of activity).

OCG answer form

Evaluation of results

Comparison and selection of the most preferable professional field (or several fields) for a given student is made on the basis of a comparison, firstly, of the sums of points scored in different professional fields separately on the scales “skills”, “emotional attitude”, “ professional preference" Attention is drawn to one or more professional areas in which these amounts are the largest. Then, in each area, the sums of points scored on these three scales are compared with each other. A combination in which grades on 2-3 scales are quantitatively combined with the student’s real skills, i.e., with the first grade, is assessed positively. For example, the ratio of three assessments like “10-12-11” is more favorable than the ratio “3-18-12”. The preference in the first example is more justified by the presence of relevant skills.

Be sure to analyze in all areas the questions for which the highest score is given, i.e. “2-2-2” (first of all), as well as questions in which the two highest scores are combined with the average (“2-2- 1" or "1-2-2"). This is necessary, firstly, in order to narrow the entire professional sphere to some specialties in this field. For example, work in the area of ​​“Ch - 3” can be carried out with letters, words, texts - philologist, historian, editor, etc.; with a foreign sign, text - programmer, mathematician, economist, etc. Secondly, in order to “go beyond” one sphere into professions that occupy an intermediate position between different areas. For example, a mathematics teacher (“Ch - Ch” and “Ch - 3”), a fashion designer (“Ch - X”, “Ch - T”), etc.

« Laboratory work No. 4

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