Group of professions people sign system. Gnostic professions: list. Classification of professions. Professionally important qualities


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List of professionograms “Human-Sign System”
Name of profession (specialty) Page

  1. Purchasing agent

  2. Real estate agent

  3. Trading agent

  4. Advocate

  5. Administrator

  6. Archivist

  7. Architect

  8. Auditor

  9. Auctioneer

  10. A bank employee

  11. Bartender

  12. Biologist

  13. Stockbroker

  14. Brand manager

  15. Broker

  16. Bartender

  17. Accountant

  18. Valeologist

  19. Driver

  20. Bus driver

  21. Truck driver

  22. A kindergarten teacher

  23. Geologist

  24. Hydrometeorological observer

  25. Engraver (in metalworking industry)

  26. Cargo Declarator (customs broker)

  27. Clerk

  28. Designer

  29. Dealer

  30. Journalist

  31. Cutter

  32. Sharpener

  33. Land Surveyor

  34. Dental Technician

  35. Research Engineer

  36. Automation control engineer

  37. Information security engineer

  38. Standardization and certification engineer

  39. Design and estimate documentation engineer

  40. Software Engineer

  41. Mason

  42. Bank teller

  43. Storekeeper

  44. Commercial agent

  45. Traveling salesman

  46. picker

  47. Controller of parts and devices

  48. Culturologist

  49. Chemical analysis laboratory assistant

  50. Linguist

  51. Logistics

  52. Marketer

  53. Truck crane operator

  54. Tower crane operator

  55. Manager

  56. HR Manager

  57. Account Manager

  58. Advertising Manager

  59. Tourism manager

  60. Merchandiser

  61. Fashion designer

  62. Installer of reinforced concrete structures

  63. Installer of plumbing systems and equipment

  64. Installer of radio-electronic equipment and devices

  65. Museologist

  66. CNC machine operator

  67. Tax inspector

  68. Reel winder

  69. Operator (banking)

  70. Computer operator (PC operator)

  71. Waiter

  72. Entrepreneur

  73. Tailor

  74. Passenger carriage conductor

  75. Salesman

  76. Professional consultant

  77. Psychologist

  78. Recruiter

  79. Realtor

  80. Secretary-typist

  81. Secretary-assistant

  82. Instrumentation mechanic

  83. Metalwork assembly mechanic

  84. Electrician for electrical equipment repair

  85. Sociologist

  86. Specialist in state and municipal administration

  87. Publishing specialist

  88. Cadastre specialist

  89. Marketing Specialist

  90. Insurance agent

  91. General machine operator

  92. Turner-borer

  93. Commodity expert

  94. Sales Representative

  95. Teacher

  96. Primary school teacher

  97. Foreign language teacher

  98. Accountant

  99. Pharmacist

  100. Paramedic

  101. Farmer

  102. Financial analyst

  103. Photographer (Photojournalist)

  104. Milling operator

  105. Chemist-technologist

  106. Mistress of the estate

  107. Chief Editor

  108. Grinder

  109. Draftsman

  110. Ecologist

  111. Electric and gas welder

  112. Electrician
114. Epidemiologist

115. Legal adviser

Professionogram - characteristics of the profession
Professionogram- this is a description of a profession or specialty with the requirements that they place on a person.

Professionograms of relevant professions are available at enterprises and vocational schools, and you can view them at employment centers.

A professional profile usually contains the following information:
1. General information about the profession:

The importance and prevalence of the profession;

Prospects for the development of the profession;

Related professions;

Level of education and information about professional training.
2. Characteristics of the labor process:

Basic professional responsibilities of a specialist, work operations;

Workplace, tools;

Nature of the work.

3. Sanitary and hygienic working conditions:

Working hours;

Microclimatic conditions (noise, lighting, etc.);

Possible occupational diseases.

4. Requirements of the profession for a specialist:

Interests and inclinations;

Abilities, abilities and skills, the main qualities that a worker must have.
5. Health requirements, medical contraindications.
6. Vocational training opportunities.
7. Related professions.

The more you know about a profession, the more likely it is that you will not encounter any surprises in the process of choosing a profession or work activity.

What is PVC?
PVK-professionally - important qualities personalities. They are used to judge a person’s professional suitability for a particular profession.
Professional suitability is one of the most important points that must be taken into account in the process of professional selection. As we found out, any profession makes certain demands on a person.
Health requirements professional qualifications, abilities - these are professionally important personality qualities .
Professional suitability- a set of mental and psychophysiological characteristics of a person that are necessary and sufficient to achieve socially acceptable effectiveness in a particular profession.
Will help you navigate huge world professions classification of professions.

Classification - this is a meaningful order of things, phenomena, dividing them into varieties according to some important characteristics.

There are different qualifications of professions: by the first letter of their name, by the nature of the work (mental or physical), by sector of the economy or the sphere of material production, by level of qualification, etc.

Classification of professions and requirements imposed by a profession on a person.
Each type of work has the following components:

Subject of labor;

Purpose of work;


Conditions of operation.

Really, When a person works, his attention is directed to the subject of work. Something needs to be done with this object - the goal of the work. This goal is realized through tools. And naturally, for a person It is important to know the conditions under which the work takes place.

These signs determine the amount of demands placed on a person by a profession.

For the right choice professions need to know or at least imagine thoserequirements that various professions place on a person , and also know yourindividual psychological characteristics, to correlate them with these requirements.
IN domestic psychology The most famous is the classification of professions by subject of work, developed by Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Klimov, which is most suitable when choosing a profession. IN Lately this classification has been expanded by identifying a wide range of professions in market specialties related to business.

In accordance with the object of labor, they distinguish the following groups professions:

1. HUMAN WILDLIFE (P). Representatives of this type deal with plant and living organisms, microorganisms and the conditions of their existence (agronomist, veterinarian, field breeder, livestock breeder, dog handler, farmer, geologist).
2. HUMAN TECHNOLOGY AND NON-LIVING NATURE (T). Workers deal with inanimate and technical labor objects (fitter, auto mechanic, driver, engineer, mechanic, carpenter, plasterer, welder, designer, controller, physicist, chemist).
3. MAN-MAN (H). The subject of interest, recognition, maintenance, transformation here are social systems, communities, population groups, people of different ages(teacher, manager, doctor, insurance agent, educator, nanny, salesman, Social worker, massage therapist, psychologist).
4. MAN-SIGN SYSTEM (3). Natural and artificial languages, conventional signs, symbols, formulas - these are the objective worlds that occupy representatives of this type (accountant, programmer, PC operator, radio installer, economist, telephone operator, typist, translator, cashier).
5. MAN-ARTISTIC IMAGE (X). Phenomena, facts of artistic reflection of reality - this is what occupies representatives of this type (artist, conductor, painter, painter, tailor, cook, hairdresser, musician, architect).
6. HUMAN BUSINESS (B). It has been highlighted recently due to the needs of the labor market. This includes specialties: managers, stockbrokers, auditors, brokers, dealers and other professions related to commercial activities.
Based on the nature of work, there are 2 classes of professions :
A) Performing class professions associated with the implementation of decisions, work according to a given pattern, compliance with existing rules and regulations, following instructions, stereotypical approaches to solving problems (nurse, salesman, driver, operator, machine operator, carpenter, hairdresser, etc.)

B) Creative class professions associated with analysis, research, testing, control, planning, organization and management, design, design, development of new samples, making non-standard decisions, require independent original thinking, and, as a rule, higher education(doctor, manager, psychologist, teacher, lawyer, engineer, economist, architect).

Any profession can be simultaneously classified based on the subject of labor into one of 5 types and based on the nature of the work into one of 2 classes.

In order to find out about your professional orientation, you can use various tests and techniques (for example: Differential diagnostic questionnaire by E.A. Klimov, Questionnaire professional readiness Kabardova, modified OPG-6, etc.).

Classification of professions

by subject of work, field of activity (according to Klimov)

Subject of labor

Field of activity



people, groups, teams.

(interaction of people, management, leadership of people and teams)

- medical service;

Education, training;

Household services;

Information service

(librarians, tour guides


Protection of society and state

- aptitude and ability to work with


- understand people and understand

their features;

Sensitivity, attention, politeness;

High level of sociability;

Composure, poise;

Broad outlook;

Ability to persuade;

- speech, erudition.



machines, mechanisms

- creation, installation, installation,

assembly, adjustment of technical


Operation of technical

Repair of technical equipment.

- developed spatial


Complex of motor skills;

Sensorimotor coordination;

Technical thinking;

Performance discipline;


Physical endurance.


wildlife (animals, plants)

- study, research, analysis;

Plant care and


Prevention and treatment

plant diseases and


Environmental management (working with

food products);

Transformation of nature;

Protection of Nature.

- love of nature (not a hobby, but

associated with knowledge of its laws

and their use);

Creative thinking;

Physical endurance;



- foresight.


texts, numbers, drawings, symbols, codes

- texts in native or

foreign language (proofreader,

editor, typist,


Numbers, formulas, tables

(programmer, computer operator,

dispatcher, cashier, manager);

Drawings, maps, diagrams

(draftsman, cutter,


Sound signals (radio operator,

telegraph operator).

- abstract thinking And

re-creative imagination;

Perseverance, concentration;

Sustainability of attention;

Speed, precision in movement;

Operating with numbers.


painting, art

- creation, design,

thin modeling production

(composer, fashion designer);

Reproduction, production

various products (jeweler,

engraver, restorer);

Reproduction, copying


- artistic ability;

Developed artistic taste;

Imagery and flexibility of thinking,

creative mind;


Subtlety of perception;

Figurative memory;

Psychomotor abilities;

Ability to practice

creating beauty .


The right choice of profession affects a person’s wealth throughout his life. If a person engages in an activity that is comfortable for himself, then it will be as effective as possible. It will bring satisfaction and decent income.

Choosing future profession, it is best to focus on Professor Klimov’s classifier. Based on it, all specialties are divided into certain systems. An important place among them is occupied by professions of the “person - sign system” system.

Type of professions “person - sign system”

The main feature of professions belonging to the “man-signs” system is mental labor, with the help of which various sign systems are created and used. This includes all kinds of iconic designations, symbols, and terms. For example, speech in all its manifestations (sound and non-verbal signals), signs, formulas, diagrams, numerical designations, maps, drawings, notes, tables, drawings, road signs. The task is to master, reproduce, and translate the sign-symbol system into something accessible to human understanding. And in reverse side- encryption of data for transmission via electronic media.

With sign systems, varied and interesting. Let's look at the most common and in demand today.

System Administrator

A system administrator is one of the most important professions in any organization. Now, perhaps, you cannot find a single company where there are no automated systems, computers and the Internet.

Support local computer network in the enterprise in working order and is the main activity of the system administrator. In addition to computers and laptops, local network may include other office equipment. Telephones, faxes, copiers, and printers are also under the supervision of the system administrator. And most often, the security of connections, anti-virus equipment, and protection against hacking are also controlled by this specialist.

The profession of system administrator is more than in demand in the employment market. However, it is not necessary to have a higher education professional education. In certain cases, a secondary specialized education may be sufficient, and some companies are happy to hire students.


Webmaster is another profession directly related to computers and the Internet. The activity of webmasters is to develop and create websites and applications.

Moreover, if the same system administrator must have a specialized education, even if not a higher one, then a webmaster can become a person who has received education in a completely different field. Or even without any education at all, since you can become familiar with the webmaster profession on your own. Learn the basics and develop your skills. Start by creating the simplest websites; fortunately there are a huge number of platforms for this on the Internet. And over time, improve your level and earn good money.

Not a single self-respecting organization these days can do without information support on the Internet, namely, without its own website and group on in social networks. Thus, webmasters are also in high demand in the labor market.


Any broker is essentially an intermediary in the purchase or sale of any goods and services, in concluding real estate transactions, in the field of insurance and securities.

A stockbroker mediates transactions between buyers and sellers. A broker can work on stock, commodity or currency exchanges.

Its activity consists of exchange trading, the end result of which is the completion of a transaction carried out by a broker. His responsibilities include compliance with all rules for conducting and processing a transaction, deciding controversial issues. And also analytics - calculating the profitability of a particular agreement.

In addition to the stock exchange, there are exchange and financial brokers, real estate and insurance brokers.


Professions of the “person - sign system” system often come into contact with other types, for example, with the “person - person” system. Bright to that An example is notaries. They work with sign systems and directly with people.

At its core, a notary is a very responsible activity, because quite often scammers try to fraudulently obtain certification of certain documents. It is the preparation and certification of the authenticity of various types of documents that is the main activity of a notary. Each notary must have a higher legal education and a number of personal qualities that will allow him to work as efficiently as possible.

In addition to working with documents, notaries provide consultations and cooperate with judicial and investigative authorities.


The profession of a cashier is the most “iconic”. After all, every day, throughout the entire shift, the cash register employee works with numbers.

The position of a cashier is not as simple as people who have nothing to do with it think. In fact, a cashier is not only the person who works in a supermarket near home and punches goods on the belt. The demand for cashiers is high not only in retail chains.

There are several specializations:

  • salesperson-cashier;
  • cashier-operator;
  • accountant-cashier;
  • controller-cashier;
  • administrator-cashier;
  • ticket cashier;
  • cashier-bartender;
  • currency cashier.

All specializations are united by working with numbers, in cash, documents, and in some cases with securities. Thus, the profession is more than responsible. A person in this position must be extremely attentive, careful and patient.


Professions of the “human - sign system” system imply not only working with the language of numbers, computer symbols, all kinds of documents and terms. Activities related to foreign languages, also applies to this system.

A linguist, who is also a linguist, studies the history of the origin, development, and spread of languages ​​and language groups. His competence includes compiling dictionaries and encyclopedias, teaching activity, as well as performing translations if the specialization is a linguist-translator. There is also a separate profession - translator. These people are directly involved in translations of oral and written foreign speech and texts.

The professions of the “person - sign system” system are multifaceted and widespread. They are in demand, and applicants who have a certain mindset and personal qualities, can easily choose their type of activity, specialty and profession from this system.

Classification is a meaningful order of things, phenomena, dividing them into varieties according to some important characteristics. Classification of professions - grouping of similar professions into various groups according to any signs.

1. Professions can be divided into 2 groups according to the nature of the work - physical and mental, or performing and creative. Executive class professions are associated with the implementation of decisions, work according to a given model, compliance with existing rules and regulations, following instructions, stereotypical approaches to solving problems (cashier, telephone operator, driver, salesman, machinist). In most cases, professions in this class do not require higher education.

Creative class professions are associated with analysis, research, testing, control, planning, organization and management, design, development of new models, making non-standard decisions; require independent and original thinking, high level mental development and, as a rule, higher education (doctor, manager, programmer, teacher, lawyer).

2. Professions are distinguished by the level of qualification required from a specialist:

– higher education – engineer, doctor, teacher;

– high qualifications from the employee, obtained in the secondary system special education– operator, accountant;

– mass professions requiring qualifications – agent, salesman;

– professions that do not require qualifications – auxiliary worker, loader, watchman, technician.

3. There is also a qualification based on the level of severity of the requirements placed on a person, when professions are divided into mass ones (which can be mastered by almost any person) and those where certain qualities are required from a person (astronaut, taster, artist).

4. There is a classification of professions by economic sectors (for example, industry, construction, medicine, etc.).

5. The most famous and interesting classification by type of profession was proposed by academician E. A. Klimov and developed in detail by his employees.

Types of professions:

A) The subject of labor is technology, the “man-technology” (H-T) system. These are professions related to production and technical maintenance. These are, as a rule, working professions: driver, mechanic, turner, carpenter, builder, automated equipment adjuster, etc.

B) The subject of labor is an animal and vegetable world, the “man-nature” (H-N) system. These are professions related to agriculture, forestry, environmental protection, biotechnology, meteorology, geodesy, etc. Example: ecologist, geologist, biologist, livestock specialist, huntsman.

C) Subject of work - diagrams, signs, oral and written language, numbers, notes, chemical and physical symbols, and the “man-sign” system (H-Zn.). This type of activity refers to mental work. Example: accountant, PC operator, physicist, cashier, etc.

D) The subject of work is visual, musical, literary and artistic, acting, and the system “man is an artistic image” (Ch-Ho). Example: designer, decorator, makeup artist, journalist, vocalist, etc.

D) The subject of labor is a person, the system (type) “person - person” (H-H). This type of subject is people. In the process of their activities, some people constantly and directly communicate with other people, that is, the main content of work comes down to interaction between people. This type includes professions related to medical care, training and education, consumer services, legal protection. These are professions such as doctor, nurse, educator, teacher, salesman, conductor, district inspector.

Occupation classes. Inside, profession types are divided into classes in accordance with the goals of work (ultimate goal):

A) Gnostic (from Latin “gnosis”) The goal is to find out, recognize, control, classify, check according to a previously known sign;

B) Transformative. The goal is to make according to the sample;

B) Exploratory. The goal is to invent, invent, deduce new scheme or formula.

Design engineer comes up with a scheme new car, carrying out working drawings. The goal is to invent. This is a survey profession. The process engineer monitors the process according to the created schemes and issues recommendations for improving the work. The goal is to transform. This is a transformative profession.

Test engineer conducting an inspection prototype so that in mass production The car with the fewest defects was selected. The goal is to check. This is a Gnostic profession.

Departments of professions. Classes of professions are divided into departments, depending on the tools of labor:

A) Using hand tools; These are mainly working professions, for example, mason - trowel, painter - brush, etc.;

B) Using hand- and foot-controlled machines; example: driver, driver;

B) Using automated equipment; example: personal computer operator;

D) Using the functional capabilities (means) of the body; example: professional athletes, actors, announcers, etc.;

Groups of professions. Professions are also divided into groups depending on working conditions:

A) Work in normal everyday conditions, for example: accountant, teacher, etc.;

B) Labor for outdoors, for example: builders, workers Agriculture etc.;

C) Work in unusual conditions, for example: divers, miners, etc.;

D) Work associated with increased moral responsibility for health, human life or for large material values; example: collectors, doctors, etc.

3. Practical part. The teacher suggests uniting in 5 groups, each of which is a team of specialists representing one of the types of professions.

“Technicians” need to create a model of a building that can be built in “Zubrenok”; they must submit their project.

The “Man-Man” group is an advertising agency that needs to present the product, which is a hanger, in an original way.

The “Image Man” group must depict something in pantomime. All other participants guess what it could be. Tasks the teacher comes up with it on his own.

The Sign Man group is given several puzzles that need to be solved.

It is necessary to select anagrams for the proposed words. An anagram is a rearrangement of letters in a word, leading to a new word, for example: meadow - rumble, address - environment, etc.

A set of words for which you need to find anagrams: fidelity, waterfall, choice, entrance, mainland, fun, word, washing, cleaning. (Answer: jealousy, supply, cliff, breath, metric, infantry, hair, old man, holster.)

The “Man-Nature” group needs to come up with a landscape object that can be placed on the territory of “Zubrenok”.

Then the groups present the results of their work. At the end of the presentation, the teacher asks students to identify the qualities that representatives of each type of profession must have. First, the participants call, then the guys from other groups, then the teacher complements their options.

Technique: precision, creativity, interest in technology, technical thinking, accuracy, high discipline. Be sure to discuss why these particular qualities are inherent in this type.

Man: sustainable good mood in the process of working with people; need for communication; the ability to understand the intentions, thoughts, and moods of people; ability to quickly understand relationships between people; ability to find mutual language with different people.

Sign: ability to concentrate, perseverance, etc.

Image: good taste, creative imagination, rich imagination, the presence of special abilities.

Nature: love of nature, enthusiasm, observation, penchant for note-taking.

3. Task for the squad: at the end of the lesson, the squad formalizes as much as possible full description chosen type of profession. The material is handed over to the shift supervisor the next day.

4. Reflection.

What task did you feel most confident doing?

The teacher invites the students to answer next questions:

did you learn anything new about professions?

Have you thought about the qualities that you need to develop in yourself?

What do you expect from the shift?

! The teacher is invited to develop reflective exercises for each subsequent lesson, using guidelines which are given below.

Why do we use reflection?

Reflection is aimed at achieving various goals: not only emotional sphere, the child’s mood, but also on educational activities, process and content.

A lot of boring, sometimes interesting, but, in my opinion, absolutely useless publications have been written about types of professions. I, of course, got acquainted with them. Basically, two typologies of professions are considered. The first belongs to Professor Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Klimov, and the second – to J. Holland. I will tell you about them briefly, but the main emphasis will be on the third option.

Yes, yes, now another, in my opinion, the most successful classification of professions will appear on the Internet, which focuses on strategically important aspects. But let's start with Klimov and Holland.

Classification of professions according to Klimov E. A.

So, Professor Klimov structured the professions together:

Man + object of labor.

Human is the subject of labor (the one who works), and object of labor- this is what or who this person works with. Evgeniy Aleksandrovich identified five objects of labor:

  1. 1. Human.
  2. 2. Nature.
  3. 3. Technique.
  4. 4. Sign.
  5. 5. Artistic image.

The result was the following types of professions:

  • A person is a person. These professions are aimed at working with people. These include: teachers, doctors, journalists, hairdressers, etc.
  • Man is nature. Here we are talking about those professions whose representatives are associated with nature. These could be rangers, gardeners, agronomists, ecologists, etc.
  • Man is technology. Representatives of this type of professions are directly related to technology. For example, mechanics, technologists, engineers, plumbers, repairmen washing machines and etc.
  • Man is a sign. We are talking about people working with sign systems (numbers, codes, letters and other symbols). This category includes programmers, accountants, financiers, analysts, etc.
  • Man is an artistic image. This includes various creative professions, such as artist, actor, singer, composer, director, etc.

This is what Klimov’s classification of professions looks like. In my opinion, it is imperfect, if only because real life one profession may contain characteristics of several types. For example, in the process of work, a sales representative encounters technology (drives a car), works with sign systems (compiles reports in Excel), communicates a lot with people (his suppliers and clients), and also often holds corporate events in nature, where bawling songs with a guitar (home-grown singer). This is the “vinaigrette” they offer us modern realities. Where will we enroll this patient?

I think everyone will agree that this typology is rather weak. Let's move on to J. Holland's version.

Psychological classification of professions by personality types

In his theory, J. Holland tries to convey one interesting idea. Here she is:

A person’s effectiveness and success depends on how suitable the profession is to his personality type.

This idea, in my opinion, is quite interesting, but absolutely useless. I'll explain why a little later. Well, now more about Holland’s psychological classification.

  1. 1. Realistic type- these are people of action. They are not emotional, are not afraid to take risks and make decisions, understand technology - in general, typical representatives male professions.
  2. 2. Intellectual (research) type- These are people of mental work. They are prone to self-learning, analytics, observations, as well as various studies. They will be comfortable working in think tanks, research institutes, marketing companies etc.
  3. 3. Social type - These are communication-oriented people. They easily establish contacts, know how to negotiate, are able to persuade, and love to work in a team. The most suitable directions for them are: social activity, teaching, medicine, work in the service sector.
  4. 4. Standard (conventional) type– these are people focused on clearly structured activities. They adhere to generally accepted norms and traditions, are focused on performing specific tasks, are diligent, efficient, love to work with sign systems, and are often uncommunicative and uncommunicative. As a rule, their professions are related to calculations and documentation: accountants, financiers, notaries, programmers, librarians, etc.
  5. 5. Artistic type- This creative people. They rarely focus on social norms, are quite emotional and sensitive, love to be in the center of attention, have their own (often complex) views on life, as well as heightened intuition and a rich imagination. They work in the field of art (actors, artists, musicians, etc.), they can also be good bloggers, speakers, and successfully conduct presentations.
  6. 6. Entrepreneurial type– these are born managers and businessmen. You can learn more about them from the publication:. Such people go into business, politics, advocacy, journalism, etc.

This is what it looks like psychological classification professions of J. Holland. In general, it is interesting - it provides some food for thought and analysis, but I believe that in in practical terms it doesn't do any good. The fact is that:

A person subconsciously focuses on professions that correspond to his personality type.

If you are a restless person, then you are unlikely to be interested in the profession of an accountant. An intellectual has no desire to be a special forces soldier; a born actor dreams exclusively of the stage. In general, I think that J. Holland's theory is unsuitable for practical career guidance.

Friends, do you hear it sounding somewhere in the distance? drumroll? Yes, yes, now the fun begins! I'll tell you about strategically important types professions. You are ready? Then I begin!

Types of professions by qualification characteristics

This classification is mentioned in passing in various textbooks and publications. It’s strange, but for some reason no one pays attention to it. In my opinion, this classification is the most important and practically useful. That is why I decided to correct the situation and tell you about it in detail.

So, I would like to receive from my profession, at a minimum, a decent salary and respect from management. Now important point:

The personnel composition of any company can be divided into three groups: valuable employees, mid-level specialists and “bananas”.

It is by these criteria, I believe, that professions should be classified, friends! Remember:

The size of your salary and the degree of your importance depend only on one thing - how valuable a specialist you are.

All these lyrics about personality types and objects of labor are essentially analytical information dust.

Let's take a closer look at the above groups.

  1. 1. Valuable employees– these are personnel whose training requires years and significant financial investments. For example, an advanced programmer. Well, it's impossible to learn to program well in three months. The situation is similar with surgeons, dentists, lawyers, chief accountants (please do not confuse them with ordinary accountants), jewelers, designers, etc.

    Do you understand what we're talking about?

    We are talking about specialists who find it difficult to find a replacement!
    They are valued and respected. They are paid well. They are protected and tried to keep them. And the most important thing:

    They are not afraid of being fired because they are always in demand!

  2. 2. Mid-level specialists– these are personnel that take little time to prepare. For example, seller, sales manager, driver, bricklayer, plumber, seamstress, director. Yes, yes, directors are included in this group.

    We are talking about professions that can be learned quickly.
    Naturally, here the employer has “room for maneuver”. You can find a new seller or driver relatively quickly. However, no one will do this unless absolutely necessary, since these specialists, although not valuable, are still qualified.

  3. 3. "Bananas"- These are unskilled personnel. For example, janitors, loaders, couriers, auxiliary workers and, of course, “bananas”. How difficult do you think it is to find a person who will hand out leaflets to passers-by in a banana costume on the street? The answer to this question leads to the following conclusion:

    People in these professions have the lowest value on the labor market.
    Yes, a loader can earn good money, but this money is given to him through hard work. Well, if necessary, the employer will be able to quickly find a replacement for him.

So, friends, you have become acquainted with three typologies of professions. All that remains is to analyze them thoughtfully and make your choice. By the way, about choice! Do you know that there is a problem of choosing a profession? Surely many of you are now racking your brains over the questions: “Who should I be? What to do? How to make a living? let's consider

2.9 Classification of professions

The most famous system of classification of professions is the system of E.A. Klimova. In it, the entire variety of professions is consistently divided into types, classes, departments and groups. Let us briefly dwell on this approach to the taxonomy of professions.

Types of professions ( on the subject of work).

1. "Man is a man"(H).

The main subject of work is people and groups of people. Examples of professions: waiter, salesman, doctor, psychologist, trainer, investigator.

2. "Human - technical systems» (T).

The main subject of work is technical systems, material objects, materials, energy. Examples of professions: - turner, mason, mechanic, driver, architect, engineer.

3. "Man - Nature"(P).

The main subject of work is living organisms and biological processes. Examples of professions: botanist, zoologist, livestock specialist, beekeeper, ichthyologist, agronomist.

4. "Man is a sign"(W)

The main subject of work is symbols, numbers, ciphers, codes, formulas, languages. Examples of professions: programmer, proofreader, philologist, mathematician.

5. “Man is an artistic image”(X)

The main subject of work is artistic images. Examples of professions: poet, sculptor, conductor, artist, designer.

Job classes

(by labor operations or labor purpose)

According to the approach of E.A. Klimov, in accordance with the prevailing labor operations, all professions are divided into three classes:

1. Gnostic(recognizing) specialties (GN),

2. Transformative specialties (Pr),

3. Exploratory(creative) specialties (I).

Let us show how classes of professions relate to types of professions (Table 2.7).











Man - Technology

Quality Control Worker

Mechanic, driver, installer.

Designer, inventor.

Man - Man


Teacher, nurse, doctor, salesperson.

Psychologist, entrepreneur.

Man - Nature

Receiver of agricultural products

Field breeder, veterinarian.


Man - Sign


Programmer, accountant, cryptographer

Theoretical physicist

Man - Artistic image.

Painting works inspector

Jeweler, painter, decorator.

Composer, writer, sculptor.

Departments of professions

(by means of labor)

1. Manual labor(P) - manual (simple and weakly mechanized) tools.

Examples of professions: jeweler, fitter, auto mechanic, surgeon, pianist.

2. Mechanized labor(M) - mechanical equipment with manual control.

Examples of professions: driver, turner, seamstress.

3.Automated labor(A) - automated equipment for ensuring long-term or continuous technological processes.

Examples of professions: steelmaker, brewer, boiler room operator, nuclear power plant operator.

4. Functional tools(F). The main means of labor are the functional means of the body.

Examples of professions: teacher, singer, actor, theoretical scientist, dancer.

Profession groups (according to working conditions)

1. Household microclimate(work indoors) (B).

Examples of professions: accountant, teacher, manager.

2. Outdoor work(ABOUT)

Examples of professions: - shepherd, field farmer, postman, huntsman, military man.

3. Small confined spaces, cabins(TO).

Examples of professions: driver, crane operator, cashier of an exchange office.

4. Unusual working conditions(H)

Examples of professions: diver, miner, mine rescuer, steelmaker, astronaut, stuntman.

According to this classification, you can create formulas for a particular profession. For example, the formula for the accounting profession will be - Z: Pr: R: B.

Psychologist - H: Pr: F: B

Turner - T: Pr: M: B

Locksmith - T: Pr: R: B

Steelmaker - T: Pr: A: N

Artist - H: Tv: R: B

Investigator - W: G: F: B

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