Articles on student psychology. Psychology list of scientific articles. “National Psychological Journal” – open access publication

Type: Not selected Popular Professional Topics: Not selected Psychology Psychiatry Psychotherapy Other
  • "Manager's syndrome" is the cause of rapid aging.

    Today, information about diseases directly related to the current very fast pace of our lives, when we all, without exception, are constantly in some kind of endless stressful environment, accompanied by the fear of not having time to “embrace the immensity” and experiences, has ceased to be some kind of strictest secret. that it will not be possible to do some planned “archival” things...
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  • 10 Psychological Conditions You've Never Heard Of...Even When You've Experienced Them.

    Everyone knows what you mean when you say you're happy or sad. But what about those emotional states, for which you have no words? Below are ten feelings you may have experienced but never knew how to explain. 1. Dysphoria A frequently used term when describing depression in psychological disorders. Dysphoria - general state sadness that includes grief...
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  • 10 steps to becoming an amazing lover.

    The article describes 10 effective advice, helping to become a truly ideal lover. The article is intended for an adult audience. Every woman dreams of becoming the one and only for her loved one, but not everyone succeeds. And the point here is not in culinary skill or even in the ability to remain silent in time and not nag your husband for the slightest mistake. All this fades before...
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  • 8 myths about depression.

    Little is known about depression in our countries (Ukraine, Russia), and existing opinions about it are so distorted that almost everything known to an ordinary person about this disease can be called a complete myth. However, it is still possible to identify 8 most common misconceptions. Myth No. 1. Depression can hardly be called a disease, so there is no point in treating it. It is a very common opinion that depression &ndas...
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  • 8 simple steps to high intelligence.

    Many people are constantly looking for ways to become smarter. This is especially true for women, because it is about feminine logic and jokes circulate in the mind, so beloved by the male sex. It would seem that the brain is not a muscle to train, but in fact, becoming smarter is a completely feasible task for every person. Psychologists have long known that there are only 8 simple steps, the execution of which is...
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  • MMPI (SMIL) - what is it and what is it eaten with?

    SMIL stands for standardized multivariate study personality. This technique is one of the most voluminous, however, and the most informative techniques in psychodiagnostics. The SMIL technique was developed based on the MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) test. Since the MMPI test was created in the 40s, many changes have been made to it since then. Norms...
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  • "Squirrel" and other inhabitants of the drug treatment "zoo".

    Narcologists talk about a whole “zoo” of diseases called alcoholic psychoses. It is important to stop in time! Holidays are only for us, ordinary people, but for doctors they mean harsh everyday life. And all because part of the population goes on a real binge during the holidays. People's bodies are different, so the reaction to quitting binge drinking is also different. Sa...
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  • The “winter” state of mind is depression.

    Depression is not just a temporary emotional or psychological condition. This mental disorder, a disease that manifests itself in a constant depressed mood, a decrease in general activity, and is accompanied by physiological disorders. A person limits himself in communication with other people, closes himself off. Symptoms of depression are different: Emotional: depression, feeling heavy...
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  • What is your personality type?

    What is your personality type? Sooner or later, in the consciousness of an adult, next questions: “What is my purpose in life, and who am I anyway? Can I rightfully be considered a person? Searching for answers to these questions on the World Wide Web will lead you to flowery phrases and specialized terms. If you really want to understand how and why we are so different from each other...
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  • Can men be romantics?

    It is not customary for women to classify men as romantic creatures. As a rule, they are not impressed by walks under the moon or sunset at sea. It is believed that for them it is even somehow unnatural. Here thoughts immediately arise about feminine men, but this article is not about them... No, of course, any man will be happy to create a romantic atmosphere for his beloved in a classic way....
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  • Aggressive behavior in children. Types of aggression, causes and correction.

    Key aspects of the emergence of childhood aggression of any kind age group, description of types of aggression, forms of manifestation, causes of occurrence and correction of behavior. Psychologists have long been interested in the emergence of aggression in children’s behavior. It is known that problems arising in childhood and, as a consequence, aggressive behavior accompany a person throughout his life. In order to correctly...
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  • Accentuations of character and accentuators.

    Each person has his own unique character - a unique combination of significant and stable personality traits acquired in the process of formation and development. By character, a person can be cruel, kind, critical, demanding, selfish, polite, responsible, deceitful, neat, thrifty, etc., these traits are manifested in relation to other people and to oneself, to...
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  • Alcoholism and its consequences. The harm of alcohol.

    The article will discuss the history of the origin alcohol addiction, common myths that contribute to alcoholism, alcoholism and heredity, ways to combat this problem at the state level. There is so much evil in the world There is so much evil in the world, and, unfortunately, it has such an attractive force that a person is unable to resist it on his own. Alcoholism -...
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  • Alcoholic encephalopathies

    An article about a group of alcoholic psychoses - alcoholic encephalopathies. It will be of interest to both medical students. Universities, interns, and doctors of various profiles. This group of psychoses includes those in which pronounced intellectual and mental disorders occur, including dementia. In most cases, the onset of alcoholic encephalopathies is preceded by many years of massive abuse...
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  • Alcoholic delirium of jealousy. What is this?

    Is it typical for a drunkard to develop or intensify feelings of jealousy? What's happened alcoholic delirium jealousy? Jealousy in married life, unfortunately, remains relevant today. Jealousy manifests itself most often and grossly in families where one of the spouses abuses alcoholic beverages. Drunkenness leads to a decrease in the moral traits of the individual, to the predominance of base desires...
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  • Anticonvulsants in psychiatry.

    Table of contents. For what disorders are ACs effective? What about side effects? Therapeutic control. How to find the right combination? Selecting the right drug requires knowledge of the effectiveness and safety profile of each of them. Despite the fact that anticonvulsants (ACs) are used in psychiatry to treat a number of diseases, in some cases they are prescribed without...
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  • Antisexuality is the fruit of the sexual revolution.

    Antisexuality is a system of beliefs that unites people who have consciously given up sex. The basis of relationships between the sexes is romantic friendship. It is believed that this phenomenon gave rise to the sexual revolution. Satiation transformed into rejection. All this is discussed in the article. We discussed what human sexuality is in a separate article. People...
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  • White and black envy. The benefits of white envy.

    This emotional feeling, as envy is in many ways destructive. Moreover, harm is caused not only to the one who envyes, but also to the object of envy. This shows negative side this type of emotion. But man is designed in such a way that there are no clearly negative or positive emotions. And nature gave man the opportunity to experience envy for a reason. Sometimes envy can...
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  • Pain.

    The article draws readers' attention to probably one of the most common symptoms in medical practice - pain. The issues of the psychogenic component of the pain syndrome are considered. The article will be of interest to students medical universities, interns, young doctors of various specialties, as well as everyone interested in the problem. Pain belongs to the sphere of perception and as such is one and...
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  • Sure signs that a relationship is falling apart.

    Family relationships can change over time, but there are changes, the admission of which is fraught with the destruction of love and the marriage itself. Therefore, they should be noticed at the very beginning of their manifestation, so as not to bite your elbows later from hopelessness and your own losses. Married spouses become so accustomed to each other's company long years that they rarely think about the presence of love in their union. And so on...
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  • Types of memory disorders. What to do to improve memory.

    Memory impairment is probably one of the very common symptoms that develops in various organic as well as functional diseases of the brain. Approximately up to 1/3 of the population has experienced at least some significant memory problems. Among elderly people, complaints of memory impairment are especially frequent. A list of diseases that can cause different...
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  • Visualization in psychology. What is this and how?

    Popular article on the topic: what is visualization, how to use it and what can be achieved. From a psychological point of view, visualization is a poorly studied phenomenon. Not all psychologists recognize the existence of visualization in general, as such. Some experts claim its enormous benefits, confirming it with examples from their own practice. Others claim “unscientific”...
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  • Attention: love killers! How not to kill love.

    The article describes 10 love killers that you should avoid if you want to save your relationship. Love... What can compare with its weightless charms, which simultaneously capture the heart, mind and body?! When people find each other in big world(well, or in a small town), then they immediately forget about the past and strive to spend as much time as possible with the object of a huge, h...

Probably every person has heard the word “psychology”. Many children have dreamed of becoming psychologists since school. Also, many people are engaged in independent study of this area, because it is very interesting, informative and diverse. So let's figure out what the concept of "psychology" includes.

Definition of the terms "psychology" and "psyche"

Psychology is a science that studies the functioning, development and patterns of occurrence various phenomena psyche and psychological activity both a group of people and an individual.

There are several definitions of the term "psyche". So, for example, one of them says that the psyche is a certain set of mental phenomena and processes, such as: memory, emotions, perceptions, sensations, and so on; aspect of human life in his interaction with the environment in which he is located.

Some people study psychology on their own, while others study psychology professionally at universities. Depending on the way they study, people prefer different topics in psychology that are interesting to them. For students, the choice is based on the subject being studied given time topics or that section of psychology that is more interesting to them. For self-study mainly choose topics in psychology that are interesting and relevant to the this moment that can solve a specific problem. The science of psychology is very interesting and broad, it reveals many areas of life and helps a person understand himself and the people around him.

When studying psychology, people select different topics depending on what they are most interested in. Thus, the most interesting topics in psychology are topics about sex, relationships, introspection, communication and others.

At the moment, psychology helps solve many problems, and it is also connected with many other sciences. Psychology has many branches, each of which is a relatively independent area. scientific research in one area or another of society. Industries are divided into special and fundamental.

The fundamental branches of psychology are called the term "general psychology", which includes general meaning concepts of human behavior and psychology, regardless of their specific activities. In turn, special branches are engaged in the study of human behavior and psychology depending on their activities.

Can be picked up interesting topics in psychology from the section general psychology, since it includes:

  • The study of personality psychology and individual differences. It studies emotions, feelings, will, character, inclinations of a person and his abilities for anything.
  • Psychophysiology.
  • Animal psychology. He studies the psyche of animals.
  • Social psychology. It studies the manifestations of a person’s personality in society, his psychological compatibility with others, and relationships with people.
  • Age. Studies the development of the personality of a growing person, his consciousness, various psychological processes and his activities.
  • Psychology of cognitive processes. It studies human thinking and memory, his perception and sensations, imagination and attention.
  • Psychology of communication. Studies the psychological aspects of interpersonal relationships and others.

Topics for students

Many university students are looking for topics for independent study and for specific work. On the list interesting topics in psychology for students you can find many relevant topics for reports, essays, and even coursework and dissertations.

For research work

Many students engage in research in the field of psychology. Below is a list of interesting topics research work in psychology for those who are just beginning the path of a researcher in this field.

  • Magic of color.
  • Study of mnemonic rules.
  • Study of Internet addiction in different people age categories.
  • Study of the influence of the Internet on people.
  • Study of various teenage subcultures. Values ​​and interests.
  • Individual differences people's memory.
  • Study of the behavior of adolescents and adults in conflict situations.
  • Study of man.
  • Conflicts. Causes of occurrence. Methods of settlement.
  • Study of the mechanisms of expression of emotions.
  • Research into the causes of stress and methods of dealing with it.
  • Studying youth slang as a form of self-affirmation.
  • A study of the process of evaluating people by each other. The science of beauty.
  • A study of difficulties in interpersonal communication.
  • What does the handwriting say?
  • The status of a teacher through the eyes of modern students.
  • Is loneliness normal?
  • Self-esteem problems.
  • Study creativity children.
  • Manipulation research.

For reports

It is not uncommon for students to make reports. There are also quite a few interesting topics for a report on psychology; you can easily find a suitable one in the list below.

  • Influence mass media on the psyche of a teenager.
  • Memory records.
  • History of the development of the science of psychology.
  • Foul language among teenagers. Causes and solutions.
  • Verbal and nonverbal forms of communication among schoolchildren.
  • Aggression in society. Methods of its suppression.
  • Methods psychological research.
  • The importance of partnerships for success.
  • Stages of development of the human psyche.
  • Methods for developing intelligence.
  • Basic scientific principles of psychology as a science.
  • What is the connection between human consciousness and speech?
  • Stressful tension. Methods of dealing with stress.
  • The phenomenon of a smile.
  • Personal identification.
  • Human temperament.
  • Forms of knowledge of the world that surrounds us. Sensations and perceptions.
  • Peculiarities of human thinking.
  • Methods successful memorization.
  • What role does memory play in human life?
  • Prerequisites for development creative personality.
  • Types of people's thinking.
  • Psychology in family relationships.
  • What influence does the family have on the development of individual abilities?
  • Manifestation of a person's individuality.
  • How to develop strong-willed qualities?
  • How does motivation affect a person? Where does motivation come from?
  • Stages of relationships in marriage.
  • What is the difference between Muslim and Muslim relationships? Orthodox families?
  • Formation of self-esteem.
  • Conflicts between children and parents.
  • Types of raising children.
  • Communication. Speech style. Mechanisms. Essence.
  • Man as a social being.
  • The art of communication. Significance.
  • How are stereotypes formed?
  • Authority and ways to maintain it.
  • Internet addiction. Methods of struggle.
  • Complexes and methods for their elimination.

For coursework and dissertations

More serious are coursework and theses in psychology, because the topics for them must be unique, previously undisclosed, relevant, and so on. When choosing a topic for these serious and voluminous works, we advise you to rely on sections of psychology that are interesting and relevant to the student. Some interesting topics for psychology coursework are given below.

  • Divorce. Psychological problems of children.
  • Features of raising a child.
  • Role behavior and its characteristics of working women.
  • The influence of the family on the formation of the child’s psyche.
  • Ethnic norms of etiquette behavior.
  • Features of the formation of the psyche of orphans at the stages of value, semantic and objective consciousness.
  • Cognitive assessment difficult situations.
  • The idea of ​​happiness.
  • Freedom of choice and its features among students of humanities and science majors.
  • Peculiarities long-term memory person and its dependence on individual psychological characteristics.
  • Unlocking human creative potential.
  • Problems, acceptance and socialization of the “bodily self”.
  • The problem of age socialization.
  • Overcoming learned helplessness as a development factor.
  • Mental readiness for age-related changes.
  • Features of the manifestation of aggression among young people.
  • Personal boundaries.
  • Reasons for suicide.

Interesting topics in psychology for a diploma:

  • Psychology of passion.
  • Analysis of age-related crises.
  • The influence of family relationships on the psyche of children.
  • The use of drawing methods to develop imagination in aunts before school age.
  • Leadership skills. Development.
  • The role of motivation in people's lives.
  • Methods intellectual development children.
  • Peculiarities of gender identity of adolescents.
  • Psychological reasons conflicts in young families.
  • The influence of an incomplete family on a child’s self-esteem.
  • The influence of child-parent relationships on adaptation to school.
  • Psycho-emotional state of children from single-parent and two-parent families.
  • Development of the moral sphere of a preschooler’s personality. Influence family education.
  • The influence of team cohesion on work efficiency.
  • Development of stress tolerance skills.
  • Fight with negative impact society.
  • Features of alcohol dependence. Relationship with stress.
  • Formation of ideas about the seasons in children.
  • Development and diagnosis of attention in children.
  • Development of color perception in children.

Topics for building harmonious relationships

  • Jealousy and love.
  • Loyalty, betrayal and open relationship.
  • Choosing a partner, choosing life.
  • Principles for building happy relationships.
  • Active and passive men in relationships.
  • Affection under the guise of love.
  • Self-affirmation in sex.

Topics about success and self-realization

  • How to become successful person?
  • Problems of self-realization.
  • How to learn to control your emotions?
  • How to overcome laziness?
  • Ways to achieve self-confidence.
  • The influence of motivation on achieving success.
  • Types of self-realization.

Teen Themes

There are many interesting topics on psychology for teenagers, for example:

  • Fighting aggression in adolescence.
  • Features of manifestation deviant behavior in teenagers.
  • The influence of the media on adolescents.
  • How to understand, accept and love yourself?
  • Diffidence. Causes and methods of struggle.
  • Features of self-esteem in adolescence.

The science of psychology has been well studied and continues to be studied. This is a very interesting field that fascinates many people. If you want to better understand yourself and the people around you, then in this article you can find many interesting topics to study.

    Moral and psychological state personnel: essence and diagnosis

    The article discusses the essence and diagnosis of the moral and psychological state of personnel. It is noted that the moral and psychological state is a historically stable term. Its emergence in the early 1990s. has now been confirmed in all modern armies, he is given...

    2007 / Balayan A. I.
  • Features of the professional development of student psychologists

    2006 / Lisova E. N.
  • Assessment of the functional state of the cardiorespiratory system of students with organ pathology sensory system

    The article discusses issues of correctional pedagogy. Talking about process control physical education children with disabilities. The results of studies of the health status of students in special (correctional) schools are presented.

    2011 / Selitrennikova Tatyana Anatolyevna
  • Narcissistic correlates of leadership ability.

    The article presents the results of a study of the relationship between narcissistic character and leadership abilities based on a sample of military personnel. It was revealed that the higher the degree of expression of narcissistic traits, the stronger the individual’s leadership abilities.

    2009 / Nesterova S. B.
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of isotherapy as a method of psychological correction

    The effectiveness of psychocorrectional work with fears in children of primary school age has been studied. An analysis of the tools used was carried out. Dana Comparative characteristics research results. An analysis of sources was carried out, on the basis of which the characteristics of fears inherent in this...

    2010 / Davletova A.I., Seraya A.A.
  • The evolution of violence and the dynamics of compromise: the bloodshed coefficient as a verifier of the techno-humanitarian balance hypothesis

    2005 / Nazaretyan A.P., Enikolopov S.N., Litvinenko V.A., Serdyukova O.O.
  • Patterns of cognitive, neurological, and mental dysfunctions as risk factors of Alzheimer disease in relatives of Alzheimers patients

    2005 / Trembak I. E., Selezneva N. D., Gavrilova S. I.
  • Features of marital conflicts in highly satisfied couples

    2005 / Tashcheva A. I., Frondzei S. N.
  • Self-disclosure and mental health of the individual

    2005 / Zinchenko E. V.
  • Worldview determinants healthy image life and their role in anti-drug education

    The situation of drug addiction among teenage students was studied, and a review of existing anti-drug education programs was carried out. The structure and content of value consciousness, attitudes and behavior of adolescents as a complex of ideological determinants in the formation...

    2007 / Gareeva R. G., Khusnutdinova Z. A., Khamitov E. Sh.
  • Features of self-esteem of children 6-8 years old with different perceptions emotional situations

    The purpose of the work is to study the self-esteem of first-graders with different perceptions of emotional information. We hypothesized that the specifics of its perception will influence the formation of self-esteem junior schoolchildren. Analysis of the results revealed a number of features, including the presence of a strong...

    2009 / Burkova Svetlana Alekseevna
  • Formation of the concept of political reality in non-classical philosophy

    The article is devoted to the analysis of the process of formation of the concept of political reality in non-classical philosophy. A definition of the basic category “reality” is given by correlating it with identical philosophical definitions. The diversity of ideas about political reality in...

    2008 / Shtanko M. A.
  • Personal characteristics of female students with different self-attitude structures

    The article presents the results of a pilot study comparative analysis personal characteristics of four groups of female students, formed according to the dominant emotional component self-relation

    2010 / Cherkashina Anna Georgievna
  • A person’s independent choice of conditions for psychophysiological testing as an objective way to identify tactics of activity and the adequacy of self-assessment of its results

    A model of a sensorimotor test has been developed, providing the subject with the opportunity to choose the speed of the target, which allows identifying the types of dynamics, the relationship with performance, and the types of speed correction.

    2010 / Murtazina Elena Pavlovna
  • About alesithymic manifestations in students of a technical university

    2004 / Nikulina D. S.
  • The influence of reproduction methods on the volume of reproduced movements

    2007 / Goncharov V.I.
  • Scientific and psychological heritage of K. Jaspers

    The work examines the main methodological positions of K. Jaspers: principles, research methods, the problem of consciousness

In the life of every person, difficulties of a psychological nature arise that he may not be able to cope with on his own. At these moments, you need to give yourself permission to ask for help. The study of special psychological literature is one of the most simple shapes helping yourself in difficult life situations.

In the subsection Interesting articles in psychology posted quality information, presented in the form of my articles, posts and notes, which may be useful to the reader. This is knowledge that has been repeatedly tested for effectiveness by me and my clients. The materials in the subsection are devoted to the most popular and important topics in psychology: relationships, family, issues of raising children, professional development, self-discovery, personal effectiveness and others.

The voice with which we speak to our child now will remain with him forever. It is with this voice that he will talk to himself when he becomes an adult. All reproaches, moralizing, our dissatisfaction with him will be taken as the basis of his own attitude towards himself.

Whether he can support himself, encourage himself, whether he will have absolute faith in his own abilities, how kind he will be to himself and whether he can be kind to himself at all depends on what we tell him now.

How can parents communicate correctly with their child?

Mom’s voice, mother’s attitude, mother’s demands and expectations - this is the parental “I” that will play the role of “conscience” all my life and become “ inner critic” for an adult. Whether that critic is a supporter or an inquisitor is up to us.

Parental words and mom and dad’s idea of ​​him are an absolute truth for the child. It was as if God himself had told him once and for all what he was like and what he was like.

Someone will always be better than you. This is the painful truth. We're used to it. She is so dear to us and so painful. We constantly compare ourselves to others. We build ratings for ourselves and others and compare our coolness and level of skill. And we certainly suffer from this, although we may not notice it. There is always someone better than you! We are often influenced to compare ourselves with others by those closest to us. Remember your childhood? Probably many people heard similar phrases in childhood: “Masha is a better student than you,” “Petya is more obedient than you,” “Vasya is such a good guy, he plays better than you”... and so on. We just get used to living in this eternal race of comparisons.

A woman with low self-esteem is like a flower that hasn't been watered for a long time. A sad picture: drooping leaves, bent stem, dull petals. It is unlikely that anyone would want to show such a flower to friends and put it on the windowsill to admire it more often. Drooping flowers evoke sadness and melancholy, out of sight. But as soon as you take a watering can and generously water the ground, the flower will immediately begin to bloom and smell fragrant! And the same thing happens with female self-esteem: it is also important to water it with bright positive energy.

Exercise to increase self-esteem "20 mirrors"

Complex topic about “be yourself.”

The ideal family is a union of two loving people who consciously decided to seal their union by marriage, share all their sorrows and joys with each other, remain faithful and become the closest people, where there can be no strangers. Such relationships are the basis of any family. However, each of us knows this.

Connection between mind and body

The main question of psychology - what comes first: the psyche or the body, the soul or the soma, the material or the ideal - in science, after centuries of polemics, has long been resolved in favor of the material substrate, and in society such a question has never existed at all, of course, if we leave the phenomenon out of the equation religion.

Parents: understand and accept

Often, clients who come with problems in building personal or business relationships reveal unsatisfied grievances towards their parents during counseling. Either they have given too little in life, or, on the contrary, they are overly protective and controlling. There is a lot of aggression towards parents and a desire to change them.

Allergy – a disease or a form of communication?

. This term was introduced by Pierre Marty during a speech that took place at the 20th Congress of the International Psychoanalytic Association in Paris in 1957.
Pierre Marty: " Allergic object relations– a type of object relations that occurs in patients with allergic conditions such as asthma or eczema.”

What kind of people form allergic object relations, what characteristics in personality and behavior should we expect from them?


Treason. Most often this word is found when it comes to the relationship between a man and a woman. When one of the partners moves “to the left”, while hiding or not hiding this fact from your partner. It is very painful and insulting when you are betrayed - but at the same time, few people think about the feelings of another when they themselves decide to take such a step.

Our mirrors

Our children are our reflection, our mirror. Sometimes it’s very cool to look at them and study yourself. Pride overwhelms you, you want to raise your nose very high and, like an orangutan, beat your chest with your fists. Yes it's me! Yes, it's MINE! There are funny moments. When the opportunity arises to look at yourself from the outside and see all the fun of what is happening.

POINT OF NO RETURN. Parting. Divorce. Death

Why is it so difficult to cope with a breakup, breakup, or death? loved one? Today I walked in the park by the river and thought, remembered different situations, clinical cases and caught myself feeling.

Procrastination. How to start doing now what you needed to do yesterday?

According to the definition, procrastination (from the Latin procrastinatio - delay, postponement) is the tendency to constantly put off important and urgent matters for later, leading to life problems. When you know what exactly you need to do, but you can’t start doing it, telling yourself “okay, there’s still time, I can do it tomorrow.”

From must to want - HOW?

Statements "You owe no one but yourself" And "live the way you want" have long taken root in our consciousness. Someone tries to argue, someone says that this is how the real taste of life comes. Of course, there are discussions on the topic of permissiveness and anarchy if this principle is applied everywhere.

For the masochist it is very important to choose such objects for relationships so that he (she) is unattainable, so that there are problems - “we can’t be together!”, so that the other is older, married, in another city, in another social network. status... Well, and the like, to suffer...

The most disarming weapon

For many of us, it is customary to play the necessary roles, to think in advance about the correctness of each step and word. The habit of “being comfortable”, “being correct” becomes part of the person himself. As a result, in order to do something, say something, you need a bunch of scales and scales by which correctness and goodness are measured.

Mom, I'm afraid of the dark

It seems to me that every mother has encountered similar words. Enough has been written on this topic. On the Internet there is a lot about fairy tale therapy, art therapy, correct mode and rituals about physical contact and discussion with the child of his fears. But for some reason there is very little about what I consider the most important.

Should you get a divorce?

Each family consultation convinces me again and again that separation or divorce does not solve the problem in the relationship. Divorce is necessary in cases where we're talking about about serious physical and psychological damage, when staying in a relationship is dangerous for the life and health of family members.

A few words about losing weight

I am not an endocrinologist and do not understand the intricacies of metabolism occurring in the body, but I am a psychologist and I know what is typical for people suffering from overweight. This is alienation from own body which becomes their enemy.

Is cancer a disease or a character trait? Split

What's happened cancer tumor? Why at a certain moment part human body“goes crazy” and begins to devour the healthy tissue surrounding it? In this article I want to talk about the main psychological defenses characteristic of cancer patients. First of all, this is projective identification.

About rapid psychotherapy

Sometimes clients come to a psychologist with a desire to quickly solve some of their problems. It’s understandable - the problem is interfering with life, but I want it to stop.
Sometimes it even works out exactly as quickly as the client wants. But this is rare. Because only minor problems can be solved quickly. But they don’t interfere much - most people prefer to tolerate such problems and not seek the help of a specialist.

What else to read