How to become a chef with a higher education. How to get a chef education


Becoming a chef is the dream of most chefs. Where can I find culinary institutes in Moscow in order to get main position in the kitchen? And are there any institutes for chefs in Moscow? And if not, how are they taught? Let's try to figure it out!

The chef is the pinnacle of a career. What chef doesn't dream of running a restaurant. How to achieve this? The first thing to do is to get the profession of a cook in a specialized secondary vocational school. It is easier for a certified chef to get a job, he is more likely to be hired a good place and give wages higher than for an uneducated person. At the college, cooks receive basic training, learn how to work with different products, master preparatory operations - cutting meat, fish and poultry, learn how to cook first and second courses, semi-finished products, pastries, sweet dishes, confectionery, master accounting and reporting.

But to become a chef in the future, this is not enough. Everyone wants to grow and improve, but without constant learning, this is impossible. Realizing this, many are thinking about improving their skills, are puzzled by the search for an institute of cooks, in order to certainly get the most out of life.

Needless to say, you can learn different ways. Now there are plenty of opportunities in Moscow to improve one's qualifications and skills in various courses, trainings and master classes. But not only refresher courses can help in career growth. University education for a cook is not necessary, but if available, it gives a non-illusory advantage. Not only will a candidate for the position of a chef with a university diploma be considered in the first place, but also when applying for a position as a chef, such an applicant will receive a quite tangible increase in salary. Therefore, if you want progress in your career, then you can think about entering a university. And there is more than one such institute of chefs in Moscow.

Institutes of Chefs in Moscow

Moscow University of Technology and Management is one of the most attractive institutions for Moscow chefs. The university has educational programs in the specialties "Technology of products and organization Catering” with a profile specialization: “Technology and organization of the centralized production of culinary products and confectionery”, “Technology and organization of restaurant service”. The university also has a good base, qualified teaching staff and high educational standards learning. This institute of cooks in Moscow prepares specialists for enterprises Food Industry, processing industry, mass catering, fish and livestock farming. Institute of Technology food products is part of the university.

No less good is the Institute of Chefs, or rather the University of MGUPP - Moscow University food production, which also has the necessary faculties for maximum development in the profession. For admission to this university, knowledge of mathematics, Russian language, chemistry is required. The university has received international awards and has patents for various inventions. Teachers and students lead scientific work and publish scientific works. The university also conducts international cooperation

One of the leading Moscow universities, which can be called the “Chef Institute” since many chefs graduated from it, is the Moscow state academy applied biotechnology. It is the largest scientific and educational center in the field of food production, food technology various origins, biological safety, commodity science of products, certification and standardization, healthy eating. It was founded in 1930. The teaching staff of the Academy has the highest qualifications, these are professors, academicians, doctors of sciences, corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, laureates of various State Prizes. The technical training base is one of the best in Russia. The Academy also has the richest library of scientific literature. MGUPB also leads international work and participates in international projects.

Which institute should a chef choose?

The institute chef can choose from the above. Although this is not a mandatory condition, it brings the specialist closer to the desired position of the chef.

In general, we can say that for a chef, higher education is not an end goal, but a means. This is a real opportunity not only to improve your skills, but also to achieve greater success in your work. When applying for a job in the best restaurants, the owners must take into account the presence of a university diploma and encourage it financially. But with a university diploma, a cook will be able to work not only in the catering system, but also in the production of food products, since the knowledge given at the university has a greater scope and does not consist in cooking dishes, but gives an idea of ​​​​all the processes taking place in industries related to with food. As a rule, a university specialty is called a technologist, not a cook. Whether or not to spend time on higher education is a personal choice for everyone.

In the well-known saying “We do not live to eat, but eat to live”, the main mission of the representatives of the chef's profession is very accurately noticed. Indeed, without food, which is the biological need of the body, a person will not live long. That is why each of us uses every day what chefs cook with great skill, regardless of whether we buy food in the store or enjoy delicacies in restaurants.

The well-known saying “We do not live in order to eat, but we eat in order to live”, the main mission of the representatives of chef profession. Indeed, without food, which is the biological need of the body, a person will not live long. That is why each of us uses every day what chefs cook with great skill, regardless of whether we buy food in the store or enjoy delicacies in restaurants. At the same time, we care about what, where and how to eat, so we give preference to high-quality and tasty food, which not only satisfies our hunger, but also gives pleasure.

Thus, we can safely say that it is necessary to choose this profession only for those people who feel called to cook and are ready not only to enjoy the advantages of working as a cook, but to put up with all its shortcomings, which we will talk about today. Also in this article we will try to reveal all the features of the profession of a cook, find out who a cook is, and where you can get this specialty.

Who is a cook?

is a qualified specialist involved in cooking in all its manifestations: first and second courses, salads, etc. At the same time, chefs take care of both the palatability of food and the visual appeal of dishes.

The name of the profession comes from the Proto-Slavic word "var" (heat). This allows us to suggest that at the dawn of the profession, cooks were those people who knew how to cook food through heat treatment (that is, fry, boil, bake, etc.). From this follows the conclusion that the first cooks appeared when mankind realized that food can be subjected to heat treatment. Russian cooking long time was exclusively a "family affair", and the duties of the cook were performed by the eldest woman in the family. First professional chef in Russia it is customary to consider a certain Torchin, who, according to the Laurentian Chronicle, was the "elder cook" for Prince Gleb.

So what do chefs do in the workplace? So, the chef takes the ingredients and cooks the dish on the stove or in the oven. It would seem, and all? But no, mixing the ingredients and cooking them on the stove is too primitive a description of the process. The chef must not only know the recipe, but also “feel” the process, have his own cooking secrets, otherwise a miracle will not happen. Every good cook is a bit of an artist, and chefs of the highest category in the world are called chefs and there are only a few of them. The work of the chef, as well as the class of the hotel, for example, is rated with stars.

Within the profession, there is a specialization that is associated with a certain range of dishes that the chef is best at. For example, responsible for desserts and sweet pastries pastry chef. Chef technologists monitor the quality of raw materials, calculate the amount of products for each recipe and monitor compliance with the rules in the cooking process. The highest caste of chefs are chefs who work in the best restaurants in the world and are known almost as well as movie or sports stars. The chef develops the menu, organizes and controls the entire process of cooking.

In addition to the main official duties which include preparing and decorating dishes, as well as planning and compiling menus, chefs must study the demand and requirements of consumers, instruct waiters and waiters, monitor the sanitary and hygienic condition of the kitchen premises and the quality of products.

What personal qualities should a chef have?

Cook's job involves direct contact with food products, on the quality and which human health largely depends, therefore, a specialist must, first of all, be neat, accurate and responsible. In addition, since the profession of a cook opens up great opportunities for the manifestation of not only culinary talent, but also creative inclinations, it is impossible to imagine a professional in this field without such personal qualities, as:

In addition to personal qualities, a cook must have a range of knowledge. In particular, the specialist must thoroughly know the various cooking technologies, the properties and compatibility of different products, the features national cuisines peace, subtleties of decoration ready meals and table setting. And most importantly, the chef needs not only skill or knowledge, but also intuition, without which even the most primitive dish, cooked according to all the rules, can turn into an inedible set of ingredients.

Benefits of being a chef

As mentioned above, food is biological need human body which must be regularly satisfied. Therefore, the main the advantage of being a chef, without any doubt, is the demand. This can be confirmed by the fact that even the global crisis has not reduced the number of catering establishments that exist in our country. Moreover, there are more and more restaurants, cafes, bars and canteens in Russia. This means that more and more cooks are needed.

The salary of cooks deserves a special discussion. Despite the fact that novice chefs receive a relatively small salary (according to statistics, the average monthly salary of chefs in Russia is about 30 thousand rubles), representatives of this profession have great opportunities to achieve financial well-being. Hard work on yourself and own level skill allows talented chefs to quickly achieve career growth and get a job in a prestigious restaurant as a chef. And chefs in such establishments sometimes receive a salary, the amount of which can be compared with the fee of movie stars or eminent athletes.

Do not forget that the ability to cook tasty and healthy food helps professionals in their personal lives: no one will go hungry in the cook's house. At the same time, family members and guests of the chef can enjoy not only insanely tasty and mouth-watering, but also varied and balanced dishes.

Disadvantages of being a chef

Speaking of disadvantages of being a chef, first of all, it is necessary to note the large physical exercise, which are an integral part of work in any kitchen. And it's not just that the chef is almost all work time spends "on his feet". A large flow of orders, especially in large restaurants, makes you move quickly, since the quality of service and attendance of the restaurant directly depends on the speed of cooking. Moreover, the chef has to constantly monitor the preparation of several dishes at once (that is, react quickly and be extremely attentive), which further exacerbates the already accumulated fatigue.

In addition, this profession has such disadvantages as:

  • unhealthy working conditions - work in the kitchen is always accompanied by noise, fuss, high temperature and high humidity that have a negative impact on the body of a specialist;
  • high risk of occupational injuries - the main tool of the cook's work is a knife, which can cause cuts, and an oven, careless handling of which leads to burns.

And one more disadvantage, which, however, may well be a virtue. Good cooks don't smoke or drink alcohol, as cigarette smoke distorts the perception of tastes, and alcohol (even a sip of beer) can completely change the taste of the dish.

Where can you get a job as a chef?

Become a cook today it is quite easy, since in every city of Russia there is a large selection of specialized technical schools and colleges. Also, to start a career, you can consider the possibility of studying at special courses that operate at restaurants or cafes, and on the basis of various training centers. But you need to understand that neither a diploma of secondary special education, nor the "crusts" received in the courses will help you achieve career growth. The maximum that you can count on is the position of a cook, for example, in a factory canteen or a roadside cafe.

To achieve professional success and recognition is possible only if you graduate from a university that trains food industry specialists. It will not be superfluous to attend master classes of leading chefs who have achieved world fame.

If we talk about the best universities in Russia whose diploma makes it possible to successfully find a job immediately after graduation, then first of all it should be noted:

Young people who love to cook, after graduating from school, decide to connect their lives with the world of cooking. However, they face the question of which educational institution to go to so as not to lose their passion for work and love for the profession on a thorny educational path. It was to resolve this issue that this article was prepared, in which we will once and for all figure out where to study as a cook for everyone who is not indifferent to the works of edible art.

What do chefs do and where are they needed?

It is impossible to move on to considering the question of where to study as a cook without establishing what this profession is. After all, graduates may have certain illusions about this field of activity. Chefs are professionals of the culinary path, especially in demand in such megacities as Moscow, St. Petersburg and others, that is, in cities with widely developed areas of restaurant and hotel services, which form an enduring demand for specialists in the field of creating tasty, good, high-quality food. Of course, in order to get into luxury establishments, like La plage or Composer restaurants, you will need to provide a decent track record, information about experience, seniority and qualifications. However, all this, with time and with the desire, comes even to those who start with ordinary school canteens, hospitals, public or private organizations and firms.

The most promising directions

Today, the question that is relevant for many young people is “Where to study to become a pastry chef?”. Why? The fact is that the field of creating sweet products is one of the most promising, well-paid, prestigious and popular areas of the culinary world. In addition to it, the vast majority of applicants choose the specialties of a cook-culinary specialist, a chef-technologist and a chef. The professionals of these 4 branches are currently the most competitive and can claim a decent salary.

The chef-culinary is responsible more for theory than for practice. He himself is not directly involved in the creation of dishes so actively, but he organizes general process, is responsible for warehouses, products, developing new recipes and adjusting old ones, and also establishes a recipe map that the establishment adheres to.

A cook-technologist is an employee involved in a variety of estimates, as well as the preparation and direct creation of dishes. It is on his shoulders that competent heat treatment, adding the required amount of spices, adjusting the time, etc., falls.

Finally, the chef is the head, the highest link in the whole process. Behind him are fixed 3 main provisions of activity. Each of them requires professionalism and competence:

  1. The study of taste desires, preferences and priorities of visitors to a particular institution.
  2. Compilation of recipes. This point is inextricably linked with the point above, since it is on the basis of the data received that the chef regulates the system of recipes, dishes, innovations, and changes.
  3. Overseeing the purchasing process and ensuring that products are delivered to the establishment in the right quantities and of first-class quality.

All of the above areas are combined in the universal curriculum "Food Industry Technologies". This can serve as the first position in answering the question of where to study to be a chef. In what places can this specialty be obtained? Let's move on to install it.

Where can you study to be a cook after grade 9?

After completing the main course high school any graduate who has passed the certification exams well can enter the culinary technical school (college). The advantage of getting an education in such a school is its practical orientation, because the received diploma and the assigned specialty allow you to immediately find a job and start applying the acquired knowledge in real life. In the first years at such an educational institution, the main program will be taught, which was supposed to be completed by a graduate in grades 10-11, but it will be much easier to study than at school, because there will be no regular certification exams on the nose.

For graduates of the 9th grade, the general program course of the technical school is 4 years, for graduates of the 11th grade (after all, there are such cases) - only 3 years. As a result, a graduate of the school will receive an education, a diploma of a pastry chef or a cook with a certificate confirming the qualification of the 3rd or 4th category at once (out of 6 possible). and schools are thus a good and time-saving option for those who do not yet know where to study as a cook. By the way, admission here occurs upon the provision of only a certificate with grades, as well as the successful passing of 2 main compulsory subjects: mathematics and the Russian language. No additional exams are required. A popular educational institution among applicants is the Moscow Food College.

Universities and institutes

If graduates with incomplete secondary education now know where to study (cooks after grade 9 today are preparing for professional activity in a number of educational institutions in various cities), then for graduates of the 11th grade, the question of obtaining education in a similar field remains open. They may be asked to choose a higher culinary education in the already mentioned specialty "Technology of Food Production", which is often taught at institutes with a trade orientation. The diploma will indicate the profession "cook-technologist". Simultaneously with the basics of the organization of the cooking process, the student will learn the basics of the management of public catering enterprises, commodity science and product examination, which, of course, will not be superfluous in the future. The term for obtaining a bachelor's degree at universities and institutes is 4 years. At the same time, for admission, the applicant will have to have positive results on hand. passing the exam, where in addition to the main exams (mathematics in this case is profile subject) will have to be additional - chemistry or physics.

Speaking more specifically about where to study as a cook after grade 11, then the most famous institutions can be named:

  • Moscow State Academy of Food Production;
  • Academy of Applied Biotechnology;
  • State Institute of Food Industry.


What to do if there is no time to get a full-fledged education, and the soul is drawn to stand at the stove, closer to the oven, mix, beat and add ingredients? Where can you study? Cooks (pastry chefs in the establishments that will be discussed later will also be prepared as "excellent"), technologists and culinary specialists come out not only from the doors of universities, academies and colleges, but also after completing short-term courses, where they are served in an intensive, capacious form fundamentals of food production technologies. The average course duration is only 2-3 months! Typically, the program includes a theoretical base on the preparation and preparation of dishes, food processing technologies, and dietetics. The practical part includes classes under the supervision of an experienced teacher.

Master classes

In what places can you still understand what the profession of a cook is? "Where to study?" - a question that does not present a problem for someone who really craves new knowledge. So, today the world of cooking is actively popularized, and its fundamental foundations are taught to everyone at special master classes, where the best chefs share secrets, subtleties and nuances with the audience. For example, in the capital, such courses are organized by Academia Del Gusto, where even a beginner can learn how to cook delicious Italian dishes. The price of one lesson is 5000 rubles.

Training abroad

If you have the required quantity Money and good ownership foreign language You can go abroad for an internship. However, it should be borne in mind that mastering culinary skills in Europe or the USA will be quite expensive, because there cooking is considered quite an honorable thing and is equated with art. For example, in the world-famous culinary school Le Cordon Bleu the cost of a full program course is… 1,000,000 rubles! It is obvious that a diploma obtained here or in any other foreign culinary school will be much more valuable than that obtained in any domestic educational institution.

On-site training

In fact, you can become a chef without getting any special education. To do this, it is enough to regularly check the news of restaurant websites: organizations often announce recruitment with the condition of training right at the workplace. Even the fact that you will have to start from a rather low position as an assistant cook does not matter, because no one has yet canceled career growth. The main thing - there would be a desire!


Training to become a chef is a rather lengthy job. To become a certified chef, you need, as they used to say, to enter the school of chefs. There are no problems with this in Moscow.

The capital offers many options to learn to be a cook after the 9th grade, only the name of the vocational school is already somewhat outdated and now the institutions vocational education are often referred to as colleges. But in general, schools of cooks are being replaced by secondary specialized educational institutions - culinary colleges.

You can get trained in the specialty of a cook after grade 9 in the same way as after grade 11. Now branching is practiced during preparation. Trained for mid-level specialists and skilled workers. The working link is trained according to a reduced and lightweight program, while for the middle one, deeper knowledge is already given. School for a cook is the shortest way to the profession.

As a rule, the chef is considered working profession, because he performs physically difficult work, requiring great practical training and, as they say, golden hands. To become an excellent cook, you need to devote a lot of time to work - directly to the preparation of food. But you can cook and get a better education, and even enter a university. In colleges and universities, as a rule, they do not train cooks, but teach them to be food production technologists.

For example, the Khimki Technical School of Interindustry Cooperation trains technologists for catering products - this is not a vocational school for cooks, but much more. Education on the basis of 11 classes takes 2.5 years. Since the college is obliged to give students a secondary education and those general education subjects that are in school curriculum senior classes, they teach already in the secondary school. Hence, more time will be spent on training.

Cooking schools with employment

Many schools of cooks in Moscow practice assistance in finding employment after graduation, for example, State Budgetary Educational Institution No. 37 Tsaritsyno, many of whose students find work already in the process of internship at catering enterprises. Of course, if this practice is successful.

In order to successfully go to study at a school as a cook, you need to understand that this work is not easy and suits you. A cook is a person who not only prepares food, but can also apply his creative inclinations in his chosen work. Creating new dishes, surprising visitors with the unusual taste of familiar dishes, creating truly works worthy of the name of art objects from ordinary potatoes or spinach is far from an easy task. So this profession is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

College graduates are able to select suitable production equipment and necessary equipment for preparing dishes and culinary masterpieces, side dishes and preparing raw materials for production, they use various technologies for cooking, evaluate the quality finished products. Also, in the colleges, the basics of nutritional physiology, the correct organization of production are given, the merchandising of food products, and the calculation of dishes are studied. In addition to basic subjects, such as cooking or food and dish preparation technology, rules for the use and operation of kitchen equipment.

Moscow colleges are mainly equipped with modern teaching and laboratory equipment. As exemplary, one can name such colleges - schools of cooks in Moscow, as:

  • 51 College of Confectionery
  • 3 Service College
  • 32 Service College
  • 22 Economic college of technology
  • 44 Service College
  • Moscow Technological College of Nutrition of the Russian State University of Trade and Economics
  • 33 Food College
  • 39 Polytechnic College.

It's just small part colleges where you can get this profession.

By choosing this specialty, you will not only get a good craft in your hands, which will feed you not only figuratively, but also literally. The skills you learned in college will be useful to you in life. The ability to cook well is a great virtue, not only for women, but also for men. Everyone loves to eat deliciously, and a competent cook will not only be able to feed tasty, but also feed correctly. Applying only quality products and handling them properly. Quickly, deliciously and elegantly, the chef will do what others will pore over for long hours and with dubious results. Therefore, to enter the school of chefs in Moscow, where masters of this profession are trained, is a worthy choice in all aspects.

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